path: root/build-aux/
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Diffstat (limited to 'build-aux/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/build-aux/ b/build-aux/
deleted file mode 100644
index 752cefb..0000000
--- a/build-aux/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# build-aux/ - Analyze stack sizes for compiled objects
-# Copyright (C) 2024 Luke T. Shumaker <>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
-import re
-import sys
-import typing
-# Parse the "VCG" language
-# The formal syntax is found at
-# `doc/grammar.txt`.
-class VCGElem:
- typ: str
- lineno: int
- attrs: dict[str, str]
-def parse_vcg(reader: typing.TextIO) -> typing.Iterator[VCGElem]:
- re_beg = re.compile(r"(edge|node):\s*\{\s*")
- _re_tok = r"[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*"
- _re_str = r'"(?:[^\"]|\\.)*"'
- re_attr = re.compile(
- "(" + _re_tok + r")\s*:\s*(" + _re_tok + "|" + _re_str + r")\s*"
- )
- re_end = re.compile(r"\}\s*$")
- re_skip = re.compile(r"(graph:\s*\{\s*title\s*:\s*" + _re_str + r"\s*|\})\s*")
- re_esc = re.compile(r"\\.")
- for lineno, line in enumerate(reader):
- pos = 0
- def _raise(msg: str) -> typing.NoReturn:
- nonlocal lineno
- nonlocal line
- nonlocal pos
- e = SyntaxError(msg)
- e.lineno = lineno
- e.offset = pos
- e.text = line
- raise e
- if re_skip.fullmatch(line):
- continue
- elem = VCGElem()
- elem.lineno = lineno
- m = re_beg.match(line, pos=pos)
- if not m:
- _raise("does not look like a VCG line")
- elem.typ =
- pos = m.end()
- elem.attrs = {}
- while True:
- if re_end.match(line, pos=pos):
- break
- m = re_attr.match(line, pos=pos)
- if not m:
- _raise("unexpected character")
- k =
- v =
- if k in elem.attrs:
- _raise(f"duplicate key: {repr(k)}")
- if v.startswith('"'):
- def unesc(esc: re.Match[str]) -> str:
- match[1:]:
- case "n":
- return "\n"
- case '"':
- return '"'
- case "\\":
- return "\\"
- case _:
- _raise(f"invalid escape code {repr(}")
- v = re_esc.sub(unesc, v[1:-1])
- elem.attrs[k] = v
- pos = m.end()
- yield elem
-class Node:
- # from .title (`static` functions are prefixed with the
- # compilation unit .c file, which is fine, we'll just leave it).
- funcname: str
- # .label is "{funcname}\n{location}\n{nstatic} bytes (static}\n{ndynamic} dynamic objects"
- location: str
- nstatic: int
- ndynamic: int
- # edges with .sourcename set to this node
- calls: set[str]
-def main() -> None:
- re_label = re.compile(
- r"(?P<funcname>[^\n]+)\n"
- + r"(?P<location>[^\n]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+)\n"
- + r"(?P<nstatic>[0-9]+) bytes \(static\)\n"
- + r"(?P<ndynamic>[0-9]+) dynamic objects",
- flags=re.MULTILINE,
- )
- graph: dict[str, Node] = dict()
- for elem in parse_vcg(sys.stdin):
- match elem.typ:
- case "node":
- node = Node()
- node.calls = set()
- skip = False
- for k, v in elem.attrs.items():
- match k:
- case "title":
- node.funcname = v
- case "label":
- if elem.attrs.get("shape", "") != "ellipse":
- m = re_label.fullmatch(v)
- if not m:
- raise ValueError(
- f"unexpected label value {repr(v)}"
- )
- node.location ="location")
- node.nstatic = int("nstatic"))
- node.ndynamic = int("ndynamic"))
- case "shape":
- if v != "ellipse":
- raise ValueError(f"unexpected shape value {repr(v)}")
- skip = True
- case _:
- raise ValueError(f"unknown edge key {repr(k)}")
- if not skip:
- if node.funcname in graph:
- raise ValueError(f"duplicate node {repr(node.funcname)}")
- graph[node.funcname] = node
- case "edge":
- caller: str | None = None
- callee: str | None = None
- for k, v in elem.attrs.items():
- match k:
- case "sourcename":
- caller = v
- case "targetname":
- callee = v
- case "label":
- pass
- case _:
- raise ValueError(f"unknown edge key {repr(k)}")
- if caller is None or callee is None:
- raise ValueError(f"incomplete edge: {repr(elem.attrs)}")
- if caller not in graph:
- raise ValueError(f"unknown caller: {caller}")
- graph[caller].calls.add(callee)
- case _:
- raise ValueError(f"unknown elem type {repr(elem.typ)}")
- # x
- missing: set[str] = set()
- def nstatic(funcname: str) -> int:
- if funcname not in graph:
- missing.add(funcname)
- return 0
- node = graph[funcname]
- return node.nstatic + max([0, *[nstatic(call) for call in node.calls]])
- namelen = max(len(name) for name in graph if name.endswith("_cr"))
- print(("=" * namelen) + " =======")
- for funcname in graph:
- if funcname.endswith("_cr"):
- print(f"{funcname}\t{nstatic(funcname)}")
- print(("=" * namelen) + " =======")
- for funcname in sorted(missing):
- print(f"{funcname}\tmissing")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()