path: root/build-aux
diff options
authorLuke T. Shumaker <>2025-03-09 03:09:45 -0600
committerLuke T. Shumaker <>2025-03-09 03:09:45 -0600
commit046c336f5650510ea453f63346b84f01bec8cb8d (patch)
tree68855ada6bde1d6400776b43e5a2965dfed324f8 /build-aux
parentac73049fb67deda1470dd420cae3a0353c40550c (diff)
parent85a1ab9747d84e8caf4f229fdaed31c5e8d49f7a (diff)
Merge branch 'lukeshu/stack-analysis'
Diffstat (limited to 'build-aux')
2 files changed, 562 insertions, 251 deletions
diff --git a/build-aux/lint-bin b/build-aux/lint-bin
index c487f36..78ed19f 100755
--- a/build-aux/lint-bin
+++ b/build-aux/lint-bin
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ lint_stack() {
done < <(
comm -3 \
<(sed -En 's/^included: (.*:)?//p' "${in_elffile%.elf}_stack.c" | sort -u) \
- <(readelf_funcs "$in_elffile" | sed 's/\.part\.[0-9]*$//' | sort -u))
+ <(readelf_funcs "$in_elffile" | sed -E -e 's/\.part\.[0-9]*$//' -e 's/^__(.*)_veneer$/\1/' | sort -u))
lint_func_blocklist() {
diff --git a/build-aux/stack.c.gen b/build-aux/stack.c.gen
index 60f51fe..a8a971e 100755
--- a/build-aux/stack.c.gen
+++ b/build-aux/stack.c.gen
@@ -98,11 +98,56 @@ def parse_vcg(reader: typing.TextIO) -> typing.Iterator[VCGElem]:
UsageKind: typing.TypeAlias = typing.Literal["static", "dynamic", "dynamic,bounded"]
+class BaseName:
+ _content: str
+ def __init__(self, content: str) -> None:
+ if ":" in content:
+ raise ValueError(f"invalid non-qualified name: {repr(content)}")
+ self._content = content
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return self._content
+ def __eq__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool:
+ assert isinstance(other, BaseName)
+ return self._content == other._content
+ def __lt__(self, other: "BaseName") -> bool:
+ return self._content < other._content
+ def __hash__(self) -> int:
+ return hash(self._content)
+class QName:
+ _content: str
+ def __init__(self, content: str) -> None:
+ self._content = content
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return self._content
+ def __eq__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool:
+ assert isinstance(other, QName)
+ return self._content == other._content
+ def __lt__(self, other: "QName") -> bool:
+ return self._content < other._content
+ def __hash__(self) -> int:
+ return hash(self._content)
+ def base(self) -> BaseName:
+ return BaseName(str(self).rsplit(":", 1)[-1].split(".", 1)[0])
class Node:
# from .title (`static` and `__weak` functions are prefixed with
# the compilation unit .c file. For static functions that's fine,
# but we'll have to handle it specially for __weak.).
- funcname: str
+ funcname: QName
# .label is "{funcname}\n{location}\n{nstatic} bytes (static}\n{ndynamic} dynamic objects"
location: str
usage_kind: UsageKind
@@ -111,7 +156,7 @@ class Node:
# edges with .sourcename set to this node, val is if it's
# OK/expected that the function be missing.
- calls: dict[str, bool]
+ calls: dict[QName, bool]
def synthetic_node(
@@ -119,43 +164,47 @@ def synthetic_node(
) -> Node:
n = Node()
- n.funcname = name
+ n.funcname = QName(name)
n.location = "<synthetic>"
n.usage_kind = "static"
n.nstatic = nstatic
n.ndynamic = 0
- n.calls = dict((c, False) for c in calls)
+ n.calls = dict((QName(c), False) for c in calls)
return n
+class AnalyzeResultVal(typing.NamedTuple):
+ nstatic: int
+ cnt: int
class AnalyzeResultGroup(typing.NamedTuple):
- rows: dict[str, int]
- nmax: int
- nsum: int
+ rows: dict[QName, AnalyzeResultVal]
class AnalyzeResult(typing.NamedTuple):
groups: dict[str, AnalyzeResultGroup]
- missing: set[str]
- dynamic: set[str]
+ missing: set[QName]
+ dynamic: set[QName]
- included_funcs: set[str]
+ included_funcs: set[QName]
class Application(typing.Protocol):
def extra_nodes(self) -> typing.Collection[Node]: ...
- def location_xform(self, loc: str) -> str: ...
- def indirect_callees(self, elem: VCGElem) -> tuple[list[str], bool]: ...
- def skip_call(self, chain: list[str], funcname: str) -> bool: ...
+ def indirect_callees(
+ self, elem: VCGElem
+ ) -> tuple[typing.Collection[QName], bool]: ...
+ def skip_call(self, chain: list[QName], funcname: QName) -> bool: ...
def analyze(
ci_fnames: typing.Collection[str],
- app_func_filters: dict[str, typing.Callable[[str], int]],
+ app_func_filters: dict[str, typing.Callable[[QName], tuple[int, bool]]],
app: Application,
cfg_max_call_depth: int,
) -> AnalyzeResult:
@@ -168,8 +217,8 @@ def analyze(
- graph: dict[str, Node] = dict()
- qualified: dict[str, set[str]] = dict()
+ graph: dict[QName, Node] = dict()
+ qualified: dict[BaseName, set[QName]] = dict()
def handle_elem(elem: VCGElem) -> None:
match elem.typ:
@@ -180,7 +229,7 @@ def analyze(
for k, v in elem.attrs.items():
match k:
case "title":
- node.funcname = v
+ node.funcname = QName(v)
case "label":
if elem.attrs.get("shape", "") != "ellipse":
m = re_node_label.fullmatch(v)
@@ -202,22 +251,22 @@ def analyze(
raise ValueError(f"unknown edge key {repr(k)}")
if not skip:
if node.funcname in graph:
- raise ValueError(f"duplicate node {repr(node.funcname)}")
+ raise ValueError(f"duplicate node {repr(str(node.funcname))}")
graph[node.funcname] = node
- if ":" in node.funcname:
- _, shortname = node.funcname.rsplit(":", 1)
- if shortname not in qualified:
- qualified[shortname] = set()
- qualified[shortname].add(node.funcname)
+ if ":" in str(node.funcname):
+ basename = node.funcname.base()
+ if basename not in qualified:
+ qualified[basename] = set()
+ qualified[basename].add(node.funcname)
case "edge":
- caller: str | None = None
- callee: str | None = None
+ caller: QName | None = None
+ callee: QName | None = None
for k, v in elem.attrs.items():
match k:
case "sourcename":
- caller = v
+ caller = QName(v)
case "targetname":
- callee = v
+ callee = QName(v)
case "label":
case _:
@@ -226,7 +275,7 @@ def analyze(
raise ValueError(f"incomplete edge: {repr(elem.attrs)}")
if caller not in graph:
raise ValueError(f"unknown caller: {caller}")
- if callee == "__indirect_call":
+ if str(callee) == "__indirect_call":
callees, missing_ok = app.indirect_callees(elem)
for callee in callees:
if callee not in graph[caller].calls:
@@ -243,44 +292,59 @@ def analyze(
for node in app.extra_nodes():
if node.funcname in graph:
- raise ValueError(f"duplicate node {repr(node.funcname)}")
+ raise ValueError(f"duplicate node {repr(str(node.funcname))}")
graph[node.funcname] = node
- missing: set[str] = set()
- dynamic: set[str] = set()
- included_funcs: set[str] = set()
+ missing: set[QName] = set()
+ dynamic: set[QName] = set()
+ included_funcs: set[QName] = set()
dbg = False
- def resolve_funcname(funcname: str) -> str | None:
+ def resolve_funcname(funcname: QName) -> QName | None:
# Handle `ld --wrap` functions
- if f"__wrap_{funcname}" in graph:
- return f"__wrap_{funcname}"
- if funcname.startswith("__real_") and funcname[len("__real_") :] in graph:
- funcname = funcname[len("__real_") :]
+ if QName(f"__wrap_{funcname}") in graph:
+ return QName(f"__wrap_{funcname}")
+ if (
+ str(funcname).startswith("__real_")
+ and QName(str(funcname)[len("__real_") :]) in graph
+ ):
+ funcname = QName(str(funcname)[len("__real_") :])
# Usual case
- if funcname in graph:
- return funcname
+ if QName(str(funcname)) in graph:
+ return QName(str(funcname))
# Handle `__weak` functions
- if funcname in qualified and len(qualified[funcname]) == 1:
- return sorted(qualified[funcname])[0]
+ if (
+ ":" not in str(funcname)
+ and len(qualified.get(BaseName(str(funcname)), set())) == 1
+ ):
+ return sorted(qualified[BaseName(str(funcname))])[0]
return None
+ track_inclusion: bool = True
def nstatic(
- orig_funcname: str, chain: list[str] = [], missing_ok: bool = False
+ orig_funcname: QName, chain: list[QName] = [], missing_ok: bool = False
) -> int:
nonlocal dbg
+ nonlocal track_inclusion
funcname = resolve_funcname(orig_funcname)
if not funcname:
- if app.skip_call(chain, orig_funcname):
+ if chain and app.skip_call(chain, QName(str(orig_funcname))):
+ if dbg:
+ print(f"//dbg: {'- '*len(chain)}{orig_funcname}\tskip missing")
return 0
if not missing_ok:
+ if dbg:
+ print(f"//dbg: {'- '*len(chain)}{orig_funcname}\tmissing")
return 0
- if app.skip_call(chain, funcname):
+ if chain and app.skip_call(chain, funcname):
+ if dbg:
+ print(f"//dbg: {'- '*len(chain)}{orig_funcname}\tskip")
return 0
if len(chain) == cfg_max_call_depth:
@@ -288,10 +352,11 @@ def analyze(
node = graph[funcname]
if dbg:
- print(f"//dbg: {funcname}\t{node.nstatic}")
+ print(f"//dbg: {'- '*len(chain)}{funcname}\t{node.nstatic}")
if node.usage_kind == "dynamic" or node.ndynamic > 0:
- dynamic.add(app.location_xform(funcname))
- included_funcs.add(funcname)
+ dynamic.add(funcname)
+ if track_inclusion:
+ included_funcs.add(funcname)
return node.nstatic + max(
@@ -304,17 +369,12 @@ def analyze(
groups: dict[str, AnalyzeResultGroup] = dict()
for grp_name, grp_filter in app_func_filters.items():
- nmax = 0
- nsum = 0
- rows: dict[str, int] = {}
+ rows: dict[QName, AnalyzeResultVal] = {}
for funcname in graph:
- if cnt := grp_filter(funcname):
- n = nstatic(funcname)
- rows[app.location_xform(funcname)] = n
- if n > nmax:
- nmax = n
- nsum += cnt * n
- groups[grp_name] = AnalyzeResultGroup(rows=rows, nmax=nmax, nsum=nsum)
+ cnt, track_inclusion = grp_filter(funcname)
+ if cnt:
+ rows[funcname] = AnalyzeResultVal(nstatic=nstatic(funcname), cnt=cnt)
+ groups[grp_name] = AnalyzeResultGroup(rows=rows)
return AnalyzeResult(
groups=groups, missing=missing, dynamic=dynamic, included_funcs=included_funcs
@@ -351,12 +411,24 @@ re_call_other = re.compile(r"(?P<func>[^(]+)\(.*")
class Plugin(typing.Protocol):
- def is_intrhandler(self, name: str) -> bool: ...
+ def is_intrhandler(self, name: QName) -> bool: ...
+ # init_array returns a list of functions that are placed in the
+ # `.init_array.*` section; AKA functions marked with
+ # `__attribute__((constructor))`.
+ def init_array(self) -> typing.Collection[QName]: ...
+ # extra_includes returns a list of functions that are never
+ # called, but are included in the binary anyway. This may because
+ # it is an unused method in a used vtable. This may be because it
+ # is an atexit() callback (we never exit).
+ def extra_includes(self) -> typing.Collection[str]: ...
def extra_nodes(self) -> typing.Collection[Node]: ...
def indirect_callees(
self, loc: str, line: str
- ) -> tuple[list[str], bool] | None: ...
- def skip_call(self, chain: list[str], call: str) -> bool: ...
+ ) -> tuple[typing.Collection[QName], bool] | None: ...
+ def skip_call(self, chain: list[QName], call: QName) -> bool: ...
class PluginApplication:
@@ -375,10 +447,7 @@ class PluginApplication:
return ret
- def location_xform(self, loc: str) -> str:
- return self._location_xform(loc)
- def indirect_callees(self, elem: VCGElem) -> tuple[list[str], bool]:
+ def indirect_callees(self, elem: VCGElem) -> tuple[typing.Collection[QName], bool]:
loc = elem.attrs.get("label", "")
line = read_source(loc)
@@ -390,10 +459,10 @@ class PluginApplication:
placeholder = "__indirect_call"
if m := re_call_other.fullmatch(line):
placeholder += ":" +"func")
- placeholder += " at " + self.location_xform(elem.attrs.get("label", ""))
- return [placeholder], False
+ placeholder += " at " + self._location_xform(elem.attrs.get("label", ""))
+ return [QName(placeholder)], False
- def skip_call(self, chain: list[str], funcname: str) -> bool:
+ def skip_call(self, chain: list[QName], funcname: QName) -> bool:
for plugin in self._plugins:
if plugin.skip_call(chain, funcname):
return True
@@ -404,28 +473,36 @@ class PluginApplication:
# Application-specific code
-class AppPlugin:
- def is_intrhandler(self, name: str) -> bool:
+class CmdPlugin:
+ def is_intrhandler(self, name: QName) -> bool:
return False
+ def init_array(self) -> typing.Collection[QName]:
+ return []
+ def extra_includes(self) -> typing.Collection[str]:
+ return []
def extra_nodes(self) -> typing.Collection[Node]:
return []
- def indirect_callees(self, loc: str, line: str) -> tuple[list[str], bool] | None:
+ def indirect_callees(
+ self, loc: str, line: str
+ ) -> tuple[typing.Collection[QName], bool] | None:
if "/3rd-party/" in loc:
return None
if "srv->auth" in line:
return [], False
if "srv->rootdir" in line:
- return ["get_root"], False
+ return [QName("get_root")], False
return None
- def skip_call(self, chain: list[str], call: str) -> bool:
+ def skip_call(self, chain: list[QName], call: QName) -> bool:
return False
class LibObjPlugin:
- objcalls: dict[str, set[str]] # method_name => {method_impls}
+ objcalls: dict[str, set[QName]] # method_name => {method_impls}
def __init__(self, arg_c_fnames: typing.Collection[str]) -> None:
ifaces: dict[str, set[str]] = {} # iface_name => {method_names}
@@ -461,46 +538,56 @@ class LibObjPlugin:
if m := re_lo_implementation.match(line):
- objcalls: dict[str, set[str]] = {} # method_name => {method_impls}
+ objcalls: dict[str, set[QName]] = {} # method_name => {method_impls}
for iface_name in ifaces:
for method_name in ifaces[iface_name]:
- if method_name not in objcalls:
+ if QName(method_name) not in objcalls:
objcalls[method_name] = set()
for impl_name in implementations[iface_name]:
- objcalls[method_name].add(impl_name + "_" + method_name)
+ objcalls[method_name].add(QName(impl_name + "_" + method_name))
self.objcalls = objcalls
- def is_intrhandler(self, name: str) -> bool:
+ def is_intrhandler(self, name: QName) -> bool:
return False
+ def init_array(self) -> typing.Collection[QName]:
+ return []
+ def extra_includes(self) -> typing.Collection[str]:
+ return []
def extra_nodes(self) -> typing.Collection[Node]:
return []
- def indirect_callees(self, loc: str, line: str) -> tuple[list[str], bool] | None:
+ def indirect_callees(
+ self, loc: str, line: str
+ ) -> tuple[typing.Collection[QName], bool] | None:
re_call_objcall = re.compile(r"LO_CALL\((?P<obj>[^,]+), (?P<meth>[^,)]+)[,)].*")
if "/3rd-party/" in loc:
return None
if m := re_call_objcall.fullmatch(line):
if"meth") in self.objcalls:
- return sorted(self.objcalls["meth")]), False
+ return self.objcalls["meth")], False
return [
- f"__indirect_call:{'obj')}.vtable->{'meth')}"
+ QName(f"__indirect_call:{'obj')}.vtable->{'meth')}")
], False
return None
- def skip_call(self, chain: list[str], call: str) -> bool:
+ def skip_call(self, chain: list[QName], call: QName) -> bool:
return False
class LibHWPlugin:
pico_platform: str
+ libobj: LibObjPlugin
- def __init__(self, arg_pico_platform: str) -> None:
+ def __init__(self, arg_pico_platform: str, libobj: LibObjPlugin) -> None:
self.pico_platform = arg_pico_platform
+ self.libobj = libobj
- def is_intrhandler(self, name: str) -> bool:
- return name in [
+ def is_intrhandler(self, name: QName) -> bool:
+ return str(name.base()) in [
@@ -508,75 +595,111 @@ class LibHWPlugin:
+ def init_array(self) -> typing.Collection[QName]:
+ return []
+ def extra_includes(self) -> typing.Collection[str]:
+ return []
def extra_nodes(self) -> typing.Collection[Node]:
return []
- def indirect_callees(self, loc: str, line: str) -> tuple[list[str], bool] | None:
+ def indirect_callees(
+ self, loc: str, line: str
+ ) -> tuple[typing.Collection[QName], bool] | None:
if "/3rd-party/" in loc:
return None
+ for fn in (
+ "io_readv",
+ "io_writev",
+ "io_close",
+ "io_close_read",
+ "io_close_write",
+ "io_readwritev",
+ ):
+ if f"{fn}(" in line:
+ return self.libobj.indirect_callees(loc, f"LO_CALL(x, {fn[3:]})")
+ if "io_read(" in line:
+ return self.libobj.indirect_callees(loc, "LO_CALL(x, readv)")
+ if "io_writev(" in line:
+ return self.libobj.indirect_callees(loc, "LO_CALL(x, writev)")
if "trigger->cb(trigger->cb_arg)" in line:
ret = [
- "alarmclock_sleep_intrhandler",
+ QName("alarmclock_sleep_intrhandler"),
if self.pico_platform == "rp2040":
ret += [
- "w5500_tcp_alarm_handler",
- "w5500_udp_alarm_handler",
+ QName("w5500_tcp_alarm_handler"),
+ QName("w5500_udp_alarm_handler"),
return ret, False
if "/rp2040_gpioirq.c:" in loc and "handler->fn" in line:
return [
- "w5500_intrhandler",
+ QName("w5500_intrhandler"),
], False
- if "/rp2040_dmairq.c:" in loc and "handler->fn" in line:
+ if "/rp2040_dma.c:" in loc and "handler->fn" in line:
return [
- "rp2040_hwspi_intrhandler",
+ QName("rp2040_hwspi_intrhandler"),
], False
return None
- def skip_call(self, chain: list[str], call: str) -> bool:
+ def skip_call(self, chain: list[QName], call: QName) -> bool:
return False
class LibCRPlugin:
- def is_intrhandler(self, name: str) -> bool:
- return name in [
- "_cr_gdb_intrhandler",
- ]
+ def is_intrhandler(self, name: QName) -> bool:
+ return str(name.base()) in ("_cr_gdb_intrhandler",)
+ def init_array(self) -> typing.Collection[QName]:
+ return []
+ def extra_includes(self) -> typing.Collection[str]:
+ return []
def extra_nodes(self) -> typing.Collection[Node]:
return []
- def indirect_callees(self, loc: str, line: str) -> tuple[list[str], bool] | None:
+ def indirect_callees(
+ self, loc: str, line: str
+ ) -> tuple[typing.Collection[QName], bool] | None:
return None
- def skip_call(self, chain: list[str], call: str) -> bool:
+ def skip_call(self, chain: list[QName], call: QName) -> bool:
return False
class LibCRIPCPlugin:
- def is_intrhandler(self, name: str) -> bool:
+ def is_intrhandler(self, name: QName) -> bool:
return False
+ def init_array(self) -> typing.Collection[QName]:
+ return []
+ def extra_includes(self) -> typing.Collection[str]:
+ return []
def extra_nodes(self) -> typing.Collection[Node]:
return []
- def indirect_callees(self, loc: str, line: str) -> tuple[list[str], bool] | None:
+ def indirect_callees(
+ self, loc: str, line: str
+ ) -> tuple[typing.Collection[QName], bool] | None:
if "/3rd-party/" in loc:
return None
if "/chan.c:" in loc and "front->dequeue(" in line:
return [
- "_cr_chan_dequeue",
- "_cr_select_dequeue",
+ QName("_cr_chan_dequeue"),
+ QName("_cr_select_dequeue"),
], False
return None
- def skip_call(self, chain: list[str], call: str) -> bool:
+ def skip_call(self, chain: list[QName], call: QName) -> bool:
return False
class Lib9PPlugin:
- tmessage_handlers: set[str] | None
+ tmessage_handlers: set[QName] | None
lib9p_msgs: set[str]
_CONFIG_9P_NUM_SOCKS: int | None
@@ -622,7 +745,7 @@ class Lib9PPlugin:
# Read sources #########################################################
- tmessage_handlers: set[str] | None = None
+ tmessage_handlers: set[QName] | None = None
if lib9p_srv_c_fname:
re_tmessage_handler = re.compile(
@@ -632,7 +755,7 @@ class Lib9PPlugin:
for line in fh:
line = line.rstrip()
if m := re_tmessage_handler.fullmatch(line):
- tmessage_handlers.add("handler"))
+ tmessage_handlers.add(QName("handler")))
self.tmessage_handlers = tmessage_handlers
lib9p_msgs: set[str] = set()
@@ -646,22 +769,30 @@ class Lib9PPlugin:
self.lib9p_msgs = lib9p_msgs
- def thread_count(self, name: str) -> int:
+ def thread_count(self, name: QName) -> int:
assert self._CONFIG_9P_NUM_SOCKS
assert self.CONFIG_9P_SRV_MAX_REQS
- if "read" in name:
+ if "read" in str(name.base()):
return self._CONFIG_9P_NUM_SOCKS
- elif "write" in name:
+ elif "write" in str(name.base()):
return 1
- def is_intrhandler(self, name: str) -> bool:
+ def is_intrhandler(self, name: QName) -> bool:
return False
+ def init_array(self) -> typing.Collection[QName]:
+ return []
+ def extra_includes(self) -> typing.Collection[str]:
+ return []
def extra_nodes(self) -> typing.Collection[Node]:
return []
- def indirect_callees(self, loc: str, line: str) -> tuple[list[str], bool] | None:
+ def indirect_callees(
+ self, loc: str, line: str
+ ) -> tuple[typing.Collection[QName], bool] | None:
if "/3rd-party/" in loc:
return None
if (
@@ -670,97 +801,171 @@ class Lib9PPlugin:
and "tmessage_handlers[typ](" in line
# Functions for disabled protocol extensions will be missing.
- return sorted(self.tmessage_handlers), True
+ return self.tmessage_handlers, True
if self.lib9p_msgs and "/9p.c:" in loc:
for meth in ["validate", "unmarshal", "marshal"]:
if line.startswith(f"tentry.{meth}("):
# Functions for disabled protocol extensions will be missing.
- return sorted(f"{meth}_{msg}" for msg in self.lib9p_msgs), True
+ return [QName(f"{meth}_{msg}") for msg in self.lib9p_msgs], True
return None
- def skip_call(self, chain: list[str], call: str) -> bool:
- if "lib9p/srv.c:srv_util_pathfree" in call:
+ def skip_call(self, chain: list[QName], call: QName) -> bool:
+ if "lib9p/srv.c:srv_util_pathfree" in str(call):
assert isinstance(self.CONFIG_9P_SRV_MAX_DEPTH, int)
if len(chain) >= self.CONFIG_9P_SRV_MAX_DEPTH and all(
- ("lib9p/srv.c:srv_util_pathfree" in c)
+ ("lib9p/srv.c:srv_util_pathfree" in str(c))
for c in chain[-self.CONFIG_9P_SRV_MAX_DEPTH :]
return True
re_msg_meth = re.compile(
- wrapper = next((c for c in chain if re_msg_meth.match(c)), None)
+ wrapper = next((c for c in chain if re_msg_meth.match(str(c))), None)
if wrapper:
- m = re_msg_meth.match(wrapper)
+ m = re_msg_meth.match(str(wrapper))
assert m
- deny = ":" +"meth") + "_" + ("R" if"grp") == "T" else "T")
- if deny in call:
+ deny ="meth") + "_" + ("R" if"grp") == "T" else "T")
+ if str(call.base()).startswith(deny):
return True
return False
class LibMiscPlugin:
- def is_intrhandler(self, name: str) -> bool:
+ def is_intrhandler(self, name: QName) -> bool:
return False
+ def init_array(self) -> typing.Collection[QName]:
+ return []
+ def extra_includes(self) -> typing.Collection[str]:
+ return []
def extra_nodes(self) -> typing.Collection[Node]:
return []
- def indirect_callees(self, loc: str, line: str) -> tuple[list[str], bool] | None:
+ def indirect_callees(
+ self, loc: str, line: str
+ ) -> tuple[typing.Collection[QName], bool] | None:
return None
- def skip_call(self, chain: list[str], call: str) -> bool:
+ def skip_call(self, chain: list[QName], call: QName) -> bool:
if (
len(chain) > 1
- and chain[-1] == "__assert_msg_fail"
- and call.endswith(":__lm_printf")
- and "__assert_msg_fail" in chain[:-1]
+ and str(chain[-1].base()) == "__assert_msg_fail"
+ and str(call.base()) == "__lm_printf"
+ and any(str(c.base()) == "__assert_msg_fail" for c in chain[:-1])
return True
return False
+class PicoFmtPlugin:
+ known_out: dict[str, str]
+ known_fct: dict[str, str]
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ self.known_out = {
+ "": "_out_null", # XXX
+ "__wrap_sprintf": "_out_buffer",
+ "__wrap_snprintf": "_out_buffer",
+ "__wrap_vsnprintf": "_out_buffer",
+ "vfctprintf": "_out_fct",
+ }
+ self.known_fct = {
+ "stdio_vprintf": "stdio_buffered_printer",
+ "__wrap_vprintf": "stdio_buffered_printer",
+ }
+ def is_intrhandler(self, name: QName) -> bool:
+ return False
+ def init_array(self) -> typing.Collection[QName]:
+ return []
+ def extra_includes(self) -> typing.Collection[str]:
+ return []
+ def extra_nodes(self) -> typing.Collection[Node]:
+ return []
+ def indirect_callees(
+ self, loc: str, line: str
+ ) -> tuple[typing.Collection[QName], bool] | None:
+ if "/3rd-party/pico-sdk/" not in loc:
+ return None
+ if "/printf.c:" in loc:
+ m = re_call_other.fullmatch(line)
+ call: str | None ="func") if m else None
+ if call == "out":
+ return [QName(x) for x in self.known_out.values()], False
+ if "->fct" in line:
+ return [QName(x) for x in self.known_fct.values()], False
+ return None
+ def skip_call(self, chain: list[QName], call: QName) -> bool:
+ if str(call.base()) in self.known_out.values():
+ out = ""
+ for pcall in chain:
+ if str(pcall.base()) in self.known_out:
+ out = self.known_out[str(pcall.base())]
+ if (
+ out == "_out_buffer" and str(call.base()) == "_out_null"
+ ): # XXX: Gross hack
+ out = "_out_null"
+ return str(call.base()) != out
+ if str(call.base()) in self.known_fct.values():
+ fct = ""
+ for pcall in chain:
+ if str(pcall.base()) in self.known_fct:
+ fct = self.known_fct[str(pcall.base())]
+ return str(call.base()) != fct
+ return False
class PicoSDKPlugin:
- app_init_array: typing.Collection[str]
- app_preinit_array: typing.Collection[str]
+ get_init_array: typing.Callable[[], typing.Collection[QName]]
+ app_init_array: typing.Collection[QName] | None
+ app_preinit_array: typing.Collection[QName]
def __init__(
- app_init_array: typing.Collection[str],
+ get_init_array: typing.Callable[[], typing.Collection[QName]],
) -> None:
- self.app_init_array = app_init_array
+ # grep for '__attribute__((constructor))'.
+ self.get_init_array = get_init_array
+ self.app_init_array = None
# git grep '^PICO_RUNTIME_INIT_FUNC\S*('
self.app_preinit_array = [
- # "runtime_init_mutex", # pico_mutex
- # "runtime_init_default_alarm_pool", # pico_time
- # "runtime_init_boot_locks_reset", # hardware_boot_lock
- "runtime_init_per_core_irq_priorities", # hardware_irq
- # "spinlock_set_extexclall", # hardware_sync_spin_lock
- "__aeabi_bits_init", # pico_bit_ops
- # "runtime_init_bootrom_locking_enable", # pico_bootrom, rp2350-only
- # "runtime_init_pre_core_tls_setup", # pico_clib_interface, picolibc-only
- # "__aeabi_double_init", # pico_double
- # "__aeabi_float_init", # pico_float
- "__aeabi_mem_init", # pico_mem_ops
- "first_per_core_initializer", # pico_runtime
+ # QName("runtime_init_mutex"), # pico_mutex
+ # QName("runtime_init_default_alarm_pool"), # pico_time
+ # QName("runtime_init_boot_locks_reset"), # hardware_boot_lock
+ QName("runtime_init_per_core_irq_priorities"), # hardware_irq
+ # QName("spinlock_set_extexclall"), # hardware_sync_spin_lock
+ QName("__aeabi_bits_init"), # pico_bit_ops
+ # QName("runtime_init_bootrom_locking_enable"), # pico_bootrom, rp2350-only
+ # QName("runtime_init_pre_core_tls_setup"), # pico_clib_interface, picolibc-only
+ # QName("__aeabi_double_init"), # pico_double
+ # QName("__aeabi_float_init"), # pico_float
+ QName("__aeabi_mem_init"), # pico_mem_ops
+ QName("first_per_core_initializer"), # pico_runtime
# pico_runtime_init
- # "runtime_init_bootrom_reset", # rp2350-only
- # "runtime_init_per_core_bootrom_reset", # rp2350-only
- # "runtime_init_per_core_h3_irq_registers", # rp2350-only
- "runtime_init_early_resets",
- "runtime_init_usb_power_down",
- # "runtime_init_per_core_enable_coprocessors", # PICO_RUNTIME_SKIP_INIT_PER_CORE_ENABLE_COPROCESSORS
- "runtime_init_clocks",
- "runtime_init_post_clock_resets",
- "runtime_init_rp2040_gpio_ie_disable",
- "runtime_init_spin_locks_reset",
- "runtime_init_install_ram_vector_table",
+ # QName("runtime_init_bootrom_reset"), # rp2350-only
+ # QName("runtime_init_per_core_bootrom_reset"), # rp2350-only
+ # QName("runtime_init_per_core_h3_irq_registers"), # rp2350-only
+ QName("runtime_init_early_resets"),
+ QName("runtime_init_usb_power_down"),
+ # QName("runtime_init_per_core_enable_coprocessors"), # PICO_RUNTIME_SKIP_INIT_PER_CORE_ENABLE_COPROCESSORS
+ QName("runtime_init_clocks"),
+ QName("runtime_init_post_clock_resets"),
+ QName("runtime_init_rp2040_gpio_ie_disable"),
+ QName("runtime_init_spin_locks_reset"),
+ QName("runtime_init_install_ram_vector_table"),
- def is_intrhandler(self, name: str) -> bool:
- return name in [
+ def is_intrhandler(self, name: QName) -> bool:
+ return str(name.base()) in [
@@ -770,7 +975,15 @@ class PicoSDKPlugin:
*[f"isr_irq{n}" for n in range(32)],
- def indirect_callees(self, loc: str, line: str) -> tuple[list[str], bool] | None:
+ def init_array(self) -> typing.Collection[QName]:
+ return []
+ def extra_includes(self) -> typing.Collection[str]:
+ return []
+ def indirect_callees(
+ self, loc: str, line: str
+ ) -> tuple[typing.Collection[QName], bool] | None:
if "/3rd-party/pico-sdk/" not in loc or "/3rd-party/pico-sdk/lib/" in loc:
return None
m = re_call_other.fullmatch(line)
@@ -778,63 +991,44 @@ class PicoSDKPlugin:
match call:
case "connect_internal_flash_func":
- return ["rom_func_lookup(ROM_FUNC_CONNECT_INTERNAL_FLASH)"], False
+ return [
+ QName("rom_func_lookup(ROM_FUNC_CONNECT_INTERNAL_FLASH)")
+ ], False
case "flash_exit_xip_func":
- return ["rom_func_lookup(ROM_FUNC_FLASH_EXIT_XIP)"], False
+ return [QName("rom_func_lookup(ROM_FUNC_FLASH_EXIT_XIP)")], False
case "flash_range_erase_func":
- return ["rom_func_lookup(ROM_FUNC_FLASH_RANGE_ERASE)"], False
+ return [QName("rom_func_lookup(ROM_FUNC_FLASH_RANGE_ERASE)")], False
case "flash_flush_cache_func":
- return ["rom_func_lookup(ROM_FUNC_FLASH_FLUSH_CACHE)"], False
+ return [QName("rom_func_lookup(ROM_FUNC_FLASH_FLUSH_CACHE)")], False
case "rom_table_lookup":
- return ["rom_hword_as_ptr(BOOTROM_TABLE_LOOKUP_OFFSET)"], False
+ return [QName("rom_hword_as_ptr(BOOTROM_TABLE_LOOKUP_OFFSET)")], False
if "/flash.c:" in loc and "boot2_copyout" in line:
- return ["_stage2_boot"], False
- if "/printf.c:" in loc:
- if call == "out":
- return [
- "_out_buffer",
- "_out_null",
- "_out_fct",
- ], False
- if "->fct(" in line:
- return ["stdio_buffered_printer"], False
+ return [QName("_stage2_boot")], False
if "/stdio.c:" in loc:
if call == "out_func":
return [
- "stdio_out_chars_crlf",
- "stdio_out_chars_no_crlf",
+ QName("stdio_out_chars_crlf"),
+ QName("stdio_out_chars_no_crlf"),
], False
if call and (call.startswith("d->") or call.startswith("driver->")):
_, meth = call.split("->", 1)
match meth:
case "out_chars":
- return ["stdio_uart_out_chars"], False
+ return [QName("stdio_uart_out_chars")], False
case "out_flush":
- return ["stdio_uart_out_flush"], False
+ return [QName("stdio_uart_out_flush")], False
case "in_chars":
- return ["stdio_uart_in_chars"], False
+ return [QName("stdio_uart_in_chars")], False
if "/newlib_interface.c:" in loc:
if line == "*p)();":
- return sorted(self.app_init_array), False
+ if self.app_init_array is None:
+ self.app_init_array = self.get_init_array()
+ return self.app_init_array, False
if "/pico_runtime/runtime.c:" in loc:
- return sorted(self.app_preinit_array), False
+ return self.app_preinit_array, False
return None
- def skip_call(self, chain: list[str], call: str) -> bool:
- if call == "_out_buffer" or call == "_out_fct":
- last = ""
- for pcall in chain:
- if pcall in [
- "__wrap_sprintf",
- "__wrap_snprintf",
- "__wrap_vsnprintf",
- "vfctprintf",
- ]:
- last = pcall
- if last == "vfctprintf":
- return call != "_out_fct"
- else:
- return call == "_out_buffer"
+ def skip_call(self, chain: list[QName], call: QName) -> bool:
return False
def extra_nodes(self) -> typing.Collection[Node]:
@@ -855,7 +1049,8 @@ class PicoSDKPlugin:
synthetic_node("isr_svcall", 0, {"__unhandled_user_irq"}),
synthetic_node("isr_pendsv", 0, {"__unhandled_user_irq"}),
synthetic_node("isr_systick", 0, {"__unhandled_user_irq"}),
- synthetic_node(f"__unhandled_user_irq", 0),
+ synthetic_node("__unhandled_user_irq", 0),
+ synthetic_node("_entry_point", 0, {"_reset_handler"}),
synthetic_node("_reset_handler", 0, {"runtime_init", "main", "exit"}),
@@ -967,7 +1162,7 @@ class PicoSDKPlugin:
class TinyUSBDevicePlugin:
- tud_drivers: dict[str, set[str]]
+ tud_drivers: dict[str, set[QName]] # method_name => {method_impls}
def __init__(self, arg_c_fnames: typing.Collection[str]) -> None:
usbd_c_fname = get_zero_or_one(
@@ -996,7 +1191,7 @@ class TinyUSBDevicePlugin:
v ="v")
tusb_config[k] = bool(int(v))
- tud_drivers: dict[str, set[str]] = {}
+ tud_drivers: dict[str, set[QName]] = {}
re_tud_entry = re.compile(
@@ -1023,20 +1218,28 @@ class TinyUSBDevicePlugin:
if meth not in tud_drivers:
tud_drivers[meth] = set()
if impl != "NULL":
- tud_drivers[meth].add(impl)
+ tud_drivers[meth].add(QName(impl))
if line.startswith("}"):
in_table = False
elif " _usbd_driver[] = {" in line:
in_table = True
self.tud_drivers = tud_drivers
- def is_intrhandler(self, name: str) -> bool:
+ def is_intrhandler(self, name: QName) -> bool:
return False
+ def init_array(self) -> typing.Collection[QName]:
+ return []
+ def extra_includes(self) -> typing.Collection[str]:
+ return []
def extra_nodes(self) -> typing.Collection[Node]:
return []
- def indirect_callees(self, loc: str, line: str) -> tuple[list[str], bool] | None:
+ def indirect_callees(
+ self, loc: str, line: str
+ ) -> tuple[typing.Collection[QName], bool] | None:
if "/tinyusb/" not in loc or "/tinyusb/src/host/" in loc or "_host.c:" in loc:
return None
m = re_call_other.fullmatch(line)
@@ -1045,7 +1248,7 @@ class TinyUSBDevicePlugin:
if call == "_ctrl_xfer.complete_cb":
return [
# "process_test_mode_cb",
- "tud_vendor_control_xfer_cb",
+ QName("tud_vendor_control_xfer_cb"),
], False
elif call.startswith("driver->"):
@@ -1056,14 +1259,23 @@ class TinyUSBDevicePlugin:
return None
- def skip_call(self, chain: list[str], call: str) -> bool:
+ def skip_call(self, chain: list[QName], call: QName) -> bool:
return False
class NewlibPlugin:
- def is_intrhandler(self, name: str) -> bool:
+ def is_intrhandler(self, name: QName) -> bool:
return False
+ def init_array(self) -> typing.Collection[QName]:
+ return [QName("register_fini")]
+ def extra_includes(self) -> typing.Collection[str]:
+ return [
+ # register_fini() calls atexit(__libc_fini_array)
+ "__libc_fini_array",
+ ]
def extra_nodes(self) -> typing.Collection[Node]:
# This is accurate to
# /usr/arm-none-eabi/lib/thumb/v6-m/nofp/libg.a as of
@@ -1097,33 +1309,54 @@ class NewlibPlugin:
synthetic_node("_getpid_r", 8, {"_getpid"}),
synthetic_node("random", 8),
synthetic_node("register_fini", 8, {"atexit"}),
+ synthetic_node("atexit", 8, {"__register_exitproc"}),
+ synthetic_node(
+ "__register_exitproc",
+ 32,
+ {
+ "__retarget_lock_acquire_recursive",
+ "__retarget_lock_release_recursive",
+ },
+ ),
+ synthetic_node("__libc_fini_array", 16, {"_fini"}),
- def indirect_callees(self, loc: str, line: str) -> tuple[list[str], bool] | None:
+ def indirect_callees(
+ self, loc: str, line: str
+ ) -> tuple[typing.Collection[QName], bool] | None:
return None
- def skip_call(self, chain: list[str], call: str) -> bool:
+ def skip_call(self, chain: list[QName], call: QName) -> bool:
return False
class LibGCCPlugin:
- def is_intrhandler(self, name: str) -> bool:
+ def is_intrhandler(self, name: QName) -> bool:
return False
+ def init_array(self) -> typing.Collection[QName]:
+ return []
+ def extra_includes(self) -> typing.Collection[str]:
+ return []
def extra_nodes(self) -> typing.Collection[Node]:
- # This is accurate to
- # /usr/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/14.2.0/thumb/v6-m/nofp/libgcc.a
- # as of Parabola's arm-none-eabi-gcc 14.2.0-1.
+ # This is accurate to Parabola's arm-none-eabi-gcc 14.2.0-1.
return [
+ # /usr/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/14.2.0/thumb/v6-m/nofp/libgcc.a
synthetic_node("__aeabi_idiv0", 0),
synthetic_node("__aeabi_ldiv0", 0),
synthetic_node("__aeabi_llsr", 0),
+ # /usr/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/14.2.0/thumb/v6-m/nofp/crti.o
+ synthetic_node("_fini", 24),
- def indirect_callees(self, loc: str, line: str) -> tuple[list[str], bool] | None:
+ def indirect_callees(
+ self, loc: str, line: str
+ ) -> tuple[typing.Collection[QName], bool] | None:
return None
- def skip_call(self, chain: list[str], call: str) -> bool:
+ def skip_call(self, chain: list[QName], call: QName) -> bool:
return False
@@ -1141,19 +1374,25 @@ def main(
lib9p_plugin = Lib9PPlugin(arg_base_dir, arg_c_fnames)
- def sbc_is_thread(name: str) -> int:
- if name.endswith("_cr") and name != "lib9p_srv_read_cr":
- if "9p" in name:
+ def sbc_is_thread(name: QName) -> int:
+ if str(name).endswith("_cr") and str(name.base()) != "lib9p_srv_read_cr":
+ if "9p" in str(name.base()) or "lib9p/tests/test_server/main.c:" in str(
+ name
+ ):
return lib9p_plugin.thread_count(name)
return 1
- if name == ("_reset_handler" if arg_pico_platform == "rp2040" else "main"):
+ if str(name.base()) == (
+ "_entry_point" if arg_pico_platform == "rp2040" else "main"
+ ):
return 1
return 0
+ libobj_plugin = LibObjPlugin(arg_c_fnames)
plugins += [
- AppPlugin(),
- LibObjPlugin(arg_c_fnames),
- LibHWPlugin(arg_pico_platform),
+ CmdPlugin(),
+ libobj_plugin,
+ LibHWPlugin(arg_pico_platform, libobj_plugin),
@@ -1163,9 +1402,17 @@ def main(
# pico-sdk #######################################################
if arg_pico_platform == "rp2040":
+ def get_init_array() -> typing.Collection[QName]:
+ ret: list[QName] = []
+ for plugin in plugins:
+ ret.extend(plugin.init_array())
+ return ret
plugins += [
+ PicoFmtPlugin(),
- app_init_array=["register_fini"],
+ get_init_array=get_init_array,
@@ -1174,20 +1421,29 @@ def main(
# Tie it all together ############################################
- def thread_filter(name: str) -> int:
- return sbc_is_thread(name)
+ def thread_filter(name: QName) -> tuple[int, bool]:
+ return sbc_is_thread(name), True
- def intrhandler_filter(name: str) -> int:
- name = name.rsplit(":", 1)[-1]
+ def intrhandler_filter(name: QName) -> tuple[int, bool]:
for plugin in plugins:
if plugin.is_intrhandler(name):
- return 1
- return 0
+ return 1, True
+ return 0, False
- def misc_filter(name: str) -> int:
- if name.endswith(":__lm_printf") or name == "__assert_msg_fail":
- return 1
- return 0
+ def misc_filter(name: QName) -> tuple[int, bool]:
+ if str(name.base()) in ["__lm_printf", "__assert_msg_fail"]:
+ return 1, False
+ return 0, False
+ extra_includes: list[str] = []
+ for plugin in plugins:
+ extra_includes.extend(plugin.extra_includes())
+ def extra_filter(name: QName) -> tuple[int, bool]:
+ nonlocal extra_includes
+ if str(name.base()) in extra_includes:
+ return 1, True
+ return 0, False
def location_xform(loc: str) -> str:
if not loc.startswith("/"):
@@ -1202,6 +1458,7 @@ def main(
"Threads": thread_filter,
"Interrupt handlers": intrhandler_filter,
"Misc": misc_filter,
+ "Extra": extra_filter,
app=PluginApplication(location_xform, plugins),
@@ -1210,21 +1467,30 @@ def main(
def print_group(grp_name: str) -> None:
grp = result.groups[grp_name]
+ nsum = sum(v.nstatic * v.cnt for v in grp.rows.values())
+ nmax = max(v.nstatic for v in grp.rows.values())
# Figure sizes.
- namelen = max([len(k) for k in grp.rows.keys()] + [len(grp_name) + 4])
- numlen = len(str(grp.nsum))
+ namelen = max(
+ [len(location_xform(str(k))) for k in grp.rows.keys()] + [len(grp_name) + 4]
+ )
+ numlen = len(str(nsum))
sep1 = ("=" * namelen) + " " + "=" * numlen
sep2 = ("-" * namelen) + " " + "-" * numlen
# Print.
print("= " + grp_name + " " + sep1[len(grp_name) + 3 :])
- for name, num in sorted(grp.rows.items()):
- if num == 0:
+ for qname, val in sorted(grp.rows.items()):
+ name = location_xform(str(qname))
+ if val.nstatic == 0:
- print(f"{name.ljust(namelen)} {str(num).rjust(numlen)}")
+ print(
+ f"{name.ljust(namelen)} {str(val.nstatic).rjust(numlen)}"
+ + (f" * {val.cnt}" if val.cnt != 1 else "")
+ )
- print(f"{'Total'.ljust(namelen)} {str(grp.nsum).rjust(numlen)}")
- print(f"{'Maximum'.ljust(namelen)} {str(grp.nmax).rjust(numlen)}")
+ print(f"{'Total'.ljust(namelen)} {str(nsum).rjust(numlen)}")
+ print(f"{'Maximum'.ljust(namelen)} {str(nmax).rjust(numlen)}")
def next_power_of_2(x: int) -> int:
@@ -1236,32 +1502,77 @@ def main(
print_group("Interrupt handlers")
- overhead = result.groups["Interrupt handlers"].nmax
- rows: list[tuple[str, int, int]] = []
- for funcname, base in result.groups["Threads"].rows.items():
- rows.append((funcname.split(":")[-1], base, next_power_of_2(base + overhead)))
- namelen = max(len(r[0]) for r in rows)
- baselen = max(len(str(r[1])) for r in rows)
- sizelen = max(len(str(r[2])) for r in rows)
+ intrstack = max(
+ v.nstatic for v in result.groups["Interrupt handlers"].rows.values()
+ )
+ stack_guard_size = 16 * 2
+ class CrRow(typing.NamedTuple):
+ name: str
+ cnt: int
+ base: int
+ size: int
+ rows: list[CrRow] = []
+ main: CrRow | None = None
+ for funcname, val in result.groups["Threads"].rows.items():
+ name = str(funcname.base())
+ base = val.nstatic
+ size = base + intrstack
+ if name in ("main", "_entry_point"):
+ main = CrRow(name=name, cnt=1, base=base, size=size)
+ else:
+ size = next_power_of_2(size + stack_guard_size) - stack_guard_size
+ rows.append(CrRow(name=name, cnt=val.cnt, base=base, size=size))
+ namelen = max(len( for r in rows)
+ baselen = max(len(str(r.base)) for r in rows)
+ sizesum = sum(r.cnt * (r.size + stack_guard_size) for r in rows)
+ sizelen = len(str(max(sizesum, main.size if main else 0)))
+ def print_row(comment: bool, name: str, size: int, eqn: str | None = None) -> None:
+ prefix = "const size_t CONFIG_COROUTINE_STACK_SIZE_"
+ if comment:
+ print(f"/* {name}".ljust(len(prefix) + namelen), end="")
+ else:
+ print(f"{prefix}{name.ljust(namelen)}", end="")
+ print(f" = {str(size).rjust(sizelen)};", end="")
+ if comment:
+ print(" */", end="")
+ elif eqn:
+ print(" ", end="")
+ if eqn:
+ print(f" /* {eqn} */", end="")
+ print()
for row in sorted(rows):
- if row[0] in ("main", "_reset_handler"):
- continue
- print("const size_t CONFIG_COROUTINE_STACK_SIZE_", end="")
- print(f"{row[0].ljust(namelen)} =", end="")
- print(f" {str(row[2]).rjust(sizelen)};", end="")
- print(f" /* LM_NEXT_POWER_OF_2({str(row[1]).rjust(baselen)}+{overhead}) */")
+ print_row(
+ False,
+ row.size,
+ f"LM_NEXT_POWER_OF_2({str(row.base).rjust(baselen)}+{intrstack}+{stack_guard_size})-{stack_guard_size}",
+ )
+ print_row(True, "TOTAL (inc. stack guard)", sizesum)
+ if main:
+ print_row(
+ True,
+ main.size,
+ f" {str(main.base).rjust(baselen)}+{intrstack}",
+ )
for funcname in sorted(result.missing):
- print(f"warning: missing: {funcname}")
+ print(f"warning: missing: {location_xform(str(funcname))}")
for funcname in sorted(result.dynamic):
- print(f"warning: dynamic-stack-usage: {funcname}")
+ print(f"warning: dynamic-stack-usage: {location_xform(str(funcname))}")
+ if result.groups["Extra"].rows:
+ print_group("Extra")
for funcname in sorted(result.included_funcs):
print(f"included: {funcname}")