path: root/GNUmakefile
diff options
authorLuke T. Shumaker <>2025-01-27 23:07:51 -0700
committerLuke T. Shumaker <>2025-01-27 23:07:51 -0700
commit1e2b67047da4ad0f567ef5956f813b2d33b3cfa6 (patch)
tree5f186c02fd3649894f2a5c28c2db6efa3abf9df6 /GNUmakefile
parentf7b7c04e2ebb24ccae89b77ce76f0b405eb213d1 (diff)
parent3199e6a45fd5e8bd9ec44616d5dcfb856ba6a888 (diff)
Merge branch 'lukeshu/lint'
Diffstat (limited to 'GNUmakefile')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/GNUmakefile b/GNUmakefile
index ab28ede..db7f7fd 100644
--- a/GNUmakefile
+++ b/GNUmakefile
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ libusb/include/libusb/tusb_helpers.h 3rd-party/MS-LCID.pdf 3rd-party/MS-LCID.txt
generate/files += build-aux/
+ifeq ($(INNER),)
build-aux/ $(if $(wildcard .git),FORCE)
git ls-files | grep -vFx $(foreach f,$(generate/files),-e $f) \
| sed 's,^,$(CURDIR)/,' | xargs editorconfig \
@@ -50,6 +51,8 @@ build-aux/ $(if $(wildcard .git),FORCE)
| sort \
if ! cmp -s $@.tmp $@; then mv $@.tmp $@; fi
+ @echo '################################################################################'
generate: $(generate/files)
.PHONY: generate
@@ -70,15 +73,15 @@ $(foreach t,$(build_types),$(foreach p,$(platforms),build/$p-$t/Makefile)): buil
mkdir -p $(@D) && cd $(@D) && cmake -DPICO_PLATFORM=$(firstword $(subst -, ,$*)) -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$(lastword $(subst -, ,$*)) ../..
$(foreach t,$(build_types),$(foreach p,$(platforms),build/$p-$t/build)): build/%/build: build/%/Makefile generate
- $(MAKE) -C $(<D)
+ $(MAKE) -C $(<D) INNER=t
.PHONY: $(foreach t,$(build_types),$(foreach p,$(platforms),build/$p-$t/build))
check: build
- $(MAKE) -j1 -k $(foreach t,$(build_types),$(foreach p,$(platforms),build/$p-$t/check))
+ $(MAKE) -j1 -k INNER=t $(foreach t,$(build_types),$(foreach p,$(platforms),build/$p-$t/check))
.PHONY: check
$(foreach t,$(build_types),$(foreach p,$(platforms),build/$p-$t/check)): build/%/check: build/%/Makefile
.PHONY: $(foreach t,$(build_types),$(foreach p,$(platforms),build/$p-$t/check))
# `lint` and `format` ##########################################################
@@ -86,8 +89,6 @@ $(foreach t,$(build_types),$(foreach p,$(platforms),build/$p-$t/check)): build/%
-include build-aux/
sources_all := $(foreach v,$(filter sources_%,$(.VARIABLES)),$($v))
-get_dscname = sed -n '1,3{ /^\#!/d; /^<!--$$/d; /-\*- .* -\*-/d; s,[/*\# ]*,,; s/ - .*//;p; q; }'
build-aux/venv: build-aux/requirements.txt
python3 -m venv $@
$@/bin/pip install -r $<
@@ -95,58 +96,26 @@ build-aux/venv: build-aux/requirements.txt
# `lint` ###########
- $(MAKE) -k $(patsubst sources_%,lint/%,$(filter sources_%,$(.VARIABLES)))
+ $(MAKE) -k INNER=t $(patsubst sources_%,lint/%,$(filter sources_%,$(.VARIABLES)))
lint/sh lint/bash: lint/%:
shellcheck $(sources_$*)
lint/python3: lint/%: build-aux/venv
./build-aux/venv/bin/mypy --strict --scripts-are-modules $(sources_$*)
./build-aux/venv/bin/black --check $(sources_$*)
./build-aux/venv/bin/isort --check $(sources_$*)
-lint/c: lint/%:
- @for filename in $(filter %.h,$(sources_$*)); do \
- dscname=$$($(get_dscname) $$filename); \
- guard=$${dscname//'/'/'_'}; \
- guard=$${guard//'.'/'_'}; \
- guard="_$${guard^^}_"; \
- if ! { grep -Fxq "#ifndef $${guard}" "$$filename" && \
- grep -Fxq "#define $${guard}" "$$filename" && \
- grep -Fxq "#endif /* $${guard} */" "$$filename"; }; then \
- echo "$$filename does not have $${guard} guard"; r=1; \
- fi; \
- done; exit $$r
+lint/c: lint/%: build-aux/lint-h build-aux/get-dscname
+ ./build-aux/lint-h $(filter %.h,$(sources_$*))
lint/make lint/cmake lint/gitignore lint/ini lint/9p lint/markdown: lint/%:
-lint/unknown: lint/%:
- @printf "%s: cannot lint unknown file type\n" $(sources_$*) >&2
-lint/all: lint/%:
- $(eval export sources_$*)
- @find $$(printf '%s\n' $${sources_$*} | grep -vE '^lib9p/tests/[^/]+/static/') \
- -maxdepth 0 -type f | \
- { r=0; while read -r filename; do \
- if ! grep -E -q 'Copyright \(C\) 202[4-9]((-|, )202[5-9])* Luke T. Shumaker' $$filename; then \
- echo "$$filename is missing a copyright statement"; r=1; \
- fi; \
- if ! grep -q ' SPDX-License-Identifier[:] ' $$filename; then \
- echo "$$filename is missing an SPDX-License-Identifier"; r=1; \
- fi; \
- dscname_act=$$($(get_dscname) $$filename); \
- dscname_exp=$$(echo "$$filename" | sed \
- -e 's,.*/config/,,' \
- -e 's,.*/config\.h$$,config.h,' \
- -e 's,.*include/,,' \
- -e 's/\.wip$$//'); \
- if [ "$$dscname_act" != "$$dscname_exp" ] && [ "cmd/$$dscname_act" != "$$dscname_exp" ]; then \
- echo "$$filename self-identifies as $$dscname_act (expected $$dscname_exp)"; r=1; \
- fi; \
- if grep -n --color=auto "$$(printf '\\S\t')" $$filename; then \
- echo "$$filename uses tabs for alignment"; r=1; \
- fi; \
- done; exit $$r; }
+lint/unknown: lint/%: build-aux/lint-unknown
+ ./build-aux/lint-unknown $(sources_$*)
+lint/all: lint/%: build-aux/lint-generic build-aux/get-dscname
+ ./build-aux/lint-generic $$(printf '%s\n' $(sources_$*) | grep -vE '^lib9p/tests/[^/]+/static/')
.PHONY: lint lint/%
# `format` #########
- $(MAKE) -k $(patsubst sources_%,format/%,$(filter-out sources_all,$(filter sources_%,$(.VARIABLES))))
+ $(MAKE) -k INNER=t $(patsubst sources_%,format/%,$(filter-out sources_all,$(filter sources_%,$(.VARIABLES))))
format/python3: format/%: ./build-aux/venv
./build-aux/venv/bin/black $(sources_$*)
./build-aux/venv/bin/isort $(sources_$*)