path: root/fullpkg-ng
diff options
authorNicolás Reynolds <>2011-06-02 13:08:47 -0300
committerNicolás Reynolds <>2011-06-02 13:08:47 -0300
commit77aa0c26138977bec9d70c4c3b168d98b22cf17d (patch)
tree7ae6e111ca9f53d6293b334c3deddb4d88b70a3d /fullpkg-ng
parent9127f25aff12902bf58302982c104704a5bdf202 (diff)
parentf4cbeda3df6775d9204ceb8b151dd9ec9bbc7493 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://vparabola/srv/git/projects/libretools
Diffstat (limited to 'fullpkg-ng')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 356 deletions
diff --git a/fullpkg-ng b/fullpkg-ng
deleted file mode 100755
index c0b65f1..0000000
--- a/fullpkg-ng
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-# TO TEST: (on find_deps)
-# * Detect pkgnames by provides, replaces, etc. instead of dir tree
-source /etc/makepkg.conf
-source /etc/abs.conf
-source /etc/libretools.conf
-source /usr/bin/libremessages
-[ -r $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/libretools/libretools.conf ] && \
- source $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/libretools/libretools.conf
-function usage {
- echo "cd to a dir containing a PKGBUILD and run:"
- echo "$0 [options]"
- printf "This script will check dependencies, build them if possible "
- printf "and stage the packages on it's repo."
- echo
- echo "OPTIONS:"
- echo " -h : this message."
- echo " -a absdir : set absdir as ABSROOT."
- echo " -b : do not check deps but build. Needs -d"
- echo " -c : check deps only, do not build."
- echo " -d build_dir : use this dir to build. Defaults to mktemp."
- echo " -n : don't update pacman db."
- echo " -m max_level : check deps until this level"
- echo " -r \"command\" : use this instead of $FULLBUILDCMD"
- # printf " -f pkgname : build even when a package has been built. "
- # printf " Use it as many times as needed\n"
- echo
-# Queue Management
-# * Always get the queue list from the server
-# * Add/Remove from queue
-# * Check if a package is listed
-# * Check for concurrence # @ fauno: What do you mean?
-# Get the queue list from the server
-get_queue() {
- rsync -e ssh -aq $PARABOLAHOST:mips64el/queue $queue_file >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
- error "Failed to retrieve queue list"
- return 1
- }
-# Put the queue list on the server
-put_queue() {
- rsync -e ssh -aq $queue_file $PARABOLAHOST:mips64el/queue >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
- error "Failed to put queue list"
- return 1
- }
-# Add packages to the queue
-update_queue() {
- get_queue
- echo "$(basename $PWD):$PACKAGER" >> $queue_file
- put_queue || return $?
-# Remove a package from the queue
-remove_queue() {
- get_queue
- grep -vw "^$(basename $PWD)" $queue_file > $queue_file.2
- mv $queue_file.2 > $queue_file
- put_queue && return 0 || return $?
-# Checks if a package is listed
-check_queue() {
- get_queue
- local packager=$(grep -w "$(basename $PWD)" ${queue_file} | cut -d ':' -f2)
- [ ! -z $packager ] && [ "$packager" != "$PACKAGER" ] && {
- warning "$(basename $PWD) is being packaged by $packager. Please wait."
- return 1
- }
- return 0
-# END Queue Management #
-guess_repo() {
- basename $(dirname $(pwd))
-# Usage: cleanup [ $(basename $PWD) ] from PKGBUILD dir
-# cleans the build_dir
-function cleanup {
- if [ ! -d $build_dir ]; then
- return 1
- elif [ -d $build_dir -a ${#@} -gt 0 ]; then
- for _dir in $@; do
- rm -rf $build_dir/$_dir/
- done
- else
- find $build_dir -type f -delete
- find $build_dir -type d -delete
- fi
-# Check PKGBUILD and find non built or outdated deps
-# on ABSROOT which should be abslibre-misp64el
-function find_deps {
- ## Check this level.
- source PKGBUILD
- local repo=${repo:-$(guess_repo)}
- # If package is built exit
- # TODO?: If this package is in force_build: skip this step
- if is_built "${pkgbase:-${pkgname[0]}}>=${pkgver}-${pkgrel}"; then
- exit 0
- fi
- # Tell which packages are deeper in deps (even if they are on build_dir)
- # so we can build them first.
- echo "${level}:$(basename $PWD)" >> "${build_dir}/BUILDORDER"
- # if pkgbuild directory is on build_dir, do not copy and exit
- if [ -d "${build_dir}/$(basename $PWD)" ]; then
- exit 0
- else
- cp -r ../$(basename $PWD) ${build_dir}/
- # Info to eval later
- echo "repo=$repo" > "${build_dir}/$(basename $PWD)/.INFO"
- fi
- msg2 "${pkgbase:-${pkgname[0]}}>=${pkgver}-${pkgrel}"
- ## Check next levels
- # Clean version checking
- deps=$(echo "${depends[@]} ${makedepends[@]}" | \
- sed "s/[=<>]\+[^ ]\+//g" | \
- tr ' ' "\n" | \
- sort -u)
- declare -i next_level=$level+1
- for _dep in ${deps[@]}; do
- for _repo in ${REPOS[@]}; do
- # try to find $_dep on each repo from dirname
- [ -e "$ABSROOT/${_repo}/$_dep/PKGBUILD" ] && {
- pushd "$ABSROOT/${_repo}/$_dep" > /dev/null
- $0 -c -d ${build_dir} -l ${next_level}
- # Circular deps must fail
- [ $? -eq 20 ] && return 20
- popd > /dev/null
- } && break 1 # found, go to next dep
- # if search pkgname in repo doesn't work
- # this should find pkgsplits
- _dir=$(find "$ABSROOT/${_repo}" -type f -name PKGBUILD -print0 | \
- "xargs" -0 -e grep -H -Ew grep $_dep >/dev/null 2>&1) && {
- pushd $(dirname $(echo $_dir | cut -d: -f1)) > /dev/null
- $0 -c -d ${build_dir} -l ${next_level}
- # Circular deps must fail
- [ $? -eq 20 ] && return 20
- popd > /dev/null
- } && break 1 # found, go to next dep
- done
- echo "dep_not_found:$_dep" >> $build_dir/log
- done
- unset next_level dir
- # unset PKGBUILD variables
- unset pkgname pkgver pkgrel epoch pkgdesc arch url license groups depends \
- makedepens checkdepends optdepends provides conflicts replaces backup \
- options install changelog source noextract md5sums build check package
-function _pkg_build () {
- pushd ${build_dir} > /dev/null
- # Exit loop on Ctrl+C
- trap "break" INT
- # Remove from queue package being built on error
- trap "remove_queue" EXIT INT QUIT TERM KILL
- build_packages=$(sort -gr $buildorder | cut -d: -f2)
- while [ ${#build_packages[@]} -ge 1 ]; do
- build_packages=$(sort -gr $buildorder | cut -d: -f2)
- pushd $build_dir/${build_packages[0]} > /dev/null
- unset build_packages
- source PKGBUILD
- msg2 "${pkgbase:-${pkgname[0]}} $pkgver-$pkgrel"
- if ! grep mips64el PKGBUILD >/dev/null; then
- plain "Adding mips64el arch"
- sed -i "s/^\(arch=([^)anym]\+\))/\1 'mips64el')/" "PKGBUILD"
- fi
- # Check if pkg is being built, if it's not let everybody know we're building this.
- check_queue || {
- echo "someone_is_building:$(basename $PWD)" >> $build_dir/log
- egrep -vwh "$(basename $PWD)" $buildorder > $buildorder.2
- continue
- }
- update_queue || {
- warning "Couldn't update the queue, let your partners know about this."
- }
- pkgbuild-check-nonfree || {
- if [ $? -eq 15 ]; then
- echo "nonfree:$(basename $PWD)" >> $build_dir/log
- egrep -vwh "$(basename $PWD)" $buildorder > $buildorder.2
- continue
- fi
- }
- case $r in
- 0) plain "The build was succesful."
- source .INFO && [ -n $repo ] && {
- librestage $repo || {
- echo "unstaged:$(basename $PWD)" >> $build_dir/log
- }
- }
- echo "built:$(basename $PWD)" >> $build_dir/log
- cleanup "$(basename $PWD)"
- ;;
- 1) error "There were errors while trying to build the package."
- echo "failed:$(basename $PWD)" >> $build_dir/log ;;
- 2) error "The build failed."
- echo "failed:$(basename $PWD)" >> $build_dir/log ;;
- esac
- egrep -vwh ${build_packages[0]} $buildorder > $buildorder.2
- mv $buildorder.2 $buildorder
- build_packages=$(sort -gr $buildorder | cut -d: -f2)
- popd > /dev/null
- done
- pkgs=$(cat $build_dir/log | grep "nonfree:") && {
- error "Those packages contain nonfree deps:"
- plain "$(echo ${pkgs[@]} | cut -d: -f2)"
- }
- pkgs=$(cat $build_dir/log | grep "built:") && {
- error "Those packages were built and installed:"
- plain "$(echo ${pkgs[@]} | cut -d: -f2)"
- msg "Uploading packages to the server"
- }
- pkgs=$(cat $build_dir/log | grep "failed:") && {
- error "Those packages failed to build:"
- plain "$(echo ${pkgs[@]} | cut -d: -f2)"
- }
- pkgs=$(cat $build_dir/log | grep "unstaged:") && {
- error "Those packages couldn't be staged because of missing reponame:"
- plain "$(cat $build_dir/log | grep "unstaged:" | cut -d: -f2)"
- }
- popd > /dev/null
-while getopts 'ha:bcCd:l:nm:r:' arg; do
- case $arg in
- h) usage; exit 0 ;;
- b) build_only='y' ;;
- c) check_deps_only='y' ;;
- C) do_cleanup='y';;
- # f) force_build+="-f pkgname " ;;
- d) build_dir="$OPTARG" ;;
- # hidden option to know what to build first.
- # if $level > 0 it will not build
- l) level=$OPTARG ;;
- n) noupdate='y';;
- m) max_level=$OPTARG ;;
- esac
-# Only on level 0
-[ $level -eq 0 ] && {
- # if build_dir exist use it, else make a build_dir
- build_dir=${build_dir:-$(mktemp -d /tmp/fullpkg.XXXXXX)}
- # set queue_file and ban_file
- mkdir -p $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/libretools
- queue_file=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/libretools/queue
- ban_file=$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/libretools/ban
- touch $build_dir/{log,BUILDORDER} $queue_file $ban_file
- buildorder=$build_dir/BUILDORDER
- [ $noupdate = 'n' ] && {
- msg "Updating pacman db and packages"
- sudo pacman -Syu --noconfirm
- }
- [ $do_cleanup == 'y' ] && {
- cleanup
- [ $build_only == 'y' ] && exit 0
- }
- # Build only
- [ $build_only == 'y' ] && {
- _pkg_build
- exit 0
- }
- msg "Checking dependencies"
-[ ! -r PKGBUILD ] && {
- error "This isn't a build directory"
- usage && exit 1
-## if $level = 20 there is highly likely there are circular deps
-[ $level -eq $max_level -o $level -gt $max_level ] && exit 20
-find_deps || {
- # if find_deps finds circular deps
- # it should exit with status 20
- [ $? -eq 20 ] && {
- # only show message on level 0
- [ $level -eq 0 ] && error "Check for circular deps on $build_dir/BUILDORDER";
- }
- exit 20
-# levels greater than 0 must only check deps
-[ $check_deps_only = 'y' -o $level -gt 0 ] && exit 0
-# check BUILDORDER to not include banned deps and
-[ $level -eq 0 -a -d $build_dir ] && {
- # Check for banned deps
- if [ -w $ban_file -a -r $ban_file ]; then
- chmod o+rw $ban_file || error "Ban file is not readable/writable ($ban_file)"
- else
- rsync -e ssh -aq $PARABOLAHOST:mips64el/ban >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
- warning "Failed to get ban list" && [ -r $ban_file ] && {
- # continue if download failed but local copy
- search=$(cat $ban_file | tr "\n" "|")
- echo ${@} | tr " " "\n" | egrep -w "$search" $buildorder >> $build_dir/banned
- echo ${@} | tr " " "\n" | egrep -vw "$search" $buildorder > $buildorder.2
- mv $buildorder.2 $buildorder
- unset search
- }
- }
- fi
-## START Building
-msg "Building packages:"
-[ ! -w $queue_file ] && error "can't write queue file"
-msg2 "Check if your system works fine and librerelease if it does"
-exit 0