diff options
authorLuke Shumaker <>2014-06-18 20:08:02 -0400
committerLuke Shumaker <>2014-06-18 20:08:02 -0400
commitcab7fb7288f6f3f02b80f6145dd5650b83f809fa (patch)
parent233ca94002550f20f593cae30503b7d075a7fce8 (diff)
Remove db-sync and friends. Simplify the config accordingly
5 files changed, 15 insertions, 359 deletions
diff --git a/any-to-ours b/any-to-ours
deleted file mode 100755
index 8a4e874..0000000
--- a/any-to-ours
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# Releases 'any' packages from Arch arches to ours
-trap_exit() {
- echo
- error "$@"
- exit 1
-source "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/config"
-source "$(librelib messages)"
-# From makepkg
-set -E
-trap 'trap_exit "$(gettext "TERM signal caught. Exiting...")"' TERM HUP QUIT
-trap 'trap_exit "$(gettext "Aborted by user! Exiting...")"' INT
-trap 'trap_exit "$(gettext "An unknown error has occurred. Exiting...")"' ERR
-# The architecture to compare with
-# Traverse all Arch repos
-for _repo in "${ARCHREPOS[@]}"; do
- msg "Processing %s..." "${_repo}"
- # Find 'any' packages
- # This is hardcoded but it could release other arches...
- PKGS=($(find "${FTP_BASE}/${_repo}/os/${BASEARCH}/" \
- -iname '*-any.pkg.tar.?z' \
- -printf "%f "))
- if [ ${#PKGS[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
- msg2 "No '%s' packages here" any
- continue
- fi
- for _arch in "${OURARCHES[@]}"; do
- msg2 "Syncing %s..." "${_arch}"
- # Sync 'any' only and extract the synced packages
- SYNCED=($(
- rsync -av \
- --include='*-any.pkg.tar.?z' \
- --include='*-any.pkg.tar.?z.sig' \
- --exclude='*' \
- "${FTP_BASE}/${_repo}/os/${BASEARCH}/" \
- "${FTP_BASE}/${_repo}/os/${_arch}/" 2>&1 | \
- grep 'any\.pkg\.tar\..z$' | \
- cut -d ' ' -f 1 ))
- if [ ${#SYNCED[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
- msg2 "Already synced (or error happened)"
- continue
- fi
- msg2 "Synced %d packages: %s" "${#SYNCED[@]}" "${SYNCED[*]}"
- msg2 "Adding to db..."
- pushd "${FTP_BASE}/${_repo}/os/${_arch}/" >/dev/null
- # Add the packages to the db
- repo-add "${_repo}${DBEXT}" "${SYNCED[@]}"
- popd >/dev/null
- # Avoid mixups
- done
diff --git a/config b/config
index e43c13d..87fbf2d 100644
--- a/config
+++ b/config
@@ -2,29 +2,26 @@
-# Repos from Arch
-ARCHREPOS=('core' 'testing' 'extra' 'community' 'multilib' 'multilib-testing')
-# Official Parabola repos
-OURREPOS=('libre' 'libre-testing' 'libre-multilib' 'libre-multilib-testing')
-# User repos
-USERREPOS=('~smv' '~xihh' '~brendan' '~lukeshu' '~emulatorman' '~aurelien' '~jorginho' '~coadde' '~drtan')
-# Community project repos
-PROJREPOS=('pcr' 'kernels' 'cross' 'java' 'nonprism')
-# Remote repos
+ # Arch
+ {core,extra,testing,staging}
+ {gnome,kde}-unstable
+ {community,multilib}{,-testing,-staging}
+ # Parabola
+ libre{,-testing}
+ libre-multilib{,-testing}
+ pcr kernels cross java nonprism
+ '~smv' '~xihh' '~brendan' '~lukeshu' '~emulatorman' '~aurelien' '~jorginho' '~coadde' '~drtan')
# Directories where packages are shared between repos
# *relative to FTP_BASE*
# Directories where sources are stored
@@ -43,16 +40,11 @@ LOCK_TIMEOUT=300
[ -n "${STAGING:-}" ] || STAGING="$HOME/staging/unknown/staging"
-ARCHARCHES=(i686 x86_64)
+ARCHES=(i686 x86_64 mips64el)
+# Used by cron-jobs/sourceballs2
-# parabolaweb root
diff --git a/db-check-nonfree b/db-check-nonfree
deleted file mode 100755
index 37b7cf6..0000000
--- a/db-check-nonfree
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-. "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/config"
-. "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/db-functions"
-if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
- error "Calling %s with a specific repository is not supported" "${0##*/}"
- exit 1
-# TODO: this might lock too much (architectures)
-for repo in "${repos[@]}"; do
- for pkgarch in "${ARCHES[@]}"; do
- repo_lock "${repo}" "${pkgarch}" || exit 1
- done
-msg "Check nonfree in repo:"
-nonfree=($(cut -d: -f1 "${BLACKLIST_FILE}" | sort -u))
-for repo in "${ARCHREPOS[@]}"; do
- for pkgarch in "${ARCHES[@]}"; do
- msg2 "%s %s" "$repo" "$pkgarch"
- if [ ! -f "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${pkgarch}/${repo}${DBEXT}" ]; then
- continue
- fi
- unset dbpkgs
- unset cleanpkgs
- cleanpkgs=()
- dbpkgs=($(bsdtar -xOf "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${pkgarch}/${repo}${DBEXT}" | awk '/^%NAME%/{getline;print}' | sort -u ))
- for pkgname in "${dbpkgs[@]}"; do
- if in_array "${pkgname}" "${nonfree[@]}"; then
- cleanpkgs+=("${pkgname}")
- fi
- done
- if [ ${#cleanpkgs[@]} -ge 1 ]; then
- msg2 "Nonfree: %s" "${cleanpkgs[*]}"
- arch_repo_remove "${repo}" "${pkgarch}" "${cleanpkgs[@]}"
- fi
- done
-for repo in "${repos[@]}"; do
- for pkgarch in "${ARCHES[@]}"; do
- repo_unlock "${repo}" "${pkgarch}"
- done
diff --git a/db-sync b/db-sync
deleted file mode 100755
index b26e917..0000000
--- a/db-sync
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-# Syncs Arch repos based on info contained in repo.db files
-# License: GPLv3
-# Principles
-# * Get repo.db from an Arch-like repo
-# * Generate a list of available packages
-# * Create sync whitelist (based on package blacklist)
-# * Get packages
-# * Check package signatures
-# * Check database signatures
-# * Sync repo => repo
-# * make a tarball of files used for forensics
-# Run as `V=true db-sync` to get verbose output
-${VERBOSE} && extra+=(-v)
-WORKDIR=$(mktemp -dt "${0##*/}.XXXXXXXXXX")
-trap "rm -rf -- $(printf '%q' "${WORKDIR}")" EXIT
-# Returns contents of a repo
-get_repos() {
- # Exclude everything but db files
- rsync "${extra[@]}" --no-motd -mrtlH --no-p --include="*/" \
- --include="*.db" \
- --include="*${DBEXT}" \
- --include="*.files" \
- --include="*${FILESEXT}" \
- --exclude="*" \
- --delete-after \
- "rsync://${mirror}/${mirrorpath}/" "$WORKDIR"
-get_repo_content() {
- # Return all contents
- bsdtar tf "${1}" | \
- cut -d "/" -f 1 | \
- sort -u
-# Prints blacklisted packages
-get_blacklist() {
- cut -d ':' -f 1 "${BLACKLIST_FILE}"
-# repo
-# arch
-get_repo_file() {
- echo "${WORKDIR}/${1}/os/${2}/${1}"
-# Process the databases and get the libre packages
-init() {
- # Get the blacklisted packages
- blacklist=($(get_blacklist))
- # Store all the whitelist files
- whitelists=()
- msg "%d packages in blacklist" ${#blacklist[@]}
- test ${#blacklist[@]} -eq 0 && fatal_error "Empty blacklist"
- # Sync the repos databases
- get_repos
- # Traverse all repo-arch pairs
- for _repo in "${ARCHREPOS[@]}"; do
- for _arch in "${ARCHARCHES[@]}"; do
- msg "Processing %s-%s" "${_repo}-${_arch}"
- db_file=$(get_repo_file "${_repo}" "${_arch}")${DBEXT}
- files_file=$(get_repo_file "${_repo}" "${_arch}")${FILESEXT}
- if [ ! -f "${db_file}" ]; then
- warning "%s doesn't exist, skipping this repo-arch" "${db_file}"
- continue
- fi
- if [ ! -f "${files_file}" ]; then
- warning "%s doesn't exist, skipping this repo-arch" "${files_file}"
- continue
- fi
- # Remove blacklisted packages and count them
- # TODO capture all removed packages for printing on debug mode
- msg2 "Removing blacklisted packages from %s database..." .db
- LC_ALL=C repo-remove "${db_file}" "${blacklist[@]}" \
- |& sed -n 's/-> Removing/ &/p'
- msg2 "Removing blacklisted packages from %s database..." .files
- LC_ALL=C repo-remove "${files_file}" "${blacklist[@]}" \
- |& sed -n 's/-> Removing/ &/p'
- # Get db contents
- db=($(get_repo_content "${db_file}"))
- msg2 "Process clean db for syncing..."
- # Create a whitelist, add * wildcard to end
- # TODO due to lack of -arch suffix, the pool sync retrieves every arch even if
- # we aren't syncing them
- # IMPORTANT: the . in the sed command is needed because an empty
- # whitelist would consist of a single * allowing any package to
- # pass through
- printf '%s\n' "${db[@]}" | sed "s|.$|&*|g" > "/tmp/${_repo}-${_arch}.whitelist"
- msg2 "%d packages in whitelist" "$(wc -l /tmp/${_repo}-${_arch}.whitelist | cut -d' ' -f1)"
- # Sync excluding everything but whitelist
- # We delete here for cleanup
- rsync "${extra[@]}" --no-motd -rtlH \
- --delete-after \
- --delete-excluded \
- --delay-updates \
- --include-from="/tmp/${_repo}-${_arch}.whitelist" \
- --exclude="*" \
- "rsync://${mirror}/${mirrorpath}/${_repo}/os/${_arch}/" \
- "${FTP_BASE}/${_repo}/os/${_arch}/"
- # Add a new whitelist
- whitelists+=(/tmp/${_repo}-${_arch}.whitelist)
- msg "Putting databases back in place"
- rsync "${extra[@]}" --no-motd -rtlH \
- --delay-updates \
- --safe-links \
- "${WORKDIR}/${_repo}/os/${_arch}/" \
- "${FTP_BASE}/${_repo}/os/${_arch}/"
- # Cleanup
- unset db
- done
- done
- msg "Syncing package pool"
- # Concatenate all whitelists, check for single *s just in case
- cat "${whitelists[@]}" | grep -v "^\*$" | sort -u > /tmp/any.whitelist
- msg2 "Retrieving %d packages from pool" "$(wc -l /tmp/any.whitelist | cut -d' ' -f1)"
- # Sync
- # *Don't delete-after*, this is the job of cleanup scripts. It will remove our
- # packages too
- local pkgpool
- for pkgpool in "${ARCHPKGPOOLS[@]}"; do
- rsync "${extra[@]}" --no-motd -rtlH \
- --delay-updates \
- --safe-links \
- --include-from=/tmp/any.whitelist \
- --exclude="*" \
- "rsync://${mirror}/${mirrorpath}/${pkgpool}/" \
- "${FTP_BASE}/${pkgpool}/"
- done
- # Sync sources
- msg "Syncing source pool"
- #sed "s|\.pkg\.tar\.|.src.tar.|" /tmp/any.whitelist > /tmp/any-src.whitelist
- #msg2 "Retrieving %d sources from pool" $(wc -l < /tmp/any-src.whitelist)
- # Sync
- # *Don't delete-after*, this is the job of cleanup scripts. It will remove our
- # packages too
- local srcpool
- for srcpool in "${ARCHSRCPOOLS[@]}"; do
- rsync "${extra[@]}" --no-motd -rtlH \
- --delay-updates \
- --safe-links \
- --include-from=/tmp/any.whitelist \
- --exclude="*" \
- "rsync://${mirror}/${mirrorpath}/${srcpool}/" \
- "${FTP_BASE}/${srcpool}/"
- done
- # Cleanup
- unset blacklist whitelists _arch _repo repo_file
-fatal_error() {
- local mesg=$1; shift
- error "$mesg" "$@"
- exit 1
-trap_exit() {
- local signal=$1; shift
- echo
- error "$@"
- trap -- "$signal"
- kill "-$signal" "$$"
-source "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/config"
-source "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/db-sync.conf"
-source "$(librelib messages)"
-# Check variables presence
- test -z "${!var}" && fatal_error "Empty %s" "${var}"
-# From makepkg
-set -E
-for signal in TERM HUP QUIT; do
- trap "trap_exit $signal '%s signal caught. Exiting...' $signal" "$signal"
-trap 'trap_exit INT "Aborted by user! Exiting..."' INT
-trap 'trap_exit USR1 "An unknown error has occurred. Exiting..."' ERR
diff --git a/db-sync.conf b/db-sync.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d6c709..0000000
--- a/db-sync.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@