path: root/pcr/openipmi/PKGBUILD
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pcr/openipmi/PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/pcr/openipmi/PKGBUILD b/pcr/openipmi/PKGBUILD
index 1dcb359ee..cced11d05 100644
--- a/pcr/openipmi/PKGBUILD
+++ b/pcr/openipmi/PKGBUILD
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ _pkgname2=${pkgname:4}
pkgdesc="Allow access to platform information using Intelligent Platform Management Interface (${_pkgname2^^})"
@@ -37,7 +37,128 @@ sha512sums=ee95eb64b7cde3f22c8444a5f8e3172808b0bb9a3a7034c1302c5f568c1cc0852a44c
prepare() {
cd $srcdir/$_pkgname-$pkgver
- sed -i '/on Linux/ s|Linux|GNU/Linux|' $(grep -rl Linux)
+ #mv configure.{in,ac}
+ #_automake=$(automake --version | grep automake | sed 's|automake (GNU automake) ||')
+ #sed -i "/am__api_version=/ s|1.11|${_automake::4}|;
+ # " $(grep -rl am__api_version=)
+ #sed -i "s|AC_INIT(README.Force)|AC_INIT(OpenIPMI, $pkgver|;
+ # "
+ # '
+ # fixing path
+ sed -i 's|bin/sh|usr/bin/bash|;
+ ' $(grep -rl bin/sh)
+ sed -i 's| /bin| /usr/bin|;
+ ' $(grep -rl ' /bin')
+ sed -i 's| /sbin| /usr/bin|;
+ ' $(grep -rl ' /sbin')
+ sed -i 's|usr/sbin|usr/bin|;
+ ' $(grep -rl usr/sbin)
+ #sed -i 's|/lib64|/lib|;
+ # ' $(grep -rl /lib64)
+ sed -i 's|usr/libexec|usr/lib|;
+ ' $(grep -rl usr/libexec)
+ sed -i 's|var/lock|run/lock|;
+ ' $(grep -rl var/lock)
+ #sed -i 's|var/run|run|;
+ # ' $(grep -rl var/run)
+ # remove Open Source term
+ sed -i 's|Open Source / ||;
+ s|open source / ||;
+ s|Open Source|Free Software|;
+ s|open source|free software|;
+ s|Free Software Development Lab|Open Source Development Lab|;
+ ' $(grep -ril 'open source')
+ #sed -i 's|OpenSource / ||;
+ # s|opensource / ||;
+ # s|OpenSource|FreeSoftware|;
+ # s|opensource|freesoftware|;
+ # s|||;
+ # s|||;
+ # s|||;
+ # s|||;
+ # ' $(grep -ril opensource)
+ # remove Linux term
+ sed -i 's|Linux,|GNU/Linux,|;
+ s|Linux and|GNU/Linux and|;
+ s|Linux distro|GNU/Linux distro|;
+ s|Linux distribution|GNU/Linux distribution|;
+ s|Linux machine|GNU/Linux machine|;
+ s|Linux Only|GNU/Linux Only|;
+ s|Linux only|GNU/Linux only|;
+ s|Linux operating|GNU/Linux operating|;
+ s|Linux OS|GNU/Linux OS|;
+ s|Linux platform|GNU/Linux platform|;
+ s|Linux software|GNU/Linux software|;
+ s|Linux specific|GNU/Linux specific|;
+ s|Linux system|GNU/Linux system|;
+ s|Linux will|GNU/Linux will|;
+ s|# Linux$|# GNU/Linux|;
+ s|# Linux.$|# GNU/Linux.|;
+ s|* Linux$|* GNU/Linux|;
+ s|* Linux.$|* GNU/Linux.|;
+ s|// Linux$|// GNU/Linux|;
+ s|// Linux.$|// GNU/Linux.|;
+ s|, Linux|, GNU/Linux|;
+ s|As Linux|As GNU/Linux|;
+ s|as Linux|as GNU/Linux|;
+ s|And Linux|And GNU/Linux|;
+ s|and Linux|and GNU/Linux|;
+ s|Be Linux|Be GNU/Linux|;
+ s|be Linux|be GNU/Linux|;
+ s|Because Linux|Because GNU/Linux|;
+ s|because Linux|because GNU/Linux|;
+ s|e.g. Linux|e.g. GNU/Linux|;
+ s|For Linux|For GNU/Linux|;
+ s|for Linux|for GNU/Linux|;
+ s|In Linux|In GNU/Linux|;
+ s|in Linux|in GNU/Linux|;
+ s|Like Linux|Like GNU/Linux|;
+ s|like Linux|like GNU/Linux|;
+ s|non-Linux|non GNU/Linux|;
+ s|Of Linux|Of GNU/Linux|;
+ s|of Linux|of GNU/Linux|;
+ s|On Linux|On GNU/Linux|;
+ s|on Linux|on GNU/Linux|;
+ s|OS type: Linux|OS type: GNU/Linux|;
+ s|Other Linux|Other GNU/Linux|;
+ s|other Linux|other GNU/Linux|;
+ s|The Linux|The GNU/Linux|;
+ s|the Linux|the GNU/Linux|;
+ s|Typically Linux|Typically GNU/Linux|;
+ s|typically Linux|typically GNU/Linux|;
+ s|To Linux|To GNU/Linux|;
+ s|to Linux|to GNU/Linux|;
+ s|Under Linux|Under GNU/Linux|;
+ s|under Linux|under GNU/Linux|;
+ s|ArchGNU/Linux|ArchLinux|;
+ s|e2fsprogs, typically GNU/Linux|e2fsprogs, typically Linux|;
+ s|GNU/Linux device|Linux device|;
+ s|GNU/Linux Director Daemon|Linux Director Daemon|;
+ s|GNU/Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds|Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds|;
+ s|GNU/Linux kernel|Linux kernel|;
+ s|GNU/Linux specific kernel|Linux specific kernel|;
+ s|GNU/Linux Standard Base|Linux Standard Base|;
+ s|GNU/Linux sysfs|Linux sysfs|;
+ s|GNU/Linux Virtual Server|Linux Virtual Server|;
+ s|GNU/Linux Watchdog|Linux Watchdog|;
+ s|GNU/Linux watchdog|Linux watchdog|;
+ s|GNU/LinuxHA|LinuxHA|;
+ s|GNU/Linux-HA|Linux-HA|;
+ s|GNU/LinuxSCSI|LinuxSCSI|;
+ s|HA GNU/Linux|HA Linux|;
+ s|High-Availability GNU/Linux|High-Availability Linux|;
+ s|MkGNU/Linux|MkLinux|;
+ s|SEGNU/Linux|SELinux|;
+ s|VA GNU/Linux Cluster|VA Linux Cluster|;
+ ' $(grep -rl Linux)
build() {