path: root/nonprism/openshot
diff options
authorAndré Fabian Silva Delgado <>2014-09-04 01:57:36 -0300
committerAndré Fabian Silva Delgado <>2014-09-04 01:57:36 -0300
commit0be822175bb3cef0534b9a0597e84ae1ee6374ec (patch)
treec9a4fb91c61309280fd8201c7cb52789ce02a7c6 /nonprism/openshot
parent468e115b1432c745ce9ccf06d2fcca6b3cfb7227 (diff)
remove nonprism suffix and add complex pkgrel on nonprism packages
Diffstat (limited to 'nonprism/openshot')
3 files changed, 1301 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nonprism/openshot/PKGBUILD b/nonprism/openshot/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8beac5ee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nonprism/openshot/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 97284 2013-09-16 08:04:43Z bluewind $
+# Maintainer (Arch): Sergej Pupykin <>
+# Contributor (Arch): Asa Marco <marcoasa90[at]gmail[.]com>
+# Maintainer: André Silva <>
+pkgdesc="a free, non-linear video editor for GNU/Linux based on MLT framework, without nonfree faac recommendation and Youtube uploader support"
+depends=('mlt-python-bindings' 'pygoocanvas' 'sdl' 'librsvg' 'mplayer'
+ 'pyxdg' 'pygtk' 'python2-httplib2' 'python2-pillow')
+optdepends=('dvgrab: for IEEE digital sources'
+ 'libquicktime' 'libavc1394' 'jack' 'jack-rack' 'ladspa')
+replaces=("${pkgname}-libre" "${pkgname}-parabola" "${pkgname}-libre-nonprism" "${pkgname}-nonprism")
+conflicts=("${pkgname}-libre" "${pkgname}-parabola" "${pkgname}-libre-nonprism" "${pkgname}-nonprism")
+ nonprism.patch)
+ '0b8ade6f6332d1ef9c6c153647953df7')
+prepare() {
+ cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver
+ patch -Np1 -i $srcdir/nonprism.patch
+package() {
+ cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver
+ python2 install --root=$pkgdir/ --optimize=1
diff --git a/nonprism/openshot/nonprism.patch b/nonprism/openshot/nonprism.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0028f7013
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nonprism/openshot/nonprism.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1257 @@
+diff -Nur openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/C/openshot.xml openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/C/openshot.xml
+--- openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/C/openshot.xml 2012-10-01 04:53:22.000000000 -0300
++++ openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/C/openshot.xml 2014-04-20 02:08:55.200417436 -0300
+@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ <para/></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_8"><title>Step 5 – Export your Video</title>
+- <para>Once you are happy with your photo slide-show video, the next step is to export your video.  This will convert your OpenShot project into a single video file, which should work on any Linux media player (such as Totem, VLC, etc...) or websites (such as YouTube, Vimeo, etc...).</para>
++ <para>Once you are happy with your photo slide-show video, the next step is to export your video.  This will convert your OpenShot project into a single video file, which should work on any Linux media player (such as Totem, VLC, etc...) or websites (such as Vimeo, etc...).</para>
+ <para>Click on the <guibutton>Export Video</guibutton> icon at the top of the screen (or use the <guimenuitem>File</guimenuitem> &gt; <guimenuitem>Export Video...</guimenuitem> menu).  Choose from one of the many preset export options, and click the <guibutton>Export Video button</guibutton>.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -927,7 +927,7 @@
+ <para>CTRL + U</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+- <para>Upload current project as a video file to YouTube or Vimeo</para>
++ <para>Upload current project as a video file to Vimeo</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+@@ -3985,7 +3985,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject><sect3 id="sect3_12"><title>Upload to Web</title>
+- <para>Choose the <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton> option at the top of this screen to choose between YouTube and Vimeo.  These are two very common video sharing websites.  This will automatically set the export settings that are compatible with the selected video website, and launch the <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> screen once the video file has been created.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Advanced Mode</title>
++ <para>Choose the <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton> option at the top of this screen to choose Vimeo.  These are two very common video sharing websites.  This will automatically set the export settings that are compatible with the selected video website, and launch the <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> screen once the video file has been created.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Advanced Mode</title>
+ <para>The advanced options should only be used by someone familiar with FFmpeg, since it is so easy to create invalid combinations of codecs, formats, and bit-rate settings.  However, if you are familiar with these settings, any FFmpeg supported format/codec/bit-rate can be used, which opens up dozens and dozens of additional formats that can be used during the export process.  You can also export your video as an image sequence, which can be useful if you intend to import this video into a program that requires image sequences, such as Blender.</para>
+ <para>Also, if you first select values for the <guibutton>Simple Mode</guibutton>, and then switch to the <guibutton>Advanced Mode</guibutton>, it will preselect all of the Simple Mode settings.</para>
+ <para/>
+@@ -3995,7 +3995,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject></sect2></sect1><sect1 id="sect1_25"><title>Upload Video</title>
+- <para>If you would like to directly upload a video to YouTube or Vimeo, choose <guimenu>File</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Upload Video</guimenuitem>.  Also, on the <guimenuitem>Export Video</guimenuitem> screen, you can choose <guimenuitem>Upload to Web</guimenuitem>, which will first export your project to the correct video format, and then display the upload screen.</para>
++ <para>If you would like to directly upload a video to Vimeo, choose <guimenu>File</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Upload Video</guimenuitem>.  Also, on the <guimenuitem>Export Video</guimenuitem> screen, you can choose <guimenuitem>Upload to Web</guimenuitem>, which will first export your project to the correct video format, and then display the upload screen.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -4019,17 +4019,6 @@
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+- <entry>
+- <para>1</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Video File</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Choose a video file to upload to YouTube.  Be sure it's a compatible format with YouTube first, or it might not work correctly.  If you first use the <guimenu>Export Video</guimenu> screen, you can choose <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton>, which automatically chooses a compatible format, and fills in this box for you.</para>
+- </entry>
+- </row>
+- <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>2</para>
+ </entry>
+diff -Nur openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/cs/openshot.xml openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/cs/openshot.xml
+--- openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/cs/openshot.xml 2012-10-01 04:53:25.000000000 -0300
++++ openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/cs/openshot.xml 2014-04-20 02:09:38.920744917 -0300
+@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ <para/></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_8"><title>Krok 5 - Export videa</title>
+- <para>Když jste spokojení s videem prezentace, je dalším krokem export videa. To převede váš projekt do jednoho video souboru, který by měl fungovat v kterémkoliv linuxovém přehrávači (jako jsou Totem, VLC atd.) nebo na webových stránkách (jako jsou YouTube, Vimeo atd.).</para>
++ <para>Když jste spokojení s videem prezentace, je dalším krokem export videa. To převede váš projekt do jednoho video souboru, který by měl fungovat v kterémkoliv linuxovém přehrávači (jako jsou Totem, VLC atd.) nebo na webových stránkách (jako jsou Vimeo atd.).</para>
+ <para>Klikněte na ikonu <guibutton>Exportovat video</guibutton> nahoře (nebo použijte nabídku (<guimenuitem>Soubor</guimenuitem> &gt; <guimenuitem>Exportovat video...</guimenuitem>). Vyberte jeden z mnoha přednastavených voleb exportu a klikněte na tlačítko <guibutton>Exportovat video</guibutton>.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@
+ <para>CTRL + U</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+- <para>Upload current project as a video file to YouTube or Vimeo</para>
++ <para>Upload current project as a video file to Vimeo</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+@@ -3969,7 +3969,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject><sect3 id="sect3_12"><title>Nahrát na web</title>
+- <para>Choose the <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton> option at the top of this screen to choose between YouTube and Vimeo.  These are two very common video sharing websites.  This will automatically set the export settings that are compatible with the selected video website, and launch the <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> screen once the video file has been created.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Advanced Mode</title>
++ <para>Choose the <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton> option at the top of this screen to choose Vimeo.  These are two very common video sharing websites.  This will automatically set the export settings that are compatible with the selected video website, and launch the <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> screen once the video file has been created.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Advanced Mode</title>
+ <para>The advanced options should only be used by someone familiar with FFmpeg, since it is so easy to create invalid combinations of codecs, formats, and bit-rate settings.  However, if you are familiar with these settings, any FFmpeg supported format/codec/bit-rate can be used, which opens up dozens and dozens of additional formats that can be used during the export process.  You can also export your video as an image sequence, which can be useful if you intend to import this video into a program that requires image sequences, such as Blender.</para>
+ <para>Also, if you first select values for the <guibutton>Simple Mode</guibutton>, and then switch to the <guibutton>Advanced Mode</guibutton>, it will preselect all of the Simple Mode settings.</para>
+ <para/>
+@@ -3979,7 +3979,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject></sect2></sect1><sect1 id="sect1_25"><title>Nahrát video</title>
+- <para>If you would like to directly upload a video to YouTube or Vimeo, choose <guimenu>File</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Upload Video</guimenuitem>.  Also, on the <guimenuitem>Export Video</guimenuitem> screen, you can choose <guimenuitem>Upload to Web</guimenuitem>, which will first export your project to the correct video format, and then display the upload screen.</para>
++ <para>If you would like to directly upload a video to Vimeo, choose <guimenu>File</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Upload Video</guimenuitem>.  Also, on the <guimenuitem>Export Video</guimenuitem> screen, you can choose <guimenuitem>Upload to Web</guimenuitem>, which will first export your project to the correct video format, and then display the upload screen.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -4003,17 +4003,6 @@
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+- <entry>
+- <para>1</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Video File</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Choose a video file to upload to YouTube.  Be sure it's a compatible format with YouTube first, or it might not work correctly.  If you first use the <guimenu>Export Video</guimenu> screen, you can choose <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton>, which automatically chooses a compatible format, and fills in this box for you.</para>
+- </entry>
+- </row>
+- <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>2</para>
+ </entry>
+diff -Nur openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/da/openshot.xml openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/da/openshot.xml
+--- openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/da/openshot.xml 2012-10-01 04:53:27.000000000 -0300
++++ openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/da/openshot.xml 2014-04-20 02:12:07.785194708 -0300
+@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ <para/></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_8"><title>Trin 5 - Eksporter din video</title>
+- <para>Once you are happy with your photo slide-show video, the next step is to export your video.  This will convert your OpenShot project into a single video file, which should work on any Linux media player (such as Totem, VLC, etc...) or websites (such as YouTube, Vimeo, etc...).</para>
++ <para>Once you are happy with your photo slide-show video, the next step is to export your video.  This will convert your OpenShot project into a single video file, which should work on any Linux media player (such as Totem, VLC, etc...) or websites (such as Vimeo, etc...).</para>
+ <para>Click on the <guibutton>Export Video</guibutton> icon at the top of the screen (or use the <guimenuitem>File</guimenuitem> &gt; <guimenuitem>Export Video...</guimenuitem> menu).  Choose from one of the many preset export options, and click the <guibutton>Export Video button</guibutton>.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -926,7 +926,7 @@
+ <para>CTRL + U</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+- <para>Upload current project as a video file to YouTube or Vimeo</para>
++ <para>Upload current project as a video file to Vimeo</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+@@ -3984,7 +3984,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject><sect3 id="sect3_12"><title>Upload til Web</title>
+- <para>Choose the <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton> option at the top of this screen to choose between YouTube and Vimeo.  These are two very common video sharing websites.  This will automatically set the export settings that are compatible with the selected video website, and launch the <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> screen once the video file has been created.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Advanced Mode</title>
++ <para>Choose the <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton> option at the top of this screen to choose Vimeo.  These are two very common video sharing websites.  This will automatically set the export settings that are compatible with the selected video website, and launch the <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> screen once the video file has been created.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Advanced Mode</title>
+ <para>The advanced options should only be used by someone familiar with FFmpeg, since it is so easy to create invalid combinations of codecs, formats, and bit-rate settings.  However, if you are familiar with these settings, any FFmpeg supported format/codec/bit-rate can be used, which opens up dozens and dozens of additional formats that can be used during the export process.  You can also export your video as an image sequence, which can be useful if you intend to import this video into a program that requires image sequences, such as Blender.</para>
+ <para>Also, if you first select values for the <guibutton>Simple Mode</guibutton>, and then switch to the <guibutton>Advanced Mode</guibutton>, it will preselect all of the Simple Mode settings.</para>
+ <para/>
+@@ -3994,7 +3994,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject></sect2></sect1><sect1 id="sect1_25"><title>Upload video</title>
+- <para>If you would like to directly upload a video to YouTube or Vimeo, choose <guimenu>File</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Upload Video</guimenuitem>.  Also, on the <guimenuitem>Export Video</guimenuitem> screen, you can choose <guimenuitem>Upload to Web</guimenuitem>, which will first export your project to the correct video format, and then display the upload screen.</para>
++ <para>If you would like to directly upload a video to Vimeo, choose <guimenu>File</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Upload Video</guimenuitem>.  Also, on the <guimenuitem>Export Video</guimenuitem> screen, you can choose <guimenuitem>Upload to Web</guimenuitem>, which will first export your project to the correct video format, and then display the upload screen.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -4018,17 +4018,6 @@
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+- <entry>
+- <para>1</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Video File</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Choose a video file to upload to YouTube.  Be sure it's a compatible format with YouTube first, or it might not work correctly.  If you first use the <guimenu>Export Video</guimenu> screen, you can choose <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton>, which automatically chooses a compatible format, and fills in this box for you.</para>
+- </entry>
+- </row>
+- <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>2</para>
+ </entry>
+diff -Nur openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/de/openshot.xml openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/de/openshot.xml
+--- openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/de/openshot.xml 2012-10-01 04:53:29.000000000 -0300
++++ openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/de/openshot.xml 2014-04-20 02:12:22.628639484 -0300
+@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
+ </mediaobject>
+ <para/></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_8"><title>Schritt 5 - Den fertigen Film exportieren</title>
+ <para>Wenn Sie mit der Diashow zufrieden sind, wollen wir den Film exportieren.
+- Dieser Vorgang erzeugt aus Ihrem OpenShot-Projekt eine einzelne Video-Datei, die von den meisten Abspielprogrammen (wie Totem, VLC usw.) und Websites (z.B. Youtube, Vimeo u.a.) richtig gelesen werden kann.</para>
++ Dieser Vorgang erzeugt aus Ihrem OpenShot-Projekt eine einzelne Video-Datei, die von den meisten Abspielprogrammen (wie Totem, VLC usw.) und Websites (z.B. Vimeo u.a.) richtig gelesen werden kann.</para>
+ <para>Wählen Sie das <guibutton>Video exportieren</guibutton>Symbol am oberen Bildschirmrand (oder klicken Sie auf <guimenuitem>Datei</guimenuitem> &gt; <guimenuitem>Video exportieren...</guimenuitem>).
+  Wählen Sie eine der Export-Voreinstellungen und klicken Sie auf <guibutton>Video exportieren</guibutton>.</para>
+ <para/>
+@@ -938,7 +938,7 @@
+ <para>STRG + U</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+- <para>Aktuelles Projekt als Videodatei zu YouTube oder Vimeo hochladen</para>
++ <para>Aktuelles Projekt als Videodatei zu Vimeo hochladen</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+@@ -3978,7 +3978,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject><sect3 id="sect3_12"><title>Ins Web hochladen</title>
+- <para>Choose the <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton> option at the top of this screen to choose between YouTube and Vimeo.  These are two very common video sharing websites.  This will automatically set the export settings that are compatible with the selected video website, and launch the <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> screen once the video file has been created.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Advanced Mode</title>
++ <para>Choose the <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton> option at the top of this screen to choose Vimeo.  These are two very common video sharing websites.  This will automatically set the export settings that are compatible with the selected video website, and launch the <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> screen once the video file has been created.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Advanced Mode</title>
+ <para>Die erweiterten Optionen sollten nur von Leuten die FFmpeg vertraut sind benutzt werden, da es sehr einfach ist ungültige Kombinationen der Einstellung von Codec, Format und Bitrate vorzunehmen. Sind sie jedoch mit diesen Einstellungen vertraut können alle unterstützten Formate/Codec/Bitraten verwendet werden, was duzende zusätzlicher Formate eröffnet die während des Exportvorgangs benutzt werden können. Sie können Ihr Video auch als Bildsequenz exportieren, was hilfreich sein kann wenn Sie vorhaben dieses Video in ein Programm zu importieren das Bildsequenzen benötigt, wie z.B. Blender.</para>
+ <para>Also, if you first select values for the <guibutton>Simple Mode</guibutton>, and then switch to the <guibutton>Advanced Mode</guibutton>, it will preselect all of the Simple Mode settings.</para>
+ <para/>
+@@ -3988,7 +3988,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject></sect2></sect1><sect1 id="sect1_25"><title>Video hochladen</title>
+- <para>If you would like to directly upload a video to YouTube or Vimeo, choose <guimenu>File</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Upload Video</guimenuitem>.  Also, on the <guimenuitem>Export Video</guimenuitem> screen, you can choose <guimenuitem>Upload to Web</guimenuitem>, which will first export your project to the correct video format, and then display the upload screen.</para>
++ <para>If you would like to directly upload a video to Vimeo, choose <guimenu>File</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Upload Video</guimenuitem>.  Also, on the <guimenuitem>Export Video</guimenuitem> screen, you can choose <guimenuitem>Upload to Web</guimenuitem>, which will first export your project to the correct video format, and then display the upload screen.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -4012,17 +4012,6 @@
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+- <entry>
+- <para>1</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Video File</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Choose a video file to upload to YouTube.  Be sure it's a compatible format with YouTube first, or it might not work correctly.  If you first use the <guimenu>Export Video</guimenu> screen, you can choose <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton>, which automatically chooses a compatible format, and fills in this box for you.</para>
+- </entry>
+- </row>
+- <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>2</para>
+ </entry>
+diff -Nur openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/el/openshot.xml openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/el/openshot.xml
+--- openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/el/openshot.xml 2012-10-01 04:53:31.000000000 -0300
++++ openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/el/openshot.xml 2014-04-20 02:12:42.675456689 -0300
+@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ <para/></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_8"><title>Βήμα 5 - Εξαγωγή βίντεο</title>
+- <para>Μόλις είστε ευχαριστημένοι με την εργασία σας, το επόμενο βήμα είναι να εξάγετε το βίντεο σας.   Το OpenShot θα μετατρέψει το έργο σας σε ένα ενιαίο αρχείο βίντεο, το οποίο πρέπει να λειτουργεί σε κάθε αναπαραγωγέα (όπως το Totem, VLC, κ.λπ. ..) ή δικτυακούς τόπους (όπως το YouTube, Vimeo, κ.λπ. ..).</para>
++ <para>Μόλις είστε ευχαριστημένοι με την εργασία σας, το επόμενο βήμα είναι να εξάγετε το βίντεο σας.   Το OpenShot θα μετατρέψει το έργο σας σε ένα ενιαίο αρχείο βίντεο, το οποίο πρέπει να λειτουργεί σε κάθε αναπαραγωγέα (όπως το Totem, VLC, κ.λπ. ..) ή δικτυακούς τόπους (όπως το Vimeo, κ.λπ. ..).</para>
+ <para>Κάντε κλικ στο εικονίδιο <guibutton> Εξαγωγή βίντεο guibutton&gt; guimenuitem&gt;&gt; guimenuitem&gt; guibutton&gt;.</guibutton></para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@
+ <para>CTRL + U</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+- <para>Αποστολή του τρέχοντος έργου σαν αρχείο βίντεο στο YouTube ή στο Vimeo</para>
++ <para>Αποστολή του τρέχοντος έργου σαν αρχείο βίντεο στο Vimeo</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+@@ -3928,7 +3928,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject><sect3 id="sect3_12"><title>Αποστολή στον Ιστό</title>
+- <para>Επιλέξτε <guibutton>Αποστολή στον Ιστό</guibutton> από την κορυφή αυτής της οθόνης για να επιλέξετε μεταξύ YouTube και Vimeo.  Είναι δύο πολύ συνηθισμένες ιστοσελίδες διαμοιρασμού βίντεο.  Θα επιλεγούν αυτόματα οι ρυθμίσεις εξαγωγής βίντεο που είναι συμβατές με την ιστοσελίδα, και θα εμφανιστεί η οθόνη <guibutton>Αποστολή Βίντεο</guibutton> μόλις το βίντεο ετοιμαστεί.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Προχωρημένη Λειτουργία</title>
++ <para>Επιλέξτε <guibutton>Αποστολή στον Ιστό</guibutton> από την κορυφή αυτής της οθόνης για να επιλέξετε Vimeo.  Είναι δύο πολύ συνηθισμένες ιστοσελίδες διαμοιρασμού βίντεο.  Θα επιλεγούν αυτόματα οι ρυθμίσεις εξαγωγής βίντεο που είναι συμβατές με την ιστοσελίδα, και θα εμφανιστεί η οθόνη <guibutton>Αποστολή Βίντεο</guibutton> μόλις το βίντεο ετοιμαστεί.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Προχωρημένη Λειτουργία</title>
+ <para>Οι προηγμένες επιλογές θα πρέπει να χρησιμοποιούνται μόνο από κάποιον που γνωρίζει το FFmpeg, δεδομένου ότι είναι τόσο εύκολο να δημιουργηθούν άκυροι συνδυασμοί κωδικοποιητών, μορφών και ρυθμίσεων ταχύτητας.   Ωστόσο, εάν είστε εξοικειωμένοι με αυτές τις ρυθμίσεις, οποιαδήποτε υποστηριζόμενη μορφή FFmpeg μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί, η οποία ανοίγει δεκάδες πρόσθετες μορφές που μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθoύν κατά τη διαδικασία εξαγωγής.   Μπορείτε επίσης να εξαγάγετε το βίντεό σας ως μία ακολουθία εικόνας, το οποίο μπορεί να είναι χρήσιμο αν σκοπεύετε να εισαγάγετε αυτό το βίντεο σε ένα πρόγραμμα που απαιτεί ακολουθίες εικόνων, όπως το Blender.</para>
+ <para>Επίσης, αν έχετε πρώτα επιλέξει τιμές για την <guibutton>Απλή Λειτουργία guibutton&gt;, guibutton&gt;, </guibutton></para>
+ <para/>
+@@ -3938,7 +3938,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject></sect2></sect1><sect1 id="sect1_25"><title>Αποστολή βίντεο</title>
+- <para>Εάν θέλετε να στείλετε ένα βίντεο απευθείας στο YouTube ή στο Vimeo, επιλέξτε <guimenu>Αρχείο</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Αποστολή Βίντεο</guimenuitem>.  Επίσης, στην οθόνη <guimenuitem>Εξαγωγή Βίντεο</guimenuitem>, μπορείτε να επιλέξετε <guimenuitem>Αποστολή στον Ιστό</guimenuitem>, που πρώτα θα εξάγει το έργο σας στην σωστή μορφή, και μετά θα εμφανίσει την οθόνη αποστολής.</para>
++ <para>Εάν θέλετε να στείλετε ένα βίντεο απευθείας στο Vimeo, επιλέξτε <guimenu>Αρχείο</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Αποστολή Βίντεο</guimenuitem>.  Επίσης, στην οθόνη <guimenuitem>Εξαγωγή Βίντεο</guimenuitem>, μπορείτε να επιλέξετε <guimenuitem>Αποστολή στον Ιστό</guimenuitem>, που πρώτα θα εξάγει το έργο σας στην σωστή μορφή, και μετά θα εμφανίσει την οθόνη αποστολής.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -3962,17 +3962,6 @@
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+- <entry>
+- <para>1</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Αρχείο βίντεο</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Επιλέξτε ένα αρχείο για αποστολή στο YouTube.  Σιγουρευτείτε πρώτα πως είναι συμβατή μορφή με το YouTube, διαφορετικά (ίσως) δεν θα λειτουργήσει σωστά.  Εάν χρησιμοποιήσετε πρώτα την οθόνη <guimenu>Εξαγωγή Βίντεο</guimenu>, μπορείτε να επιλέξετε <guibutton>Αποστολή στον Ιστό</guibutton>, που θα επιλέξει αυτόματα μία συμβατή μορφή, και θα συμπληρώσει τα "κουτάκια" για εσάς.</para>
+- </entry>
+- </row>
+- <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>2</para>
+ </entry>
+diff -Nur openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/en_GB/openshot.xml openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/en_GB/openshot.xml
+--- openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/en_GB/openshot.xml 2012-10-01 04:53:33.000000000 -0300
++++ openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/en_GB/openshot.xml 2014-04-20 02:09:15.273901103 -0300
+@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ <para/></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_8"><title>Step 5 – Export your Video</title>
+- <para>Once you are happy with your photo slide-show video, the next step is to export your video.  This will convert your OpenShot project into a single video file, which should work on any Linux media player (such as Totem, VLC, etc...) or websites (such as YouTube, Vimeo, etc...).</para>
++ <para>Once you are happy with your photo slide-show video, the next step is to export your video.  This will convert your OpenShot project into a single video file, which should work on any Linux media player (such as Totem, VLC, etc...) or websites (such as Vimeo, etc...).</para>
+ <para>Click on the <guibutton>Export Video</guibutton> icon at the top of the screen (or use the <guimenuitem>File</guimenuitem> &gt; <guimenuitem>Export Video...</guimenuitem> menu).  Choose from one of the many preset export options, and click the <guibutton>Export Video button</guibutton>.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@
+ <para>CTRL + U</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+- <para>Upload current project as a video file to YouTube or Vimeo</para>
++ <para>Upload current project as a video file to Vimeo</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+@@ -3928,7 +3928,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject><sect3 id="sect3_12"><title>Upload to Web</title>
+- <para>Choose the <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton> option at the top of this screen to choose between YouTube and Vimeo.  These are two very common video sharing websites.  This will automatically set the export settings that are compatible with the selected video website, and launch the <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> screen once the video file has been created.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Advanced Mode</title>
++ <para>Choose the <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton> option at the top of this screen to choose Vimeo.  These are two very common video sharing websites.  This will automatically set the export settings that are compatible with the selected video website, and launch the <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> screen once the video file has been created.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Advanced Mode</title>
+ <para>The advanced options should only be used by someone familiar with FFmpeg, since it is so easy to create invalid combinations of codecs, formats, and bit-rate settings.  However, if you are familiar with these settings, any FFmpeg supported format/codec/bit-rate can be used, which opens up dozens and dozens of additional formats that can be used during the export process.  You can also export your video as an image sequence, which can be useful if you intend to import this video into a program that requires image sequences, such as Blender.</para>
+ <para>Also, if you first select values for the <guibutton>Simple Mode</guibutton>, and then switch to the <guibutton>Advanced Mode</guibutton>, it will preselect all of the Simple Mode settings.</para>
+ <para/>
+@@ -3938,7 +3938,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject></sect2></sect1><sect1 id="sect1_25"><title>Upload Video</title>
+- <para>If you would like to directly upload a video to YouTube or Vimeo, choose <guimenu>File</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Upload Video</guimenuitem>.  Also, on the <guimenuitem>Export Video</guimenuitem> screen, you can choose <guimenuitem>Upload to Web</guimenuitem>, which will first export your project to the correct video format, and then display the upload screen.</para>
++ <para>If you would like to directly upload a video to Vimeo, choose <guimenu>File</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Upload Video</guimenuitem>.  Also, on the <guimenuitem>Export Video</guimenuitem> screen, you can choose <guimenuitem>Upload to Web</guimenuitem>, which will first export your project to the correct video format, and then display the upload screen.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -3962,17 +3962,6 @@
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+- <entry>
+- <para>1</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Video File</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Choose a video file to upload to YouTube.  Be sure it's a compatible format with YouTube first, or it might not work correctly.  If you first use the <guimenu>Export Video</guimenu> screen, you can choose <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton>, which automatically chooses a compatible format, and fills in this box for you.</para>
+- </entry>
+- </row>
+- <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>2</para>
+ </entry>
+diff -Nur openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/es/openshot.xml openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/es/openshot.xml
+--- openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/es/openshot.xml 2012-10-01 04:53:36.000000000 -0300
++++ openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/es/openshot.xml 2014-04-20 02:07:46.399902484 -0300
+@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ <para/></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_8"><title>Paso 5 - Exporte su vídeo</title>
+- <para>Cuando esté satisfecho con el resultado de su pase de diapositivas, el siguiente paso será exportar su vídeo. Esto convertirá su proyecto de OpenShot en un archivo de vídeo que podría reproducirse en cualquier reproductor multimedia de Linux (como Totem, VLC, etc...) o sitios web (como YouTube, Vimeo, etc...).</para>
++ <para>Cuando esté satisfecho con el resultado de su pase de diapositivas, el siguiente paso será exportar su vídeo. Esto convertirá su proyecto de OpenShot en un archivo de vídeo que podría reproducirse en cualquier reproductor multimedia de Linux (como Totem, VLC, etc...) o sitios web (como Vimeo, etc...).</para>
+ <para>Presione sobre el icono <guibutton>Exportar Vídeo</guibutton> en la parte superior de la pantalla (o utilice el menú <guimenuitem>Archivo</guimenuitem> &gt; <guimenuitem>Exportar vídeo...</guimenuitem>). Elija una de las muchas opciones de exportación preconfiguradas, y haga clic en el botón <guibutton>Exportar Vídeo</guibutton>.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@
+ <para>Control+U</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+- <para>Subir el proyecto actual como archivo de vídeo a Youtube o Vimeo</para>
++ <para>Subir el proyecto actual como archivo de vídeo a Vimeo</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+@@ -3929,7 +3929,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject><sect3 id="sect3_12"><title>Subir a la web</title>
+- <para>Elige la opción de <guibutton>Subir a Web</guibutton> en la parte superior de esta pantalla para escoger entre Youtube y Vimeo.  Estos son dos sitios muy comunes para compartir vídeos.  Esto definirá automáticamente la configuración de exportación para que sea compatible con la web seleccionada y lanzará la pantalla de <guibutton>Subir Vídeo</guibutton> una vez el vídeo haya sido creado.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Modo avanzado</title>
++ <para>Elige la opción de <guibutton>Subir a Web</guibutton> en la parte superior de esta pantalla para escoger Vimeo.  Estos son dos sitios muy comunes para compartir vídeos.  Esto definirá automáticamente la configuración de exportación para que sea compatible con la web seleccionada y lanzará la pantalla de <guibutton>Subir Vídeo</guibutton> una vez el vídeo haya sido creado.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Modo avanzado</title>
+ <para>Las opciones avanzadas sólo deberían ser utilizados por alguien familiarizado con FFmpeg, ya que es muy fácil crear combinaciones no válidas de codecs, formatos y tasas de bits.   Sin embargo, si usted está familiarizado con estos ajustes, puede utilizar cualquier formato/codec/tasa de bits soportado por FFmpeg, lo cual abre docenas y docenas de formatos adicionales que pueden ser utilizados durante el proceso de exportación.   También puede exportar el vídeo como una secuencia de imágenes, que puede ser útil si tiene previsto importar este vídeo en un programa que requiere secuencias de imágenes, como Blender.</para>
+ <para>Además, si primero selecciona valores en el <guibutton>Modo simple</guibutton> y luego cambia al <guibutton>Modo avanzado</guibutton> los ajustes del modo simple serán recordados y aparecerán preseleccionados.</para>
+ <para/>
+@@ -3939,7 +3939,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject></sect2></sect1><sect1 id="sect1_25"><title>Subir vídeo</title>
+- <para>Si quieres subir un vídeo directamente a Youtube o Vimeo, elige <guimenu>Archivo</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Subir Vídeo</guimenuitem>.  Además, en la pantalla <guimenuitem>Exportar Vídeo</guimenuitem>, puedes escoger <guimenuitem>Subir a Web</guimenuitem>, que primero exportará tu proyecto en el formato correcto y luego mostrará la pantalla para subir el archivo.</para>
++ <para>Si quieres subir un vídeo directamente a Vimeo, elige <guimenu>Archivo</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Subir Vídeo</guimenuitem>.  Además, en la pantalla <guimenuitem>Exportar Vídeo</guimenuitem>, puedes escoger <guimenuitem>Subir a Web</guimenuitem>, que primero exportará tu proyecto en el formato correcto y luego mostrará la pantalla para subir el archivo.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -3963,17 +3963,6 @@
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+- <entry>
+- <para>1</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Archivo de vídeo</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Escoge un archivo de vídeo para subir a Youtube.  Asegúrate primero, de que tiene un formato compatible con Youtube, o puede que no funcione correctamente.  Si usas primero la pantalla de <guimenu>Exportar Vídeo</guimenu>, puedes utilizar <guibutton>Subir a Web, que autom</guibutton></para>
+- </entry>
+- </row>
+- <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>2</para>
+ </entry>
+diff -Nur openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/fr/openshot.xml openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/fr/openshot.xml
+--- openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/fr/openshot.xml 2012-10-01 04:53:37.000000000 -0300
++++ openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/fr/openshot.xml 2014-04-20 02:08:24.680188941 -0300
+@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ <para/></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_8"><title>Etape 5 – Exporter votre Vidéo</title>
+- <para>Une fois que vous êtes content du réslutat final de votre diaporama photovidéo, l'étape suivante est l'exportation de votre vidéo. Celle-ci transformera votre projet OpenShot en un simple fichier vidéo, lequel fonctionnera sur n'importe quel lecteur vidéo sur Linux (tel que Totem, VLC, etc...) ou de sites en lignes (tel que YouTube, Vimeo, etc...).</para>
++ <para>Une fois que vous êtes content du réslutat final de votre diaporama photovidéo, l'étape suivante est l'exportation de votre vidéo. Celle-ci transformera votre projet OpenShot en un simple fichier vidéo, lequel fonctionnera sur n'importe quel lecteur vidéo sur Linux (tel que Totem, VLC, etc...) ou de sites en lignes (tel que Vimeo, etc...).</para>
+ <para>Cliquez sur l'icône <guibutton>Exporter la Vidéo</guibutton>en haut de l'écran (ou utilisez le menu guimenuitem&gt;Fichier</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@
+ <para>CTRL + U</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+- <para>Envoyer le projet actuel en tant que fichier vidéo sur YouTube ou Viméo</para>
++ <para>Envoyer le projet actuel en tant que fichier vidéo sur Viméo</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+@@ -3930,7 +3930,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject><sect3 id="sect3_12"><title>Télécharger sur le Web</title>
+- <para>Choisissez l'option <guibutton>Envoyer sur leWeb</guibutton> en haut de cette fenêtre pour choisir entre YouTube et Viméo.  Ce sont les deux sites de partages en ligne les plus utilisés.  Ceci affichera automatiquement les paramètres d'exportations qui sont compatibles avec le site web sélectionné, et lancera l'écran <guibutton>Envoyer une vidéo</guibutton> une fois que le fichier vidéo aura été créer.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Le mode avancé</title>
++ <para>Choisissez l'option <guibutton>Envoyer sur leWeb</guibutton> en haut de cette fenêtre pour choisir Viméo.  Ce sont les deux sites de partages en ligne les plus utilisés.  Ceci affichera automatiquement les paramètres d'exportations qui sont compatibles avec le site web sélectionné, et lancera l'écran <guibutton>Envoyer une vidéo</guibutton> une fois que le fichier vidéo aura été créer.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Le mode avancé</title>
+ <para>Les options avancées seront seulement utilisées par les personnes familières avec FFmpeg, depuis qu'il est si facile de créer de combinaisons valides de codec, de format, et de réglage des bitrates.  Toutefois, si vous êtes familiers avec ces réglages, n'importe quel format/codec/bitrate supporté par FFmpeg peut-être utilisé, ce qui ouvre des dizaines et des dizaines de combinaisons qui peuvent être utiliser lors du processus d'exportation.</para>
+ <para>Aussi, si vous sélectionnez les premières valeurs pour le <guibutton>Mode Simple</guibutton>, puis basculez en <guibutton>Mode Avancé</guibutton>, cela présélectionnera tous les paramètre du mode simple.</para>
+ <para/>
+@@ -3940,7 +3940,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject></sect2></sect1><sect1 id="sect1_25"><title>Télécharger une vidéo</title>
+- <para>Si vous désirez envoyer directement une vidéo sur YouTube ou Viméo, choisissez <guimenu>Fichier</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Envoyer une Vidéo</guimenuitem>.  Aussi, sur l'écran</para>
++ <para>Si vous désirez envoyer directement une vidéo sur Viméo, choisissez <guimenu>Fichier</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Envoyer une Vidéo</guimenuitem>.  Aussi, sur l'écran</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -3964,17 +3964,6 @@
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+- <entry>
+- <para>1</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Fichier vidéo</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Choisissez un fichier vidéo à envoyer sur YouTube.  Assurez vous qu'il est d'abord dans un format compatible avec YouTube, ou il ne fonctionnera peut-être pas correctement.  If vous utilisez en premier le menu <guimenu>Exporter la Vidéo</guimenu>, vous pouvez choisir <guibutton>Envoyer sur le Web</guibutton></para>
+- </entry>
+- </row>
+- <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>2</para>
+ </entry>
+diff -Nur openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/he/openshot.xml openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/he/openshot.xml
+--- openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/he/openshot.xml 2012-10-01 04:53:40.000000000 -0300
++++ openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/he/openshot.xml 2014-04-20 02:15:15.533272469 -0300
+@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ <para/></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_8"><title>שלב 5 - יצוא הוידיאו</title>
+- <para>ברגע שהתוצאה משביעת רצון, הצעד הבא הוא יצוא הוידיאו. זה ימיר את פרויטק האופןשוט לקובץ וידיאו יחיד, שיעבוד בכל נגן מדיה בלינוקס (כדוגמת טוטם, vlc וכו') או אתר (כדוגמת youtube, vimeo וכו').</para>
++ <para>ברגע שהתוצאה משביעת רצון, הצעד הבא הוא יצוא הוידיאו. זה ימיר את פרויטק האופןשוט לקובץ וידיאו יחיד, שיעבוד בכל נגן מדיה בלינוקס (כדוגמת טוטם, vlc וכו') או אתר (כדוגמת vimeo וכו').</para>
+ <para>לחיצה על הסמל <guibutton>Export Video</guibutton> בחלקו העליון של החלון (או שמוש בתפריט <guimenuitem>File</guimenuitem> &gt; <guimenuitem>Export Video...</guimenuitem>). בחירה באחת האפשרויות המוגדרות מראש, ולחיצה על לחצן <guibutton>Export Video </guibutton>.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@
+ <para>CTRL + U</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+- <para>העלאת הפרויקט הנוכחי כוידיאו לyoutube או לvimeo</para>
++ <para>העלאת הפרויקט הנוכחי כוידיאו ל או לvimeo</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+@@ -3928,7 +3928,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject><sect3 id="sect3_12"><title>העלאה לאינטרנט</title>
+- <para>בחירה באפשרות <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton> (העלאה לרשת) שבראש המסך תפתח אפשרות לבחור youtube או vimeo. אלו שני אתרי שיתוף הוידיאו השכיחים ביותר. בחירה זו תגדיר אוטומטית את הגדרות היצוא שתואמות לאתר הנבחר, ותפעיל את מסך <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> לאחר מכן.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>מצב מתקדם</title>
++ <para>בחירה באפשרות <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton> (העלאה לרשת) שבראש המסך תפתח אפשרות לבחור או vimeo. אלו שני אתרי שיתוף הוידיאו השכיחים ביותר. בחירה זו תגדיר אוטומטית את הגדרות היצוא שתואמות לאתר הנבחר, ותפעיל את מסך <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> לאחר מכן.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>מצב מתקדם</title>
+ <para>מפני שקל מדי ליצור צרופים מטופשים של קידודים, פורמטים וקצבים, האפשרויות המתקדמות מיועדות לשמוש רק בידי משתמשים שמכירים את FFmpeg. למשתמשים המנוסים בהגדרות אלו, כל מה שנתמך עם FFmpeg מותר בשמוש, כך שתריסרים על תריסרים של הגדרות עומדות בפניו. ניתן ליצא וידיאו כרצף תמונות, ולהשתמש בהן לעריכה נוספת או ליבא אותן לתכנות עריכה שונות כדוגמת בלנדר.</para>
+ <para>יתר על כן, בבחירת הגדרה ב<guibutton>מצב פשוט</guibutton> ואז מעבר ל<guibutton>מצב מתקדם</guibutton>, תתבצע הגדרה של כל המאפיינים שקיימים במצב הפשוט לתוך המצב המתקדם.</para>
+ <para/>
+@@ -3938,7 +3938,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject></sect2></sect1><sect1 id="sect1_25"><title>העלאת וידאו</title>
+- <para>להעלאת וידיאו ישירות לVimeo או Youtube, יש לבחור מהתפריט <guimenu>File</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Upload Video</guimenuitem>. לחליפין, במסך <guimenuitem>יצוא וידיאו</guimenuitem> ניתן לבחור <guimenuitem>Upload to Web</guimenuitem> (העלה לרשת), כך שהפרויטק ייוצא לקובץ מתאים ואז יישלח.</para>
++ <para>להעלאת וידיאו ישירות לVimeo, יש לבחור מהתפריט <guimenu>File</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Upload Video</guimenuitem>. לחליפין, במסך <guimenuitem>יצוא וידיאו</guimenuitem> ניתן לבחור <guimenuitem>Upload to Web</guimenuitem> (העלה לרשת), כך שהפרויטק ייוצא לקובץ מתאים ואז יישלח.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -3962,17 +3962,6 @@
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+- <entry>
+- <para>1</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>קובץ וידאו</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>בחירה בוידיאו למשלוח לyoutube. יש לודא מראש תאימות לפורמט המקובל בyoutube, או שזה לא יעבוד. אם בוצע שמוש במסך <guimenu>יצוא וידיאו</guimenu>, ניתן לבחור באפשרות <guibutton>משלוח לרשת</guibutton>, שתבצע התאמה אוטומטית של הפורמט, ותמלא את תיבת הבחירה עבורך.</para>
+- </entry>
+- </row>
+- <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>2</para>
+ </entry>
+diff -Nur openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/it/openshot.xml openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/it/openshot.xml
+--- openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/it/openshot.xml 2012-10-01 04:53:42.000000000 -0300
++++ openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/it/openshot.xml 2014-04-20 02:15:57.893591295 -0300
+@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ <para/></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_8"><title>Passo 5 - Esportare il Video</title>
+- <para>Una volta felici del vostro slideshow di foto, il passo successivo è l'esportazione del video.   Questo passaggio convertirà il progetto di Openshot in un singolo file video, che dovrebbe funzionare su ogni Media Player per Linux /cosa Totem, VLC, ecc..) o con Siti Web (come Youtube, Vimeo, ecc...).</para>
++ <para>Una volta felici del vostro slideshow di foto, il passo successivo è l'esportazione del video.   Questo passaggio convertirà il progetto di Openshot in un singolo file video, che dovrebbe funzionare su ogni Media Player per Linux /cosa Totem, VLC, ecc..) o con Siti Web (come Vimeo, ecc...).</para>
+ <para>Clicca sull'icona <guibutton>Esporta Video</guibutton> in alto alla schermata (o usa il menu: <guimenuitem>File</guimenuitem> &gt;<guimenuitem>Esporta Video...</guimenuitem>).  Scegli tra una delle tante opzioni di esportazione predefinite, e clicca sul <guibutton>Bottone Esporta Video</guibutton>.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@
+ <para>CTRL + U</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+- <para>Carica il progetto corrente come un file video di YouTube o Vimeo</para>
++ <para>Carica il progetto corrente come un file video di Vimeo</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+@@ -3928,7 +3928,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject><sect3 id="sect3_12"><title>Carica sul Web</title>
+- <para>Seleziona l'opzione <guibutton>Upload sul Web</guibutton> in cima allo schermo per scegliere tra YouTube e Vimeo.   Questi sono due noti siti di condivisione video.  La selezione imposta automaticamente i settaggi di esportazione che sono compatibili con il sito selezionato, e lancia la schermata <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> quando il file del video è stato creato.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Modalità avanzata</title>
++ <para>Seleziona l'opzione <guibutton>Upload sul Web</guibutton> in cima allo schermo per scegliere Vimeo.   Questi sono due noti siti di condivisione video.  La selezione imposta automaticamente i settaggi di esportazione che sono compatibili con il sito selezionato, e lancia la schermata <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> quando il file del video è stato creato.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Modalità avanzata</title>
+ <para>Le opzioni avanzate dovrebbero essere usate solo da chi ha familiarità con FFmpeg, dal momento che è molto facile scegliere combinazioni non valide di codec, formati e bit-rate.  In ogni caso, se si ha familiarità con queste impostazioni, è possibile utilizzare ogni formato, codec o bit-rate supportato da FFmpeg, che include innumerevoli formati addizionali utilizzabili durante il processo di esportazione.  In aggiunta è possibile esportare il video come sequenza di immagini, una scelta utile se si intende importare il video in un'applicazione che richieda dellle sequenze di immagini, come Blender.</para>
+ <para>In aggiunta, se inizialmente si scelgono dei valori nella modalità <guibutton>Semplice</guibutton>, e in seguito si passa alla modalità <guibutton>Avanzata</guibutton>, verranno importate automaticamente le scelte effettuate nella modalità Semplice.</para>
+ <para/>
+@@ -3938,7 +3938,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject></sect2></sect1><sect1 id="sect1_25"><title>Carica il Video</title>
+- <para>Per inviare direttamente un video su Youtube o su Vimeo, seleziona guimenu&gt;File</para>
++ <para>Per inviare direttamente un video su Vimeo, seleziona guimenu&gt;File</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -3962,17 +3962,6 @@
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+- <entry>
+- <para>1</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>File video</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Seleziona un file video da inviare a YouTube.  Assicurati che il formato sia compatibile con YouTube prima di inviarlo, o potrebbe non funzionare correttamente.  Se utilizzi la pagina <guimenu>Esporta Video</guimenu>, puoi selezionare <guibutton>Upload sul Web</guibutton>, che automaticamente imposta un formato compatibile e riempie questa casella.</para>
+- </entry>
+- </row>
+- <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>2</para>
+ </entry>
+diff -Nur openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/nb/openshot.xml openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/nb/openshot.xml
+--- openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/nb/openshot.xml 2012-10-01 04:53:44.000000000 -0300
++++ openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/nb/openshot.xml 2014-04-20 02:17:10.954141568 -0300
+@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ <para/></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_8"><title>Trinn 5 - Eksporter videoen</title>
+- <para>Når du er fornøyd med lysbildeshow-videoen er neste trinn å eksportere videoen.  Dette vil gjøre om OpenShot-prosjektet til en enkelt videofil, som burde kunne spilles på en hvilken som helst Linux mediaspiller (som Totem, VLC etc...) eller nettsteder (som YouTube, Vimeo etc...).</para>
++ <para>Når du er fornøyd med lysbildeshow-videoen er neste trinn å eksportere videoen.  Dette vil gjøre om OpenShot-prosjektet til en enkelt videofil, som burde kunne spilles på en hvilken som helst Linux mediaspiller (som Totem, VLC etc...) eller nettsteder (som Vimeo etc...).</para>
+ <para>Klikk på <guibutton>Eksporter video</guibutton>-ikonet øverst på skjermen (eller bruk menyen <guimenuitem>Fil</guimenuitem> &gt; <guimenuitem>Eksporter video...</guimenuitem>).  Velg en av de mange forhåndsdefinerte eksportalternativene og klikk <guibutton>Eksporter video </guibutton>-knappen.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@
+ <para>CTRL + U</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+- <para>Last opp prosjekt som en videofil på YouTube eller Vimeo</para>
++ <para>Last opp prosjekt som en videofil på Vimeo</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+@@ -3928,7 +3928,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject><sect3 id="sect3_12"><title>Last opp til nettsted</title>
+- <para>Velg <guibutton>Last opp til web</guibutton> øverst i dette vinduet for å velge mellom YouTube og Vimeo. Dette er to vanlige nettsteder for å dele video. Dette vil automatisk velge eksportinnstillinger som er kompatible med det valgte nettstedet og åpen vinduet <guibutton>Last opp video</guibutton> når videofilen er ferdig rendret.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Avansert modus</title>
++ <para>Velg <guibutton>Last opp til web</guibutton> øverst i dette vinduet for å velge Vimeo. Dette er to vanlige nettsteder for å dele video. Dette vil automatisk velge eksportinnstillinger som er kompatible med det valgte nettstedet og åpen vinduet <guibutton>Last opp video</guibutton> når videofilen er ferdig rendret.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Avansert modus</title>
+ <para>De avanserte innstillingene bør bare brukes dersom du kjenner FFmpeg, siden det er lett å lage ugyldige kombinasjoner av kodeker, formater og bitrateinnstillinger. Men er du kjent med disse innstillingene kan du bruke en hvilken som helst kombinasjon av format, kodek og bitrate som støttes av FFmpeg. Dette åpner for mengder av andre formater som kan brukes til å eksportere video. Du kan også eksportere som en bildesekvens, noe som kan være nyttig hvis du tenker å importere videoen i et program som krever bildesekvenser, som f eks Blender.</para>
+ <para>Også, hvis du først velger innstillinger i <guibutton>Enkel</guibutton> og deretter bytter til <guibutton>Avansert</guibutton> vil innstillingene du valgte i Enkel modus være forvalgt.</para>
+ <para/>
+@@ -3938,7 +3938,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject></sect2></sect1><sect1 id="sect1_25"><title>Last opp video</title>
+- <para>Hvis du vil laste opp en video direkte til YouTube eller Vimeo, velg <guimenu>Fil</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Last opp video</guimenuitem>. I vinduet <guimenuitem>Eksporter video</guimenuitem> kan du velge <guimenuitem>Last opp til Web</guimenuitem>, som først eksporterer prosjektet til det riktige videoformatet og deretter åpner opplastingsvinduet.</para>
++ <para>Hvis du vil laste opp en video direkte Vimeo, velg <guimenu>Fil</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Last opp video</guimenuitem>. I vinduet <guimenuitem>Eksporter video</guimenuitem> kan du velge <guimenuitem>Last opp til Web</guimenuitem>, som først eksporterer prosjektet til det riktige videoformatet og deretter åpner opplastingsvinduet.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -3962,17 +3962,6 @@
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+- <entry>
+- <para>1</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Videofil</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Velg en videofil for opplasting til YouTube. Sjekk at formatet er kompatibelt med YouTube først, ellers virker det kanskje ikke skikkelig. Hvis du først bruker <guimenu>Eksporter video</guimenu>-vinduet kan du bruke <guimenuitem>Last opp til Web</guimenuitem>, som automatisk velger et kompatibelt format og fyller ut denne boksen for deg.</para>
+- </entry>
+- </row>
+- <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>2</para>
+ </entry>
+diff -Nur openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/nl/openshot.xml openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/nl/openshot.xml
+--- openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/nl/openshot.xml 2012-10-01 04:53:46.000000000 -0300
++++ openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/nl/openshot.xml 2014-04-20 02:18:00.447847945 -0300
+@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ <para/></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_8"><title>Stap 5 - Exporteer uw video</title>
+- <para>Zodra u tevreden bent met uw foto diashow, kunt u deze exporteren als video. Dit zal uw OpenShot project omzetten in één enkel videobestand dat u kunt afspelen op een mediaspeler (Totem, VLC, etc.) of op websites kunt plaatsen (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.).</para>
++ <para>Zodra u tevreden bent met uw foto diashow, kunt u deze exporteren als video. Dit zal uw OpenShot project omzetten in één enkel videobestand dat u kunt afspelen op een mediaspeler (Totem, VLC, etc.) of op websites kunt plaatsen (Vimeo, etc.).</para>
+ <para>Klik op het <guibutton>Exporteer&nbsp;video</guibutton> pictogram in de hoofdwerkbalk (of klik in het hoofdmenu op <guimenuitem>Bestand</guimenuitem>&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;<guimenuitem>Exporteer&nbsp;video...</guimenuitem>). Kies uit één van de vele voorinstellingen, en klik op de <guibutton>Exporteer&nbsp;video</guibutton> knop.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@
+ <para>Ctrl + u</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+- <para>Een videobestand uploaden naar YouTube of Vimeo</para>
++ <para>Een videobestand uploaden naar Vimeo</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+@@ -3929,7 +3929,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject><sect3 id="sect3_12"><title>Uploaden naar het internet</title>
+- <para>Kies de optie <guibutton>Uploaden naar het web</guibutton> bovenaan het scherm om de video op YouTube of Vimeo te plaatsen. Dit zijn twee veelgebruikte websites om video's met elkaar te delen. Deze optie zal automatisch het juiste profiel kiezen en - zodra het videobestand klaar is - het <guibutton>Video uploaden</guibutton> dialoogvenster openen.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Geavanceerd keuzemenu</title>
++ <para>Kies de optie <guibutton>Uploaden naar het web</guibutton> bovenaan het scherm om de video op Vimeo te plaatsen. Dit zijn twee veelgebruikte websites om video's met elkaar te delen. Deze optie zal automatisch het juiste profiel kiezen en - zodra het videobestand klaar is - het <guibutton>Video uploaden</guibutton> dialoogvenster openen.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Geavanceerd keuzemenu</title>
+ <para>Het geavanceerde keuzemenu kunt u het beste alleen gebruiken als u bekend bent met FFmpeg, omdat gemakkelijk ongeldige combinaties van videotypes, compressietypes en bitsnelheden gemaakt kunnen worden. Bent u echter bekend met deze instellingen, dan kan elk video/compressietype/bitsnelheid gebruikt worden wat FFmpeg ondersteund, en heeft u de keuze uit tientallen extra formaten. De video kan ook als een afbeeldingsreeks geëxporteerd worden, wat handig kan zijn als u de video wilt importeren in een programma dat afbeeldingsreeksen vereist, zoals Blender.</para>
+ <para>Opmerking: als u eerst het <guibutton>Eenvoudig keuzescherm</guibutton> heeft gebruikt en vervolgens het <guibutton>Geavanceerde keuzescherm</guibutton> kiest, zijn de waardes vanuit het eenvoudige keuzescherm al ingevuld.</para>
+ <para/>
+@@ -3939,7 +3939,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject></sect2></sect1><sect1 id="sect1_25"><title>Video uploaden</title>
+- <para>Wilt u een video direct naar YouTube of Vimeo sturen, kies dan in het hoofdmenu <guimenu>Bestand</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Video uploaden</guimenuitem>. Of kies in het <guimenuitem>Video exporteren</guimenuitem> scherm voor de optie <guimenuitem>Uploaden naar het web</guimenuitem>: de video zal dan eerst naar de juiste bestandsindeling geëxporteerd worden en daarna opent zich automatisch het upload venster.</para>
++ <para>Wilt u een video direct naar Vimeo sturen, kies dan in het hoofdmenu <guimenu>Bestand</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Video uploaden</guimenuitem>. Of kies in het <guimenuitem>Video exporteren</guimenuitem> scherm voor de optie <guimenuitem>Uploaden naar het web</guimenuitem>: de video zal dan eerst naar de juiste bestandsindeling geëxporteerd worden en daarna opent zich automatisch het upload venster.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -3970,7 +3970,7 @@
+ <para>Videobestand</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+- <para>Kies het videobestand om te uploaden. Controleer of de videobestandsindeling geschikt is voor YouTube of Vimeo, om te voorkomen dat de upload mislukt. Als u gebruik maakt van het <guimenu>Video exporteren</guimenu> venster en de optie <guibutton>Uploaden naar het web</guibutton> wordt automatisch de juiste bestandsindeling gekozen voor YouTube of Vimeo.</para>
++ <para>Kies het videobestand om te uploaden. Controleer of de videobestandsindeling geschikt is voor Vimeo, om te voorkomen dat de upload mislukt. Als u gebruik maakt van het <guimenu>Video exporteren</guimenu> venster en de optie <guibutton>Uploaden naar het web</guibutton> wordt automatisch de juiste bestandsindeling gekozen voor Vimeo.</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+diff -Nur openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/pl/openshot.xml openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/pl/openshot.xml
+--- openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/pl/openshot.xml 2012-10-01 04:53:48.000000000 -0300
++++ openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/pl/openshot.xml 2014-04-20 02:18:53.378247130 -0300
+@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ <para/></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_8"><title>Krok 5 - Eksport i zapisanie Twojego filmu</title>
+- <para>Gdy jesteś zadowolony/a z pokazu slajdów, który przygotowałeś/aś, to następnym krokiem jest wyeksportowanie Twojego filmu. Eksport skonwertuje Twój projekt OpenShot do końcowego, pojedynczego pliku wideo, który powinien być poprawnie odtwarzany na każdym linuksowym programie do obsługi wideo (np. Totem, VLC itp.) lub, który możesz użyć w internecie np. na YouTube, Vimeo i innych.</para>
++ <para>Gdy jesteś zadowolony/a z pokazu slajdów, który przygotowałeś/aś, to następnym krokiem jest wyeksportowanie Twojego filmu. Eksport skonwertuje Twój projekt OpenShot do końcowego, pojedynczego pliku wideo, który powinien być poprawnie odtwarzany na każdym linuksowym programie do obsługi wideo (np. Totem, VLC itp.) lub, który możesz użyć w internecie np. na Vimeo i innych.</para>
+ <para>Kliknij w przycisk <guibutton>Eksport Wideo</guibutton> u góry ekranu (lub użyj menu <guimenuitem>Plik</guimenuitem> &gt; <guimenuitem>Eksport Video...</guimenuitem>).  Wybierz jedną z wielu dostępnych opcji eksportu i kliknij <guibutton>przycisk Eksport Wideo</guibutton>.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@
+ <para>CTRL + U</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+- <para>Wysyła bieżący projekt jako plik wideo na YouTube lub Vimeo</para>
++ <para>Wysyła bieżący projekt jako plik wideo na Vimeo</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+@@ -3969,7 +3969,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject><sect3 id="sect3_12"><title>Wyślij do Internetu</title>
+- <para>Choose the <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton> option at the top of this screen to choose between YouTube and Vimeo.  These are two very common video sharing websites.  This will automatically set the export settings that are compatible with the selected video website, and launch the <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> screen once the video file has been created.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Tryb zaawansowany</title>
++ <para>Choose the <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton> option at the top of this screen to choose Vimeo.  These are two very common video sharing websites.  This will automatically set the export settings that are compatible with the selected video website, and launch the <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> screen once the video file has been created.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Tryb zaawansowany</title>
+ <para>The advanced options should only be used by someone familiar with FFmpeg, since it is so easy to create invalid combinations of codecs, formats, and bit-rate settings.  However, if you are familiar with these settings, any FFmpeg supported format/codec/bit-rate can be used, which opens up dozens and dozens of additional formats that can be used during the export process.  You can also export your video as an image sequence, which can be useful if you intend to import this video into a program that requires image sequences, such as Blender.</para>
+ <para>Also, if you first select values for the <guibutton>Simple Mode</guibutton>, and then switch to the <guibutton>Advanced Mode</guibutton>, it will preselect all of the Simple Mode settings.</para>
+ <para/>
+@@ -3979,7 +3979,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject></sect2></sect1><sect1 id="sect1_25"><title>Wyślij wideo</title>
+- <para>If you would like to directly upload a video to YouTube or Vimeo, choose <guimenu>File</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Upload Video</guimenuitem>.  Also, on the <guimenuitem>Export Video</guimenuitem> screen, you can choose <guimenuitem>Upload to Web</guimenuitem>, which will first export your project to the correct video format, and then display the upload screen.</para>
++ <para>If you would like to directly upload a video to Vimeo, choose <guimenu>File</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Upload Video</guimenuitem>.  Also, on the <guimenuitem>Export Video</guimenuitem> screen, you can choose <guimenuitem>Upload to Web</guimenuitem>, which will first export your project to the correct video format, and then display the upload screen.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -4003,17 +4003,6 @@
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+- <entry>
+- <para>1</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Plik wideo</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Choose a video file to upload to YouTube.  Be sure it's a compatible format with YouTube first, or it might not work correctly.  If you first use the <guimenu>Export Video</guimenu> screen, you can choose <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton>, which automatically chooses a compatible format, and fills in this box for you.</para>
+- </entry>
+- </row>
+- <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>2</para>
+ </entry>
+diff -Nur openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/pt/openshot.xml openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/pt/openshot.xml
+--- openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/pt/openshot.xml 2012-10-01 04:53:50.000000000 -0300
++++ openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/pt/openshot.xml 2014-04-20 02:19:30.651861715 -0300
+@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ <para/></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_8"><title>Passo 5 – Exportar o seu Vídeo</title>
+- <para>Once you are happy with your photo slide-show video, the next step is to export your video.  This will convert your OpenShot project into a single video file, which should work on any Linux media player (such as Totem, VLC, etc...) or websites (such as YouTube, Vimeo, etc...).</para>
++ <para>Once you are happy with your photo slide-show video, the next step is to export your video.  This will convert your OpenShot project into a single video file, which should work on any Linux media player (such as Totem, VLC, etc...) or websites (such as Vimeo, etc...).</para>
+ <para>Click on the <guibutton>Export Video</guibutton> icon at the top of the screen (or use the <guimenuitem>File</guimenuitem> &gt; <guimenuitem>Export Video...</guimenuitem> menu).  Choose from one of the many preset export options, and click the <guibutton>Export Video button</guibutton>.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@
+ <para>CTRL + U</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+- <para>Upload current project as a video file to YouTube or Vimeo</para>
++ <para>Upload current project as a video file to Vimeo</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+@@ -3981,7 +3981,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject><sect3 id="sect3_12"><title>Enviar para a web</title>
+- <para>Choose the <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton> option at the top of this screen to choose between YouTube and Vimeo.  These are two very common video sharing websites.  This will automatically set the export settings that are compatible with the selected video website, and launch the <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> screen once the video file has been created.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Modo avançado</title>
++ <para>Choose the <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton> option at the top of this screen to choose Vimeo.  These are two very common video sharing websites.  This will automatically set the export settings that are compatible with the selected video website, and launch the <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> screen once the video file has been created.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Modo avançado</title>
+ <para>The advanced options should only be used by someone familiar with FFmpeg, since it is so easy to create invalid combinations of codecs, formats, and bit-rate settings.  However, if you are familiar with these settings, any FFmpeg supported format/codec/bit-rate can be used, which opens up dozens and dozens of additional formats that can be used during the export process.  You can also export your video as an image sequence, which can be useful if you intend to import this video into a program that requires image sequences, such as Blender.</para>
+ <para>Also, if you first select values for the <guibutton>Simple Mode</guibutton>, and then switch to the <guibutton>Advanced Mode</guibutton>, it will preselect all of the Simple Mode settings.</para>
+ <para/>
+@@ -3991,7 +3991,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject></sect2></sect1><sect1 id="sect1_25"><title>Enviar vídeo</title>
+- <para>If you would like to directly upload a video to YouTube or Vimeo, choose <guimenu>File</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Upload Video</guimenuitem>.  Also, on the <guimenuitem>Export Video</guimenuitem> screen, you can choose <guimenuitem>Upload to Web</guimenuitem>, which will first export your project to the correct video format, and then display the upload screen.</para>
++ <para>If you would like to directly upload a video to Vimeo, choose <guimenu>File</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Upload Video</guimenuitem>.  Also, on the <guimenuitem>Export Video</guimenuitem> screen, you can choose <guimenuitem>Upload to Web</guimenuitem>, which will first export your project to the correct video format, and then display the upload screen.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -4015,17 +4015,6 @@
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+- <entry>
+- <para>1</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Video File</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Choose a video file to upload to YouTube.  Be sure it's a compatible format with YouTube first, or it might not work correctly.  If you first use the <guimenu>Export Video</guimenu> screen, you can choose <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton>, which automatically chooses a compatible format, and fills in this box for you.</para>
+- </entry>
+- </row>
+- <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>2</para>
+ </entry>
+diff -Nur openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/pt_BR/openshot.xml openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/pt_BR/openshot.xml
+--- openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/pt_BR/openshot.xml 2012-10-01 04:53:52.000000000 -0300
++++ openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/pt_BR/openshot.xml 2014-04-20 02:20:05.515458224 -0300
+@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ <para/></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_8"><title>5º Passo - Exportar o seu Vídeo</title>
+- <para>Quando você estiver satisfeito com sua apresentação de fotos, o próximo passo é exportar o seu vídeo.  Isto converterá o seu projeto OpenShot em um único arquivo de vídeo, que deve funcionar em qualquer tocador de mídia do Linux (tais como o Totem, VCL, etc...) ou sites (tais como Youtube, Vimeo, etc...)</para>
++ <para>Quando você estiver satisfeito com sua apresentação de fotos, o próximo passo é exportar o seu vídeo.  Isto converterá o seu projeto OpenShot em um único arquivo de vídeo, que deve funcionar em qualquer tocador de mídia do Linux (tais como o Totem, VCL, etc...) ou sites (tais como Vimeo, etc...)</para>
+ <para>Clique sobre o ícone <guibutton>Exportar Vídeo</guibutton> na parte superior da tela (ou utilize o menu <guimenuitem>Arquivo</guimenuitem> &gt; <guimenuitem>Exportar vídeo...</guimenuitem>). Excolha uma das diversas opções de exportação pré-configuradas, e clique no botão <guibutton>Exportar Vídeo</guibutton>.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@
+ <para>CTRL + U</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+- <para>Envia o projeto atual como um arquivo de vídeo para o YouTube ou Vimeo</para>
++ <para>Envia o projeto atual como um arquivo de vídeo para o Vimeo</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+@@ -3936,7 +3936,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject><sect3 id="sect3_12"><title>Publicar na Web</title>
+- <para>Esolha a opção <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton> no topo da tela para escolher entre Youtube e Vimeo.  Estes são os dois mais comuns sites de compartilhamento de vídeos.  Isso vai selecionar automaticamente as opções de exportação compatíveis com o site selecionado e iniciará a tela <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> uma vez que o arquivo de vídeo for criado.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Modo Avançado</title>
++ <para>Esolha a opção <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton> no topo da tela para escolher Vimeo.  Estes são os dois mais comuns sites de compartilhamento de vídeos.  Isso vai selecionar automaticamente as opções de exportação compatíveis com o site selecionado e iniciará a tela <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> uma vez que o arquivo de vídeo for criado.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Modo Avançado</title>
+ <para>As opções avançadas somente devem ser utilizadas por pessoas familiarizadas com o FFmpeg, já que é muito fácil criar combinações inválidas de codecs, formatos e taxas de bits. No entanto, se você conhecer essas configurações, qualquer formato/codec/bit-rate suportado pode ser utilizado, o que fornece dezenas de formatos adicionais que podem ser utilizador para exportar. Você pode também exportar o seu vídeo como uma sequência de imagens, que pode ser útil se você pretende importar seu vídeo em um programa que requer sequências de imagens, como o blender.</para>
+ <para>E também, se você primeiro selecionar valores no <guibutton>Modo simples</guibutton>, e então trocar para o <guibutton>Modo avançado</guibutton>, ele pré-selecionará todas as configurações do modo simples.</para>
+ <para/>
+@@ -3946,7 +3946,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject></sect2></sect1><sect1 id="sect1_25"><title>Enviar Vídeo</title>
+- <para>Se você quiser fazer o upload do vídeo diretamente no Youtube ou Vimeo, escolha <guimenu>File</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Upload Video</guimenuitem>.  Então, na tela de <guimenuitem>Export Video</guimenuitem> você pode escolher <guimenuitem>Upload to Web</guimenuitem>, o qual vai primeiro exportar seu projeto com o formato correto de vídeo e depois mostrrar a tela de upload.</para>
++ <para>Se você quiser fazer o upload do vídeo diretamente no Vimeo, escolha <guimenu>File</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Upload Video</guimenuitem>.  Então, na tela de <guimenuitem>Export Video</guimenuitem> você pode escolher <guimenuitem>Upload to Web</guimenuitem>, o qual vai primeiro exportar seu projeto com o formato correto de vídeo e depois mostrrar a tela de upload.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -3970,17 +3970,6 @@
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+- <entry>
+- <para>1</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Arquivo de vídeo</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Escolha um arquivo de vídeo para upload para o youtube.  Tenha certeza de que é um formato compatível com o Youtube, ou pode não funcionar corretamente.  Se você primeiro usar a tela <guimenu>Export Video</guimenu> , você pode escolher <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton>, o qual escolherá automaticamente um formato compatível e preencherá essa caixa para você.</para>
+- </entry>
+- </row>
+- <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>2</para>
+ </entry>
+diff -Nur openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/sk/openshot.xml openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/sk/openshot.xml
+--- openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/sk/openshot.xml 2012-10-01 04:53:54.000000000 -0300
++++ openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/sk/openshot.xml 2014-04-20 02:20:54.589162174 -0300
+@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ <para/></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_8"><title>Step 5 – Exportovanie vášho videa</title>
+- <para>Akonáhle ste spokojní s vašou prezentáciou, ďalším krokom je export videa.   Tu budete prevádzať OpenShot projekt do jedného video súboru, ktorý by mal fungovať na akomkoľvek médiu Linux prehrávača (napr. Totem, VLC, atď ..) alebo web stránky (napr. YouTube, Vime, atď ..)</para>
++ <para>Akonáhle ste spokojní s vašou prezentáciou, ďalším krokom je export videa.   Tu budete prevádzať OpenShot projekt do jedného video súboru, ktorý by mal fungovať na akomkoľvek médiu Linux prehrávača (napr. Totem, VLC, atď ..) alebo web stránky (napr. Vime, atď ..)</para>
+ <para>Kliknite na <guibutton>Export videa</guibutton> na ikonu v hornej časti obrazovky (alebo použite <guimenuitem>Súbor</guimenuitem> &gt; <guimenuitem> Export Video ...</guimenuitem>).   Vyberte si z jednej z mnohých prednastavených možností exportu, a kliknite na tlačidlo <guibutton> Export videa </guibutton>.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@
+ <para>CTRL + U</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+- <para>Upload current project as a video file to YouTube or Vimeo</para>
++ <para>Upload current project as a video file to Vimeo</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+@@ -3982,7 +3982,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject><sect3 id="sect3_12"><title>Nahrať na web</title>
+- <para>Choose the <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton> option at the top of this screen to choose between YouTube and Vimeo.  These are two very common video sharing websites.  This will automatically set the export settings that are compatible with the selected video website, and launch the <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> screen once the video file has been created.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Advanced Mode</title>
++ <para>Choose the <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton> option at the top of this screen to choose Vimeo.  These are two very common video sharing websites.  This will automatically set the export settings that are compatible with the selected video website, and launch the <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> screen once the video file has been created.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>Advanced Mode</title>
+ <para>The advanced options should only be used by someone familiar with FFmpeg, since it is so easy to create invalid combinations of codecs, formats, and bit-rate settings.  However, if you are familiar with these settings, any FFmpeg supported format/codec/bit-rate can be used, which opens up dozens and dozens of additional formats that can be used during the export process.  You can also export your video as an image sequence, which can be useful if you intend to import this video into a program that requires image sequences, such as Blender.</para>
+ <para>Also, if you first select values for the <guibutton>Simple Mode</guibutton>, and then switch to the <guibutton>Advanced Mode</guibutton>, it will preselect all of the Simple Mode settings.</para>
+ <para/>
+@@ -3992,7 +3992,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject></sect2></sect1><sect1 id="sect1_25"><title>Nahrať video</title>
+- <para>If you would like to directly upload a video to YouTube or Vimeo, choose <guimenu>File</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Upload Video</guimenuitem>.  Also, on the <guimenuitem>Export Video</guimenuitem> screen, you can choose <guimenuitem>Upload to Web</guimenuitem>, which will first export your project to the correct video format, and then display the upload screen.</para>
++ <para>If you would like to directly upload a video to Vimeo, choose <guimenu>File</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Upload Video</guimenuitem>.  Also, on the <guimenuitem>Export Video</guimenuitem> screen, you can choose <guimenuitem>Upload to Web</guimenuitem>, which will first export your project to the correct video format, and then display the upload screen.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -4016,17 +4016,6 @@
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+- <entry>
+- <para>1</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Video File</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Choose a video file to upload to YouTube.  Be sure it's a compatible format with YouTube first, or it might not work correctly.  If you first use the <guimenu>Export Video</guimenu> screen, you can choose <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton>, which automatically chooses a compatible format, and fills in this box for you.</para>
+- </entry>
+- </row>
+- <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>2</para>
+ </entry>
+diff -Nur openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/zh_TW/openshot.xml openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/zh_TW/openshot.xml
+--- openshot-1.4.3.orig/docs/gnome/zh_TW/openshot.xml 2012-10-01 04:53:56.000000000 -0300
++++ openshot-1.4.3/docs/gnome/zh_TW/openshot.xml 2014-04-20 02:21:34.279462075 -0300
+@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ <para/></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_8"><title>步驟 5 - 匯出您的影音</title>
+- <para>您覺得照片幻燈秀影片看起來不錯,下一步就是匯出檔案了。 將 OpenShot 專案轉換成單一、可用於大多摩體播放程式 (例如 Totem、VLC、MPlayer... 等) 或網站 (例如 YouTube、Vimeo... 等) l的影片檔。</para>
++ <para>您覺得照片幻燈秀影片看起來不錯,下一步就是匯出檔案了。 將 OpenShot 專案轉換成單一、可用於大多摩體播放程式 (例如 Totem、VLC、MPlayer... 等) 或網站 (例如 Vimeo... 等) l的影片檔。</para>
+ <para>點畫面最頂端的 <guibutton>匯出視訊</guibutton> 圖示 (或使用「<guimenuitem>檔案</guimenuitem>」&gt;「<guimenuitem>匯出視訊...</guimenuitem>」選單),從許多預先設定中選擇一個適合的,點「<guibutton>匯出視訊按鈕</guibutton>」。</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@
+ <para>CTRL + U</para>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+- <para>Upload current project as a video file to YouTube or Vimeo</para>
++ <para>Upload current project as a video file to Vimeo</para>
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+@@ -3970,7 +3970,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject><sect3 id="sect3_12"><title>上傳到網路</title>
+- <para>Choose the <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton> option at the top of this screen to choose between YouTube and Vimeo.  These are two very common video sharing websites.  This will automatically set the export settings that are compatible with the selected video website, and launch the <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> screen once the video file has been created.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>進階模式</title>
++ <para>Choose the <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton> option at the top of this screen to choose Vimeo.  These are two very common video sharing websites.  This will automatically set the export settings that are compatible with the selected video website, and launch the <guibutton>Upload Video</guibutton> screen once the video file has been created.</para></sect3></sect2><sect2 id="sect2_81"><title>進階模式</title>
+ <para>進階選項應該只限由熟悉 FFmpeg 的人來使用,因為很容易弄出不正確的編解碼器、格式與位元率設定組合。 然而,如果您熟悉這些設定,則可以利用 FFmpeg 支援的格式/編解碼器/位元率來組合出更多用在匯出程序的格式。 您也可以將視訊匯出為連續影像,在類似 Blender 這類需要連續影像的程式時會很有用。</para>
+ <para>如果您先選取 <guibutton>簡單模式</guibutton> 的數值後再切換到 <guibutton>進階模式</guibutton>,則會預先選取簡單模式的所有設定。</para>
+ <para/>
+@@ -3980,7 +3980,7 @@
+ <caption/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject></sect2></sect1><sect1 id="sect1_25"><title>上傳影片</title>
+- <para>If you would like to directly upload a video to YouTube or Vimeo, choose <guimenu>File</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Upload Video</guimenuitem>.  Also, on the <guimenuitem>Export Video</guimenuitem> screen, you can choose <guimenuitem>Upload to Web</guimenuitem>, which will first export your project to the correct video format, and then display the upload screen.</para>
++ <para>If you would like to directly upload a video to Vimeo, choose <guimenu>File</guimenu> &gt; <guimenuitem>Upload Video</guimenuitem>.  Also, on the <guimenuitem>Export Video</guimenuitem> screen, you can choose <guimenuitem>Upload to Web</guimenuitem>, which will first export your project to the correct video format, and then display the upload screen.</para>
+ <para/>
+ <mediaobject/>
+ <mediaobject>
+@@ -4004,17 +4004,6 @@
+ </entry>
+ </row>
+ <row>
+- <entry>
+- <para>1</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Video File</para>
+- </entry>
+- <entry>
+- <para>Choose a video file to upload to YouTube.  Be sure it's a compatible format with YouTube first, or it might not work correctly.  If you first use the <guimenu>Export Video</guimenu> screen, you can choose <guibutton>Upload to Web</guibutton>, which automatically chooses a compatible format, and fills in this box for you.</para>
+- </entry>
+- </row>
+- <row>
+ <entry>
+ <para>2</para>
+ </entry>
+diff -Nur openshot-1.4.3.orig/openshot/classes/ openshot-1.4.3/openshot/classes/
+--- openshot-1.4.3.orig/openshot/classes/ 2012-10-01 04:55:03.000000000 -0300
++++ openshot-1.4.3/openshot/classes/ 2014-04-20 01:54:35.430638280 -0300
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
+ 'url' : '',
+ 'license' : 'GNU GPL v.' + GPL_VERSION,
+ 'description' : 'Create and edit videos and movies',
+- 'long_description' : "Create and edit videos and movies\n OpenShot Video Editor is a free, open-source, non-linear video editor. It\n can create and edit videos and movies using many popular video, audio, and\n image formats. Create videos for YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo, Metacafe, iPod,\n Xbox, and many more common formats!\n .\n Features include:\n * Multiple tracks (layers)\n * Compositing, image overlays, and watermarks\n * Support for image sequences (rotoscoping)\n * Key-frame animation\n * Video and audio effects (chroma-key)\n * Transitions (lumas and masks)\n * 3D animation (titles and simulations)\n * Upload videos (YouTube and Vimeo supported)",
++ 'long_description' : "Create and edit videos and movies\n OpenShot Video Editor is a free, open-source, non-linear video editor. It\n can create and edit videos and movies using many popular video, audio, and\n image formats. Create videos for Vimeo, Metacafe, iPod,\n Xbox, and many more common formats!\n .\n Features include:\n * Multiple tracks (layers)\n * Compositing, image overlays, and watermarks\n * Support for image sequences (rotoscoping)\n * Key-frame animation\n * Video and audio effects (chroma-key)\n * Transitions (lumas and masks)\n * 3D animation (titles and simulations)\n * Upload videos (Vimeo supported)",
+ # see
+diff -Nur openshot-1.4.3.orig/openshot/locale/OpenShot/OpenShot.pot openshot-1.4.3/openshot/locale/OpenShot/OpenShot.pot
+--- openshot-1.4.3.orig/openshot/locale/OpenShot/OpenShot.pot 2012-09-30 17:33:29.000000000 -0300
++++ openshot-1.4.3/openshot/locale/OpenShot/OpenShot.pot 2014-04-20 01:56:55.698378410 -0300
+@@ -1058,11 +1058,6 @@
+ msgid "Export to Folder"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: /home/jonathan/openshot/openshot/windows/
+-#: /home/jonathan/openshot/openshot/export_presets/youtube.xml
+-msgid "YouTube"
+-msgstr ""
+ #: /home/jonathan/openshot/openshot/windows/
+ #: /home/jonathan/openshot/openshot/export_presets/format_avi_mpeg2.xml
+ msgid "All Formats"
+@@ -1498,17 +1493,6 @@
+ msgid "Opened project"
+ msgstr ""
+-#: /home/jonathan/openshot/openshot/uploads/
+-#: /home/jonathan/openshot/openshot/uploads/
+-#: /home/jonathan/openshot/openshot/export_presets/youtube.xml
+-msgid "Web"
+-msgstr ""
+-#: /home/jonathan/openshot/openshot/uploads/
+-#: /home/jonathan/openshot/openshot/export_presets/youtube_HD.xml
+-msgid "YouTube-HD"
+-msgstr ""
+ #: /home/jonathan/openshot/openshot/uploads/
+ #: /home/jonathan/openshot/openshot/uploads/
+ msgid "Please choose a valid video file."
+@@ -1532,12 +1516,6 @@
+ msgid "Please enter a valid password."
+ msgstr ""
+-#: /home/jonathan/openshot/openshot/uploads/
+-msgid ""
+-"There was an error uploading this video to YouTube. Please check your "
+-"username, password, and be sure a valid video file is selected and try again."
+-msgstr ""
+ #: /home/jonathan/openshot/openshot/uploads/
+ msgid "Vimeo authentication has expired."
+ msgstr ""
+diff -Nur openshot-1.4.3.orig/openshot/uploads/ openshot-1.4.3/openshot/uploads/
+--- openshot-1.4.3.orig/openshot/uploads/ 2011-02-22 04:20:53.000000000 -0200
++++ openshot-1.4.3/openshot/uploads/ 2014-04-20 01:50:59.295653314 -0300
+@@ -21,201 +21,11 @@
+ def get_services(self):
+ services = {}
+- services["YouTube"] = YouTubeService(self.project, self.settings)
+ if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.version_info[1] == 6 and vimeo_imported == True:
+ # vimeo only works on Python 2.6 right now
+ services["Vimeo"] = VimeoService(self.project, self.settings)
+ return services
+-class YouTubeService():
+- def __init__(self, project, settings):
+- self.project = project
+- self.filename = None
+- self.settings = settings
+- self.form = None
+- # Add language support
+- _ = Language_Init.Translator(project).lang.gettext
+- self._ = _
+- def initialize(self, form):
+- """ Prepare the upload form for this service """
+- self.form = form
+- form.login_divider.set_property("visible", True)
+- form.lblUsername.set_property("visible", True)
+- form.txtUsername.set_property("visible", True)
+- form.lblPassword.set_property("visible", True)
+- form.txtPassword.set_property("visible", True)
+- form.btnAuthorize.set_property("visible", False)
+- form.lblVerification.set_property("visible", False)
+- form.txtVerification.set_property("visible", False)
+- form.lnkForgot.set_label("")
+- form.lnkForgot.set_uri("")
+- # get saved username (if any)
+- if self.settings.app_state["upload_username"]:
+- form.txtUsername.set_text(self.settings.app_state["upload_username"])
+- def get_export_presets(self):
+- """ Get a tuple of related export presets for this service (if any) """
+- # get reference to gettext
+- _ = self._
+- return (_("Web"), _("YouTube-HD"))
+- def get_authorization_url(self):
+- return None
+- def get_logo(self):
+- logo_path = os.path.join(self.project.BASE_DIR, "openshot", "uploads", "logos", "youtube.png")
+- return gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(logo_path)
+- def validate(self, form):
+- """ Validate the upload form... check for missing values. """
+- # get reference to gettext
+- _ = self._
+- # get settings
+- title = form.txtTitle.get_text()
+- start, end = form.txtDescription.get_buffer().get_bounds()
+- description = form.txtDescription.get_buffer().get_text(start, end)
+- username = form.txtUsername.get_text()
+- password = form.txtPassword.get_text()
+- # Validate the the form is valid
+- if not os.path.isfile(str(self.filename)):
+- # Show error message
+-"Validation Error!"), _("Please choose a valid video file."))
+- return False
+- if not title:
+- # Show error message
+-"Validation Error!"), _("Please enter a valid title."))
+- return False
+- if not description:
+- # Show error message
+-"Validation Error!"), _("Please enter a valid description."))
+- return False
+- if not username:
+- # Show error message
+-"Validation Error!"), _("Please enter a valid username."))
+- return False
+- else:
+- # save username
+- self.settings.app_state["upload_username"] = username
+- if not password:
+- # Show error message
+-"Validation Error!"), _("Please enter a valid password."))
+- return False
+- # form is valid
+- return True
+- def set_file(self, filename):
+- self.filename = filename
+- def start_upload(self, form):
+- # get reference to gettext
+- _ = self._
+- # Get the absolute path of this project
+- import os, sys
+- google_api_path = os.path.join(self.project.BASE_DIR, "openshot", "uploads", "youtube")
+- if google_api_path not in sys.path:
+- sys.path.append(google_api_path)
+- # get settings
+- username = form.txtUsername.get_text()
+- password = form.txtPassword.get_text()
+- title = form.txtTitle.get_text()
+- start, end = form.txtDescription.get_buffer().get_bounds()
+- description = form.txtDescription.get_buffer().get_text(start, end)
+- # remember username (but not password)
+- self.settings.app_state["upload_username"] = username
+- import getopt
+- import mimetypes
+- import
+- import
+- import
+- import gdata.client
+- import
+- import gdata.gauth
+- import
+- import
+- import gdata.sample_util
+- import helper
+- # prepare a media group object to hold our video's meta-data
+- my_media_group =
+- text=description),
+- category=[
+- text='People',
+- scheme='',
+- label='People')],
+- player=None
+- )
+- # create the to be uploaded
+- video_entry =
+- # create
+- try:
+- # disable upload button
+- form.btnUpload.set_sensitive(False)
+- # start upload
+- uploader = helper.ResumableUploadDemo(self.filename, chunk_size=1024*64, convert="false", ssl=False, debug=False, host="", username=username, password=password)
+- # upload chunks
+- entry = uploader.UploadInManualChunks(video_entry, os.path.split(self.filename)[-1], self.on_chunk_complete)
+- except:
+- # Show error message
+-"Validation Error!"), _("There was an error uploading this video to YouTube. Please check your username, password, and be sure a valid video file is selected and try again."))
+- # enable upload button
+- form.btnUpload.set_sensitive(True)
+- return False
+- # enable upload button
+- form.btnUpload.set_sensitive(True)
+- # successful
+- return True
+- def on_chunk_complete(self, *args):
+- #print "on_chunk_complete"
+- total_size = args[0]
+- current_bytes = args[1]
+- if current_bytes >= total_size:
+- # don't exceed the total bytes
+- current_bytes = total_size
+- # calculate percentage
+- percent = float(current_bytes) / float(total_size)
+- gobject.idle_add(self.form.update_progressbar, percent)
+- # allow other gtk operations to happen
+- while gtk.events_pending():
+- gtk.main_iteration()
+ class VimeoService():
+ def __init__(self, project, settings):
+ self.project = project
+diff -Nur openshot-1.4.3.orig/openshot/windows/ openshot-1.4.3/openshot/windows/
+--- openshot-1.4.3.orig/openshot/windows/ 2012-09-30 17:33:29.000000000 -0300
++++ openshot-1.4.3/openshot/windows/ 2014-04-20 01:51:37.659279587 -0300
+@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@
+ for option in upload_types:
+ # append profile to list
+ self.cboUploadServices.append_text(option)
+- self.set_dropdown_values(_("YouTube"), self.cboUploadServices)
+ #populate the format/codec drop downs
+diff -Nur openshot-1.4.3.orig/openshot/windows/ openshot-1.4.3/openshot/windows/
+--- openshot-1.4.3.orig/openshot/windows/ 2012-09-30 17:33:29.000000000 -0300
++++ openshot-1.4.3/openshot/windows/ 2014-04-20 01:52:19.739601020 -0300
+@@ -382,7 +382,6 @@
+ "clip_property_window_height" : "345",
+ "clip_property_window_maximized" : "False",
+ "clip_property_hpane_position" : "260",
+- "upload_service" : "YouTube",
+ "upload_username" : "",
+ "vimeo_token" : "",
+ "vimeo_token_secret" : "",
+diff -Nur openshot-1.4.3.orig/ openshot-1.4.3/
+--- openshot-1.4.3.orig/ 2012-09-30 17:33:29.000000000 -0300
++++ openshot-1.4.3/ 2014-04-20 01:28:48.698575950 -0300
+@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
+ # -------------------------------------
+ dist = setup(
+ scripts = ['bin/openshot','bin/openshot-render'],
+- packages = ['openshot', 'openshot.classes', 'openshot.language', '', 'openshot.uploads', 'openshot.uploads.vimeo', 'openshot.uploads.vimeo.httplib2', 'openshot.uploads.vimeo.httplib2wrap', 'openshot.uploads.vimeo.oauth2', 'openshot.uploads.vimeo.oauth2.clients', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''],
++ packages = ['openshot', 'openshot.classes', 'openshot.language', '', 'openshot.uploads', 'openshot.uploads.vimeo', 'openshot.uploads.vimeo.httplib2', 'openshot.uploads.vimeo.httplib2wrap', 'openshot.uploads.vimeo.oauth2', 'openshot.uploads.vimeo.oauth2.clients'],
+ package_data = {
+ 'openshot' : ['export_presets/*', 'images/*', 'locale/OpenShot/*', 'locale/README', 'profiles/*', 'themes/*/*.png', 'themes/*/*.xml', 'themes/*/icons/*.png', 'titles/*/*.svg', 'transitions/icons/medium/*.png', 'transitions/icons/small/*.png', 'transitions/*.pgm', 'transitions/*.png', 'transitions/*.svg', 'effects/icons/medium/*.png', 'effects/icons/small/*.png', 'effects/*.xml', 'blender/blend/*.blend', 'blender/icons/*.png', 'blender/earth/*.jpg', 'blender/scripts/*.py', 'blender/*.xml'] + locale_files,
+ '' : ['ui/*.ui', 'ui/icons/*'],
diff --git a/nonprism/openshot/openshot.install b/nonprism/openshot/openshot.install
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..046df0051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nonprism/openshot/openshot.install
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+post_install() {
+ update-mime-database usr/share/mime &>/dev/null
+ update-desktop-database -q
+post_upgrade() {
+ post_install
+post_remove() {
+ post_install