diff options
-rw-r--r--.config/X11/modmap (renamed from .xmodmap)0
-rw-r--r--.config/bash/ (renamed from .bash_aliases)13
-rw-r--r--.config/bash/rc.d/ (renamed from .bash.d/
-rw-r--r--.full.asound554 (renamed from
43 files changed, 689 insertions, 5820 deletions
diff --git a/.Xdefaults b/.Xdefaults
index ceabc5c..7588317 100644..120000
--- a/.Xdefaults
+++ b/.Xdefaults
@@ -1,18 +1 @@
-URxvt.background: #000000
-URxvt.foreground: #CCCCCC
-URxvt.scrollstyle: plain
-URxvt.scrollBar_floating: true
-URxvt.font: xft:Monospace-8
-URxvt.cursorBlink: true
-URxvt.termName: xterm-256color
-URxvt.pastableTabs: true
-URxvt.scrollTtyOutput: false
-URxvt.scrollTtyKeypress: false
-URxvt.scrollWithBuffer: true
-URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,matcher
-URxvt.urlLauncher: v-www-browser
-URxvt.matcher.button: 1
+.config/X11/defaults \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.bash_login b/.bash_login
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..31231da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.bash_login
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+.config/bash/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.bash_logout b/.bash_logout
index 5ca7df0..d8117ff 100644..120000
--- a/.bash_logout
+++ b/.bash_logout
@@ -1,9 +1 @@
-# ~/.bash_logout: executed by bash(1) when login shell exits.
-# when leaving the console clear the screen to increase privacy
-if [ "$SHLVL" = 1 ]; then
- [ -x /usr/bin/clear_console ] && /usr/bin/clear_console -q
-alsactl --file $HOME/ store
+.config/bash/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.bashrc b/.bashrc
index ff11c5b..18faac1 100644..120000
--- a/.bashrc
+++ b/.bashrc
@@ -1,120 +1 @@
-# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
-# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files (in the package bash-doc)
-# for examples
-# I include this file for all interactive invocations of bash(1), whether
-# they are login shells or not.
-# If not running interactively, don't do anything
-[ -z "$PS1" ] && return
-# don't put duplicate lines in the history. See bash(1) for more options
-# don't overwrite GNU Midnight Commander's setting of `ignorespace'.
-# ... or force ignoredups and ignorespace
-export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth
-# append to the history file, don't overwrite it
-shopt -s histappend
-# for setting history length see HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE in bash(1)
-# check the window size after each command and, if necessary,
-# update the values of LINES and COLUMNS.
-shopt -s checkwinsize
-# Let ** recursively scan directories
-shopt -s globstar
-# Why is this not on by default?
-# "We have a cached value, but it isn't valid anymore. Should we trash it?"
-shopt -s checkhash
-# make less more friendly for non-text input files, see lesspipe(1)
-[ -x /usr/bin/lesspipe ] && eval "$(SHELL=/bin/sh lesspipe)"
-# set variable identifying the chroot you work in (used in the prompt below)
-if [ -z "$debian_chroot" ] && [ -r /etc/debian_chroot ]; then
- debian_chroot=$(cat /etc/debian_chroot)
-case "$TERM" in
- xterm) export TERM=xterm-256color;;
-# set a fancy prompt (non-color, unless we know we "want" color)
-case "$TERM" in
- linux) color_prompt=yes;;
- *-*color*) color_prompt=yes;;
-# uncomment for a colored prompt, if the terminal has the capability; turned
-# off by default to not distract the user: the focus in a terminal window
-# should be on the output of commands, not on the prompt
-if [ -n "$force_color_prompt" ]; then
- if [ -x /usr/bin/tput ] && tput setaf 1 >&/dev/null; then
- # We have color support; assume it's compliant with Ecma-48
- # (ISO/IEC-6429). (Lack of such support is extremely rare, and such
- # a case would tend to support setf rather than setaf.)
- color_prompt=yes
- else
- color_prompt=
- fi
-if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then
- PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\n\$ '
- PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\n\$ '
-unset color_prompt force_color_prompt
-# If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir
-case "$TERM" in
- PS1="\[\e]0;${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h: \w\a\]$PS1"
- ;;
- ;;
-# Include modular config files
-if [ -d ~/.bash.d ]; then
- for file in ~/.bash.d/*.sh; do
- . $file;
- done
-# Alias definitions.
-# You may want to put all your additions into a separate file like
-# ~/.bash_aliases, instead of adding them here directly.
-# See /usr/share/doc/bash-doc/examples in the bash-doc package.
-if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
- . ~/.bash_aliases
-# enable programmable completion features (you don't need to enable
-# this, if it's already enabled in /etc/bash.bashrc and /etc/profile
-# sources /etc/bash.bashrc).
-if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
- . /etc/bash_completion
-if [ -f "$HOME/.login-daemons" ]; then
- . "$HOME/.login-daemons"
-if [ -f "${HOME}/.gnupg/agent-info" ]; then
- . "${HOME}/.gnupg/agent-info"
- #export SSH_AUTH_SOCK
-export PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT="/home/luke/perl5";
-export PERL_MB_OPT="--install_base /home/luke/perl5";
-export PERL_MM_OPT="INSTALL_BASE=/home/luke/perl5";
-export PERL5LIB="/home/luke/perl5/lib/perl5/i686-linux-thread-multi:/home/luke/perl5/lib/perl5";
-export PATH="/home/luke/perl5/bin:$PATH";
+.config/bash/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.config/X11/clientrc b/.config/X11/clientrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1e1725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/X11/clientrc
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# ~/.xinitrc
+# Executed by startx (run your window manager from here)
+if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then
+ echo ' ==> Running scripts in Entering xinitrc.d/*'
+ for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do
+ echo " -> $f"
+ [ -x "$f" ] && "$f" &
+ done
+ unset f
+ echo ' -> done'
+if [ -f "$usermodmap" ]; then
+ xmodmap "$usermodmap"
+# exec gnome-session
+# exec startkde
+# exec startxfce4
+# ...or the Window Manager of your choice
+exec wmii
diff --git a/.config/X11/defaults b/.config/X11/defaults
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ceabc5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/X11/defaults
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+URxvt.background: #000000
+URxvt.foreground: #CCCCCC
+URxvt.scrollstyle: plain
+URxvt.scrollBar_floating: true
+URxvt.font: xft:Monospace-8
+URxvt.cursorBlink: true
+URxvt.termName: xterm-256color
+URxvt.pastableTabs: true
+URxvt.scrollTtyOutput: false
+URxvt.scrollTtyKeypress: false
+URxvt.scrollWithBuffer: true
+URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,matcher
+URxvt.urlLauncher: v-www-browser
+URxvt.matcher.button: 1
diff --git a/.config/X11/login b/.config/X11/login
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03bad2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/X11/login
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# ~/.xsession
+# Executed by xdm/gdm/kdm at login
+/bin/bash --login -i ~/.xinitrc
diff --git a/.xmodmap b/.config/X11/modmap
index e4ade24..e4ade24 100644
--- a/.xmodmap
+++ b/.config/X11/modmap
diff --git a/.config/X11/serverrc b/.config/X11/serverrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6c6ffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/X11/serverrc
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#VT=$(tty|sed 's@/dev/tty@vt@')
+exec /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp "$VT" "$@"
diff --git a/.bash_aliases b/.config/bash/
index de1a321..8241b95 100644
--- a/.bash_aliases
+++ b/.config/bash/
@@ -48,19 +48,12 @@ alias gitk='gitk --all --date-order'
redshift='redshift -l39.9030:85.9979'
alias gtk-redshift="gtk-$redshift"
alias redshift="$redshift"
+unset redshift
# Some almost-function aliases #
-#alias serva='ssh -p3440'
-#alias phpdoctor='php /usr/gnu/www/0-other/phpdoctor-head/phpdoc.php'
-function xterm-title () { echo "];$@"; } # Oh, wait this one *is* a function
+xterm-title() { echo "];$@"; } # Oh, wait this one *is* a function
alias lock="clear; away -C 'This terminal is locked'"
alias plock="xterm-title Terminal Locked;lock"
-# Other #
-case "$TERM" in
- eterm*) alias editor='editor -n';;
+mvln() { mv $1 $2; ln -s $2 $1; }
diff --git a/.config/bash/ b/.config/bash/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1269a03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/bash/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# ~/.bash_login: executed by bash(1) when login shell starts.
+# I think this is sane default behavior
+# Load user settings
+. "$HOME/.profile"
+# Load bash settings (automatic for non-login shells)
+. "$HOME/.bashrc"
diff --git a/.config/bash/ b/.config/bash/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8b88c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/bash/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# ~/.bash_logout: executed by bash(1) when login shell exits.
+# when leaving the console clear the screen to increase privacy
+if [ "$SHLVL" = 1 ]; then
+ [ -x /usr/bin/clear_console ] && /usr/bin/clear_console -q
+make -C "$HOME"
diff --git a/.bash.d/ b/.config/bash/rc.d/
index f484bbb..f484bbb 100644
--- a/.bash.d/
+++ b/.config/bash/rc.d/
diff --git a/.config/bash/ b/.config/bash/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed55f75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/bash/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
+# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files (in the package bash-doc)
+# for examples
+# I include this file for all interactive invocations of bash(1), whether
+# they are login shells or not.
+# If not running interactively, don't do anything
+[ -z "$PS1" ] && return
+# don't put duplicate lines in the history. See bash(1) for more options
+export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups
+export HISTFILE=${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/bash/history
+export HISTTIMEFORMAT='[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M] '
+shopt -s histappend # append to the history file, don't overwrite it
+shopt -s checkwinsize # update the values of LINES and COLUMNS
+shopt -s globstar # Let ** recursively scan directories
+# Why is this not on by default?
+# "We have a cached value, but it isn't valid anymore. Should we trash it?"
+shopt -s checkhash
+# make less more friendly for non-text input files, see lesspipe(1)
+[ -x "`which lesspipe 2>/dev/null`" ] && eval "$(SHELL=/bin/sh lesspipe)"
+# set variable identifying the chroot you work in (used in the prompt below)
+if [ -z "$debian_chroot" ] && [ -r /etc/debian_chroot ]; then
+ debian_chroot=$(cat /etc/debian_chroot)
+make_prompt() {
+ local RESET=''
+ local BOLD=''
+ local GREEN=''
+ local BLUE=''
+ if $1; then
+ RESET="$(tput sgr0)"
+ BOLD="$(tput bold)"
+ GREEN="$(tput setaf 2)"
+ BLUE="$(tput setaf 4)"
+ fi
+ local CHROOT='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}'
+ echo "${RESET}${BOLD}${CHROOT}${GREEN}"'\u@\h'"${RESET}:${BOLD}${BLUE}"'\w'"${RESET}"
+if [ -x /usr/bin/tput ] && tput setaf 1 >&/dev/null; then
+ # We have color support; assume it's compliant with Ecma-48
+ # (ISO/IEC-6429). (Lack of such support is extremely rare, and such
+ # a case would tend to support setf rather than setaf.)
+ PS1="$(make_prompt true )"'\n\$ '
+ PS1="$(make_prompt false)"'\n\$ '
+# If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir
+case "$TERM" in
+ xterm*|rxvt*)
+ PS1="\[\e]0;$(make_prompt false)\a\]$PS1";;
+unset make_prompt
+# Include modular config files
+if [ -d "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/rc.d" ]; then
+ for file in "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/rc.d"/*.sh; do
+ . "$file"
+ done
+if [ -f ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/bash/ ]; then
+ . ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/bash/
+# enable programmable completion features (you don't need to enable
+# this, if it's already enabled in /etc/bash.bashrc and /etc/profile
+# sources /etc/bash.bashrc).
+if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
+ . /etc/bash_completion
diff --git a/.config/vlc/vlcrc b/.config/vlc/vlcrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 21a90e4..0000000
--- a/.config/vlc/vlcrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4620 +0,0 @@
-### vlc 2.0.3
-### lines beginning with a '#' character are comments
-[access_output_livehttp] # HTTP Live streaming output
-# Segment length (integer)
-# Number of segments (integer)
-# Split segments anywhere (boolean)
-# Delete segments (boolean)
-# Use muxers rate control mechanism (boolean)
-# Index file (string)
-# Full URL to put in index file (string)
-[access_output_http] # HTTP stream output
-# Username (string)
-# Password (string)
-# Mime (string)
-[access_output_udp] # UDP stream output
-# Caching value (ms) (integer)
-# Group packets (integer)
-[access_output_file] # File stream output
-# Append to file (boolean)
-# Synchronous writing (boolean)
-[access_output_shout] # IceCAST output
-# Stream name (string)
-#sout-shout-name=VLC media player - Live stream
-# Stream description (string)
-#sout-shout-description=Live stream from VLC media player
-# Stream MP3 (boolean)
-# Genre description (string)
-# URL description (string)
-# Bitrate (string)
-# Samplerate (string)
-# Number of channels (string)
-# Ogg Vorbis Quality (string)
-# Stream public (boolean)
-[mux_mp4] # MP4/MOV muxer
-# Create "Fast Start" files (boolean)
-[mux_ts] # TS muxer (libdvbpsi)
-# Video PID (integer)
-# Audio PID (integer)
-# SPU PID (integer)
-# PMT PID (integer)
-# TS ID (integer)
-# NET ID (integer)
-# PMT Program numbers (string)
-# Set PID to ID of ES (boolean)
-# Mux PMT (requires --sout-ts-es-id-pid) (string)
-# SDT Descriptors (requires --sout-ts-es-id-pid) (string)
-# Data alignment (boolean)
-# Shaping delay (ms) (integer)
-# Use keyframes (boolean)
-# PCR interval (ms) (integer)
-# Minimum B (deprecated) (integer)
-# Maximum B (deprecated) (integer)
-# DTS delay (ms) (integer)
-# Crypt audio (boolean)
-# Crypt video (boolean)
-# CSA Key (string)
-# Second CSA Key (string)
-# CSA Key in use (string)
-# Packet size in bytes to encrypt (integer)
-[mux_asf] # ASF muxer
-# Title (string)
-# Author (string)
-# Copyright (string)
-# Comment (string)
-# Rating (string)
-# Packet Size (integer)
-# Bitrate override (integer)
-[mux_ps] # PS muxer
-# DTS delay (ms) (integer)
-# PES maximum size (integer)
-[amem] # Audio memory output
-# Sample format (string)
-# Sample rate (integer)
-# Channels count (integer)
-[alsa] # ALSA audio output
-# Audio output device (string)
-# Audio output channels (integer)
-[oss] # Open Sound System
-# OSS DSP device (string)
-[portaudio] # PORTAUDIO audio output
-# Output device (integer)
-[jack] # JACK audio output
-# Automatically connect to writable clients (boolean)
-# Connect to clients matching (string)
-[aout_file] # File audio output
-# Output file (string)
-# Output format (string)
-# Number of output channels (integer)
-# Add WAVE header (boolean)
-[stream_out_es] # Elementary stream output
-# Output access method (string)
-# Output muxer (string)
-# Output URL (string)
-# Audio output access method (string)
-# Audio output muxer (string)
-# Audio output URL (string)
-# Video output access method (string)
-# Video output muxer (string)
-# Video output URL (string)
-[stream_out_standard] # Standard stream output
-# Output access method (string)
-# Output muxer (string)
-# Output destination (string)
-# address to bind to (helper setting for dst) (string)
-# filename for stream (helper setting for dst) (string)
-# SAP announcing (boolean)
-# Session name (string)
-# Session description (string)
-# Session URL (string)
-# Session email (string)
-# Session phone number (string)
-[stream_out_setid] # Change the id of an elementary stream
-# Elementary Stream ID (integer)
-# New ES ID (integer)
-# Elementary Stream ID (integer)
-# Language (string)
-[stream_out_delay] # Delay a stream
-# Elementary Stream ID (integer)
-# Delay of the ES (ms) (integer)
-[stream_out_mosaic_bridge] # Mosaic bridge stream output
-# ID (string)
-# Video width (integer)
-# Video height (integer)
-# Sample aspect ratio (string)
-# Image chroma (string)
-# Video filter (string)
-# Transparency (integer)
-# X offset (integer)
-# Y offset (integer)
-[stream_out_record] # Record stream output
-# Destination prefix (string)
-[stream_out_select] # Select individual es to enable or disable from stream
-# Command UDP port (integer)
-# Disable ES id (integer)
-# Enable ES id (integer)
-[stream_out_transcode] # Transcode stream output
-# Video encoder (string)
-# Destination video codec (string)
-# Video bitrate (integer)
-# Video scaling (float)
-# Video frame-rate (float)
-# Hurry up (boolean)
-# Deinterlace video (boolean)
-# Deinterlace module (string)
-# Video width (integer)
-# Video height (integer)
-# Maximum video width (integer)
-# Maximum video height (integer)
-# Video filter (string)
-# Audio encoder (string)
-# Destination audio codec (string)
-# Audio bitrate (integer)
-# Audio Language (string)
-# Audio channels (integer)
-# Audio sample rate (integer)
-# Synchronise on audio track (boolean)
-# Audio filter (string)
-# Subtitles encoder (string)
-# Destination subtitles codec (string)
-# Destination subtitles codec (boolean)
-# Overlays (string)
-# OSD menu (boolean)
-# Number of threads (integer)
-# High priority (boolean)
-[stream_out_raop] # Remote Audio Output Protocol stream output
-# Host (string)
-# Password (string)
-# Password file (string)
-# Volume (integer)
-[stream_out_display] # Display stream output
-# Enable audio (boolean)
-# Enable video (boolean)
-# Delay (ms) (integer)
-[stream_out_smem] # Stream output to memory buffer
-# Time Synchronized output (boolean)
-[stream_out_bridge] # Bridge stream output
-# ID (integer)
-# Destination bridge-in name (string)
-# Delay (integer)
-# ID Offset (integer)
-# Name of current instance (string)
-# Fallback to placeholder stream when out of data (boolean)
-# Placeholder delay (integer)
-# Wait for I frame before toggling placeholder (boolean)
-[stream_out_langfromtelx] # Dynamic language setting from teletext
-# Elementary Stream ID (integer)
-# Magazine (integer)
-# Page (integer)
-# Row (integer)
-[stream_out_rtp] # RTP stream output
-# Destination (string)
-# SDP (string)
-# Muxer (string)
-# SAP announcing (boolean)
-# Session name (string)
-# Session category (string)
-# Session description (string)
-# Session URL (string)
-# Session email (string)
-# Session phone number (string)
-# Transport protocol (string)
-# Port (integer)
-# Audio port (integer)
-# Video port (integer)
-# Hop limit (TTL) (integer)
-# RTP/RTCP multiplexing (boolean)
-# Caching value (ms) (integer)
-# SRTP key (hexadecimal) (string)
-# SRTP salt (hexadecimal) (string)
-# MP4A LATM (boolean)
-# RTSP session timeout (s) (integer)
-# Username (string)
-# Password (string)
-[xcb_xv] # XVideo output (XCB)
-# XVideo adaptor number (integer)
-# XVideo format id (integer)
-[fb] # GNU/Linux framebuffer video output
-# Framebuffer device (string)
-# Run fb on current tty (boolean)
-# Image format (default RGB) (string)
-# Framebuffer resolution to use (integer)
-# Framebuffer uses hw acceleration (boolean)
-[xcb_window] # X11 video window (XCB)
-# X11 display (string)
-[vdummy] # Dummy video output
-# Dummy image chroma format (string)
-[vout_sdl] # Simple DirectMedia Layer video output
-# SDL chroma format (string)
-[xcb_x11] # X11 video output (XCB)
-[yuv] # YUV video output
-# device, fifo or filename (string)
-# Chroma used (string)
-# YUV4MPEG2 header (default disabled) (boolean)
-[vmem] # Video memory output
-# Width (integer)
-# Height (integer)
-# Pitch (integer)
-# Chroma (string)
-[folder] # Folder meta data
-# Album art filename (string)
-[packetizer_mpegvideo] # MPEG-I/II video packetizer
-# Sync on Intra Frame (boolean)
-[notify] # LibNotify Notification Plugin
-# Timeout (ms) (integer)
-[telepathy] # Telepathy "Now Playing" (MissionControl)
-[oldrc] # Remote control interface
-# Show stream position (boolean)
-# Fake TTY (boolean)
-# UNIX socket command input (string)
-# TCP command input (string)
-[motion] # motion control interface
-# Use the rotate video filter instead of transform (boolean)
-[netsync] # Network synchronization
-# Network master clock (boolean)
-# Master server ip address (string)
-# UDP timeout (in ms) (integer)
-[gestures] # Mouse gestures control interface
-# Motion threshold (10-100) (integer)
-# Trigger button (string)
-[hotkeys] # Hotkeys management interface
-# MouseWheel up-down axis Control (integer)
-[lirc] # Infrared remote control interface
-# Change the lirc configuration file (string)
-[dbus] # D-Bus control interface
-# Unique DBUS service id (org.mpris.vlc-<pid>) (boolean)
-[transform] # Video transformation filter
-# Transform type (string)
-[hqdn3d] # High Quality 3D Denoiser filter
-# Spatial luma strength (0-254) (float)
-# Spatial chroma strength (0-254) (float)
-# Temporal luma strength (0-254) (float)
-# Temporal chroma strength (0-254) (float)
-[croppadd] # Video scaling filter
-# Pixels to crop from top (integer)
-# Pixels to crop from bottom (integer)
-# Pixels to crop from left (integer)
-# Pixels to crop from right (integer)
-# Pixels to padd to top (integer)
-# Pixels to padd to bottom (integer)
-# Pixels to padd to left (integer)
-# Pixels to padd to right (integer)
-[alphamask] # Alpha mask video filter
-# Transparency mask (string)
-[motionblur] # Motion blur filter
-# Blur factor (1-127) (integer)
-[osdmenu] # On Screen Display menu
-# X coordinate (integer)
-# Y coordinate (integer)
-# Menu position (integer)
-# Configuration file (string)
-# Path to OSD menu images (string)
-# Menu timeout (integer)
-# Menu update interval (integer)
-# Alpha transparency value (default 255) (integer)
-[ball] # Ball video filter
-# Ball color (string)
-# Ball speed (integer)
-# Ball size (integer)
-# Gradient threshold (integer)
-# Edge visible (boolean)
-[sepia] # Sepia video filter
-# Sepia intensity (integer)
-[adjust] # Image properties filter
-# Image contrast (0-2) (float)
-# Image brightness (0-2) (float)
-# Image hue (0-360) (integer)
-# Image saturation (0-3) (float)
-# Image gamma (0-10) (float)
-# Brightness threshold (boolean)
-[panoramix] # Panoramix: wall with overlap video filter
-# Number of columns (integer)
-# Number of rows (integer)
-# length of the overlapping area (in %) (integer)
-# height of the overlapping area (in %) (integer)
-# Attenuation (boolean)
-# Attenuation, begin (in %) (integer)
-# Attenuation, middle (in %) (integer)
-# Attenuation, end (in %) (integer)
-# middle position (in %) (integer)
-# Gamma (Red) correction (float)
-# Gamma (Green) correction (float)
-# Gamma (Blue) correction (float)
-# Black Crush for Red (integer)
-# Black Crush for Green (integer)
-# Black Crush for Blue (integer)
-# White Crush for Red (integer)
-# White Crush for Green (integer)
-# White Crush for Blue (integer)
-# Black Level for Red (integer)
-# Black Level for Green (integer)
-# Black Level for Blue (integer)
-# White Level for Red (integer)
-# White Level for Green (integer)
-# White Level for Blue (integer)
-# Active windows (string)
-[puzzle] # Puzzle interactive game video filter
-# Number of puzzle rows (integer)
-# Number of puzzle columns (integer)
-# Make one tile a black slot (boolean)
-[dynamicoverlay] # Dynamic video overlay
-# Input FIFO (string)
-# Output FIFO (string)
-[swscale] # Video scaling filter
-# Scaling mode (integer)
-[canvas] # Canvas video filter
-# Output width (integer)
-# Output height (integer)
-# Output picture aspect ratio (string)
-# Pad video (boolean)
-[clone] # Clone video filter
-# Number of clones (integer)
-# Video output modules (string)
-[postproc] # Video post processing filter
-# Post processing quality (integer)
-# FFmpeg post processing filter chains (string)
-[remoteosd] # Remote-OSD over VNC
-# VNC Host (string)
-# VNC Port (integer)
-# VNC Password (string)
-# VNC poll interval (integer)
-# VNC polling (boolean)
-# Mouse events (boolean)
-# Key events (boolean)
-# Alpha transparency value (default 255) (integer)
-[colorthres] # Color threshold filter
-# Color (integer)
-# Saturation threshold (integer)
-# Similarity threshold (integer)
-[erase] # Erase video filter
-# Image mask (string)
-# X coordinate (integer)
-# Y coordinate (integer)
-[audiobargraph_v] # Audio Bar Graph Video sub source
-# Value of the audio channels levels (string)
-# X coordinate (integer)
-# Y coordinate (integer)
-# Transparency of the bargraph (integer)
-# Bargraph position (integer)
-# Alarm (integer)
-# Bar width in pixel (default : 10) (integer)
-[gaussianblur] # Gaussian blur video filter
-# Gaussian's std deviation (float)
-[sharpen] # Sharpen video filter
-# Sharpen strength (0-2) (float)
-[posterize] # Posterize video filter
-# Posterize level (integer)
-[wall] # Wall video filter
-# Number of columns (integer)
-# Number of rows (integer)
-# Active windows (string)
-# Element aspect ratio (string)
-[mosaic] # Mosaic video sub source
-# Transparency (integer)
-# Height (integer)
-# Width (integer)
-# Mosaic alignment (integer)
-# Top left corner X coordinate (integer)
-# Top left corner Y coordinate (integer)
-# Border width (integer)
-# Border height (integer)
-# Positioning method (integer)
-# Number of rows (integer)
-# Number of columns (integer)
-# Keep aspect ratio (boolean)
-# Keep original size (boolean)
-# Elements order (string)
-# Offsets in order (string)
-# Delay (integer)
-[antiflicker] # antiflicker video filter
-# Window size (integer)
-# Softening value (integer)
-[subsdelay] # Subtitles delay
-# Delay calculation mode (integer)
-# Calculation factor (float)
-# Maximum overlapping subtitles (integer)
-# Minimum alpha value (integer)
-# Interval between two disappearances (integer)
-# Interval between appearance and disappearance (integer)
-# Interval between disappearance and appearance (integer)
-[rss] # RSS and Atom feed display
-# Feed URLs (string)
-# X offset (integer)
-# Y offset (integer)
-# Text position (integer)
-# Opacity (integer)
-# Color (integer)
-# Font size, pixels (integer)
-# Speed of feeds (integer)
-# Max length (integer)
-# Refresh time (integer)
-# Feed images (boolean)
-# Title display mode (integer)
-[deinterlace] # Deinterlacing video filter
-# Streaming deinterlace mode (string)
-# Phosphor chroma mode for 4:2:0 input (integer)
-# Phosphor old field dimmer strength (integer)
-[marq] # Marquee display
-# Text (string)
-# X offset (integer)
-# Y offset (integer)
-# Marquee position (integer)
-# Opacity (integer)
-# Color (integer)
-# Font size, pixels (integer)
-# Timeout (integer)
-# Refresh period in ms (integer)
-[atmo] # AtmoLight Filter
-# Device type (integer)
-# Serial Port/Device (string)
-# Color when paused (boolean)
-# Pause-Red (integer)
-# Pause-Green (integer)
-# Pause-Blue (integer)
-# Pause-Fadesteps (integer)
-# End-Red (integer)
-# End-Green (integer)
-# End-Blue (integer)
-# End-Fadesteps (integer)
-# Count of AtmoLight channels (integer)
-# DMX address for each channel (string)
-# Count of channels (integer)
-# Count of fnordlicht's (integer)
-# Number of zones on top (integer)
-# Number of zones on bottom (integer)
-# Zones on left / right side (integer)
-# Calculate a average zone (boolean)
-# Edge Weightning (integer)
-# Brightness (integer)
-# Darkness Limit (integer)
-# Hue windowing (integer)
-# Sat windowing (integer)
-# Output Color filter mode (integer)
-# Filter length (ms) (integer)
-# Filter threshold (integer)
-# Filter Smoothness (in %) (integer)
-# Frame delay (ms) (integer)
-# Channel 0: summary (integer)
-# Channel 1: left (integer)
-# Channel 2: right (integer)
-# Channel 3: top (integer)
-# Channel 4: bottom (integer)
-# Channel / Zone Assignment (string)
-# Use Software White adjust (boolean)
-# White Red (integer)
-# White Green (integer)
-# White Blue (integer)
-# Zone 0: Top gradient (string)
-# Zone 1: Right gradient (string)
-# Zone 2: Bottom gradient (string)
-# Zone 3: Left gradient (string)
-# Zone 4: Summary gradient (string)
-# Gradient bitmap searchpath (string)
-# Extracted Image Width (integer)
-# Extracted Image Height (integer)
-# Mark analyzed pixels (boolean)
-[rotate] # Rotate video filter
-# Angle in degrees (integer)
-[extract] # Extract RGB component video filter
-# RGB component to extract (integer)
-[gradient] # Gradient video filter
-# Distort mode (string)
-# Gradient image type (integer)
-# Apply cartoon effect (boolean)
-[scene] # Scene video filter
-# Image format (string)
-# Image width (integer)
-# Image height (integer)
-# Filename prefix (string)
-# Directory path prefix (string)
-# Always write to the same file (boolean)
-# Recording ratio (integer)
-[blendbench] # Blending benchmark filter
-# Number of time to blend (integer)
-# Alpha of the blended image (integer)
-# Image to be blended onto (string)
-# Chroma for the base image (string)
-# Image which will be blended (string)
-# Chroma for the blend image (string)
-[grain] # Grain video filter
-# Variance (float)
-# Minimal period (integer)
-# Maximal period (integer)
-[logo] # Logo sub source
-# Logo filenames (string)
-# X coordinate (integer)
-# Y coordinate (integer)
-# Logo individual image time in ms (integer)
-# Logo animation # of loops (integer)
-# Opacity of the logo (integer)
-# Logo position (integer)
-[gradfun] # Gradfun video filter
-# Radius (integer)
-# Strength (float)
-[mirror] # Mirror video filter
-# Mirror orientation (integer)
-# Direction (integer)
-[bluescreen] # Bluescreen video filter
-# Bluescreen U value (integer)
-# Bluescreen V value (integer)
-# Bluescreen U tolerance (integer)
-# Bluescreen V tolerance (integer)
-[playlist] # Playlist
-# Skip ads (boolean)
-# Show shoutcast adult content (boolean)
-[vc1] # VC1 video demuxer
-# Frames per Second (float)
-[ps] # MPEG-PS demuxer
-# Trust MPEG timestamps (boolean)
-[live555] # RTP/RTSP/SDP demuxer (using Live555)
-# Use RTP over RTSP (TCP) (boolean)
-# Client port (integer)
-# Force multicast RTP via RTSP (boolean)
-# Tunnel RTSP and RTP over HTTP (boolean)
-# HTTP tunnel port (integer)
-# Kasenna RTSP dialect (boolean)
-# WMServer RTSP dialect (boolean)
-# RTSP user name (string)
-# RTSP password (string)
-[subtitle] # Text subtitles parser
-# Frames per second (float)
-# Subtitles delay (integer)
-# Subtitles format (string)
-# Subtitles description (string)
-[mkv] # Matroska stream demuxer
-# Respect ordered chapters (boolean)
-# Chapter codecs (boolean)
-# Preload MKV files in the same directory (boolean)
-# Seek based on percent not time (boolean)
-# Dummy Elements (boolean)
-[mod] # MOD demuxer (libmodplug)
-# Noise reduction (boolean)
-# Reverb (boolean)
-# Reverberation level (integer)
-# Reverberation delay (integer)
-# Mega bass (boolean)
-# Mega bass level (integer)
-# Mega bass cutoff (integer)
-# Surround (boolean)
-# Surround level (integer)
-# Surround delay (ms) (integer)
-[rawaud] # Raw audio demuxer
-# Audio channels (integer)
-# Audio samplerate (Hz) (integer)
-# FOURCC code of raw input format (string)
-# Forces the audio language (string)
-[h264] # H264 video demuxer
-# Frames per Second (float)
-[mjpeg] # M-JPEG camera demuxer
-# Frames per Second (float)
-[avi] # AVI demuxer
-# Force interleaved method (boolean)
-# Force index creation (integer)
-[es] # MPEG-I/II/4 / A52 / DTS / MLP audio
-# Frames per Second (float)
-[rawvid] # Raw video demuxer
-# Frames per Second (string)
-# Width (integer)
-# Height (integer)
-# Force chroma (Use carefully) (string)
-# Aspect ratio (string)
-[image] # Image demuxer
-# ES ID (integer)
-# Group (integer)
-# Decode (boolean)
-# Forced chroma (string)
-# Duration in seconds (float)
-# Frame rate (string)
-# Real-time (boolean)
-[rawdv] # DV (Digital Video) demuxer
-# Hurry up (boolean)
-[ts] # MPEG Transport Stream demuxer
-# Extra PMT (string)
-# Set id of ES to PID (boolean)
-# Fast udp streaming (string)
-# MTU for out mode (integer)
-# CSA Key (string)
-# Second CSA Key (string)
-# Packet size in bytes to decrypt (integer)
-# Silent mode (boolean)
-# Filename of dump (string)
-# Append (boolean)
-# Dump buffer size (integer)
-# Separate sub-streams (boolean)
-# Seek based on percent not time (boolean)
-[dirac] # Dirac video demuxer
-# Value to adjust dts by (integer)
-[avformat] # Avformat demuxer
-# Format name (string)
-# Avformat mux (string)
-[demuxdump] # File dumper
-# Dump filename (string)
-# Append to existing file (boolean)
-[audiobargraph_a] # Audio part of the BarGraph function
-# TCP address to use (default localhost) (string)
-# TCP port to use (default 12345) (integer)
-# Defines if BarGraph information should be sent (default 1) (integer)
-# Sends the barGraph information every n audio packets (default 4) (integer)
-# Defines if silence alarm information should be sent (default 1) (integer)
-# Time window to use in ms (default 5000) (integer)
-# Minimum Audio level to raise the alarm (default 0.1) (float)
-# Time between two alarm messages in ms (default 2000) (integer)
-# Force connection reset regularly (default 1) (integer)
-[chorus_flanger] # Sound Delay
-# Delay time (float)
-# Sweep Depth (float)
-# Sweep Rate (float)
-# Feedback Gain (float)
-# Wet mix (float)
-# Dry Mix (float)
-[mono] # Audio filter for stereo to mono conversion
-# Use downmix algorithm (boolean)
-# Select channel to keep (integer)
-[scaletempo] # Audio tempo scaler synched with rate
-# Stride Length (integer)
-# Overlap Length (float)
-# Search Length (integer)
-[normvol] # Volume normalizer
-# Number of audio buffers (integer)
-# Maximal volume level (float)
-[param_eq] # Parametric Equalizer
-# Low freq (Hz) (float)
-# Low freq gain (dB) (float)
-# High freq (Hz) (float)
-# High freq gain (dB) (float)
-# Freq 1 (Hz) (float)
-# Freq 1 gain (dB) (float)
-# Freq 1 Q (float)
-# Freq 2 (Hz) (float)
-# Freq 2 gain (dB) (float)
-# Freq 2 Q (float)
-# Freq 3 (Hz) (float)
-# Freq 3 gain (dB) (float)
-# Freq 3 Q (float)
-[headphone_channel_mixer] # Headphone virtual spatialization effect
-# Characteristic dimension (integer)
-# Compensate delay (boolean)
-# No decoding of Dolby Surround (boolean)
-[speex_resampler] # Speex resampler
-# Resampling quality (integer)
-[dtstofloat32] # DTS Coherent Acoustics audio decoder
-# DTS dynamic range compression (boolean)
-[spatializer] # Audio Spatializer
-# Room size (float)
-# Room width (float)
-# Wet (float)
-# Dry (float)
-# Damp (float)
-[a52tofloat32] # ATSC A/52 (AC-3) audio decoder
-# A/52 dynamic range compression (boolean)
-# Enable internal upmixing (boolean)
-[compressor] # Dynamic range compressor
-# RMS/peak (float)
-# Attack time (float)
-# Release time (float)
-# Threshold level (float)
-# Ratio (float)
-# Knee radius (float)
-# Makeup gain (float)
-[samplerate] # Secret Rabbit Code (libsamplerate) resampler
-# Sample rate converter type (integer)
-[equalizer] # Equalizer with 10 bands
-# Equalizer preset (string)
-# Bands gain (string)
-# Two pass (boolean)
-# Global gain (float)
-[theora] # Theora video decoder
-# Encoding quality (integer)
-[zvbi] # VBI and Teletext decoder
-# Teletext page (integer)
-# Teletext transparency (boolean)
-# Teletext alignment (integer)
-# Teletext text subtitles (boolean)
-[spudec] # DVD subtitles decoder
-# Disable DVD subtitle transparency (boolean)
-[dvbsub] # DVB subtitles decoder
-# Subpicture position (integer)
-# Decoding X coordinate (integer)
-# Decoding Y coordinate (integer)
-# Encoding X coordinate (integer)
-# Encoding Y coordinate (integer)
-[ddummy] # Dummy decoder
-# Save raw codec data (boolean)
-[x264] # H.264/MPEG4 AVC encoder (x264)
-# Maximum GOP size (integer)
-# Minimum GOP size (integer)
-# Use recovery points to close GOPs (boolean)
-# Enable compatibility hacks for Blu-ray support (boolean)
-# Extra I-frames aggressivity (integer)
-# B-frames between I and P (integer)
-# Adaptive B-frame decision (integer)
-# Influence (bias) B-frames usage (integer)
-# Keep some B-frames as references (string)
-# CABAC (boolean)
-# Number of reference frames (integer)
-# Skip loop filter (boolean)
-# Loop filter AlphaC0 and Beta parameters alpha:beta (string)
-# Strength of psychovisual optimization, default is "1.0:0.0" (string)
-# Use Psy-optimizations (boolean)
-# H.264 level (string)
-# H.264 profile (string)
-# Interlaced mode (boolean)
-# Force number of slices per frame (integer)
-# Limit the size of each slice in bytes (integer)
-# Limit the size of each slice in macroblocks (integer)
-# HRD-timing information (string)
-# Set QP (integer)
-# Quality-based VBR (integer)
-# Min QP (integer)
-# Max QP (integer)
-# Max QP step (integer)
-# Average bitrate tolerance (float)
-# Max local bitrate (integer)
-# VBV buffer (integer)
-# Initial VBV buffer occupancy (float)
-# QP factor between I and P (float)
-# QP factor between P and B (float)
-# QP difference between chroma and luma (integer)
-# Multipass ratecontrol (integer)
-# QP curve compression (float)
-# Reduce fluctuations in QP (float)
-# Reduce fluctuations in QP (float)
-# How AQ distributes bits (integer)
-# Strength of AQ (float)
-# Partitions to consider (string)
-# Direct MV prediction mode (string)
-# Direct prediction size (integer)
-# Weighted prediction for B-frames (boolean)
-# Weighted prediction for P-frames (integer)
-# Integer pixel motion estimation method (string)
-# Maximum motion vector search range (integer)
-# Maximum motion vector length (integer)
-# Minimum buffer space between threads (integer)
-# Subpixel motion estimation and partition decision quality (integer)
-# Decide references on a per partition basis (boolean)
-# Chroma in motion estimation (boolean)
-# Adaptive spatial transform size (boolean)
-# Trellis RD quantization (integer)
-# Framecount to use on frametype lookahead (integer)
-# Use Periodic Intra Refresh (boolean)
-# Use mb-tree ratecontrol (boolean)
-# Early SKIP detection on P-frames (boolean)
-# Coefficient thresholding on P-frames (boolean)
-# Noise reduction (integer)
-# Inter luma quantization deadzone (integer)
-# Intra luma quantization deadzone (integer)
-# Non-deterministic optimizations when threaded (boolean)
-# CPU optimizations (boolean)
-# PSNR computation (boolean)
-# SSIM computation (boolean)
-# Quiet mode (boolean)
-# SPS and PPS id numbers (integer)
-# Access unit delimiters (boolean)
-# Statistics (boolean)
-# Filename for 2 pass stats file (string)
-# Use preset as default settings. Overridden by user settings. (string)
-# Tune the settings for a particular type of source or situation. Overridden by user settings. (string)
-[speex] # Speex audio decoder
-# Mode (integer)
-# Encoding complexity (integer)
-# CBR encoding (boolean)
-# Encoding quality (float)
-# Maximal bitrate (integer)
-# Voice activity detection (boolean)
-# Discontinuous Transmission (boolean)
-[telx] # Teletext subtitles decoder
-# Override page (integer)
-# Ignore subtitle flag (boolean)
-# Workaround for France (boolean)
-[subsdec] # Text subtitles decoder
-# Subtitles justification (integer)
-# Subtitles text encoding (string)
-# UTF-8 subtitles autodetection (boolean)
-# Formatted Subtitles (boolean)
-[vorbis] # Vorbis audio decoder
-# Encoding quality (integer)
-# Maximum encoding bitrate (integer)
-# Minimum encoding bitrate (integer)
-# CBR encoding (boolean)
-[schroedinger] # Dirac video decoder using libschroedinger
-# Rate control method (string)
-# Constant quality factor (float)
-# Noise Threshold (float)
-# CBR bitrate (kbps) (integer)
-# Maximum bitrate (kbps) (integer)
-# Minimum bitrate (kbps) (integer)
-# GOP structure (string)
-# GOP length (integer)
-# Chroma format (string)
-# Picture coding mode (string)
-# Motion Vector precision (string)
-# Size of motion compensation blocks (string)
-# Overlap of motion compensation blocks (string)
-# Three component motion estimation (integer)
-# Enable hierarchical Motion Estimation (integer)
-# Number of levels of downsampling (integer)
-# Enable Global Motion Estimation (integer)
-# Enable Phase Correlation Estimation (integer)
-# Intra picture DWT filter (string)
-# Inter picture DWT filter (string)
-# Number of DWT iterations (integer)
-# Enable multiple quantizers (integer)
-# Size of code blocks in each subband (string)
-# Prefilter (string)
-# Amount of prefiltering (float)
-# Enable Scene Change Detection (integer)
-# perceptual weighting method (string)
-# perceptual distance (float)
-# Disable arithmetic coding (integer)
-# Horizontal slices per frame (integer)
-# Vertical slices per frame (integer)
-# Force Profile (string)
-[avcodec] # FFmpeg audio/video decoder
-# Direct rendering (boolean)
-# Error resilience (integer)
-# Workaround bugs (integer)
-# Hurry up (boolean)
-# Skip frame (default=0) (integer)
-# Skip idct (default=0) (integer)
-# Visualize motion vectors (integer)
-# Low resolution decoding (integer)
-# Allow speed tricks (boolean)
-# Skip the loop filter for H.264 decoding (integer)
-# Debug mask (integer)
-# Codec name (string)
-# Hardware decoding (boolean)
-# Threads (integer)
-# Codec name (string)
-# Quality level (string)
-# Ratio of key frames (integer)
-# Ratio of B frames (integer)
-# Hurry up (boolean)
-# Interlaced encoding (boolean)
-# Interlaced motion estimation (boolean)
-# Video bitrate tolerance (integer)
-# Pre-motion estimation (boolean)
-# Rate control buffer size (integer)
-# Rate control buffer aggressiveness (float)
-# I quantization factor (float)
-# Noise reduction (integer)
-# MPEG4 quantization matrix (boolean)
-# Minimum video quantizer scale (integer)
-# Maximum video quantizer scale (integer)
-# Trellis quantization (boolean)
-# Fixed quantizer scale (float)
-# Strict standard compliance (integer)
-# Luminance masking (float)
-# Darkness masking (float)
-# Motion masking (float)
-# Border masking (float)
-# Luminance elimination (integer)
-# Chrominance elimination (integer)
-# Specify AAC audio profile to use (string)
-[svcdsub] # Philips OGT (SVCD subtitle) decoder
-[kate] # Kate overlay decoder
-# Formatted Subtitles (boolean)
-# Use Tiger for rendering (boolean)
-# Rendering quality (float)
-# Default font description (string)
-# Default font effect (integer)
-# Default font effect strength (float)
-# Default font color (integer)
-# Default font alpha (integer)
-# Default background color (integer)
-# Default background alpha (integer)
-[svg] # svg
-# SVG template file (string)
-[freetype] # Freetype2 font renderer
-# Font (string)
-#freetype-font=Serif Bold
-# Font size in pixels (integer)
-# Relative font size (integer)
-# Text opacity (integer)
-# Text default color (integer)
-# Force bold (boolean)
-# Background opacity (integer)
-# Background color (integer)
-# Outline opacity (integer)
-# Outline color (integer)
-# Outline thickness (integer)
-# Shadow opacity (integer)
-# Shadow color (integer)
-# Shadow angle (float)
-# Shadow distance (float)
-# Use YUVP renderer (boolean)
-[sap] # Network streams (SAP)
-# SAP multicast address (string)
-# SAP timeout (seconds) (integer)
-# Try to parse the announce (boolean)
-# SAP Strict mode (boolean)
-[podcast] # Podcasts
-# Podcast URLs list (string)
-[skins2] # Skinnable Interface
-# Skin to use (string)
-# Config of last used skin (string)
-# Enable transparency effects (boolean)
-# Use a skinned playlist (boolean)
-# Display video in a skinned window if any (boolean)
-[qt4] # Qt interface
-# Start in minimal view (without menus) (boolean)
-# Systray icon (boolean)
-# Show notification popup on track change (boolean)
-# Start VLC with only a systray icon (boolean)
-# Pause the video playback when minimized (boolean)
-# Windows opacity between 0.1 and 1 (float)
-# Fullscreen controller opacity between 0.1 and 1 (float)
-# Resize interface to the native video size (boolean)
-# Show playing item name in window title (boolean)
-# Show a controller in fullscreen mode (boolean)
-# Save the recently played items in the menu (boolean)
-# List of words separated by | to filter (string)
-# Automatically save the volume on exit (boolean)
-# Embed the file browser in open dialog (boolean)
-# Show advanced preferences over simple ones (boolean)
-# Show unimportant error and warnings dialogs (boolean)
-# Define the colors of the volume slider (string)
-# Ask for network policy at start (boolean)
-# Define which screen fullscreen goes (integer)
-# Load extensions on startup (boolean)
-# Display background cone or art (boolean)
-# Expanding background cone or art. (boolean)
-# Allow automatic icon changes (boolean)
-[ncurses] # Ncurses interface
-# Filebrowser starting point (string)
-[visual] # Visualizer filter
-# Effects list (string)
-# Video width (integer)
-# Video height (integer)
-# Show 80 bands instead of 20 (boolean)
-# Draw peaks in the analyzer (boolean)
-# Enable original graphic spectrum (boolean)
-# Draw the base of the bands (boolean)
-# Base pixel radius (integer)
-# Spectral sections (integer)
-# V-plane color (integer)
-# Draw bands in the spectrometer (boolean)
-# Show 80 bands instead of 20 (boolean)
-# Number of blank pixels between bands. (integer)
-# Amplification (integer)
-# Draw peaks in the analyzer (boolean)
-# Peak extra width (integer)
-# Peak height (integer)
-[gnutls] # GNU TLS transport layer security
-# TLS cipher priorities (string)
-[vod_rtsp] # RTSP VoD server
-# MUX for RAW RTSP transport (string)
-# Maximum number of connections (integer)
-# Sets the timeout option in the RTSP session string (integer)
-[logger] # File logging
-# Log filename (string)
-# Log format (string)
-# Syslog facility (string)
-# Verbosity (integer)
-[audioscrobbler] # Submission of played songs to
-# Username (string)
-# Password (string)
-# Scrobbler URL (string)
-[cdda] # Audio CD input
-# CDDB Server (string)
-# CDDB port (integer)
-[dtv] # Digital Television and Radio
-# DVB adapter (integer)
-# DVB device (integer)
-# Do not demultiplex (boolean)
-# Frequency (Hz) (integer)
-# Spectrum inversion (integer)
-# Bandwidth (MHz) (integer)
-# Transmission mode (integer)
-# Guard interval (string)
-# High-priority code rate (string)
-# Low-priority code rate (string)
-# Hierarchy mode (integer)
-# Layer A modulation (string)
-# Layer A code rate (string)
-# Layer A segments count (integer)
-# Layer A time interleaving (integer)
-# Layer B modulation (string)
-# Layer B code rate (string)
-# Layer B segments count (integer)
-# Layer B time interleaving (integer)
-# Layer C modulation (string)
-# Layer C code rate (string)
-# Layer C segments count (integer)
-# Layer C time interleaving (integer)
-# Modulation / Constellation (string)
-# Symbol rate (bauds) (integer)
-# FEC code rate (string)
-# Pilot (integer)
-# Roll-off factor (integer)
-# Transport stream ID (integer)
-# Polarization (Voltage) (string)
-# (integer)
-# High LNB voltage (boolean)
-# Local oscillator low frequency (kHz) (integer)
-# Local oscillator high frequency (kHz) (integer)
-# Universal LNB switch frequency (kHz) (integer)
-# DiSEqC LNB number (integer)
-# Continuous 22kHz tone (integer)
-[access_smb] # SMB input
-# SMB user name (string)
-# SMB password (string)
-# SMB domain (string)
-[filesystem] # File input
-# Subdirectory behavior (string)
-# Ignored extensions (string)
-[xcb_screen] # Screen capture (with X11/XCB)
-# Frame rate (float)
-# Region left column (integer)
-# Region top row (integer)
-# Capture region width (integer)
-# Capture region height (integer)
-# Follow the mouse (boolean)
-[access_alsa] # ALSA audio capture input
-# Stereo (boolean)
-# Capture format (default s16l) (string)
-# Samplerate (integer)
-[linsys_sdi] # SDI Input
-# Link # (integer)
-# Video ID (integer)
-# Aspect ratio (string)
-# Audio configuration (string)
-# Teletext configuration (string)
-# Teletext language (string)
-[access_ftp] # FTP input
-# FTP user name (string)
-# FTP password (string)
-# FTP account (string)
-[access_imem] # Memory input
-# ID (integer)
-# Group (integer)
-# Category (integer)
-# Codec (string)
-# Language (string)
-# Sample rate (integer)
-# Channels count (integer)
-# Width (integer)
-# Height (integer)
-# Display aspect ratio (string)
-# Frame rate (string)
-# Size (integer)
-[access_oss] # OSS input
-# Stereo (boolean)
-# Samplerate (integer)
-[v4l2] # Video4Linux2 input
-# Device (string)
-# Standard (string)
-# Video input chroma format (string)
-# Input (integer)
-# Audio input (integer)
-# Width (integer)
-# Height (integer)
-# Picture aspect-ratio n:m (string)
-# Framerate (float)
-# Use libv4l2 (boolean)
-# Tuner id (integer)
-# Frequency (integer)
-# Audio mode (integer)
-# Reset controls (boolean)
-# Brightness (integer)
-# Automatic brightness (integer)
-# Contrast (integer)
-# Saturation (integer)
-# Hue (integer)
-# Automatic hue (integer)
-# White balance temperature (K) (integer)
-# Automatic white balance (integer)
-# Red balance (integer)
-# Blue balance (integer)
-# Gamma (integer)
-# Automatic gain (integer)
-# Gain (integer)
-# Sharpness (integer)
-# Chroma gain (integer)
-# Automatic chroma gain (integer)
-# Power line frequency (integer)
-# Backlight compensation (integer)
-# Band-stop filter (integer)
-# Horizontal flip (boolean)
-# Vertical flip (boolean)
-# Rotate (degrees) (integer)
-# Color killer (integer)
-# Color effect (integer)
-# Audio volume (integer)
-# Audio balance (integer)
-# Mute (boolean)
-# Bass level (integer)
-# Treble level (integer)
-# Loudness mode (boolean)
-# v4l2 driver controls (string)
-[rtp] # Real-Time Protocol (RTP) input
-# RTCP (local) port (integer)
-# SRTP key (hexadecimal) (string)
-# SRTP salt (hexadecimal) (string)
-# Maximum RTP sources (integer)
-# RTP source timeout (sec) (integer)
-# Maximum RTP sequence number dropout (integer)
-# Maximum RTP sequence number misordering (integer)
-# RTP payload format assumed for dynamic payloads (string)
-[access_vdr] # VDR recordings
-# Chapter offset in ms (integer)
-# Frame rate (float)
-[access_http] # HTTP input
-# HTTP proxy (string)
-# HTTP proxy password (string)
-# HTTP referer value (string)
-# User Agent (string)
-# Auto re-connect (boolean)
-# Continuous stream (boolean)
-# Forward Cookies (boolean)
-[linsys_hdsdi] # HD-SDI Input
-# Link # (integer)
-# Video ID (integer)
-# Aspect ratio (string)
-# Audio configuration (string)
-[dvdnav] # DVDnav Input
-# DVD angle (integer)
-# Start directly in menu (boolean)
-[access_jack] # JACK audio input
-# Pace (boolean)
-# Auto Connection (boolean)
-[pvr] # IVTV MPEG Encoding cards input
-# Device (string)
-# Radio device (string)
-# Norm (integer)
-# Width (integer)
-# Height (integer)
-# Frequency (integer)
-# Framerate (integer)
-# Key interval (integer)
-# Framerate (integer)
-# Bitrate (integer)
-# Bitrate peak (integer)
-# Bitrate mode (integer)
-# Audio bitmask (integer)
-# Volume (integer)
-# Channel (integer)
-[access_shm] # Shared memory framebuffer
-# Frame rate (float)
-# Frame buffer width (integer)
-# Frame buffer height (integer)
-# Frame buffer depth (integer)
-[access_mms] # Microsoft Media Server (MMS) input
-# TCP/UDP timeout (ms) (integer)
-# Force selection of all streams (boolean)
-# Maximum bitrate (integer)
-# HTTP proxy (string)
-[access_udp] # UDP input
-[dvdread] # DVDRead Input (no menu support)
-# DVD angle (integer)
-[libbluray] # Blu-Ray Disc support (libbluray)
-# Bluray menus (boolean)
-[lua] # Lua interpreter
-# Lua interface (string)
-# Lua interface configuration (string)
-# Source directory (string)
-# Directory index (boolean)
-# TCP command input (string)
-# CLI input (string)
-# Host (string)
-# Port (integer)
-# Password (string)
-[main] # main program
-# Enable audio (boolean)
-# Default audio volume (integer)
-# Audio output volume step (integer)
-# High quality audio resampling (boolean)
-# Use S/PDIF when available (boolean)
-# Force detection of Dolby Surround (integer)
-# Audio desynchronization compensation (integer)
-# Replay gain mode (string)
-# Replay preamp (float)
-# Default replay gain (float)
-# Peak protection (boolean)
-# Enable time stretching audio (boolean)
-# Audio output module (string)
-# Audio filters (string)
-# Audio visualizations (string)
-# Enable video (boolean)
-# Grayscale video output (boolean)
-# Fullscreen video output (boolean)
-# Embedded video (boolean)
-# (boolean)
-# Drop late frames (boolean)
-# Skip frames (boolean)
-# Quiet synchro (boolean)
-# Key press events (boolean)
-# Mouse events (boolean)
-# Overlay video output (boolean)
-# Always on top (boolean)
-# Enable wallpaper mode (boolean)
-# Disable screensaver (boolean)
-# Show media title on video (boolean)
-# Show video title for x milliseconds (integer)
-# Position of video title (integer)
-# Hide cursor and fullscreen controller after x milliseconds (integer)
-# Video snapshot directory (or filename) (string)
-# Video snapshot file prefix (string)
-# Video snapshot format (string)
-# Display video snapshot preview (boolean)
-# Use sequential numbers instead of timestamps (boolean)
-# Video snapshot width (integer)
-# Video snapshot height (integer)
-# Video width (integer)
-# Video height (integer)
-# Video X coordinate (integer)
-# Video Y coordinate (integer)
-# Video cropping (string)
-# Custom crop ratios list (string)
-# Source aspect ratio (string)
-# Video Auto Scaling (boolean)
-# Video scaling factor (float)
-# Monitor pixel aspect ratio (string)
-# Custom aspect ratios list (string)
-# Fix HDTV height (boolean)
-# Window decorations (boolean)
-# Video title (string)
-# Video alignment (integer)
-# Zoom video (float)
-# Deinterlace (integer)
-# Deinterlace mode (string)
-# Video output module (string)
-# Video filter module (string)
-# Video splitter module (string)
-# Enable sub-pictures (boolean)
-# On Screen Display (boolean)
-# Text rendering module (string)
-# Use subtitle file (string)
-# Autodetect subtitle files (boolean)
-# Subtitle autodetection fuzziness (integer)
-# Subtitle autodetection paths (string)
-#sub-autodetect-path=./Subtitles, ./subtitles, ./Subs, ./subs
-# Force subtitle position (integer)
-# Subpictures source module (string)
-# Subpictures filter module (string)
-# Program (integer)
-# Programs (string)
-# Audio track (integer)
-# Subtitles track (integer)
-# Audio language (string)
-# Subtitle language (string)
-# Audio track ID (integer)
-# Subtitles track ID (integer)
-# Preferred video resolution (integer)
-# Input repetitions (integer)
-# Start time (float)
-# Stop time (float)
-# Run time (float)
-# Fast seek (boolean)
-# Playback speed (float)
-# Input list (string)
-# Input slave (experimental) (string)
-# Bookmarks list for a stream (string)
-# DVD device (string)
-# VCD device (string)
-# Audio CD device (string)
-# MTU of the network interface (integer)
-# TCP connection timeout (integer)
-# HTTP server address (string)
-# HTTP server port (integer)
-# HTTPS server port (integer)
-# RTSP server address (string)
-# RTSP server port (integer)
-# HTTP/TLS server certificate (string)
-# HTTP/TLS server private key (string)
-# HTTP/TLS Certificate Authority (string)
-# HTTP/TLS Certificate Revocation List (string)
-# SOCKS server (string)
-# SOCKS user name (string)
-# SOCKS password (string)
-# Title metadata (string)
-# Author metadata (string)
-# Artist metadata (string)
-# Genre metadata (string)
-# Copyright metadata (string)
-# Description metadata (string)
-# Date metadata (string)
-# URL metadata (string)
-# File caching (ms) (integer)
-# Live capture caching (ms) (integer)
-# Disc caching (ms) (integer)
-# Network caching (ms) (integer)
-# Clock reference average counter (integer)
-# Clock synchronisation (integer)
-# Clock jitter (integer)
-# Network synchronisation (boolean)
-# Record directory or filename (string)
-# Prefer native stream recording (boolean)
-# Timeshift directory (string)
-# Timeshift granularity (integer)
-# Change title according to current media (string)
-# Preferred decoders list (string)
-# Preferred encoders list (string)
-# Access module (string)
-# Demux module (string)
-# Stream filter module (string)
-# Default stream output chain (string)
-# Display while streaming (boolean)
-# Keep stream output open (boolean)
-# Enable streaming of all ES (boolean)
-# Enable audio stream output (boolean)
-# Enable video stream output (boolean)
-# Enable SPU stream output (boolean)
-# Stream output muxer caching (ms) (integer)
-# VLM configuration file (string)
-# Mux module (string)
-# Access output module (string)
-# Hop limit (TTL) (integer)
-# Multicast output interface (string)
-# DiffServ Code Point (integer)
-# Preferred packetizer list (string)
-# SAP announcement interval (integer)
-# Memory copy module (string)
-# VoD server module (string)
-# Use a plugins cache (boolean)
-# Data search path (string)
-# Allow real-time priority (boolean)
-# Adjust VLC priority (integer)
-# Inhibit the power management daemon during playback (boolean)
-# Allow only one running instance (boolean)
-# One instance when started from file (boolean)
-# Enqueue items to playlist when in one instance mode (boolean)
-# Play files randomly forever (boolean)
-# Repeat all (boolean)
-# Repeat current item (boolean)
-# Play and exit (boolean)
-# Play and stop (boolean)
-# Play and pause (boolean)
-# Auto start (boolean)
-# Use media library (boolean)
-# Display playlist tree (boolean)
-# Default stream (string)
-# Automatically preparse files (boolean)
-# Album art policy (integer)
-# Services discovery modules (string)
-# Verbosity (0,1,2) (integer)
-# Choose which objects should print debug message (string)
-# Be quiet (boolean)
-# Run as daemon process (boolean)
-# Write process id to file (string)
-# Log to file (boolean)
-# Log to syslog (boolean)
-# Color messages (boolean)
-# Show advanced options (boolean)
-# Interface interaction (boolean)
-# Locally collect statistics (boolean)
-# Interface module (string)
-# Extra interface modules (string)
-# Control interfaces (string)
-# Fullscreen (string)
-# Fullscreen (string)
-# Leave fullscreen (string)
-# Leave fullscreen (string)
-# Play/Pause (string)
-# Play/Pause (string)
-# Pause only (string)
-# Pause only (string)
-# Play only (string)
-# Play only (string)
-# Faster (string)
-# Faster (string)
-# Slower (string)
-# Slower (string)
-# Normal rate (string)
-# Normal rate (string)
-# Faster (fine) (string)
-# Faster (fine) (string)
-# Slower (fine) (string)
-# Slower (fine) (string)
-# Next (string)
-# Next (string)
-# Previous (string)
-# Previous (string)
-# Stop (string)
-# Stop (string)
-# Position (string)
-# Position (string)
-# Very short backwards jump (string)
-# Very short backwards jump (string)
-# Very short forward jump (string)
-# Very short forward jump (string)
-# Short backwards jump (string)
-# Short backwards jump (string)
-# Short forward jump (string)
-# Short forward jump (string)
-# Medium backwards jump (string)
-# Medium backwards jump (string)
-# Medium forward jump (string)
-# Medium forward jump (string)
-# Long backwards jump (string)
-# Long backwards jump (string)
-# Long forward jump (string)
-# Long forward jump (string)
-# Next frame (string)
-# Next frame (string)
-# Activate (string)
-# Activate (string)
-# Navigate up (string)
-# Navigate up (string)
-# Navigate down (string)
-# Navigate down (string)
-# Navigate left (string)
-# Navigate left (string)
-# Navigate right (string)
-# Navigate right (string)
-# Go to the DVD menu (string)
-# Go to the DVD menu (string)
-# Select previous DVD title (string)
-# Select previous DVD title (string)
-# Select next DVD title (string)
-# Select next DVD title (string)
-# Select prev DVD chapter (string)
-# Select prev DVD chapter (string)
-# Select next DVD chapter (string)
-# Select next DVD chapter (string)
-# Quit (string)
-# Quit (string)
-# Volume up (string)
-# Volume up (string)
-# Volume down (string)
-# Volume down (string)
-# Mute (string)
-# Mute (string)
-# Subtitle delay up (string)
-# Subtitle delay up (string)
-# Subtitle delay down (string)
-# Subtitle delay down (string)
-# Subtitle position up (string)
-# Subtitle position up (string)
-# Subtitle position down (string)
-# Subtitle position down (string)
-# Audio delay up (string)
-# Audio delay up (string)
-# Audio delay down (string)
-# Audio delay down (string)
-# Cycle audio track (string)
-# Cycle audio track (string)
-# Cycle through audio devices (string)
-# Cycle through audio devices (string)
-# Cycle subtitle track (string)
-# Cycle subtitle track (string)
-# Cycle source aspect ratio (string)
-# Cycle source aspect ratio (string)
-# Cycle video crop (string)
-# Cycle video crop (string)
-# Toggle autoscaling (string)
-# Toggle autoscaling (string)
-# Increase scale factor (string)
-# Increase scale factor (string)
-# Decrease scale factor (string)
-# Decrease scale factor (string)
-# Cycle deinterlace modes (string)
-# Cycle deinterlace modes (string)
-# Show controller in fullscreen (string)
-# Show controller in fullscreen (string)
-# Boss key (string)
-# Boss key (string)
-# Take video snapshot (string)
-# Take video snapshot (string)
-# Record (string)
-# Record (string)
-# Zoom (string)
-# Zoom (string)
-# Un-Zoom (string)
-# Un-Zoom (string)
-# Toggle wallpaper mode in video output (string)
-# Toggle wallpaper mode in video output (string)
-# Display OSD menu on top of video output (string)
-# Display OSD menu on top of video output (string)
-# Do not display OSD menu on video output (string)
-# Do not display OSD menu on video output (string)
-# Highlight widget on the right (string)
-# Highlight widget on the right (string)
-# Highlight widget on the left (string)
-# Highlight widget on the left (string)
-# Highlight widget on top (string)
-# Highlight widget on top (string)
-# Highlight widget below (string)
-# Highlight widget below (string)
-# Select current widget (string)
-# Select current widget (string)
-# Crop one pixel from the top of the video (string)
-# Crop one pixel from the top of the video (string)
-# Uncrop one pixel from the top of the video (string)
-# Uncrop one pixel from the top of the video (string)
-# Crop one pixel from the left of the video (string)
-# Crop one pixel from the left of the video (string)
-# Uncrop one pixel from the left of the video (string)
-# Uncrop one pixel from the left of the video (string)
-# Crop one pixel from the bottom of the video (string)
-# Crop one pixel from the bottom of the video (string)
-# Uncrop one pixel from the bottom of the video (string)
-# Uncrop one pixel from the bottom of the video (string)
-# Crop one pixel from the right of the video (string)
-# Crop one pixel from the right of the video (string)
-# Uncrop one pixel from the right of the video (string)
-# Uncrop one pixel from the right of the video (string)
-# Random (string)
-# Random (string)
-# Normal/Repeat/Loop (string)
-# Normal/Repeat/Loop (string)
-# 1:4 Quarter (string)
-# 1:4 Quarter (string)
-# 1:2 Half (string)
-# 1:2 Half (string)
-# 1:1 Original (string)
-# 1:1 Original (string)
-# 2:1 Double (string)
-# 2:1 Double (string)
-# Very short jump length (integer)
-# Short jump length (integer)
-# Medium jump length (integer)
-# Long jump length (integer)
-# Set playlist bookmark 1 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 1 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 2 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 2 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 3 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 3 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 4 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 4 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 5 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 5 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 6 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 6 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 7 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 7 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 8 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 8 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 9 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 9 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 10 (string)
-# Set playlist bookmark 10 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 1 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 1 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 2 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 2 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 3 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 3 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 4 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 4 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 5 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 5 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 6 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 6 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 7 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 7 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 8 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 8 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 9 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 9 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 10 (string)
-# Play playlist bookmark 10 (string)
-# Playlist bookmark 1 (string)
-# Playlist bookmark 2 (string)
-# Playlist bookmark 3 (string)
-# Playlist bookmark 4 (string)
-# Playlist bookmark 5 (string)
-# Playlist bookmark 6 (string)
-# Playlist bookmark 7 (string)
-# Playlist bookmark 8 (string)
-# Playlist bookmark 9 (string)
-# Playlist bookmark 10 (string)
diff --git a/.full.asound b/.full.asound
deleted file mode 100644
index 87a70f2..0000000
--- a/.full.asound
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
-state.SB {
- control.1 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Front Playback Volume'
- value.0 17
- value.1 17
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type INTEGER
- count 2
- range '0 - 31'
- dbmin -4650
- dbmax 0
- dbvalue.0 -2100
- dbvalue.1 -2100
- }
- }
- control.2 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Front Playback Switch'
- value.0 true
- value.1 true
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type BOOLEAN
- count 2
- }
- }
- control.3 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Surround Playback Volume'
- value.0 0
- value.1 0
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type INTEGER
- count 2
- range '0 - 31'
- dbmin -4650
- dbmax 0
- dbvalue.0 -4650
- dbvalue.1 -4650
- }
- }
- control.4 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Surround Playback Switch'
- value.0 true
- value.1 true
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type BOOLEAN
- count 2
- }
- }
- control.5 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Center Playback Volume'
- value 0
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type INTEGER
- count 1
- range '0 - 31'
- dbmin -4650
- dbmax 0
- dbvalue.0 -4650
- }
- }
- control.6 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'LFE Playback Volume'
- value 0
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type INTEGER
- count 1
- range '0 - 31'
- dbmin -4650
- dbmax 0
- dbvalue.0 -4650
- }
- }
- control.7 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Center Playback Switch'
- value true
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type BOOLEAN
- count 1
- }
- }
- control.8 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'LFE Playback Switch'
- value true
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type BOOLEAN
- count 1
- }
- }
- control.9 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Side Playback Volume'
- value.0 0
- value.1 0
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type INTEGER
- count 2
- range '0 - 31'
- dbmin -4650
- dbmax 0
- dbvalue.0 -4650
- dbvalue.1 -4650
- }
- }
- control.10 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Side Playback Switch'
- value.0 true
- value.1 true
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type BOOLEAN
- count 2
- }
- }
- control.11 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Headphone Playback Volume'
- value.0 31
- value.1 31
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type INTEGER
- count 2
- range '0 - 31'
- dbmin -4650
- dbmax 0
- dbvalue.0 0
- dbvalue.1 0
- }
- }
- control.12 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Headphone Playback Switch'
- value.0 true
- value.1 true
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type BOOLEAN
- count 2
- }
- }
- control.13 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Rear Mic Playback Volume'
- value.0 0
- value.1 0
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type INTEGER
- count 2
- range '0 - 31'
- dbmin -3450
- dbmax 1200
- dbvalue.0 -3450
- dbvalue.1 -3450
- }
- }
- control.14 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Rear Mic Playback Switch'
- value.0 false
- value.1 false
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type BOOLEAN
- count 2
- }
- }
- control.15 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Front Mic Playback Volume'
- value.0 31
- value.1 31
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type INTEGER
- count 2
- range '0 - 31'
- dbmin -3450
- dbmax 1200
- dbvalue.0 1200
- dbvalue.1 1200
- }
- }
- control.16 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Front Mic Playback Switch'
- value.0 true
- value.1 true
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type BOOLEAN
- count 2
- }
- }
- control.17 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Line Playback Volume'
- value.0 31
- value.1 31
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type INTEGER
- count 2
- range '0 - 31'
- dbmin -3450
- dbmax 1200
- dbvalue.0 1200
- dbvalue.1 1200
- }
- }
- control.18 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Line Playback Switch'
- value.0 true
- value.1 true
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type BOOLEAN
- count 2
- }
- }
- control.19 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Auto-Mute Mode'
- value Enabled
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- count 1
- item.0 Disabled
- item.1 Enabled
- }
- }
- control.20 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Rear Mic Boost Volume'
- value.0 0
- value.1 0
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type INTEGER
- count 2
- range '0 - 3'
- dbmin 0
- dbmax 3000
- dbvalue.0 0
- dbvalue.1 0
- }
- }
- control.21 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Front Mic Boost Volume'
- value.0 0
- value.1 0
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type INTEGER
- count 2
- range '0 - 3'
- dbmin 0
- dbmax 3000
- dbvalue.0 0
- dbvalue.1 0
- }
- }
- control.22 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Capture Switch'
- value.0 true
- value.1 true
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type BOOLEAN
- count 2
- }
- }
- control.23 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Capture Switch'
- index 1
- value.0 true
- value.1 true
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type BOOLEAN
- count 2
- }
- }
- control.24 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Capture Volume'
- value.0 31
- value.1 31
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type INTEGER
- count 2
- range '0 - 31'
- dbmin -1650
- dbmax 3000
- dbvalue.0 3000
- dbvalue.1 3000
- }
- }
- control.25 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Capture Volume'
- index 1
- value.0 0
- value.1 0
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type INTEGER
- count 2
- range '0 - 31'
- dbmin -1650
- dbmax 3000
- dbvalue.0 -1650
- dbvalue.1 -1650
- }
- }
- control.26 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Input Source'
- value 'Rear Mic'
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- count 1
- item.0 'Rear Mic'
- item.1 'Front Mic'
- item.2 Line
- }
- }
- control.27 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Input Source'
- index 1
- value 'Rear Mic'
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- count 1
- item.0 'Rear Mic'
- item.1 'Front Mic'
- item.2 Line
- }
- }
- control.28 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'IEC958 Playback Con Mask'
- value '0fff000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
- comment {
- access read
- type IEC958
- count 1
- }
- }
- control.29 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'IEC958 Playback Pro Mask'
- value '0f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
- comment {
- access read
- type IEC958
- count 1
- }
- }
- control.30 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'IEC958 Playback Default'
- value '0400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type IEC958
- count 1
- }
- }
- control.31 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'IEC958 Playback Switch'
- value false
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type BOOLEAN
- count 1
- }
- }
- control.32 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'IEC958 Default PCM Playback Switch'
- value true
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type BOOLEAN
- count 1
- }
- }
- control.33 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Master Playback Volume'
- value 31
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type INTEGER
- count 1
- range '0 - 31'
- dbmin -4650
- dbmax 0
- dbvalue.0 0
- }
- }
- control.34 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Master Playback Switch'
- value true
- comment {
- access 'read write'
- type BOOLEAN
- count 1
- }
- }
- control.35 {
- iface CARD
- name 'Line Out Front Jack'
- value false
- comment {
- access read
- type BOOLEAN
- count 1
- }
- }
- control.36 {
- iface CARD
- name 'Line Out Surround Jack'
- value false
- comment {
- access read
- type BOOLEAN
- count 1
- }
- }
- control.37 {
- iface CARD
- name 'Line Out CLFE Jack'
- value false
- comment {
- access read
- type BOOLEAN
- count 1
- }
- }
- control.38 {
- iface CARD
- name 'Line Out Side Jack'
- value false
- comment {
- access read
- type BOOLEAN
- count 1
- }
- }
- control.39 {
- iface CARD
- name 'Front Headphone Jack'
- value false
- comment {
- access read
- type BOOLEAN
- count 1
- }
- }
- control.40 {
- iface CARD
- name 'Rear Mic Jack'
- value false
- comment {
- access read
- type BOOLEAN
- count 1
- }
- }
- control.41 {
- iface CARD
- name 'Front Mic Jack'
- value true
- comment {
- access read
- type BOOLEAN
- count 1
- }
- }
- control.42 {
- iface CARD
- name 'Line Jack'
- value false
- comment {
- access read
- type BOOLEAN
- count 1
- }
- }
- control.43 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'PCM Playback Volume'
- value.0 155
- value.1 155
- comment {
- access 'read write user'
- type INTEGER
- count 2
- range '0 - 255'
- tlv '0000000100000008ffffec1400000014'
- dbmin -5100
- dbmax 0
- dbvalue.0 -2000
- dbvalue.1 -2000
- }
- }
- control.44 {
- iface MIXER
- name 'Digital Capture Volume'
- value.0 60
- value.1 60
- comment {
- access 'read write user'
- type INTEGER
- count 2
- range '0 - 120'
- tlv '0000000100000008fffff44800000032'
- dbmin -3000
- dbmax 3000
- dbvalue.0 0
- dbvalue.1 0
- }
- }
diff --git a/ b/
index a2d075e..612ecf2 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,19 +1,8 @@
# Defualt to ignoring all files
# Except dotfiles
# Or Makefile
@@ -27,7 +16,8 @@
# Ignore temp/log/history files
@@ -60,20 +50,17 @@ lock
# Ignore these special-purpose cache/temp files
.config/chromium/Default/History\ Index*
@@ -94,17 +81,19 @@ lock
# Ignore files that are autogenerated
# Ignore these files for no good reason
diff --git a/.kde b/.kde
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..e604d30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.kde
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+.kde4 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.kde4/share/apps b/.kde4/share/apps
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..7f8f949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.kde4/share/apps
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../../.config \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.kde4/share/config b/.kde4/share/config
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..7f8f949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.kde4/share/config
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../../.config \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.login-daemons b/.login-daemons
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a645d7..0000000
--- a/.login-daemons
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-if [ -x "`which daemon`" ]; then
- daemon gpg-agent --daemon --write-env-file "${HOME}/.gnupg/agent-info"
diff --git a/.maildirproc/default.rc b/.maildirproc/default.rc
index 24f51e8..c2ad6f2 100644
--- a/.maildirproc/default.rc
+++ b/.maildirproc/default.rc
@@ -102,6 +102,10 @@ def my_filters(mail):
+ if (mail["List-Id"].matches("")):
+ mail.move(".software.pacman-dev")
+ return
for subject_re in [
@@ -148,6 +152,7 @@ def my_filters(mail):
or is_to_or_from(mail,"")# MacDonell
or is_to_or_from(mail,"")
or is_to_or_from(mail,"")
+ or is_to_or_from(mail,"")
@@ -158,6 +163,15 @@ def my_filters(mail):
for address in [
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ ]:
+ if mail["From"].contains(address):
+ mail.move(".misc.Jade")
+ return
+ for address in [
@@ -190,7 +204,6 @@ def my_filters(mail):
"", # Brett Leedy
- "",
@@ -221,6 +234,8 @@ def my_filters(mail):
+ "",
+ "",
if is_to_or_from(mail,address):
diff --git a/.profile b/.profile
index f394fbd..a6c4d91 100644
--- a/.profile
+++ b/.profile
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
# ~/.profile: executed by the command interpreter for login shells.
+# Should be whether logging in graphically or not.
+# This file should be executable by /bin/sh, but I'm going to assume bash(1)
# This file is not read by bash(1), if ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_login
# exists.
@@ -9,68 +13,72 @@ umask 022
## Paths #############################################################
# Unix
-bins=`echo $HOME/bin $HOME/.local/bin $HOME/.prefix/bin $HOME/.gem/ruby/*/bin`
-for dir in $bins; do
- if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
- export PATH="$dir:$PATH"
- fi
+bins=($HOME/bin $HOME/.local.`uname -m`/bin $HOME/.local/bin $HOME/.prefix.`uname -m`/bin $HOME/.prefix/bin $HOME/.gem/ruby/*/bin)
+for dir in "${bins[@]}"; do
+ if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
+ export PATH="$dir:$PATH"
+ fi
# Ruby
for dir in $HOME/.prefix/lib; do
- if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
- export RUBYLIB="$dir"
- fi
+ if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
+ export RUBYLIB="$dir"
+ fi
# Settings ###########################################################
# Text editor
if [ -f "$HOME/.selected_editor" ]; then
- . "$HOME/.selected_editor"
+ . "$HOME/.selected_editor"
+if [ -z "$GPGKEY" ] && [ -f "${HOME}/.gnupg/gpg.conf" ]; then
+ export GPGKEY=`sed -nr 's/^\s*default-key\s+//p' "${HOME}/.gnupg/gpg.conf"`
+if [ -z "$(pgrep -u `whoami` gpg-agent)" ]; then
+ mkdir -p ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/sessions/gpg
+ gpg-agent --daemon --write-env-file "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/sessions/gpg"
+if [ -f "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/sessions/gpg" ]; then
+ . "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/sessions/gpg"
+ #export SSH_AUTH_SOCK
# Java
_JAVA_OPTIONS+=' -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on'
_JAVA_OPTIONS+=' -Dswing.aatext=true'
-if [ -x "`which alsactl 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
- alsactl restore "$HOME/.current.asound" &> /dev/null || true
+if [ -n "$TMPDIR" ]; then
# X11
if [ -z "$XAUTHORITY" ]; then
- export XAUTHORITY=$HOME/.Xauthority
+ export XAUTHORITY=$HOME/.Xauthority
# D-Bus
if [ -z "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" ]; then
- eval `dbus-launch`
+ # I want a separate instance for each login
+ #dbus-launch > "${HOME}/.cache/sessions/dbus"
+ #. "${HOME}/.cache/sessions/dbus"
+ eval `dbus-launch`
-# Start background programs ##########################################
-if [ -f "$HOME/.login-daemons" ]; then
- . "$HOME/.login-daemons"
-# BASH ###############################################################
-if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then
- # include .bashrc if it exists
- if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ]; then
- . "$HOME/.bashrc"
- fi
+# Load any box-specific stuff
+if [ -f "$HOME/.profile.local" ]; then
+ . "$HOME/.profile.local"
diff --git a/.wmii/autostart b/.wmii/autostart
index aae23f4..e78b22b 100755
--- a/.wmii/autostart
+++ b/.wmii/autostart
@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
-daemon lxpanel &> /dev/null
-daemon wicd-client -t &> /dev/null
-daemon notifyd &> /dev/null
+. "$HOME/.wmii/"
+daemon lxpanel &> /dev/null
+#daemon nm-applet &> /dev/null
+daemon notifyd &> /dev/null
+daemon blueman-applet &> /dev/null
+#daemon linphone --iconified &> /dev/null
+Action rbar_cpu 01
+Action rbar_clock 99
diff --git a/.wmii/ b/.wmii/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dac0ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.wmii/
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+MODKEY=Mod4 # "super"
+HIST="`conffile history`"
+# Colors tuples: "<text> <background> <border>"
+. `conffile theme-solarized-dark`
+Event() {
+ event=$1; shift;
+ case "$event" in
+ ## Mouse event meanings:
+ ## MouseDown = mouse down
+ ## Click = mouse up
+ ## DND = hover, while dragging something (Drag 'n' Drop)
+ ## The associated mouse button is always "1"
+ ##
+ ## Mouse-button IDs:
+ ## 1 = left
+ ## 2 = middle
+ ## 3 = right
+ ## Custom (non-WMII-generated) events
+ WmiircStart) ## No args
+ echo ' ==> Starting wmiirc'
+ is_mounted $WMII_DIR && Event WmiircUnmount
+ Event WmiircMount
+ # Configure wmii
+ < "`conffile tagrules`" expand_variables >> $WMII_DIR/tagrules
+ < "`conffile ctl-init`" expand_variables >> $WMII_DIR/ctl
+ scansection Key | cut -sf2 >> $WMII_DIR/keys
+ # Configure X11
+ xsetroot -solid "$WMII_BACKGROUND"
+ # Clear the LBar and RBar
+ find $WMII_DIR/{l,r}bar -type f -delete
+ # Populate the LBar by emulating [Create|Focus]Tag events
+ seltag=`sed 1q $WMII_DIR/tag/sel/ctl`
+ lstags | while read tag; do
+ Event CreateTag "$tag"
+ if [ "$tag" = "$seltag" ]; then
+ Event FocusTag "$tag"
+ fi
+ done
+ # Run the autostart action
+ Action autostart 2>/dev/null &
+ ;;
+ WmiircQuit) ## No args
+ echo ' ==> Stopping wmiirc'
+ exit;;
+ WmiircMount) ## No args
+ echo " -> Creating mountpoint WMII_DIR=$WMII_DIR..."
+ mkdir -p "$WMII_DIR"
+ echo " -> Mounting WMII_DIR=$WMII_DIR..."
+ 9mount -i "unix!$WMII_NAMESPACE/wmii" "$WMII_DIR";;
+ WmiircUnmount) ## No args
+ echo " -> Unmounting WMII_DIR=$WMII_DIR..."
+ 9umount "$WMII_DIR"
+ echo " -> Removing mountpoint WMII_DIR=$WMII_DIR..."
+ rmdir "$WMII_DIR";;
+ ## WMII-meta events
+ Quit) ## No args
+ echo ' ==> wmii quit: unmounting'
+ trap - EXIT
+ Event WmiircUnmount
+ Event WmiircQuit;;
+ Warning) ## $@=string
+ notify-send "wmii warning: $*";;
+ Key) ## $1=keystroke
+ Key "$@";;
+ ## WMII Window management events
+ FocusFloating) ## No args
+ ;;
+ AreaFocus) ## $1=area
+ ;;
+ DestroyArea) ## $1=area
+ ;;
+ ColumnFocus) ## $1=column
+ ;;
+ CreateColumn) ## $1=column
+ ;;
+ ## Client events
+ CreateClient) ## $1=client
+ ;;
+ DestroyClient) ## $1=client
+ ;;
+ Urgent) ## $1=client $2=[Manager|Client]
+ ;;
+ NotUrgent) ## $1=client $2=[Manager|Client]
+ ;;
+ ClientMouseDown) ## $1=client $2=button
+ client=$1
+ button=$2
+ case $button in
+ 1) ;;
+ 2) ;;
+ 3)
+ {
+ case `wmii9menu Delete Fullscreen` in
+ Delete)
+ echo kill >> $WMII_DIR/client/$client/ctl;;
+ Fullscreen)
+ echo Fullscreen on >> $WMII_DIR/client/$1/ctl;;
+ esac
+ }& ;;
+ esac;;
+ ClientClick) ## $1=client $2=button
+ ;;
+ Unresponsive) ## $1=client
+ client=$1
+ client_name=`cat $WMII_DIR/client/$client/label`
+ msg="The client \`${client_name}' is not responding."
+ msg+=" What would you like to do?"
+ {
+ resp=$(wihack -transient $client \
+ xmessage -nearmouse -buttons Kill,Wait -print "$msg")
+ if [ "$resp" = Kill ]; then
+ echo slay >> $WMII_DIR/client/$client/ctl
+ fi
+ }& ;;
+ Fullscreen) ## $1=client $2=[on|off]
+ # TODO: hide any clients with the 'panel' class
+ ;;
+ ## Tag events
+ CreateTag) ## $1=tag
+ echo "$WMII_NORMCOLORS" $@ >> $WMII_DIR/lbar/$1;;
+ DestroyTag) ## $1=tag
+ rm $WMII_DIR/lbar/$1;;
+ FocusTag) ## $1=tag
+ echo "$WMII_FOCUSCOLORS" $1 >> $WMII_DIR/lbar/$1;;
+ UnfocusTag) ## $1=tag
+ echo "$WMII_NORMCOLORS" $1 >> $WMII_DIR/lbar/$1;;
+ UrgentTag) ## $1=tag $2=[Manager|Client]
+ echo "$WMII_URGENTCOLORS" $1 >> $WMII_DIR/lbar/$1;;
+ NotUrgentTag) ## $1=tag $2=[Manager|Client]
+ echo "$WMII_NORMCOLORS" $1 >> $WMII_DIR/lbar/$1;;
+ ## LeftBar events (usually tag buttons)
+ LeftBarMouseDown) ## $1=button $2=bar_item
+ ;;
+ LeftBarClick) ## $1=button $2=bar_item
+ shift # ignore the button
+ echo view "$@" >> $WMII_DIR/ctl;;
+ LeftMouseDND) ## $1=button $2=bar_item
+ Event LeftBarClick "$@";;
+ ## RightBar events
+ RightBarMouseDown) ## $1=button $2=bar_item
+ ;;
+ RightBarClick) ## $1=button $2=bar_item
+ ;;
+ RightMouseDND) ## $1=button $2=bar_item
+ Event RightBarClick "$@";;
+ esac
+} ## End Event
+# Key Bindings
+Key() {
+ key=$1
+ case "$key" in
+ ## Moving around
+ $MODKEY-$LEFT) ## Select the client to the left
+ echo select left >> $WMII_DIR/tag/sel/ctl;;
+ $MODKEY-$RIGHT) ## Select the client to the right
+ echo select right >> $WMII_DIR/tag/sel/ctl;;
+ $MODKEY-$UP) ## Select the client above
+ echo select up >> $WMII_DIR/tag/sel/ctl;;
+ $MODKEY-$DOWN) ## Select the client below
+ echo select down >> $WMII_DIR/tag/sel/ctl;;
+ $MODKEY-space) ## Toggle between floating and managed layers
+ echo select toggle >> $WMII_DIR/tag/sel/ctl;;
+ ## Moving clients around
+ $MODKEY-Shift-$LEFT) ## Move selected client to the left
+ echo send sel left >> $WMII_DIR/tag/sel/ctl;;
+ $MODKEY-Shift-$RIGHT) ## Move selected client to the right
+ echo send sel right >> $WMII_DIR/tag/sel/ctl;;
+ $MODKEY-Shift-$UP) ## Move selected client up
+ echo send sel up >> $WMII_DIR/tag/sel/ctl;;
+ $MODKEY-Shift-$DOWN) ## Move selected client down
+ echo send sel down >> $WMII_DIR/tag/sel/ctl;;
+ $MODKEY-Shift-space) ## Toggle selected client between floating and managed layers
+ echo send sel toggle >> $WMII_DIR/tag/sel/ctl;;
+ ## Moving through stacks
+ $MODKEY-Control-$UP) ## Select the stack above
+ echo select up stack >> $WMII_DIR/tag/sel/ctl;;
+ $MODKEY-Control-$DOWN) ## Select the stack below
+ echo select down stack >> $WMII_DIR/tag/sel/ctl;;
+ ## Client actions
+ $MODKEY-shift-1) ## Toggle selected client's fullsceen state
+ echo Fullscreen toggle >> $WMII_DIR/client/sel/ctl;;
+ $MODKEY-shift-0) ## Close client
+ echo kill >> $WMII_DIR/client/sel/ctl;;
+ ## Changing column modes
+ $MODKEY-d) ## Set column to default mode
+ echo colmode sel default-max >> $WMII_DIR/tag/sel/ctl;;
+ $MODKEY-s) ## Set column to stack mode
+ echo colmode sel stack-max >> $WMII_DIR/tag/sel/ctl;;
+ $MODKEY-m) ## Set column to max mode
+ echo colmode sel stack+max >> $WMII_DIR/tag/sel/ctl;;
+ ## Running programs
+ $MODKEY-a) ## Open wmii actions menu
+ Action $(path_ls $WMII_CONFPATH | wimenu -h "${HIST}.actions" -n 5000) & ;;
+ $MODKEY-x) ## Open program menu
+ setsid $(path_ls $PATH | wimenu -h "${HIST}.progs" -n 5000) & ;;
+ $MODKEY-Return) ## Launch a terminal
+ setsid x-terminal-emulator & ;;
+ ## Tag actions
+ $MODKEY-t) ## Change to another tag
+ {
+ tag=$(lstags | wimenu -h "${HIST}.tags" -n 50) || return
+ echo view $tag >> $WMII_DIR/ctl
+ }& ;;
+ $MODKEY-Shift-t) ## Retag the selected client
+ sel=$(sed 1q $WMII_DIR/client/sel/ctl)
+ {
+ tag=$(lstags | wimenu -h "${HIST}.tags" -n 50) || return
+ echo "$tag" >> $WMII_DIR/client/$sel/tags
+ }& ;;
+ esac
+} ## End Key
+Action() {
+ prog=`path_which "$WMII_CONFPATH" $1`; shift
+ if [ -n "$prog" ]; then
+ "$prog" "$@"
+ return $?
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+} ## End Action
diff --git a/.wmii/ctl-init b/.wmii/ctl-init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..026c0d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.wmii/ctl-init
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+font xft:Monospace-8
+focuscolors $WMII_FOCUSCOLORS
+normcolors $WMII_NORMCOLORS
+grabmod $MODKEY
+border 1
diff --git a/.wmii/ b/.wmii/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa09157
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.wmii/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Fix various deficiencies in either the shell or the filesystem
+# Usage: ls DIRECTORY
+# Linux's 9p kernel module sometimes omits entries in directory listings
+unalias ls &>/dev/null
+ls() {
+ real_ls="`which ls` -1F"
+ [ $# = 0 ] && set -- "`pwd`"
+ f="${1/#${WMII_DIR}/}"
+ if [ "$f" = "$1" ]; then
+ $real_ls "$f"
+ else
+ wmiir ls "$f"
+ fi
+# Usage: setsid cmd [arguments...]
+# I like wmiir's setsid better than linux-utils'
+setsid() { wmiir setsid "$@"; }
diff --git a/.wmii/help-events b/.wmii/help-events
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..25b7d41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.wmii/help-events
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+. "$HOME/.wmii/"
+scansection Event | xmessage -file -
diff --git a/.wmii/help-keys b/.wmii/help-keys
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c6e7038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.wmii/help-keys
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+. "$HOME/.wmii/"
+scansection Key | xmessage -file -
diff --git a/.wmii/ b/.wmii/
index 36f8f3e..d4e58c3 100644
--- a/.wmii/
+++ b/.wmii/
@@ -1,70 +1,11 @@
if [ -z "$WMII_NAMESPACE" ]; then
- export WMII_NAMESPACE=`wmiir namespace`
+ export WMII_NAMESPACE="`wmiir namespace`"
if [ -z "$WMII_DIR" ]; then
+ export WMII_DIR="$HOME/n/wmii"
-# a -- a work-around for buggy IO append in 9pfuse
-# useing '|a' should be just like using '>>', but will work
-# when 9pfuse decides to bug out.
-a() {
- f="${1/#${WMII_DIR}/}"
- if [ "$f" = "$1" ]; then
- cat >> "$1"
- else
- if wmiir ls "$f" &>/dev/null; then
- wmiir write "$f"
- else
- wmiir create "$f"
- fi
- fi
-# I like wmiir's setsid better than linux-utils'
-setsid() { wmiir setsid "$@"; }
-path_ls() {
- find -L `echo "$@"|sed 'y/:/ /'` -maxdepth 1 -type f -executable -printf '%f\n' 2>/dev/null| sort -u
-path_which() {
- mypath=$1
- prog=$2
- which=`which which`
- PATH="$mypath" "$which" -- "$prog" 2>/dev/null
-lstags() {
- ls $WMII_DIR/tag | sed '/^sel$/d'
-scansection() {
- file=`path_which "$WMII_CONFPATH" wmiirc`
- sec=$1
- tmp=`mktemp`
- if [ -n "$sec" ]; then
- < "$file" sed -n "/^\s*$sec\s*()/,/##\s*End $sec/p" | sed '1d;$d'> $tmp
- else
- < "$file" sed "/\s*}\s*##\s*End\s/d" > $tmp
- fi
- < $tmp sed -n '/##/p'|sed -r 's/^\s*(.*)\)\s*## ?/\t\1\t/;s/\s*## ?//'
- rm $tmp
-conffile() {
- echo "$HOME/.wmii/$@"
-Action() {
- prog=`path_which "$WMII_CONFPATH" $1`; shift
- if [ -n "$prog" ]; then
- "$prog" "$@"
- return $?
- else
- return 1
- fi
+. "$HOME/.wmii/"
+. "$HOME/.wmii/"
diff --git a/.wmii/quit b/.wmii/quit
index 54f64e7..876a60e 100755
--- a/.wmii/quit
+++ b/.wmii/quit
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
. "$HOME/.wmii/"
-echo quit |a $WMII_DIR/ctl
+echo quit >> $WMII_DIR/ctl
diff --git a/.wmii/rbar_battery b/.wmii/rbar_battery
index 7a7f24f..ae8980a 100755
--- a/.wmii/rbar_battery
+++ b/.wmii/rbar_battery
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
-set -e
-while true; do
- acpi -b |a "$WMII_DIR/rbar/${priority}_battery"
+while connected_to_x_server; do
+ acpi -b >> "$WMII_DIR/rbar/${priority}_battery"
sleep 1
diff --git a/.wmii/rbar_clock b/.wmii/rbar_clock
index 8e7d2a4..18c4493 100755
--- a/.wmii/rbar_clock
+++ b/.wmii/rbar_clock
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
-set -e
-while true; do
- date |a "$WMII_DIR/rbar/${priority}_clock"
+while connected_to_x_server; do
+ date >> "$WMII_DIR/rbar/${priority}_clock"
sleep .5
diff --git a/.wmii/rbar_cpu b/.wmii/rbar_cpu
index 7f891da..22da985 100755
--- a/.wmii/rbar_cpu
+++ b/.wmii/rbar_cpu
@@ -3,11 +3,10 @@
-set -e
-while true; do
+while connected_to_x_server; do
# This doesn't work for me, it shows capacity
- #echo -n 'Core MHz:' $(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'cpu MHz' | sed 's/.*: //g; s/\..*//g;') |a "$WMII_DIR/rbar/${priority}_cpu"
+ #echo -n 'Core MHz:' $(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'cpu MHz' | sed 's/.*: //g; s/\..*//g;') >> "$WMII_DIR/rbar/${priority}_cpu"
# This actually displays %idle
- echo 'CPU: [ '$(tail -n3 ~/tmp/cputime|sed -ur 's/\s\s+/\t/g'|cut -f2,11|sed 's/\t\(.*\)/(\1)/')' ]' |a "$WMII_DIR/rbar/${priority}_cpu"
+ echo 'CPU: [ '$(tail -n3 ~/tmp/cputime|sed -ur 's/\s\s+/\t/g'|cut -f2,11|sed 's/\t\(.*\)/(\1)/')' ]' >> "$WMII_DIR/rbar/${priority}_cpu"
sleep 1
diff --git a/.wmii/rbar_wifi b/.wmii/rbar_wifi
index 608b164..2ada834 100755
--- a/.wmii/rbar_wifi
+++ b/.wmii/rbar_wifi
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
-set -e
-while true; do
- echo 'Wlan0:' $(iwconfig wlan0 | sed 's/ /\n/g' | grep Quality) |a "$WMII_DIR/rbar/${priority}_wifi"
+while connected_to_x_server; do
+ echo 'Wlan0:' $(iwconfig wlan0 | sed 's/ /\n/g' | grep Quality) >> "$WMII_DIR/rbar/${priority}_wifi"
sleep 1
diff --git a/.wmii/tagrules b/.wmii/tagrules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..990151f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.wmii/tagrules
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+/Emacs|Navigator/ -> +sel
+/Eclipse/ -> +sel
+/panel/ -> /.*/
diff --git a/.wmii/ b/.wmii/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43d7d4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.wmii/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# I moved "fixes" into a separate file because it isn't so much configuration...
+. "$HOME/.wmii/"
+# Added shell features #
+# Usage: dquote STRING
+# Safely double-quotes a string.
+# It escapes ways to execute code, but not variables.
+dquote() {
+ str=$1
+ str="${str//\\/\\\\}" # backslash
+ str="${str//\"/\\\"}" # dquote
+ str="${str//\$(/\\\$(}" # $(...)
+ str="${str//\`/\\\`}" # backtick
+ printf '"%s"\n' "$str"
+# Usage: expand_variables
+# Expands variables read from /dev/stdin
+expand_variables() {
+ while read; do
+ eval printf "'%s\n'" "$(dquote "$REPLY")"
+ done
+is_mounted() {
+ dir="$(readlink -m $1)"
+ mntpnt="$(cut -d' ' -f2 /proc/mounts|grep -- "$dir")"
+ [[ $dir = "$mntpnt" ]]
+ return $?
+# PATH manipulation #
+# Usage: path_ls PATH
+# List executables in PATH (PATH is delimited by `:')
+path_ls() {
+ dirs="`echo "$@"|sed 'y/:/ /'`"
+ find -L $dirs -maxdepth 1 -type f -executable -printf '%f\n' 2>/dev/null | sort -u
+# Usage: path_which PATH PROGRAM
+# Find the full path of PROGRAM by searching PATH
+path_which() {
+ mypath=$1
+ prog=$2
+ which=`which which`
+ PATH="$mypath" "$which" -- "$prog" 2>/dev/null
+# wmii convenience functions #
+# Usage: lstags
+# Lists wmii tags
+lstags() {
+ ls $WMII_DIR/tag | sed -e 's@/@@' -e '/^sel$/d'
+# X11 functions #
+# Usage: connected_to_x_server
+# Return status indicates whether there is an X server at $DISPLAY
+connected_to_x_server() {
+ xdpyinfo &>/dev/null
+ return $?
+# My wmii configuration #
+# Usage: scansection [SECTION]
+# Reads the doc comments from a section of wmiirc.
+# If SECTION is not given, it reads all doc comments.
+scansection() {
+ file=`conffile`
+ sec=$1
+ tmp=`mktemp`
+ # Isolate the sections we want.
+ if [ -n "$sec" ]; then
+ # Find the section
+ < "$file" sed -n "/^\s*$sec\s*()/,/##\s*End $sec/p" | sed '1d;$d'> $tmp
+ else
+ # Remove extra lines that mark the end of a section
+ < "$file" sed "/\s*}\s*##\s*End\s/d" > $tmp
+ fi
+ < $tmp sed -n '/##/p' | while read; do
+ var="$(echo "$REPLY" | sed -nr 's/^\s*(.*)\)\s*##.*/\1/p')"
+ comment="$(echo "$REPLY" | sed -r 's/.*## ?//')"
+ if [ -z "$var" ]; then
+ printf '%s\n' "$comment"
+ else
+ printf '\t%s\t%s\n' "$(echo "$var"|expand_variables)" "$comment"
+ fi
+ done
+ rm $tmp
+# Usage: conffile FILE
+conffile() {
+ echo "$HOME/.wmii/$@"
diff --git a/.wmii/wmiirc b/.wmii/wmiirc
index 82c424b..1f1ea18 100755
--- a/.wmii/wmiirc
+++ b/.wmii/wmiirc
@@ -1,270 +1,12 @@
-# Let any running instances of wmiirc know that we're starting
-wmiir xwrite /event Start
. "$HOME/.wmii/"
-echo ' ==> Starting wmiirc'
-mkdir -p $WMII_NAMESPACE/mnt
-$mount9p $WMII_NAMESPACE/{wmii,mnt}
-MODKEY=Mod4 # super
-# Colors tuples: "<text> <background> <border>"
-. `conffile theme-solarized-dark`
-# Menu history
-hist="`conffile history`"
-# Tagging Rules
-echo '/Emacs|Navigator/ -> +sel' >> $WMII_DIR/tagrules
-echo '/Eclipse/ -> +sel' >> $WMII_DIR/tagrules
-echo '/panel/ -> /.*/' >> $WMII_DIR/tagrules
-Event() {
- event=$1; shift;
- case "$event" in
- ## Mouse event meanings:
- ## MouseDown = mouse down
- ## Click = mouse up
- ## DND = hover, while dragging something (Drag 'n' Drop)
- ## The associated mouse button is always "1"
- ##
- ## Mouse-button IDs:
- ## 1 = left
- ## 2 = middle
- ## 3 = right
- ## WMII-meta events
- Quit) ## No args
- echo ' ==> Stopping wmiirc'
- echo " -> unmounting WMII_DIR=$WMII_DIR..."
- # might complain about /etc/mtab if the x server has already stopped
- fusermount -u "$WMII_DIR" 2>>/dev/null
- echo " -> rmdir'ing WMII_DIR=$WMII_DIR..."
- rmdir "$WMII_DIR";;
- Warning) ## $@=string
- notify-send "wmii warning: $*";;
- Key) ## $1=keystroke
- Key "$@";;
- ## WMII Window management events
- FocusFloating) ## No args
- ;;
- AreaFocus) ## $1=area
- ;;
- DestroyArea) ## $1=area
- ;;
- ColumnFocus) ## $1=column
- ;;
- CreateColumn) ## $1=column
- ;;
- ## Client events
- CreateClient) ## $1=client
- ;;
- DestroyClient) ## $1=client
- ;;
- Urgent) ## $1=client $2=[Manager|Client]
- ;;
- NotUrgent) ## $1=client $2=[Manager|Client]
- ;;
- ClientMouseDown) ## $1=client $2=button
- client=$1
- button=$2
- case $button in
- 1) ;;
- 2) ;;
- 3)
- {
- case `wmii9menu Delete Fullscreen` in
- Delete)
- echo kill |a $WMII_DIR/client/$client/ctl;;
- Fullscreen)
- echo Fullscreen on |a $WMII_DIR/client/$1/ctl;;
- esac
- }& ;;
- esac;;
- ClientClick) ## $1=client $2=button
- ;;
- Unresponsive) ## $1=client
- client=$1
- client_name=`cat $WMII_DIR/client/$client/label`
- msg="The client \`${client_name}' is not responding."
- msg+=" What would you like to do?"
- {
- resp=$(wihack -transient $client \
- xmessage -nearmouse -buttons Kill,Wait -print "$msg")
- if [ "$resp" = Kill ]; then
- echo slay |a $WMII_DIR/client/$client/ctl
- fi
- }& ;;
- Fullscreen) ## $1=client $2=[on|off]
- # TODO: hide any clients with the 'panel' class
- ;;
- ## Tag events
- CreateTag) ## $1=tag
- echo "$WMII_NORMCOLORS" $@ |a $WMII_DIR/lbar/$1;;
- DestroyTag) ## $1=tag
- rm $WMII_DIR/lbar/$1;;
- FocusTag) ## $1=tag
- echo "$WMII_FOCUSCOLORS" $1 |a $WMII_DIR/lbar/$1;;
- UnfocusTag) ## $1=tag
- echo "$WMII_NORMCOLORS" $1 |a $WMII_DIR/lbar/$1;;
- UrgentTag) ## $1=tag $2=[Manager|Client]
- echo "$WMII_URGENTCOLORS" $1 |a $WMII_DIR/lbar/$1;;
- NotUrgentTag) ## $1=tag $2=[Manager|Client]
- echo "$WMII_NORMCOLORS" $1 |a $WMII_DIR/lbar/$1;;
- ## LeftBar events (usually tag buttons)
- LeftBarMouseDown) ## $1=button $2=bar_item
- ;;
- LeftBarClick) ## $1=button $2=bar_item
- shift # ignore the button
- echo view "$@" |a $WMII_DIR/ctl;;
- LeftMouseDND) ## $1=button $2=bar_item
- Event LeftBarClick "$@";;
- ## RightBar events
- RightBarMouseDown) ## $1=button $2=bar_item
- ;;
- RightBarClick) ## $1=button $2=bar_item
- ;;
- RightMouseDND) ## $1=button $2=bar_item
- Event RightBarClick "$@";;
- ## Custom (non-WMII-generated) events
- Start) ## No args
- Event Quit;; # get out of the way for a new event loop
- esac
-} ## End Event
-# Key Bindings
-Key() {
- key=$1
- case "$key" in
- ## Moving around
- $MODKEY-$LEFT) ## Select the client to the left
- echo select left |a $WMII_DIR/tag/sel/ctl;;
- $MODKEY-$RIGHT) ## Select the client to the right
- echo select right |a $WMII_DIR/tag/sel/ctl;;
- $MODKEY-$UP) ## Select the client above
- echo select up |a $WMII_DIR/tag/sel/ctl;;
- $MODKEY-$DOWN) ## Select the client below
- echo select down |a $WMII_DIR/tag/sel/ctl;;
- $MODKEY-space) ## Toggle between floating and managed layers
- echo select toggle |a $WMII_DIR/tag/sel/ctl;;
- ## Moving clients around
- $MODKEY-Shift-$LEFT) ## Move selected client to the left
- wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl send sel left;;
- $MODKEY-Shift-$RIGHT) ## Move selected client to the right
- wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl send sel right;;
- $MODKEY-Shift-$UP) ## Move selected client up
- wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl send sel up;;
- $MODKEY-Shift-$DOWN) ## Move selected client down
- wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl send sel down;;
- $MODKEY-Shift-space) ## Toggle selected client between floating and managed layers
- wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl send sel toggle;;
- ## Moving through stacks
- $MODKEY-Control-$UP) ## Select the stack above
- wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl select up stack;;
- $MODKEY-Control-$DOWN) # Select the stack below
- wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl select down stack;;
- ## Client actions
- $MODKEY-shift-1) ## Toggle selected client's fullsceen state
- wmiir xwrite /client/sel/ctl Fullscreen toggle;;
- $MODKEY-shift-0) ## Close client
- wmiir xwrite /client/sel/ctl kill;;
- ## Changing column modes
- $MODKEY-d) ## Set column to default mode
- wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl colmode sel default-max;;
- $MODKEY-s) ## Set column to stack mode
- wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl colmode sel stack-max;;
- $MODKEY-m) ## Set column to max mode
- wmiir xwrite /tag/sel/ctl colmode sel stack+max;;
- ## Running programs
- $MODKEY-a) ## Open wmii actions menu
- Action $(path_ls $WMII_CONFPATH | wimenu -h "${hist}.actions" -n 5000) & ;;
- $MODKEY-x) ## Open program menu
- setsid $(wimenu -h "${hist}.progs" -n 5000 <$progsfile) & ;;
- $MODKEY-Return) ## Launch a terminal
- setsid x-terminal-emulator & ;;
- ## Other
- $MODKEY-Control-t) ## Toggle all other key bindings
- case $(wmiir read /keys | wc -l | tr -d ' \t\n') in
- 0|1)
- echo -n "$Keys" | wmiir write /keys
- wmiir xwrite /ctl grabmod $MODKEY;;
- *)
- wmiir xwrite /keys $MODKEY-Control-t
- wmiir xwrite /ctl grabmod Mod3;;
- esac;;
- ## Tag actions
- $MODKEY-t) ## Change to another tag
- {
- tag=$(lstags | wimenu -h "${hist}.tags" -n 50) || return
- wmiir xwrite /ctl view $tag
- }& ;;
- $MODKEY-Shift-t) ## Retag the selected client
- sel=$(sed 1q $WMII_DIR/client/sel/ctl)
- {
- tag=$(lstags | wimenu -h "${hist}.tags" -n 50) || return
- wmiir xwrite /client/$sel/tags $tag
- }& ;;
- esac
-} ## End Key
-# WM Configuration
-echo font xft:Monospace-8 |a $WMII_DIR/ctl
-echo focuscolors $WMII_FOCUSCOLORS |a $WMII_DIR/ctl
-echo normcolors $WMII_NORMCOLORS |a $WMII_DIR/ctl
-echo grabmod $MODKEY |a $WMII_DIR/ctl
-echo border 1 |a $WMII_DIR/ctl
-xsetroot -solid "$WMII_BACKGROUND" &
-path_ls $PATH > $progsfile &
-eval arg `scansection Key|cut -sf2` |a $WMII_DIR/keys
-# Clear the LBar
-find $WMII_DIR/lbar -type f -delete
-# Emulate [Create|Focus]Tag events
-seltag=`sed 1q $WMII_DIR/tag/sel/ctl`
-lstags | while read tag; do
- Event CreateTag "$tag"
- if [ "$tag" = "$seltag" ]; then
- Event FocusTag "$tag"
- fi
-Action autostart 2>/dev/null &
+wmiir xwrite /event WmiircQuit # close any existing wmiirc's
-if [ -f "`conffile wmiirc_local`" ]; then
- . "`conffile wmiirc_local`"
+Event WmiircStart
trap "Event Quit" EXIT
-# use wmiir so it doesn't look like an open file
wmiir read /event 2>/dev/null | while read event; do
Event $event
diff --git a/.wmii/wmiirc_local b/.wmii/wmiirc_local
deleted file mode 100755
index 8e1321c..0000000
--- a/.wmii/wmiirc_local
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/dash -f
-# -*- mode: sh; -*-
-# wmiirc file for my HP Pavilion dv6426us laptop
-status() {
- buffer=$(
- echo -n ' '
- # Wifi status
- echo -n 'Wlan0:' $(iwconfig wlan0 | sed 's/ /\n/g' | grep Quality)
- echo -n ' | '
- # Battery charge (not status)
- echo -n $(acpi -b | sed 's/.*, \{0,2\}\([0-9]\{1,3\}%\),.*/Bat: \1/')
- echo -n ' | '
- # CPU
- # This doesn't work for me, it shows capacity
- #echo -n 'Core MHz:' $(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'cpu MHz' | sed 's/.*: //g; s/\..*//g;')
- # This actually displays %idle
- echo -n 'CPU: [ '$(tail -n3 ~/tmp/cputime|sed -u 's/ */\t/g'|cut -f2,11|sed 's/\t\(.*\)/(\1)/')' ]'
- #echo -n ' | '
- #echo -n $(uptime | sed 's/.*://; s/,//g')
- echo -n ' | '
- echo -n $(date)
- echo -n ' '
- )
- echo "$buffer"
diff --git a/.xinitrc b/.xinitrc
index 9c5ce55..c0f7e1c 100644..120000
--- a/.xinitrc
+++ b/.xinitrc
@@ -1,26 +1 @@
-# ~/.xinitrc
-# Executed by startx (run your window manager from here)
-if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then
- echo ' ==> Running scripts in Entering xinitrc.d/*'
- for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do
- echo " -> $f"
- [ -x "$f" ] && "$f" &
- done
- unset f
- echo ' -> done'
-if [ -f "$usermodmap" ]; then
- xmodmap "$usermodmap"
-# exec gnome-session
-# exec startkde
-# exec startxfce4
-# ...or the Window Manager of your choice
-exec ck-launch-session wmii
+.config/X11/clientrc \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.xserverrc b/.xserverrc
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..f46e3e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.xserverrc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+.config/X11/serverrc \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.xsession b/.xsession
index a16dc0b..ee16887 100644..120000
--- a/.xsession
+++ b/.xsession
@@ -1,10 +1 @@
-# ~/.xsession
-# Executed by xdm/gdm/kdm at login
-/bin/bash --login -i ~/.xinitrc
+.config/X11/login \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 8c0ffa9..160a64c 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-CHECK = $(HOME)/.prefix:$(HOME):/usr/local:/usr:/
-NANO_SHARE = $(firstword $(wildcard $(addsuffix /share/nano,$(subst :, ,$(CHECK)))))
+SHELL = /bin/bash
-ALSACTL=$(firstword $(shell . $(HOME)/.profile &>/dev/null; which alsactl) echo)
+NANO_BIN_PREFIX = $(patsubst %/bin/nano,%,$(shell which nano))
+NANO_CHECK = $(HOME)/.prefix:$(HOME):/usr/local:/usr:$(NANO_BIN_PREFIX)
+NANO_SHARE = $(firstword $(wildcard $(addsuffix /share/nano,$(subst :, ,$(NANO_CHECK)))))
-targets=.nanorc .folders .crontab.cookie .current.asound
+targets=.nanorc .folders .crontab.cookie
all: $(targets)
rm -f $(targets)
-%.asound: FORCE
- $(ALSACTL) store --file '$@'
.nanorc: $(NANO_SHARE)
cat '$<' > '$@'
for file in $(NANO_SHARE)/*.nanorc; do echo "include \"$$file\""; done >> '$@'
.folders: Maildir
( echo '..'; find ~/Maildir -maxdepth 2 -type f -name "maildirfolder" -printf '%h\n'|sed -r 's@.*/(.*\.)(.*)@.\1\2@' )|sort>'$@' .
+ ( cat $<; find . -type f -name 'CACHEDIR.TAG' -printf '%h\n'|sed 's@^\./@/@' ) > $@
.crontab.cookie: .crontab .crontab.local
- (cat $^; echo) | crontab -
+ -(cat $^; echo) | crontab - 2>/dev/null
date > '$@'
# don't do anything, just create these if they doesn't exist
@@ -31,12 +31,6 @@ Maildir/%: | Maildir
mkdir -p '$@'/{cur,new,tmp}
touch '$@'/maildirfolder
- git commit -a
- git pull
- $(MAKE)