path: root/build-aux/Makefile.once.head/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-02-03mod: files: handling of directories for the clean rulev3/masterLuke Shumaker
2017-01-30(libretools) Fix bugs in autothing.Luke Shumaker
2016-10-30(systemd) at: files: add missing things to documentatonLuke Shumaker
2016-10-30(systemd) at: mod: don't call on .docLuke Shumaker
2016-10-28(systemd) Autothing documentationLuke Shumaker
2016-08-10(systemd) fix build systemLuke Shumaker
2016-08-08(systemd) fixLuke Shumaker
2016-08-07(systemd) stuffLuke Shumaker