abslibremirror of git:// Parabola git mirror7 years
artworkmirror of git:// Parabola git mirror8 years
blacklistUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Parabola git mirror8 years
dbscriptsmirror of git:// Parabola git mirror8 years
hackersUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Parabola git mirror8 years
parabolawebmirror of git:// Parabola git mirror7 years
knubsd-fireNuBSD-fire kernel and utils Parabola git mirror8 years
librebk-fireA Free version of FreeBSD kernel and utils Parabola git mirror8 years
devtools-parmirror of git:// Parabola git mirror8 years
jhmirror of git:// Parabola git mirror8 years
libretoolsmirror of git:// Parabola git mirror8 years
moz-normalizemirror of git:// Parabola git mirror8 years
parabolaweb-utilsmirror of git:// Parabola git mirror8 years
pbs-toolsmirror of git:// Parabola git mirror8 years
pbsParabola Build System Parabola git mirror8 years
pcrParabola Comunity Repository and Users Repositories Parabola git mirror8 years