# Translation of zenity to Croatiann
# Copyright (C) Croatiann team
# Translators: Automatski Prijevod <>,Robert Sedak <robert.sedak@sk.tel.hr>,
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zenity 0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-09 19:41+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-04-14 17:08+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Launchpad Translations Administrators <rosetta@launchpad."
"Language-Team: Croatian <lokalizacija@linux.hr>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%"
"10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-05-28 07:39+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"

#: ../src/about.c:65
msgid ""
"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
"any later version.\n"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/about.c:69
msgid ""
"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for "
"more details.\n"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/about.c:73
msgid ""
"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 "
"Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA."
msgstr ""

#: ../src/about.c:264
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr ""
"  Robert Sedak <robert.sedak@sk.t-com.hr>\n"
"Launchpad Contributions:\n"
"  Ante Karamatić https://launchpad.net/~ivoks\n"
"  Launchpad Translations Administrators https://launchpad.net/~rosetta-admins"

#: ../src/about.c:276
msgid "Display dialog boxes from shell scripts"
msgstr "Prikaši dijaloški prozor iz skripti ljuske"

#: ../src/main.c:94
msgid "You must specify a dialog type. See 'zenity --help' for details\n"
msgstr ""
"Morate odrediti vrstu dijaloga. Za detalje pogledajte 'zenity --hepl'\n"

#: ../src/notification.c:139
msgid "could not parse command from stdin\n"
msgstr "ne mogu isčitati naredbu sa stdin-a\n"

#: ../src/notification.c:252 ../src/notification.c:269
msgid "Zenity notification"
msgstr "Zenity obavještavanje"

#: ../src/scale.c:56
msgid "Maximum value must be greater than minimum value.\n"
msgstr "Najveća vrijednost mora biti veća od najmanje vrijednosti.\n"

#: ../src/scale.c:63
msgid "Value out of range.\n"
msgstr "Vrijednost izvan opsega.\n"

#: ../src/tree.c:320
msgid "No column titles specified for List dialog.\n"
msgstr "Nije označen niti jedan stupac za dijalog popisa.\n"

#: ../src/tree.c:326
msgid "You should use only one List dialog type.\n"
msgstr "Trebali biste koristiti samo jedan tip List dijaloga.\n"

#: ../src/zenity.glade.h:1
msgid "Add a new entry"
msgstr "Dodaj novu stavku"

#: ../src/zenity.glade.h:2
msgid "Adjust the scale value"
msgstr "Prilagodi vrijednost ljestvice"

#: ../src/zenity.glade.h:3
msgid "All updates are complete."
msgstr "Gotove su sve obnove."

#: ../src/zenity.glade.h:4
msgid "An error has occurred."
msgstr "Dogodila se greška."

#: ../src/zenity.glade.h:5
msgid "Are you sure you want to proceed?"
msgstr "Sigurni ste da želite nastaviti?"

#: ../src/zenity.glade.h:6
msgid "C_alendar:"
msgstr "K_alendar"

#: ../src/zenity.glade.h:7
msgid "Calendar selection"
msgstr "Odabir kalendara"

#: ../src/zenity.glade.h:8
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Greška"

#: ../src/zenity.glade.h:9
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Informacije"

#: ../src/zenity.glade.h:10
msgid "Progress"
msgstr "Napredak"

#: ../src/zenity.glade.h:11
msgid "Question"
msgstr "Pitanje"

#: ../src/zenity.glade.h:12
msgid "Running..."
msgstr "Pokrećem..."

#: ../src/zenity.glade.h:13
msgid "Select a date from below."
msgstr "Označite dolje prikazani datum."

#: ../src/zenity.glade.h:14
msgid "Select a file"
msgstr "Odaberite datoteku"

#: ../src/zenity.glade.h:15
msgid "Select items from the list"
msgstr "Označite stavke s popisa"

#: ../src/zenity.glade.h:16
msgid "Select items from the list below."
msgstr "Označite stavke s donjeg popisa."

#: ../src/zenity.glade.h:17
msgid "Text View"
msgstr "Pogled teksta"

#: ../src/zenity.glade.h:18
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Upozorenje"

#: ../src/zenity.glade.h:19
msgid "_Enter new text:"
msgstr "_Upišite novi tekst:"

#: ../src/option.c:120
msgid "Set the dialog title"
msgstr "Postavite naslov dijaloga"

#: ../src/option.c:121
msgid "TITLE"
msgstr "NASLOV"

#: ../src/option.c:129
msgid "Set the window icon"
msgstr "Postavice sličicu prozora"

#: ../src/option.c:130
msgid "ICONPATH"
msgstr "ICONPATH"

#: ../src/option.c:138
msgid "Set the width"
msgstr "Postavite širinu"

#: ../src/option.c:139
msgid "WIDTH"
msgstr "ŠIRINA"

#: ../src/option.c:147
msgid "Set the height"
msgstr "Postavite veličinu"

#: ../src/option.c:148
msgid "HEIGHT"
msgstr "VISINA"

#: ../src/option.c:156
msgid "Set dialog timeout in seconds"
msgstr ""

#. Timeout for closing the dialog
#: ../src/option.c:158
msgid "TIMEOUT"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:172
msgid "Display calendar dialog"
msgstr "Prikaži dijalog kalendara"

#: ../src/option.c:181 ../src/option.c:241 ../src/option.c:284
#: ../src/option.c:317 ../src/option.c:428 ../src/option.c:558
#: ../src/option.c:620 ../src/option.c:704 ../src/option.c:737
msgid "Set the dialog text"
msgstr "Postavite tekst dijaloga"

#: ../src/option.c:182 ../src/option.c:242 ../src/option.c:251
#: ../src/option.c:260 ../src/option.c:285 ../src/option.c:318
#: ../src/option.c:429 ../src/option.c:526 ../src/option.c:559
#: ../src/option.c:621 ../src/option.c:630 ../src/option.c:639
#: ../src/option.c:705 ../src/option.c:738
msgid "TEXT"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:190
msgid "Set the calendar day"
msgstr "Postavite dan kalendara"

#: ../src/option.c:191
msgid "DAY"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:199
msgid "Set the calendar month"
msgstr "Postavite mjesec kalendara"

#: ../src/option.c:200
msgid "MONTH"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:208
msgid "Set the calendar year"
msgstr "Postavite godinu kalendara"

#: ../src/option.c:209
msgid "YEAR"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:217
msgid "Set the format for the returned date"
msgstr "Postavite oblik vraćenog datuma"

#: ../src/option.c:218
msgid "PATTERN"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:232
msgid "Display text entry dialog"
msgstr "Prikaži dijalog upisa teksta"

#: ../src/option.c:250
msgid "Set the entry text"
msgstr "Postavite upisivanje teksta"

#: ../src/option.c:259
msgid "Hide the entry text"
msgstr "Sakrij upisani tekst"

#: ../src/option.c:275
msgid "Display error dialog"
msgstr "Prikaži dijalog greške"

#: ../src/option.c:293 ../src/option.c:326 ../src/option.c:647
#: ../src/option.c:713
msgid "Do not enable text wrapping"
msgstr "Ne omogućuj sažimanje teksta"

#: ../src/option.c:308
msgid "Display info dialog"
msgstr "Prikaži dijalog s informacijama"

#: ../src/option.c:341
msgid "Display file selection dialog"
msgstr "Prikaži dijalog odabira datoteka"

#: ../src/option.c:350
msgid "Set the filename"
msgstr "Postavite naziv datoteke"

#: ../src/option.c:351 ../src/option.c:672
msgid "FILENAME"

#: ../src/option.c:359
msgid "Allow multiple files to be selected"
msgstr "Omogući odabir više datoteka"

#: ../src/option.c:368
msgid "Activate directory-only selection"
msgstr "Aktiviraj samo-direktorij odabir"

#: ../src/option.c:377
msgid "Activate save mode"
msgstr "Aktiviraj način \"spremanje\""

#: ../src/option.c:386 ../src/option.c:464
msgid "Set output separator character"
msgstr "Postavite izlazni znak razdjeljivanja"

#: ../src/option.c:387 ../src/option.c:465
msgstr "SEPARATOR"

#: ../src/option.c:395
msgid "Confirm file selection if filename already exists"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:404
msgid "Sets a filename filter"
msgstr "Postavlja filter datoteka"

#: ../src/option.c:405
msgid "NAME | PATTERN1 PATTERN2 ..."
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:419
msgid "Display list dialog"
msgstr "Prikaži dijalog s popisom"

#: ../src/option.c:437
msgid "Set the column header"
msgstr "Postavite zaglavlje stupca"

#: ../src/option.c:438
msgid "COLUMN"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:446
msgid "Use check boxes for first column"
msgstr "Koristite potvrdni okvir za prvi stupac"

#: ../src/option.c:455
msgid "Use radio buttons for first column"
msgstr "Koristite redijske gumbe za prvi stupac"

#: ../src/option.c:473
msgid "Allow multiple rows to be selected"
msgstr "Dozvoli odabir više redaka"

#: ../src/option.c:482 ../src/option.c:680
msgid "Allow changes to text"
msgstr "Omogući promjenu teksta"

#: ../src/option.c:491
msgid ""
"Print a specific column (Default is 1. 'ALL' can be used to print all "
msgstr ""
"Ispiši određeni stupac (Uobičajeno je 1. 'ALL' se koristi za ispis svih "

#. Column index number to print out on a list dialog
#: ../src/option.c:493 ../src/option.c:502
msgid "NUMBER"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:501
msgid "Hide a specific column"
msgstr "Sakrij određeni stupac"

#: ../src/option.c:516
msgid "Display notification"
msgstr "Prikaži obavještavanje"

#: ../src/option.c:525
msgid "Set the notification text"
msgstr "Postavi tekst obavještavanja"

#: ../src/option.c:534
msgid "Listen for commands on stdin"
msgstr "Slušaj naredbe sa stdin-a"

#: ../src/option.c:549
msgid "Display progress indication dialog"
msgstr "Prikaži dijalog s pokazivačem napretka"

#: ../src/option.c:567
msgid "Set initial percentage"
msgstr "Postavite početni postotak"

#: ../src/option.c:568
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:576
msgid "Pulsate progress bar"
msgstr "Pulsirajuća traka napretka"

#: ../src/option.c:586
#, no-c-format
msgid "Dismiss the dialog when 100% has been reached"
msgstr "Zatvori dijalog kad je dosegnuto 100%."

#: ../src/option.c:596
#, no-c-format
msgid "Kill parent process if cancel button is pressed"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:611
msgid "Display question dialog"
msgstr "Prikaži dijalog upita"

#: ../src/option.c:629
msgid "Sets the label of the Ok button"
msgstr "Postavlja tekst na tipku OK"

#: ../src/option.c:638
msgid "Sets the label of the Cancel button"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:662
msgid "Display text information dialog"
msgstr "Prikaži dijalog s tekstualnom informacijom"

#: ../src/option.c:671
msgid "Open file"
msgstr "Otvori datoteku"

#: ../src/option.c:695
msgid "Display warning dialog"
msgstr "Prikaži dijalog upozorenja"

#: ../src/option.c:728
msgid "Display scale dialog"
msgstr "Prikaži dijalog ljestvice"

#: ../src/option.c:746
msgid "Set initial value"
msgstr "Postavi početnu vrijednost"

#: ../src/option.c:747 ../src/option.c:756 ../src/option.c:765
#: ../src/option.c:774
msgid "VALUE"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:755
msgid "Set minimum value"
msgstr "Postavi najmanju vrijednost"

#: ../src/option.c:764
msgid "Set maximum value"
msgstr "Postavi najveću vrijednost"

#: ../src/option.c:773
msgid "Set step size"
msgstr "Postavi veličinu koraka"

#: ../src/option.c:782
msgid "Print partial values"
msgstr "Ispiši parcijalne vrijednosti"

#: ../src/option.c:791
msgid "Hide value"
msgstr "Sakrij vrijednosti"

#: ../src/option.c:806
msgid "About zenity"
msgstr "O Zenity"

#: ../src/option.c:815
msgid "Print version"
msgstr "Ispiši inačicu"

#: ../src/option.c:1470
msgid "General options"
msgstr "Općenite odrednice"

#: ../src/option.c:1471
msgid "Show general options"
msgstr "Pokaži opće opcije"

#: ../src/option.c:1481
msgid "Calendar options"
msgstr "Mogućnosti kalendara"

#: ../src/option.c:1482
msgid "Show calendar options"
msgstr "Pokaži opcije kalendara"

#: ../src/option.c:1492
msgid "Text entry options"
msgstr "Mogućnosti upisa teksta"

#: ../src/option.c:1493
msgid "Show text entry options"
msgstr "Pokaži opcije unosa teksta"

#: ../src/option.c:1503
msgid "Error options"
msgstr "Mogućnosti greške"

#: ../src/option.c:1504
msgid "Show error options"
msgstr "Pokaži opcije grešaka"

#: ../src/option.c:1514
msgid "Info options"
msgstr "Mogućnosti informacija"

#: ../src/option.c:1515
msgid "Show info options"
msgstr "Pokaži info opcije"

#: ../src/option.c:1525
msgid "File selection options"
msgstr "Mogućnosti odabira datoteke"

#: ../src/option.c:1526
msgid "Show file selection options"
msgstr "Pokaži opcije odabira datoteka"

#: ../src/option.c:1536
msgid "List options"
msgstr "Mogućnosti popisa"

#: ../src/option.c:1537
msgid "Show list options"
msgstr "Pokaži opcije izlistavanja"

#: ../src/option.c:1547
msgid "Notification icon options"
msgstr "Opcije ikone obavještavanja"

#: ../src/option.c:1548
msgid "Show notification icon options"
msgstr "Pokaži opcije ikone obavještavanja"

#: ../src/option.c:1558
msgid "Progress options"
msgstr "Mogućnosti napretka"

#: ../src/option.c:1559
msgid "Show progress options"
msgstr "Pokaži opcije napretka"

#: ../src/option.c:1569
msgid "Question options"
msgstr "Mogućnosti pitanja"

#: ../src/option.c:1570
msgid "Show question options"
msgstr "Pokaži opcije pitanja"

#: ../src/option.c:1580
msgid "Warning options"
msgstr "Mogućnosti upozorenja"

#: ../src/option.c:1581
msgid "Show warning options"
msgstr "Pokaži opcije upozorenja"

#: ../src/option.c:1591
msgid "Scale options"
msgstr "Opcije ljestvice"

#: ../src/option.c:1592
msgid "Show scale options"
msgstr "Pokaži opcije ljestvice"

#: ../src/option.c:1602
msgid "Text information options"
msgstr "Pokaži opcije informacija"

#: ../src/option.c:1603
msgid "Show text information options"
msgstr "Pokaži opcije informacija teksta"

#: ../src/option.c:1613
msgid "Miscellaneous options"
msgstr "Razne odrednice"

#: ../src/option.c:1614
msgid "Show miscellaneous options"
msgstr "Pokaži razne opcije"

#: ../src/option.c:1639
msgid ""
"This option is not available. Please see --help for all possible usages.\n"
msgstr ""
"Ova opcija nije dostupna. Molim koristite --help za moguće načine uporabe.\n"

#: ../src/option.c:1643
#, c-format
msgid "--%s is not supported for this dialog\n"
msgstr "--%s nije podržan u ovom dijalogu\n"

#: ../src/option.c:1647
msgid "Two or more dialog options specified\n"
msgstr "Određene su dvije ili više mogućnosti dijaloga\n"