# Esperanto translation for zenity.
# Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the zenity package.
# Tiffany Antopolski <tiffany.antopolski@gmail.com>, 2011.
# Kristjan SCHMIDT <kristjan.schmidt@googlemail.com>, 2010, 2011, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zenity\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=zenity&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-19 20:33+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-05-03 23:54+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Kristjan SCHMIDT <kristjan.schmidt@googlemail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Esperanto <gnome-l10n-eo@lists.launchpad.net>\n"
"Language: eo\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2012-04-10 16:16+0000\n"
"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 15070)\n"
"X-Project-Style: gnome\n"

#: ../src/about.c:64
msgid "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n"
msgstr "Tiu programo estas libera programaro; vi povas distribui kaj/aŭ modifi ĝin laŭ la kondiĉoj de la Malsupera Ĝenerala Publika Permesilo de GNU eldonite de 'Free Software Foundation'; aŭ en la 2a versio de la permesilo aŭ (laŭ via volo) en iu sekva versio.\n"

#: ../src/about.c:68
msgid "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.\n"
msgstr "Tiu programo estas distribuite kun la espero ke ĝi estos utila, sed SEN IA AJN GARANTIO; eĉ sen la implica garantio de NEGOCEBLO aŭ ADAPTADO AL IU APARTA CELO. Vidu la Malsuperan Ĝeneralan Publikan Permesilon de GNU por pli da detaloj.\n"

#: ../src/about.c:72
msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA."
msgstr "Vi devintus ricevi kopion de la Malsupera Ĝenerala Publika Permesilo de GNU kun tiu ĉi programo; se ne, skribu al la Fondaĵo Libera Programaro: Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, Usono."

#: ../src/about.c:265
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr ""
"Kristjan SCHMIDT\n"

#: ../src/about.c:277
msgid "Display dialog boxes from shell scripts"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/main.c:105
#, c-format
msgid "You must specify a dialog type. See 'zenity --help' for details\n"
msgstr "Vi devas specifi specon de dialogo. Vidu 'zenity --help' por detaloj\n"

#: ../src/notification.c:95
#, c-format
msgid "could not parse command from stdin\n"
msgstr "ne eblis analizi komandon de stdin\n"

#: ../src/notification.c:122
#, c-format
msgid "Could not parse message from stdin\n"
msgstr "ne eblis analizi mesaĝon de stdin\n"

#: ../src/notification.c:198
msgid "Zenity notification"
msgstr "Zenity-sciigo"

#: ../src/password.c:64
msgid "Type your password"
msgstr "Enigu vian pasvorton"

#: ../src/password.c:99
msgid "Username:"
msgstr "Uzantonomo:"

#: ../src/password.c:115
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Pasvorto:"

#: ../src/scale.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Maximum value must be greater than minimum value.\n"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/scale.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Value out of range.\n"
msgstr "Valoro estas ekster la intervalo.\n"

#: ../src/tree.c:327
#, c-format
msgid "No column titles specified for List dialog.\n"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/tree.c:333
#, c-format
msgid "You should use only one List dialog type.\n"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/zenity.ui.h:1
msgid "Calendar selection"
msgstr "Kalendaro-elekto"

#: ../src/zenity.ui.h:2
msgid "Select a date from below."
msgstr "Elekti daton malsupre."

#: ../src/zenity.ui.h:3
msgid "C_alendar:"
msgstr "K_alendaro:"

#: ../src/zenity.ui.h:4
msgid "Add a new entry"
msgstr "Aldoni novan elementon"

#: ../src/zenity.ui.h:5
msgid "_Enter new text:"
msgstr "_Enigi novan tekston:"

#: ../src/zenity.ui.h:6
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Eraro"

#: ../src/zenity.ui.h:7
msgid "An error has occurred."
msgstr "Eraro okazis."

#: ../src/zenity.ui.h:8
msgid "Forms dialog"
msgstr "Formular-dialogujo"

#: ../src/zenity.ui.h:9
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Informo"

#: ../src/zenity.ui.h:10
msgid "All updates are complete."
msgstr "Ĉiuj ĝisdatigoj estas kompletaj."

#: ../src/zenity.ui.h:11
msgid "Progress"
msgstr "Progreso"

#: ../src/zenity.ui.h:12
msgid "Running..."
msgstr "Rulante..."

#: ../src/zenity.ui.h:13
msgid "Question"
msgstr "Demando"

#: ../src/zenity.ui.h:14
msgid "Are you sure you want to proceed?"
msgstr "Ĉu vi estas certa ke vi volas procedi?"

#: ../src/zenity.ui.h:15
msgid "Adjust the scale value"
msgstr "Agordi la skal-valoron"

#: ../src/zenity.ui.h:16
msgid "Text View"
msgstr "Tekst-vido"

#: ../src/zenity.ui.h:17
msgid "Select items from the list"
msgstr "Elekti elementojn de la listo"

#: ../src/zenity.ui.h:18
msgid "Select items from the list below."
msgstr "Elektu elementojn de la suba listo."

#: ../src/zenity.ui.h:19
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Averto"

#: ../src/option.c:154
msgid "Set the dialog title"
msgstr "Agordi la dialog-titolon"

#: ../src/option.c:155
msgid "TITLE"
msgstr "TITOLO"

#: ../src/option.c:163
msgid "Set the window icon"
msgstr "Agordi la fenestran piktogramon"

#: ../src/option.c:164
msgid "ICONPATH"

#: ../src/option.c:172
msgid "Set the width"
msgstr "Agordi la larĝon"

#: ../src/option.c:173
msgid "WIDTH"
msgstr "LARĜO"

#: ../src/option.c:181
msgid "Set the height"
msgstr "Agordi la alton"

#: ../src/option.c:182
msgid "HEIGHT"
msgstr "ALTO"

#: ../src/option.c:190
msgid "Set dialog timeout in seconds"
msgstr ""

#. Timeout for closing the dialog
#: ../src/option.c:192
msgid "TIMEOUT"
msgstr "TEMPOLIMO"

#: ../src/option.c:200
msgid "Sets the label of the Ok button"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:201
#: ../src/option.c:210
#: ../src/option.c:234
#: ../src/option.c:294
#: ../src/option.c:303
#: ../src/option.c:337
#: ../src/option.c:378
#: ../src/option.c:498
#: ../src/option.c:605
#: ../src/option.c:640
#: ../src/option.c:712
#: ../src/option.c:771
#: ../src/option.c:780
#: ../src/option.c:824
#: ../src/option.c:865
#: ../src/option.c:1016
msgid "TEXT"
msgstr "TEKSTO"

#: ../src/option.c:209
msgid "Sets the label of the Cancel button"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:224
msgid "Display calendar dialog"
msgstr "Montri kalendardialogon"

#: ../src/option.c:233
#: ../src/option.c:293
#: ../src/option.c:336
#: ../src/option.c:377
#: ../src/option.c:497
#: ../src/option.c:639
#: ../src/option.c:711
#: ../src/option.c:823
#: ../src/option.c:864
#: ../src/option.c:1015
msgid "Set the dialog text"
msgstr "Agordi la dialogtekston"

#: ../src/option.c:242
msgid "Set the calendar day"
msgstr "Agordi la kalendartagon"

#: ../src/option.c:243
msgid "DAY"
msgstr "TAGO"

#: ../src/option.c:251
msgid "Set the calendar month"
msgstr "Agordi la kalendarmonaton"

#: ../src/option.c:252
msgid "MONTH"
msgstr "MONATO"

#: ../src/option.c:260
msgid "Set the calendar year"
msgstr "Agordi la kalendarjaron"

#: ../src/option.c:261
msgid "YEAR"
msgstr "JARO"

#: ../src/option.c:269
#: ../src/option.c:1033
msgid "Set the format for the returned date"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:270
#: ../src/option.c:1034
msgid "PATTERN"
msgstr "ŜABLONO"

#: ../src/option.c:284
msgid "Display text entry dialog"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:302
msgid "Set the entry text"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:311
msgid "Hide the entry text"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:327
msgid "Display error dialog"
msgstr "Montri erardialogon"

#: ../src/option.c:345
#: ../src/option.c:386
#: ../src/option.c:720
#: ../src/option.c:832
msgid "Do not enable text wrapping"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:354
#: ../src/option.c:395
#: ../src/option.c:729
#: ../src/option.c:841
msgid "Do not enable pango markup"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:368
msgid "Display info dialog"
msgstr "Montri informdialogon"

#: ../src/option.c:409
msgid "Display file selection dialog"
msgstr "Montri dosierelekt-dialogon"

#: ../src/option.c:418
msgid "Set the filename"
msgstr "Agordi la dosiernomon"

#: ../src/option.c:419
#: ../src/option.c:753
msgid "FILENAME"

#: ../src/option.c:427
msgid "Allow multiple files to be selected"
msgstr "Permesi elekton de pluraj dosieroj"

#: ../src/option.c:436
msgid "Activate directory-only selection"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:445
msgid "Activate save mode"
msgstr "Enŝalti konserv-reĝimon"

#: ../src/option.c:454
#: ../src/option.c:533
#: ../src/option.c:1024
msgid "Set output separator character"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:455
#: ../src/option.c:534
#: ../src/option.c:1025

#: ../src/option.c:463
msgid "Confirm file selection if filename already exists"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:472
msgid "Sets a filename filter"
msgstr ""

#. Help for file-filter argument (name and patterns for file selection)
#: ../src/option.c:474
msgid "NAME | PATTERN1 PATTERN2 ..."
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:488
msgid "Display list dialog"
msgstr "Montri listdialogon"

#: ../src/option.c:506
msgid "Set the column header"
msgstr "Agordi la kolumnotitolon"

#: ../src/option.c:507
msgid "COLUMN"
msgstr "KOLUMNO"

#: ../src/option.c:515
msgid "Use check boxes for first column"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:524
msgid "Use radio buttons for first column"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:542
msgid "Allow multiple rows to be selected"
msgstr "Permesi elekton de pluraj vicoj"

#: ../src/option.c:551
#: ../src/option.c:761
msgid "Allow changes to text"
msgstr "Permesi ŝanĝon de teksto"

#: ../src/option.c:560
msgid "Print a specific column (Default is 1. 'ALL' can be used to print all columns)"
msgstr ""

#. Column index number to print out on a list dialog
#: ../src/option.c:562
#: ../src/option.c:571
msgid "NUMBER"
msgstr "NOMBRO"

#: ../src/option.c:570
msgid "Hide a specific column"
msgstr "Kaŝi specifan kolumnon"

#: ../src/option.c:579
msgid "Hides the column headers"
msgstr "Kaŝi kolumnotitolojn"

#: ../src/option.c:595
msgid "Display notification"
msgstr "Montri sciigon"

#: ../src/option.c:604
msgid "Set the notification text"
msgstr "Agordi la sciigotekston"

#: ../src/option.c:613
msgid "Listen for commands on stdin"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:630
msgid "Display progress indication dialog"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:648
msgid "Set initial percentage"
msgstr "Agordi komencan elcenton"

#: ../src/option.c:649
msgstr "ELCENTO"

#: ../src/option.c:657
msgid "Pulsate progress bar"
msgstr "Pulsada progresbreto"

#: ../src/option.c:667
#, no-c-format
msgid "Dismiss the dialog when 100% has been reached"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:677
#, no-c-format
msgid "Kill parent process if Cancel button is pressed"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:687
#, no-c-format
msgid "Hide Cancel button"
msgstr "Kaŝi \"Rezigni\"-butonon"

#: ../src/option.c:702
msgid "Display question dialog"
msgstr "Montri demand-dialogon"

#: ../src/option.c:743
msgid "Display text information dialog"
msgstr "Montri tekstinform-dialogon"

#: ../src/option.c:752
msgid "Open file"
msgstr "Malfermi dosieron"

#: ../src/option.c:770
msgid "Set the text font"
msgstr "Agordi la teksttiparon"

#: ../src/option.c:779
msgid "Enable an I read and agree checkbox"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:789
msgid "Enable html support"
msgstr "Ebligi HTML-subtenon"

#: ../src/option.c:798
msgid "Sets an url instead of a file. Only works if you use --html option"
msgstr ""

#: ../src/option.c:799
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"

#: ../src/option.c:814
msgid "Display warning dialog"
msgstr "Montri avert-dialogon"

#: ../src/option.c:855
msgid "Display scale dialog"
msgstr "Montri skal-dialogon"

#: ../src/option.c:873
msgid "Set initial value"
msgstr "Agordi komencan valoron"

#: ../src/option.c:874
#: ../src/option.c:883
#: ../src/option.c:892
#: ../src/option.c:901
#: ../src/option.c:1082
msgid "VALUE"
msgstr "VALORO"

#: ../src/option.c:882
msgid "Set minimum value"
msgstr "Agordi minimuman valoron"

#: ../src/option.c:891
msgid "Set maximum value"
msgstr "Agordi maksimuman valoron"

#: ../src/option.c:900
msgid "Set step size"
msgstr "Agordi paŝ-grandon"

#: ../src/option.c:909
msgid "Print partial values"
msgstr "Montri partajn valorojn"

#: ../src/option.c:918
msgid "Hide value"
msgstr "Kaŝi valoron"

#: ../src/option.c:933
msgid "Display forms dialog"
msgstr "Montri formdialogon"

#: ../src/option.c:942
msgid "Add a new Entry in forms dialog"
msgstr "Aldoni novan elementon al la formular-dialogujo"

#: ../src/option.c:943
#: ../src/option.c:952
msgid "Field name"
msgstr "Nomo de kampo"

#: ../src/option.c:951
msgid "Add a new Password Entry in forms dialog"
msgstr "Aldoni novan pasvort-enigkampon al la faormular-dialogujo"

#: ../src/option.c:960
msgid "Add a new Calendar in forms dialog"
msgstr "Aldoni novan kalendaron en formdialogo"

#: ../src/option.c:961
msgid "Calendar field name"
msgstr "Kalendara nomo de kampo"

#: ../src/option.c:969
msgid "Add a new List in forms dialog"
msgstr "Aldoni novan liston al la formular-dialogujo"

#: ../src/option.c:970
msgid "List field and header name"
msgstr "Listkampo kaj paĝokap-nomo"

#: ../src/option.c:978
msgid "List of values for List"
msgstr "Listo da valoroj por la listo"

#: ../src/option.c:979
#: ../src/option.c:988
msgid "List of values separated by |"
msgstr "Listo da valoroj apartigitaj per |"

#: ../src/option.c:987
msgid "List of values for columns"
msgstr "Listo da valoroj por kolumnoj"

#: ../src/option.c:1006
msgid "Show the columns header"
msgstr "Montri la kolumnotitolon"

#: ../src/option.c:1048
msgid "Display password dialog"
msgstr "Montri pasvort-dialogon"

#: ../src/option.c:1057
msgid "Display the username option"
msgstr "Montri la unzantonom-agordon"

#: ../src/option.c:1072
msgid "Display color selection dialog"
msgstr "Montriu la kolor-elektad-dialogon"

#: ../src/option.c:1081
msgid "Set the color"
msgstr "Agordi la koloron"

#: ../src/option.c:1090
msgid "Show the palette"
msgstr "Montri la paletron"

#: ../src/option.c:1105
msgid "About zenity"
msgstr "Pri Zenity"

#: ../src/option.c:1114
msgid "Print version"
msgstr "Pres-versio"

#: ../src/option.c:1988
msgid "General options"
msgstr "Ĝeneralaj agordoj"

#: ../src/option.c:1989
msgid "Show general options"
msgstr "Montri ĝeneralajn agordojn"

#: ../src/option.c:1999
msgid "Calendar options"
msgstr "Kalendar-agordoj"

#: ../src/option.c:2000
msgid "Show calendar options"
msgstr "Montri kalendar-agordojn"

#: ../src/option.c:2010
msgid "Text entry options"
msgstr "Tekstenig-agordoj"

#: ../src/option.c:2011
msgid "Show text entry options"
msgstr "Montri tekstenig-agordojn"

#: ../src/option.c:2021
msgid "Error options"
msgstr "Erar-agordoj"

#: ../src/option.c:2022
msgid "Show error options"
msgstr "Montri erar-agordojn"

#: ../src/option.c:2032
msgid "Info options"
msgstr "Informo-agordoj"

#: ../src/option.c:2033
msgid "Show info options"
msgstr "Montri inform-agordojn"

#: ../src/option.c:2043
msgid "File selection options"
msgstr "Dosierelekt-agordoj"

#: ../src/option.c:2044
msgid "Show file selection options"
msgstr "Montri dosierelekt-agordojn"

#: ../src/option.c:2054
msgid "List options"
msgstr "List-agordoj"

#: ../src/option.c:2055
msgid "Show list options"
msgstr "Montri list-agordojn"

#: ../src/option.c:2066
msgid "Notification icon options"
msgstr "Sciig-bildsimbolaj opcioj"

#: ../src/option.c:2067
msgid "Show notification icon options"
msgstr "Montri sciig-bildsimbolajn opciojn"

#: ../src/option.c:2078
msgid "Progress options"
msgstr "Progresagordoj"

#: ../src/option.c:2079
msgid "Show progress options"
msgstr "Montri progresagordojn"

#: ../src/option.c:2089
msgid "Question options"
msgstr "Demand-agordoj"

#: ../src/option.c:2090
msgid "Show question options"
msgstr "Montri demand-agordojn"

#: ../src/option.c:2100
msgid "Warning options"
msgstr "Avert-agordoj"

#: ../src/option.c:2101
msgid "Show warning options"
msgstr "Montri avert-agordojn"

#: ../src/option.c:2111
msgid "Scale options"
msgstr "Skaloagordoj"

#: ../src/option.c:2112
msgid "Show scale options"
msgstr "Montri skaloagordojn"

#: ../src/option.c:2122
msgid "Text information options"
msgstr "Agordoj de tekstinformoj"

#: ../src/option.c:2123
msgid "Show text information options"
msgstr "Montri agordojn de tekstinformoj"

#: ../src/option.c:2133
msgid "Color selection options"
msgstr "Kolorelekt-agordoj"

#: ../src/option.c:2134
msgid "Show color selection options"
msgstr "Montri kolorelekt-agordojn"

#: ../src/option.c:2144
msgid "Password dialog options"
msgstr "Pasvortdialog-opcioj"

#: ../src/option.c:2145
msgid "Show password dialog options"
msgstr "Montri pasvortdialog-opciojn"

#: ../src/option.c:2155
msgid "Forms dialog options"
msgstr "Formdialogaj opcioj"

#: ../src/option.c:2156
msgid "Show forms dialog options"
msgstr "Montri formdialogajn opciojn"

#: ../src/option.c:2166
msgid "Miscellaneous options"
msgstr "Diversaj opcioj"

#: ../src/option.c:2167
msgid "Show miscellaneous options"
msgstr "Montri diversajn opciojn"

#: ../src/option.c:2192
#, c-format
msgid "This option is not available. Please see --help for all possible usages.\n"
msgstr "Tiu agordo ne estas disponebla. Bonvole rigardu --help por eblaj uzadoj.\n"

#: ../src/option.c:2196
#, c-format
msgid "--%s is not supported for this dialog\n"
msgstr "--%s estas ne subtenita por tiu dialogo\n"

#: ../src/option.c:2200
#, c-format
msgid "Two or more dialog options specified\n"
msgstr "Specifis du aŭ pli dialogajn opciojn\n"