# German translation of the zenity manual.
# Mario Blättermann <mario.blaettermann@gmail.com>, 2008, 2009, 2011.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zenity master\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-12-18 18:14+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-12-22 21:06+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Mario Blättermann <mario.blaettermann@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: German <gnome-de@gnome.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: German\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: GERMANY\n"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: C/warning.page:28(None)
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"@@image: 'figures/zenity-warning-screenshot.png'; "
msgstr "translated"

#: C/warning.page:6(desc)
msgid "Use the <cmd>--warning</cmd> option."
msgstr ""

#: C/warning.page:8(title)
msgid "Warning Dialog"
msgstr "Warndialog"

#: C/warning.page:9(p)
msgid "Use the <cmd>--warning</cmd> option to create a warning dialog."
msgstr ""
"Verwenden Sie die Option <cmd>--warning</cmd>, um einen Warndialog zu "

#: C/warning.page:13(p)
msgid "The following example script shows how to create a warning dialog:"
msgstr "Das folgende Beispielskript zeigt, wie Sie einen Warndialog erzeugen:"

#: C/warning.page:17(code)
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"zenity --warning \\\n"
"--text=\"Disconnect the power cable to avoid electrical shock.\"\n"
msgstr ""
"zenity --warning \\\n"
"--text=\"Ziehen Sie den Netzstecker, um einen elektrischen Schlag zu vermeiden.\"\n"

#: C/warning.page:26(title)
msgid "Warning Dialog Example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Warndialog"

#: C/warning.page:27(desc)
msgid "<app>Zenity</app> warning dialog example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Warndialog in <app>Zenity</app>"

#: C/usage.page:6(desc)
msgid ""
"You can use <app>Zenity</app> to create simple dialogs that interact "
"graphically with the user."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Sie Skripte schreiben, können Sie <app>Zenity</app> zur Erzeugung "
"einfacher Dialoge zur Interaktion mit dem Benutzer verwenden."

#: C/usage.page:8(title)
msgid "Usage"
msgstr "Benutzung"

#: C/usage.page:9(p)
msgid ""
"When you write scripts, you can use <app>Zenity</app> to create simple "
"dialogs that interact graphically with the user, as follows:"
msgstr ""
"Wenn Sie Skripte schreiben, können Sie <app>Zenity</app> zur Erzeugung "
"einfacher Dialoge zur Interaktion mit dem Benutzer verwenden, wie folgende:"

#: C/usage.page:14(p)
msgid ""
"You can create a dialog to obtain information from the user. For example, you "
"can prompt the user to select a date from a calendar dialog, or to select a "
"file from a file selection dialog."
msgstr ""
"Sie können einen Dialog erzeugen, der die Eingabe von Informationen durch den "
"Benutzer erfordert. Beispielsweise können Sie den Benutzer anweisen, ein "
"Datum aus einem Kalenderdialog oder eine Datei aus einem Dateiauswahldialog "
"zu wählen."

#: C/usage.page:19(p)
msgid ""
"You can create a dialog to provide the user with information. For example, "
"you can use a progress dialog to indicate the current status of an operation, "
"or use a warning message dialog to alert the user."
msgstr ""
"Sie können einen Dialog erzeugen, um dem Benutzer Informationen zur Verfügung "
"zu stellen. Beispielsweise können Sie einen Fortschrittsanzeige-Dialog "
"erzeugen, um auf den aktuellen Status eines Vorgangs hinzuweisen, oder einen "
"Warndialog, um den Benutzer zu warnen."

#: C/usage.page:24(p)
msgid ""
"When the user closes the dialog, <app>Zenity</app> prints the text produced "
"by the dialog to standard output."
msgstr ""
"Wenn der Benutzer den Dialog schließt, schreibt <app>Zenity</app> den vom "
"Dialog ausgegebenen Text in die Standardausgabe."

#: C/usage.page:29(p)
msgid ""
"When you write <app>Zenity</app> commands, ensure that you place quotation "
"marks around each argument."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Sie <app>Zenity</app>-Befehle schreiben, stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass "
"Sie jedes Argument stets in Anführungszeichen einschließen."

#: C/usage.page:32(p)
msgid "For example, use:"
msgstr "Benutzen Sie beispielsweise:"

#: C/usage.page:33(screen)
#, no-wrap
msgid "zenity --calendar --title=\"Holiday Planner\""
msgstr "zenity --calendar --title=\"Urlaubsplaner\""

#: C/usage.page:34(p)
msgid "Do not use:"
msgstr "Benutzen Sie nicht:"

#: C/usage.page:35(screen)
#, no-wrap
msgid "zenity --calendar --title=Holiday Planner"
msgstr "zenity --calendar --title=Urlaubsplaner"

#: C/usage.page:36(p)
msgid "If you do not use quotation marks, you might get unexpected results."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Sie keine Anführungszeichen verwenden, könnten Sie unerwartete "
"Ergebnisse erhalten."

#: C/usage.page:42(title)
msgid "Access Keys"
msgstr "Zugriffstasten"

#: C/usage.page:43(p)
msgid ""
"An access key is a key that enables you to perform an action from the "
"keyboard rather than use the mouse to choose a command from a menu or dialog. "
"Each access key is identified by an underlined letter on a menu or dialog "
msgstr ""
"Eine Zugriffstaste ist eine Taste, die Ihnen die Ausführung einer Aktion mit "
"der Tastatur zur Auswahl eines Befehls aus einem Menü oder einem Dialog "
"erlaubt, anstatt dafür die Maus zu benutzen."

#: C/usage.page:46(p)
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Some <app>Zenity</app> dialogs support the use of access keys. To specify the "
"character to use as the access key, place an underscore before that character "
"in the text of the dialog. The following example shows how to specify the "
"letter 'C' as the access key:"
msgstr ""
"Einige <application>Zenity</application>-Dialoge unterstützen die Verwendung "
"von Zugriffstasten. Um das Zeichen für den Tastaturzugriff festzulegen, "
"setzen Sie einen Unterstrich vor das Zeichen im Dialogtext. Das folgende "
"Beispiel zeigt, wie Sie den Buchstaben »W« als Zugriffstaste festlegen."

#: C/usage.page:49(input)
msgid "\"_Choose a name\"."
msgstr "\"_Wählen Sie einen Namen\""

#: C/usage.page:53(title)
msgid "Exit Codes"
msgstr "Rückgabewerte"

#: C/usage.page:54(p)
msgid "Zenity returns the following exit codes:"
msgstr "Zenity erzeugt die folgenden Rückgabewerte:"

#: C/usage.page:62(p)
msgid "Exit Code"
msgstr "Rückgabewert"

#: C/usage.page:64(p)
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beschreibung"

#: C/usage.page:70(var)
msgid "0"
msgstr "0"

#: C/usage.page:73(p)
msgid ""
"The user has pressed either <gui style=\"button\">OK</gui> or <gui style="
msgstr ""
"Der Benutzer hat entweder <gui style=\"button\">OK</gui> oder <gui style="
"\"button\">Schließen</gui> angeklickt."

#: C/usage.page:78(var)
msgid "1"
msgstr "1"

#: C/usage.page:81(p)
msgid ""
"The user has either pressed <gui style=\"button\">Cancel</gui>, or used the "
"window functions to close the dialog."
msgstr ""
"Der Benutzer hat entweder <gui style=\"button\">Abbrechen</guibutton> "
"angeklickt oder die Fensterfunktionen zum Schließen des Dialogs benutzt."

#: C/usage.page:86(var)
msgid "-1"
msgstr "-1"

#: C/usage.page:89(p)
msgid "An unexpected error has occurred."
msgstr "Es ist ein unerwarteter Fehler aufgetreten."

#: C/usage.page:94(var)
msgid "5"
msgstr "5"

#: C/usage.page:97(p)
msgid "The dialog has been closed because the timeout has been reached."
msgstr "Der Dialog wurde geschlossen, weil die Wartezeit verstrichen ist."

#: C/usage.page:109(title)
msgid "General Options"
msgstr "Allgemeine Einstellungen"

#: C/usage.page:111(p)
msgid "All Zenity dialogs support the following general options:"
msgstr "Alle Zenity-Dialoge unterstützen die folgenden allgemeinen Optionen:"

#: C/usage.page:118(title)
msgid "<cmd>--title</cmd>=<var>title</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--title</cmd>=<var>Titel</var>"

#: C/usage.page:119(p)
msgid "Specifies the title of a dialog."
msgstr "Damit legen Sie den Titel des Dialogs fest."

#: C/usage.page:123(title)
msgid "<cmd>--window-icon</cmd>=<var>icon_path</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--window-icon</cmd>=<var>Symbolpfad</var>"

#: C/usage.page:124(p)
msgid ""
"Specifies the icon that is displayed in the window frame of the dialog. There "
"are 4 stock icons also available by providing the following keywords - "
"'info', 'warning', 'question' and 'error'."
msgstr ""
"Damit legen Sie das Symbol fest, das im Fensterrahmen des Dialogs angezeigt "
"wird. Es gibt 4 Standardsymbole, die auch über die Schlüsselwörter »info«, "
"»warning«, »question« und »error« bereitgestellt werden."

#: C/usage.page:131(title)
msgid "<cmd>--width</cmd>=<var>width</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--width</cmd>=<var>Breite</var>"

#: C/usage.page:132(p)
msgid "Specifies the width of the dialog."
msgstr "Damit legen Sie die Breite des Dialogs fest."

#: C/usage.page:136(title)
msgid "<cmd>--height</cmd>=<var>height</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--height</cmd>=<var>Höhe</var>"

#: C/usage.page:137(p)
msgid "Specifies the height of the dialog."
msgstr "Damit legen Sie die Höhe des Dialogs fest."

#: C/usage.page:141(title)
msgid "<cmd>--timeout</cmd>=<var>timeout</var>"
msgstr ""

#: C/usage.page:142(p)
msgid "Specifies the timeout in seconds after which the dialog is closed."
msgstr ""
"Damit legen Sie die Wartezeit in Sekunden bis zum Schließen des Dialogs fest."

#: C/usage.page:152(title)
msgid "Help Options"
msgstr "Hilfeoptionen"

#: C/usage.page:154(p)
msgid "Zenity provides the following help options:"
msgstr "Zenity stellt die folgenden Hilfeoptionen bereit:"

#: C/usage.page:161(cmd)
msgid "--help"
msgstr "--help"

#: C/usage.page:162(p)
msgid "Displays shortened help text."
msgstr "Damit zeigen Sie einen Hilfetext in Kurzform an."

#: C/usage.page:166(cmd)
msgid "--help-all"
msgstr "--help-all"

#: C/usage.page:167(p)
msgid "Displays full help text for all dialogs."
msgstr "Damit zeigen Sie den kompletten Hilfetext für alle Dialoge an."

#: C/usage.page:171(cmd)
msgid "--help-general"
msgstr "--help-general"

#: C/usage.page:172(p)
msgid "Displays help text for general dialog options."
msgstr "Damit zeigen Sie den Hilfetext für allgemeine Dialogoptionen an."

#: C/usage.page:176(cmd)
msgid "--help-calendar"
msgstr "--help-calendar"

#: C/usage.page:177(p)
msgid "Displays help text for calendar dialog options."
msgstr "Damit zeigen Sie den Hilfetext für Kalenderdialogoptionen an."

#: C/usage.page:181(cmd)
msgid "--help-entry"
msgstr "--help-entry"

#: C/usage.page:182(p)
msgid "Displays help text for text entry dialog options."
msgstr "Damit zeigen Sie den Hilfetext für Optionen des Texteingabedialogs an."

#: C/usage.page:186(cmd)
msgid "--help-error"
msgstr "--help-error"

#: C/usage.page:187(p)
msgid "Displays help text for error dialog options."
msgstr "Damit zeigen Sie den Hilfetext für Optionen des Fehlerdialogs an."

#: C/usage.page:191(cmd)
msgid "--help-info"
msgstr "--help-info"

#: C/usage.page:192(p)
msgid "Displays help text for information dialog options."
msgstr "Damit zeigen Sie den Hilfetext für Informationsdialogoptionen an."

#: C/usage.page:196(cmd)
msgid "--help-file-selection"
msgstr "--help-file-selection"

#: C/usage.page:197(p)
msgid "Displays help text for file selection dialog options."
msgstr "Damit zeigen Sie den Hilfetext für Optionen des Dateiauswahldialogs."

#: C/usage.page:201(cmd)
msgid "--help-list"
msgstr "--help-list"

#: C/usage.page:202(p)
msgid "Displays help text for list dialog options."
msgstr "Damit zeigen Sie den Hilfetext für Optionen des Listendialogs an."

#: C/usage.page:206(cmd)
msgid "--help-notification"
msgstr "--help-notification"

#: C/usage.page:207(p)
msgid "Displays help text for notification icon options."
msgstr ""
"Damit zeigen Sie den Hilfetext für Optionen des Benachrichtigungsymbols an."

#: C/usage.page:211(cmd)
msgid "--help-progress"
msgstr "--help-progress"

#: C/usage.page:212(p)
msgid "Displays help text for progress dialog options."
msgstr ""
"Damit zeigen Sie den Hilfetext für Optionen des Fortschrittsanzeige-Dialogs "

#: C/usage.page:216(cmd)
msgid "--help-question"
msgstr "--help-question"

#: C/usage.page:217(p)
msgid "Displays help text for question dialog options."
msgstr "Damit zeigen Sie den Hilfetext für Optionen des Fragedialogs an."

#: C/usage.page:221(cmd)
msgid "--help-warning"
msgstr "--help-warning"

#: C/usage.page:222(p)
msgid "Displays help text for warning dialog options."
msgstr "Damit zeigen Sie den Hilfetext für die Optionen des Warndialogs an."

#: C/usage.page:226(cmd)
msgid "--help-text-info"
msgstr "--help-text-info"

#: C/usage.page:227(p)
msgid "Displays help for text information dialog options."
msgstr "Damit zeigen Sie den Hilfetext für Optionen des Informationsdialogs an."

#: C/usage.page:231(cmd)
msgid "--help-misc"
msgstr "--help-misc"

#: C/usage.page:232(p)
msgid "Displays help for miscellaneous options."
msgstr ""
"Damit zeigen Sie den Hilfetext für nicht auf einen bestimmten Dialog bezogene "
"Optionen an."

#: C/usage.page:236(cmd)
msgid "--help-gtk"
msgstr "--help-gtk"

#: C/usage.page:237(p)
msgid "Displays help for GTK+ options."
msgstr "Damit zeigen Sie den Hilfetext für die GTK+-Optionen an."

#: C/usage.page:247(title)
msgid "Miscellaneous Options"
msgstr "Verschiedene Optionen"

#: C/usage.page:249(p)
msgid "Zenity also provides the following miscellaneous options:"
msgstr "Zenity stellt außerdem die folgenden weiteren Optionen zur Verfügung:"

#: C/usage.page:256(cmd)
msgid "--about"
msgstr "--about"

#: C/usage.page:257(p)
msgid ""
"Displays the <gui>About Zenity</gui> dialog, which contains Zenity version "
"information, copyright information, and developer information."
msgstr ""
"Damit zeigen Sie den <gui>Info zu Zenity</gui>-Dialog an, der "
"Versionsinformationen, Copyright-Informationen und Entwicklerinformationen "
"über <app>Zenity</app> enthält."

#: C/usage.page:261(cmd)
msgid "--version"
msgstr "--version"

#: C/usage.page:262(p)
msgid "Displays the version number of Zenity."
msgstr "Damit zeigen Sie die Versionsnummer von Zenity an."

#: C/usage.page:272(title)
msgid "GTK+ Options"
msgstr "GTK+-Optionen"

#: C/usage.page:274(p)
msgid ""
"Zenity supports the standard GTK+ options. For more information about the GTK"
"+ options, execute the <cmd>zenity --help-gtk</cmd> command."
msgstr ""
"Zenity unterstützt die Standardoptionen von GTK+. Um weitere Informationen "
"über die GTK+-Optionen anzuzeigen, führen Sie den Befehl <cmd>zenity --help-"
"gtk</cmd> aus."

#: C/usage.page:283(title)
msgid "Environment Variables"
msgstr "Umgebungsvariablen"

#: C/usage.page:285(p)
msgid ""
"Normally, Zenity detects the terminal window from which it was launched and "
"keeps itself above that window. This behavior can be disabled by unsetting "
"the <var>WINDOWID</var> environment variable."
msgstr ""
"Normalerweise erkennt Zenity das Terminalfenster, aus dem es gestartet wurde "
"und hält sein eigenes Fenster im Vordergrund dieses Fensters. Dieses "
"Verhalten kann deaktiviert werden, wenn Sie das Setzen der Umgebungsvariable "
"<var>WINDOWID</en> deaktivieren."

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: C/text.page:83(None)
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"@@image: 'figures/zenity-text-screenshot.png'; "
msgstr "translated"

#: C/text.page:6(desc)
msgid "Use the <cmd>--text-info</cmd> option."
msgstr ""

#: C/text.page:8(title)
msgid "Text Information Dialog"
msgstr "Text-Informationsdialog"

#: C/text.page:9(p)
msgid ""
"Use the <cmd>--text-info</cmd> option to create a text information dialog."
msgstr ""
"Verwenden Sie die Option <cmd>--text-info</cmd>, um einen "
"Textinformationsdialog zu erzeugen."

#: C/text.page:13(p)
msgid "The text information dialog supports the following options:"
msgstr "Der Textinformationsdialog unterstützt die folgenden Optionen:"

#: C/text.page:20(title) C/file-selection.page:20(title)
msgid "<cmd>--filename</cmd>=<var>filename</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--filename</cmd>=<var>Dateiname</var>"

#: C/text.page:21(p)
msgid "Specifies a file that is loaded in the text information dialog."
msgstr "Legt eine Datei fest, die im Textinformationsdialog geladen wird."

#: C/text.page:25(cmd) C/list.page:46(cmd)
msgid "--editable"
msgstr "--editable"

#: C/text.page:26(p)
msgid ""
"Allows the displayed text to be edited. The edited text is returned to "
"standard output when the dialog is closed."
msgstr ""
"Ermöglicht die Bearbeitung des angezeigten Texts. Der bearbeitete Text wird "
"an die Standardausgabe zurückgegeben, wenn der Dialog geschlossen wird."

#: C/text.page:30(title)
msgid "<cmd>--font</cmd>=<var>FONT</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--font</cmd>=<var>SCHRIFT</var>"

#: C/text.page:31(p)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Specifies the text font."
msgstr "Damit legen Sie den Titel des Dialogs fest."

#: C/text.page:35(title)
msgid "<cmd>--checkbox</cmd>=<var>TEXT</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--checkbox</cmd>=<var>TEXT</var>"

#: C/text.page:36(p)
msgid "Enable a checkbox for use like a 'I read and accept the terms.'"
msgstr ""

#: C/text.page:40(cmd)
msgid "--html"
msgstr "--html"

#: C/text.page:41(p)
msgid "Enable html support."
msgstr ""

#: C/text.page:45(title)
msgid "<cmd>--url</cmd>=<var>URL</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--url</cmd>=<var>URL</var>"

#: C/text.page:46(p)
msgid "Sets an url instead of a file. Only works if you use --html option."
msgstr ""

#: C/text.page:51(p)
msgid ""
"The following example script shows how to create a text information dialog:"
msgstr ""
"Das folgende Beispielskript zeigt, wie Sie einen Textinformationsdialog "

#: C/text.page:55(code)
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# You must place file \"COPYING\" in same folder of this script.\n"
"FILE=`dirname $0`/COPYING\n"
"zenity --text-info \\\n"
"       --title=\"License\" \\\n"
"       --filename=$FILE \\\n"
"       --checkbox=\"I read and accept the terms.\"\n"
"case $? in\n"
"    0)\n"
"        echo \"Start installation!\"\n"
"\t# next step\n"
"    1)\n"
"        echo \"Stop installation!\"\n"
"    -1)\n"
"        echo \"An unexpected error has occurred.\"\n"
msgstr ""

#: C/text.page:81(title)
msgid "Text Information Dialog Example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Text-Informationsdialog"

#: C/text.page:82(desc)
msgid "<app>Zenity</app> text information dialog example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Textinformationsdialog in <app>Zenity</app>"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: C/scale.page:77(None)
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"@@image: 'figures/zenity-scale-screenshot.png'; "
msgstr "translated"

#: C/scale.page:6(desc)
msgid "Use the <cmd>--scale</cmd> option."
msgstr ""

#: C/scale.page:8(title)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Scale Dialog"
msgstr "Kalenderdialog"

#: C/scale.page:9(p)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use the <cmd>--scale</cmd> option to create a scale dialog."
msgstr ""
"Verwenden Sie die Option <option>--error</option>, um einen Fehlerdialog zu "

#: C/scale.page:12(p)
#, fuzzy
msgid "The scale dialog supports the following options:"
msgstr "Der Kalenderdialog unterstützt die folgenden Optionen:"

#: C/scale.page:19(title) C/forms.page:35(title)
msgid "<cmd>--text</cmd>=<var>TEXT</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--text</cmd>=<var>TEXT</var>"

#: C/scale.page:20(p)
msgid "Set the dialog text. (Default: Adjust the scale value)"
msgstr ""

#: C/scale.page:24(title)
msgid "<cmd>--value</cmd>=<var>VALUE</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--value</cmd>=<var>WERT</var>"

#: C/scale.page:25(p)
msgid ""
"Set initial value. (Default: 0) You must specify value between minimum value "
"to maximum value."
msgstr ""

#: C/scale.page:29(title)
msgid "<cmd>--min-value</cmd>=<var>VALUE</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--min-value</cmd>=<var>WERT</var>"

#: C/scale.page:30(p)
msgid "Set minimum value. (Default: 0)"
msgstr ""

#: C/scale.page:34(title)
msgid "<cmd>--max-value</cmd>=<var>VALUE</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--max-value</cmd>=<var>WERT</var>"

#: C/scale.page:35(p)
msgid "Set maximum value. (Default: 100)"
msgstr ""

#: C/scale.page:39(title)
msgid "<cmd>--step</cmd>=<var>VALUE</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--step</cmd>=<var>WERT</var>"

#: C/scale.page:40(p)
msgid "Set step size. (Default: 1)"
msgstr ""

#: C/scale.page:44(cmd)
msgid "--print-partial"
msgstr "--print-partial"

#: C/scale.page:45(p)
msgid "Print value to standard output, whenever a value is changed."
msgstr ""

#: C/scale.page:49(cmd)
msgid "--hide-value"
msgstr "--hide-value"

#: C/scale.page:50(p)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Hide value on dialog."
msgstr "Dateiauswahldialog"

#: C/scale.page:55(p)
#, fuzzy
msgid "The following example script shows how to create a scale dialog:"
msgstr ""
"Das folgende Beispielskript zeigt, wie Sie einen Kalenderdialog erzeugen "
"können: <placeholder-1/>"

#: C/scale.page:59(code)
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"VALUE=`zenity --scale --text=\"Select window transparency.\" --value=50`\n"
"case $? in\n"
"         0)\n"
"\t\techo \"You selected $VALUE%.\";;\n"
"         1)\n"
"                echo \"No value selected.\";;\n"
"        -1)\n"
"                echo \"An unexpected error has occurred.\";;\n"
msgstr ""
"        #!/bin/sh\n"
"        FILE=`zenity --file-selection --title=\"Wählen Sie eine Datei\"`\n"
"        case $? in\n"
"                 0)\n"
"                        echo \"\\\"$FILE\\\" ausgewählt.\";;\n"
"                 1)\n"
"                        echo \"Keine Datei ausgewählt.\";;\n"
"                -1)\n"
"                        echo \"Keine Datei ausgewählt.\";;\n"
"        esac\n"
"      "

#: C/scale.page:75(title) C/password.page:45(title)
#: C/color-selection.page:50(title)
msgid "Password Entry Dialog Example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Passworteingabe-Dialog"

#: C/scale.page:76(desc) C/password.page:46(desc)
#: C/color-selection.page:51(desc)
msgid "<app>Zenity</app> password entry dialog example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Texteingabedialog in <app>Zenity</app>"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: C/question.page:28(None)
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"@@image: 'figures/zenity-question-screenshot.png'; "
msgstr "translated"

#: C/question.page:6(desc)
msgid "Use the <cmd>--question</cmd> option."
msgstr ""

#: C/question.page:8(title)
msgid "Question Dialog"
msgstr "Fragedialog"

#: C/question.page:9(p)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use the <cmd>--question</cmd> option to create a question dialog."
msgstr ""
"Verwenden Sie die Option <option>--question</option>, um einen Fragedialog zu "

#: C/question.page:13(p)
msgid "The following example script shows how to create a question dialog:"
msgstr "Das folgende Beispielskript zeigt, wie Sie einen Fragedialog erzeugen:"

#: C/question.page:17(code)
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"zenity --question \\\n"
"--text=\"Are you sure you wish to proceed?\"\n"
msgstr ""
"zenity --question \\\n"
"--text=\"Wollen Sie wirklich fortsetzen?\"\n"

#: C/question.page:26(title)
msgid "Question Dialog Example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Fragedialog"

#: C/question.page:27(desc)
msgid "<app>Zenity</app> question dialog example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Fragedialog in <app>Zenity</app>"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: C/progress.page:77(None)
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"@@image: 'figures/zenity-progress-screenshot.png'; "
msgstr "translated"

#: C/progress.page:6(desc)
msgid "Use the <cmd>--progress</cmd> option."
msgstr ""

#: C/progress.page:8(title)
msgid "Progress Dialog"
msgstr "Fortschrittsanzeige-Dialog"

#: C/progress.page:9(p)
msgid "Use the <cmd>--progress</cmd> option to create a progress dialog."
msgstr ""
"Verwenden Sie die Option <cmd>--progress</cmd>, um einen Fortschrittsanzeige-"
"Dialog zu erzeugen."

#: C/progress.page:13(p)
msgid ""
"<app>Zenity</app> reads data from standard input line by line. If a line is "
"prefixed with #, the text is updated with the text on that line. If a line "
"contains only a number, the percentage is updated with that number."
msgstr ""
"<app>Zenity</app> liest die Daten aus der Standardeingabe zeilenweise. Wenn "
"einer Zeile ein Raute-Zeichen (#) vorangestellt ist, wird der angezeigte Text "
"durch den Text in dieser Zeile aktualisiert, bei einem angezeigten "
"Prozentsatz durch die angegebene Zahl."

#: C/progress.page:17(p)
msgid "The progress dialog supports the following options:"
msgstr "Der Fortschrittsanzeige-Dialog unterstützt die folgenden Optionen:"

#: C/progress.page:24(title) C/notification.page:16(title)
#: C/entry.page:19(title) C/calendar.page:19(title)
msgid "<cmd>--text</cmd>=<var>text</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--text</cmd>=<var>Text</var>"

#: C/progress.page:25(p)
msgid "Specifies the text that is displayed in the progress dialog."
msgstr "Legt den Text fest, der im Fortschrittsanzeige-Dialog angezeigt wird."

#: C/progress.page:29(title)
msgid "<cmd>--percentage</cmd>=<var>percentage</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--percentage</cmd>=<var>Prozentsatz</var>"

#: C/progress.page:30(p)
msgid "Specifies the initial percentage that is set in the progress dialog."
msgstr ""
"Legt den anfänglich im Fortschrittsanzeige-Dialog angezeigten Prozentsatz "

#: C/progress.page:34(cmd)
msgid "--auto-close"
msgstr "--auto-close"

#: C/progress.page:35(p)
msgid "Closes the progress dialog when 100% has been reached."
msgstr "Schließt den Fortschrittsanzeige-Dialog, wenn 100% erreicht sind."

#: C/progress.page:39(cmd)
msgid "--pulsate"
msgstr "--pulsate"

#: C/progress.page:40(p)
msgid ""
"Specifies that the progress bar pulsates until an EOF character is read from "
"standard input."
msgstr ""
"Legt fest, dass die Fortschrittsleiste pulsiert, bis ein EOF-Zeichen von der "
"Standardeingabe gelesen wird."

#: C/progress.page:45(p)
msgid "The following example script shows how to create a progress dialog:"
msgstr ""
"Das folgende Beispielskript zeigt, wie Sie einen Fortschrittsanzeige-Dialog "

#: C/progress.page:49(code)
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"echo \"10\" ; sleep 1\n"
"echo \"# Updating mail logs\" ; sleep 1\n"
"echo \"20\" ; sleep 1\n"
"echo \"# Resetting cron jobs\" ; sleep 1\n"
"echo \"50\" ; sleep 1\n"
"echo \"This line will just be ignored\" ; sleep 1\n"
"echo \"75\" ; sleep 1\n"
"echo \"# Rebooting system\" ; sleep 1\n"
"echo \"100\" ; sleep 1\n"
") |\n"
"zenity --progress \\\n"
"  --title=\"Update System Logs\" \\\n"
"  --text=\"Scanning mail logs...\" \\\n"
"  --percentage=0\n"
"if [ \"$?\" = -1 ] ; then\n"
"        zenity --error \\\n"
"          --text=\"Update canceled.\"\n"
msgstr ""
"        #!/bin/sh\n"
"        (\n"
"        echo \"10\" ; sleep 1\n"
"        echo \"# Mail-Logdateien werden aktualisiert\" ; sleep 1\n"
"        echo \"20\" ; sleep 1\n"
"        echo \"# Cronjobs werden zurückgesetzt\" ; sleep 1\n"
"        echo \"50\" ; sleep 1\n"
"        echo \"Diese Zeile wird ignoriert\" ; sleep 1\n"
"        echo \"75\" ; sleep 1\n"
"        echo \"# Neustart des Systems\" ; sleep 1\n"
"        echo \"100\" ; sleep 1\n"
"        ) |\n"
"        zenity --progress \\\n"
"          --title=\"Logdateien aktualisieren\" \\\n"
"          --text=\"Mail-Logdateien werden untersucht …\" \\\n"
"          --percentage=0\n"
"        if [ \"$?\" = -1 ] ; then\n"
"                zenity --error \\\n"
"                  --text=\"Aktualisierung wurde abgebrochen.\"\n"
"        fi\n"
"      "

#: C/progress.page:75(title)
msgid "Progress Dialog Example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Fortschrittsanzeige-Dialog"

#: C/progress.page:76(desc)
msgid "<app>Zenity</app> progress dialog example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Fortschrittsanzeige-Dialog in <app>Zenity</app>"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: C/password.page:47(None)
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"@@image: 'figures/zenity-password-screenshot.png'; "
msgstr "translated"

#: C/password.page:6(desc)
msgid "Use the <cmd>--password</cmd> option."
msgstr ""

#: C/password.page:8(title)
msgid "Password Dialog"
msgstr "Passwortdialog"

#: C/password.page:9(p)
msgid "Use the <cmd>--password</cmd> option to create a password entry dialog."
msgstr ""
"Verwenden Sie die Option <cmd>--progress</cmd>, um einen Fortschrittsanzeige-"
"Dialog zu erzeugen."

#: C/password.page:12(p)
msgid "The password entry dialog supports the following options:"
msgstr "Der Passworteingabedialog unterstützt die folgenden Optionen:"

#: C/password.page:18(cmd)
msgid "--username"
msgstr "--username"

#: C/password.page:19(p)
msgid "Display the username field."
msgstr ""

#: C/password.page:23(p)
msgid ""
"The following example script shows how to create a password entry dialog:"
msgstr ""
"Das folgende Beispielskript zeigt, wie Sie einen Passworteingabedialog "

#: C/password.page:27(code)
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"ENTRY=`zenity --password --username`\n"
"case $? in\n"
"         0)\n"
"\t \techo \"User Name: `echo $ENTRY | cut -d'|' -f1`\"\n"
"\t \techo \"Password : `echo $ENTRY | cut -d'|' -f2`\"\n"
"         1)\n"
"                echo \"Stop login.\";;\n"
"        -1)\n"
"                echo \"An unexpected error has occurred.\";;\n"
msgstr ""

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: C/notification.page:37(None)
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"@@image: 'figures/zenity-notification-screenshot.png'; "
msgstr "translated"

#: C/notification.page:6(desc)
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use the <cmd>--notification</cmd> option."
msgstr ""
"Damit zeigen Sie den Hilfetext für Optionen des Benachrichtigungsymbols an."

#: C/notification.page:8(title)
msgid "Notification Icon"
msgstr "Benachrichtigungssymbol"

#: C/notification.page:9(p)
msgid "Use the <cmd>--notification</cmd> option to create a notification icon."
msgstr ""
"Verwenden Sie die Option <cmd>--notification</cmd>, um ein "
"Benachrichtigungssymbol zu erzeugen."

#: C/notification.page:17(p)
msgid "Specifies the text that is displayed in the notification area."
msgstr "Legt den Text fest, der im Benachrichtigungsfeld angezeigt wird."

#: C/notification.page:22(p)
msgid "The following example script shows how to create a notification icon:"
msgstr ""
"Das folgende Beispielskript zeigt, wie Sie ein Benachrichtigungssymbol "

#: C/notification.page:25(code)
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"zenity --notification\\\n"
"  --window-icon=\"info\" \\\n"
"  --text=\"There are system updates necessary!\"\n"
msgstr ""
"        #!/bin/sh\n"
"        zenity --notification\\\n"
"          --window-icon=\"info\" \\\n"
"          --text=\"Wichtige Systemaktualisierungen sind verfügbar!\"\n"
"      "

#: C/notification.page:35(title)
msgid "Notification Icon Example"
msgstr "Beispiel für ein Benachrichtigungssymbol"

#: C/notification.page:36(desc)
msgid "<app>Zenity</app> notification icon example"
msgstr "Beispiel für ein Benachrichtigungssymbol in <app>Zenity</app>"

#: C/message.page:6(desc)
msgid ""
"<link xref=\"error\">Error</link>, <link xref=\"info\">Info</link>, <link "
"xref=\"question\">Question</link>, <link xref=\"warning\">Warning</link>"
msgstr ""

#: C/message.page:13(title)
msgid "Message Dialog"
msgstr "Meldungsdialog"

#: C/message.page:14(p)
msgid ""
"For each type, use the <cmd>--text</cmd> option to specify the text that is "
"displayed in the dialog."
msgstr ""
"Für jeden dieser Typen geben Sie mit der Option <cmd>--text</cmd> an, welcher "
"Text im Dialog angezeigt werden soll."

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: C/list.page:84(None)
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"@@image: 'figures/zenity-list-screenshot.png'; "
msgstr "translated"

#: C/list.page:6(desc)
msgid "Use the <cmd>--list</cmd> option."
msgstr ""

#: C/list.page:8(title)
msgid "List Dialog"
msgstr "Listendialog"

#: C/list.page:9(p)
msgid ""
"Use the <cmd>--list</cmd> option to create a list dialog. <app>Zenity</app> "
"returns the entries in the first column of text of selected rows to standard "
msgstr ""
"Verwenden Sie die Option <cmd>--list</cmd>, um einen Listendialog zu "
"erzeugen. <app>Zenity</app> gibt die Einträge in der ersten Spalte der "
"ausgewählten Zeile an die Standardausgabe zurück."

#: C/list.page:13(p)
msgid ""
"Data for the dialog must specified column by column, row by row. Data can be "
"provided to the dialog through standard input. Each entry must be separated "
"by a newline character."
msgstr ""
"Die Daten für den Dialog müssen Spalte für Spalte und Zeile für Zeile "
"angegeben werden. Die Daten können dem Dialog durch die Standardeingabe zur "
"Verfügung gestellt werden. Die einzelnen Einträge müssen durch ein Newline-"
"Zeichen voneinander getrennt werden."

#: C/list.page:17(p)
msgid ""
"If you use the <cmd>--checklist</cmd> or <cmd>--radiolist</cmd> options, each "
"row must start with either 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Sie die Optionen <cmd>--checklist</cmd> oder <cmd>--radiolist</cmd> "
"verwenden, muss jede Zeile entweder mit 'TRUE' oder mit 'FALSE' beginnen."

#: C/list.page:21(p)
msgid "The list dialog supports the following options:"
msgstr "Der Listendialog unterstützt die folgenden Optionen:"

#: C/list.page:28(title)
msgid "<cmd>--column</cmd>=<var>column</var>"
msgstr ""

#: C/list.page:29(p)
msgid ""
"Specifies the column headers that are displayed in the list dialog. You must "
"specify a <cmd>--column</cmd> option for each column that you want to display "
"in the dialog."
msgstr ""
"Legt die Spaltenüberschriften fest, die im Listendialog angezeigt werden "
"sollen. Sie müssen eine <cmd>--column</cmd>-Option für jede Spalte angeben, "
"die Sie im Listendialog anzeigen wollen."

#: C/list.page:34(cmd)
msgid "--checklist"
msgstr "--checklist"

#: C/list.page:35(p)
msgid "Specifies that the first column in the list dialog contains check boxes."
msgstr "Legt fest, dass die erste Spalte im Listendialog Ankreuzfelder enthält."

#: C/list.page:40(cmd)
msgid "--radiolist"
msgstr "--radiolist"

#: C/list.page:41(p)
msgid "Specifies that the first column in the list dialog contains radio boxes."
msgstr ""
"Legt fest, dass die erste Spalte im Listendialog Radioknöpfe enthalten soll."

#: C/list.page:47(p)
msgid "Allows the displayed items to be edited."
msgstr "Erlaubt die Bearbeitung der angezeigten Objekte."

#: C/list.page:52(title) C/file-selection.page:40(title)
msgid "<cmd>--separator</cmd>=<var>separator</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--separator</cmd>=<var>Trenner</var>"

#: C/list.page:53(p)
msgid ""
"Specifies what string is used when the list dialog returns the selected "
msgstr ""
"Legt fest, welche Zeichenkette verwendet wird, wenn der Listendialog die "
"ausgewählten Einträge zurück gibt."

#: C/list.page:58(title)
msgid "<cmd>--print-column</cmd>=<var>column</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--print-column</cmd>=<var>Spalte</var>"

#: C/list.page:59(p)
msgid ""
"Specifies what column should be printed out upon selection. The default "
"column is '1'. 'ALL' can be used to print out all columns in the list."
msgstr ""
"Dies legt fest, welche Spalte Ihrer Auswahl ausgegeben werden soll. Die "
"Vorgabe ist »1«. Sie können »ALL« verwenden, um alle Spalten der Liste "
"ausgeben zu lassen."

#: C/list.page:66(p)
msgid "The following example script shows how to create a list dialog:"
msgstr "Das folgende Beispielskript zeigt, wie Sie einen Listendialog erzeugen:"

#: C/list.page:69(code)
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"zenity --list \\\n"
"  --title=\"Choose the Bugs You Wish to View\" \\\n"
"  --column=\"Bug Number\" --column=\"Severity\" --column=\"Description\" \\\n"
"    992383 Normal \"GtkTreeView crashes on multiple selections\" \\\n"
"    293823 High \"GNOME Dictionary does not handle proxy\" \\\n"
"    393823 Critical \"Menu editing does not work in GNOME 2.0\"\n"
msgstr ""
"        #!/bin/sh\n"
"        zenity --list \\\n"
"          --title=\"Fehlerberichte auswählen\" \\\n"
"          --column=\"Kennung\" --column=\"Wichtigkeit\" --column=\"Beschreibung\" \\\n"
"            992383 Normal \"GtkTreeView crashes on multiple selections\" \\\n"
"            293823 High \"GNOME Dictionary does not handle proxy\" \\\n"
"            393823 Critical \"Menu editing does not work in GNOME 2.0\"\n"
"      "

#: C/list.page:82(title)
msgid "List Dialog Example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Listendialog"

#: C/list.page:83(desc)
msgid "<app>Zenity</app> list dialog example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Listendialog in <app>Zenity</app>"

#: C/intro.page:6(desc)
msgid ""
"<app>Zenity</app> enables you to create the various types of simple dialog."
msgstr ""
"<app>Zenity</app> erlaubt Ihnen die Erzeugung verschiedener Typen simpler "

#: C/intro.page:8(title)
msgid "Introduction"
msgstr "Einführung"

#: C/intro.page:9(p)
msgid ""
"<app>Zenity</app> enables you to create the following types of simple dialog:"
msgstr ""
"<app>Zenity</app> erlaubt Ihnen die Erzeugung der folgenden Typen simpler "

#: C/intro.page:14(p)
msgid "Calendar"
msgstr "Kalender"

#: C/intro.page:15(p)
msgid "File selection"
msgstr "Dateiauswahl"

#: C/intro.page:16(p)
msgid "Forms"
msgstr "Formulare"

#: C/intro.page:17(p)
msgid "List"
msgstr "Liste"

#: C/intro.page:18(p)
msgid "Notification icon"
msgstr "Benachrichtigungssymbol"

#: C/intro.page:19(p)
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Meldung"

#: C/intro.page:21(p)
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Fehler"

#: C/intro.page:22(p)
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Information"

#: C/intro.page:23(p)
msgid "Question"
msgstr "Frage"

#: C/intro.page:24(p)
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Warnung"

#: C/intro.page:27(p)
msgid "Password entry"
msgstr "Passworteintrag"

#: C/intro.page:28(p)
msgid "Progress"
msgstr "Fortschritt"

#: C/intro.page:29(p)
msgid "Text entry"
msgstr "Textfeld"

#: C/intro.page:30(p)
msgid "Text information"
msgstr "Textinformation"

#: C/intro.page:31(p)
msgid "Scale"
msgstr ""

#: C/intro.page:32(p)
msgid "Color selection"
msgstr "Farbauswahl"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: C/info.page:28(None)
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"@@image: 'figures/zenity-information-screenshot.png'; "
msgstr "translated"

#: C/info.page:6(desc)
msgid "Use the <cmd>--info</cmd> option."
msgstr ""

#: C/info.page:8(title)
msgid "Info Dialog"
msgstr "Informationsdialog"

#: C/info.page:9(p)
msgid "Use the <cmd>--info</cmd> option to create an information dialog."
msgstr ""
"Verwenden Sie die Option <cmd>--info</cmd>, um einen Informationsdialog zu "

#: C/info.page:13(p)
msgid "The following example script shows how to create an information dialog:"
msgstr ""
"Das folgende Beispielskript zeigt, wie Sie einen Informationsdialog erzeugen:"

#: C/info.page:17(code)
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"zenity --info \\\n"
"--text=\"Merge complete. Updated 3 of 10 files.\"\n"
msgstr ""
"          #!/bin/bash\n"
"          zenity --info \\\n"
"          --text=\"Die Aktualisierung wurde ausgeführt.\\n3 von 10 Dateien wurden aktualisiert.\"\n"
"        "

#: C/info.page:26(title)
msgid "Information Dialog Example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Informationsdialog"

#: C/info.page:27(desc)
msgid "<app>Zenity</app> information dialog example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Informationsdialog in <app>Zenity</app>"

#: C/index.page:6(name)
msgid "Sun Java Desktop System Documentation Team"
msgstr "Sun Java-Desktopsystem-Dokumentationsteam"

#: C/index.page:9(name)
msgid "Glynn Foster"
msgstr "Glynn Foster"

#: C/index.page:12(name)
msgid "Nicholas Curran"
msgstr "Nicholas Curran"

#: C/index.page:16(name)
msgid "Yasumichi Akahoshi"
msgstr "Yasumichi Akahoshi"

#: C/index.page:17(email)
msgid "yasumichi@vinelinux.org"
msgstr "yasumichi@vinelinux.org"

#: C/index.page:20(p)
msgid "GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL)"
msgstr "GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL)"

#: C/index.page:24(title)
msgid "Zenity Manual"
msgstr "Zenity-Handbuch"

#: C/index.page:27(title)
msgid "Dialogs"
msgstr "Dialoge"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: C/forms.page:81(None)
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"@@image: 'figures/zenity-forms-screenshot.png'; "
msgstr "translated"

#: C/forms.page:6(desc)
msgid "Use the <cmd>--forms</cmd> option."
msgstr ""

#: C/forms.page:8(title)
msgid "Forms Dialog"
msgstr "Formulardialog"

#: C/forms.page:9(p)
msgid "Use the <cmd>--forms</cmd> option to create a forms dialog."
msgstr ""
"Verwenden Sie die Option <cmd>--forms</cmd>, um einen Formulardialog zu "

#: C/forms.page:13(p)
msgid "The forms dialog supports the following options:"
msgstr "Der Formulardialog unterstützt die folgenden Optionen:"

#: C/forms.page:20(title)
msgid "<cmd>--add-entry</cmd>=<var>FieldName</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--add-entry</cmd>=<var>Feldname</var>"

#: C/forms.page:21(p)
msgid "Add a new Entry in forms dialog."
msgstr ""

#: C/forms.page:25(title)
msgid "--add-password<cmd/>=<var>FieldName</var>"
msgstr "--add-password<cmd/>=<var>Feldname</var>"

#: C/forms.page:26(p)
msgid "Add a new Password Entry in forms dialog. (Hide text)"
msgstr ""

#: C/forms.page:30(title)
msgid "<cmd>--add-calendar</cmd>=<var>FieldName</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--add-calendar</cmd>=<var>Feldname</var>"

#: C/forms.page:31(p)
msgid "Add a new Calendar in forms dialog."
msgstr ""

#: C/forms.page:36(p)
msgid "Set the dialog text."
msgstr ""

#: C/forms.page:40(title)
msgid "<cmd>--separator</cmd>=<var>SEPARATOR</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--separator</cmd>=<var>TRENNER</var>"

#: C/forms.page:41(p)
msgid "Set output separator character. (Default: | )"
msgstr ""

#: C/forms.page:45(title)
msgid "<cmd>--forms-date-format</cmd>=<var>PATTERN</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--forms-date-format</cmd>=<var>MUSTER</var>"

#: C/forms.page:46(p)
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Set the format for the returned date. The default format depends on your "
"locale. format must be a Format that is acceptable to the <cmd>strftime</cmd> "
"function, for example <var>%A %d/%m/%y</var>."
msgstr ""
"Damit legen Sie das Format fest, das vom Kalenderdialog nach der Auswahl des "
"Datums zurückgegeben wird. Das Standardformat ist abhängig von Ihren "
"Spracheinstellungen. <replaceable>Format</replaceable> muss ein Format sein, "
"das von der <command>strftime</command>-Funktion unterstützt wird, zum "
"Beispiel <literal>%A %d/%m/%y</literal>."

#: C/forms.page:51(p)
msgid "The following example script shows how to create a forms dialog:"
msgstr ""
"Das folgende Beispielskript zeigt, wie Sie einen Formulardialog erzeugen:"

#: C/forms.page:55(code)
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"zenity --forms --title=\"Add Friend\" \\\n"
"\t--text=\"Enter information about your friend.\" \\\n"
"\t--separator=\",\" \\\n"
"\t--add-entry=\"First Name\" \\\n"
"\t--add-entry=\"Family Name\" \\\n"
"\t--add-entry=\"Email\" \\\n"
"\t--add-calendar=\"Birthday\" &gt;&gt; addr.csv\n"
"case $? in\n"
"    0)\n"
"        echo \"Friend added.\";;\n"
"    1)\n"
"        echo \"No friend added.\"\n"
"    -1)\n"
"        echo \"An unexpected error has occurred.\"\n"
msgstr ""

#: C/forms.page:79(title)
msgid "Forms Dialog Example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Formulardialog"

#: C/forms.page:80(desc)
msgid "<app>Zenity</app> forms dialog example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Formulardialog in <app>Zenity</app>"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: C/file-selection.page:68(None)
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"@@image: 'figures/zenity-fileselection-screenshot.png'; "
msgstr "translated"

#: C/file-selection.page:6(desc)
msgid "Use the <cmd>--file-selection</cmd> option."
msgstr ""

#: C/file-selection.page:8(title)
msgid "File Selection Dialog"
msgstr "Dateiauswahldialog"

#: C/file-selection.page:9(p)
msgid ""
"Use the <cmd>--file-selection</cmd> option to create a file selection dialog. "
"<app>Zenity</app> returns the selected files or directories to standard "
"output. The default mode of the file selection dialog is open."
msgstr ""
"Verwenden Sie die Option <cmd>--file-selection</cmd> zur Erzeugung eines "
"Dateiauswahldialogs. <app>Zenity</app> gibt die ausgewählten Dateien oder "
"Ordner an die Standardausgabe zurück. Der Standardmodus für den "
"Dateiauswahldialog ist »Öffnen«. "

#: C/file-selection.page:13(p)
msgid "The file selection dialog supports the following options:"
msgstr "Der Dateiauswahldialog unterstützt die folgenden Optionen:"

#: C/file-selection.page:21(p)
msgid ""
"Specifies the file or directory that is selected in the file selection dialog "
"when the dialog is first shown."
msgstr ""
"Legt die Datei oder den Ordner fest, die oder der bei der ersten Anzeige des "
"Dateiauswahldialogs angezeigt wird."

#: C/file-selection.page:25(cmd)
msgid "--multiple"
msgstr "--multiple"

#: C/file-selection.page:26(p)
msgid "Allows the selection of multiple filenames in the file selection dialog."
msgstr "Erlaubt die Mehrfachauswahl von Dateien im Dateiauswahldialog."

#: C/file-selection.page:30(cmd)
msgid "--directory"
msgstr "--directory"

#: C/file-selection.page:31(p)
msgid "Allows only selection of directories in the file selection dialog."
msgstr "Erlaubt nur die Auswahl von Ordnern im Dateiauswahldialog."

#: C/file-selection.page:35(cmd)
msgid "--save"
msgstr "--save"

#: C/file-selection.page:36(p)
msgid "Set the file selection dialog into save mode."
msgstr "Setzt den Dateiauswahldialog in den Modus »Speichern«."

#: C/file-selection.page:41(p)
msgid ""
"Specifies the string that is used to divide the returned list of filenames."
msgstr ""
"Legt die Zeichenkette fest, die für die Trennung der zurückgegebenen Liste "
"der Dateinamen verwendet wird."

#: C/file-selection.page:46(p)
msgid ""
"The following example script shows how to create a file selection dialog:"
msgstr ""
"Das folgende Beispielskript zeigt, wie Sie einen Dateiauswahldialog erzeugen "

#: C/file-selection.page:50(code)
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"FILE=`zenity --file-selection --title=\"Select a File\"`\n"
"case $? in\n"
"         0)\n"
"                echo \"\\\"$FILE\\\" selected.\";;\n"
"         1)\n"
"                echo \"No file selected.\";;\n"
"        -1)\n"
"                echo \"An unexpected error has occurred.\";;\n"
msgstr ""
"        #!/bin/sh\n"
"        FILE=`zenity --file-selection --title=\"Wählen Sie eine Datei\"`\n"
"        case $? in\n"
"                 0)\n"
"                        echo \"\\\"$FILE\\\" ausgewählt.\";;\n"
"                 1)\n"
"                        echo \"Keine Datei ausgewählt.\";;\n"
"                -1)\n"
"                        echo \"Keine Datei ausgewählt.\";;\n"
"        esac\n"
"      "

#: C/file-selection.page:66(title)
msgid "File Selection Dialog Example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Dateiauswahldialog"

#: C/file-selection.page:67(desc)
msgid "<app>Zenity</app> file selection dialog example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Dateiauswahldialog in <app>Zenity</app>"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: C/error.page:28(None)
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"@@image: 'figures/zenity-error-screenshot.png'; "
msgstr "translated"

#: C/error.page:6(desc)
msgid "Use the <cmd>--error</cmd> option."
msgstr ""

#: C/error.page:8(title)
msgid "Error Dialog"
msgstr "Fehlerdialog"

#: C/error.page:9(p)
msgid "Use the <cmd>--error</cmd> option to create an error dialog."
msgstr ""
"Verwenden Sie die Option <cmd>--error</cmd>, um einen Fehlerdialog zu "

#: C/error.page:13(p)
msgid "The following example script shows how to create an error dialog:"
msgstr "Das folgende Beispielskript zeigt, wie Sie einen Fehlerdialog erzeugen:"

#: C/error.page:17(code)
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"zenity --error \\\n"
"--text=\"Could not find /var/log/syslog.\"\n"
msgstr ""
"zenity --error \\\n"
"--text=\"/var/log/syslog wurde nicht gefunden.\"\n"

#: C/error.page:26(title)
msgid "Error Dialog Example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Fehlerdialog"

#: C/error.page:27(desc)
msgid "<app>Zenity</app> error dialog example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Fehlerdialog in <app>Zenity</app>"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: C/entry.page:55(None)
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"@@image: 'figures/zenity-entry-screenshot.png'; "
msgstr "translated"

#: C/entry.page:6(desc)
msgid "Use the <cmd>--entry</cmd> option."
msgstr ""

#: C/entry.page:8(title)
msgid "Text Entry Dialog"
msgstr "Texteingabe-Dialog"

#: C/entry.page:9(p)
msgid ""
"Use the <cmd>--entry</cmd> option to create a text entry dialog. <app>Zenity</"
"app> returns the contents of the text entry to standard output."
msgstr ""
"Verwenden Sie die Option <cmd>--entry</cmd>, um einen Texteingabedialog zu "
"erzeugen. <app>Zenity</app> gibt den Inhalt des Texts an die Standardausgabe "

#: C/entry.page:12(p)
msgid "The text entry dialog supports the following options:"
msgstr "Der Texteingabedialog unterstützt die folgenden Optionen:"

#: C/entry.page:20(p)
msgid "Specifies the text that is displayed in the text entry dialog."
msgstr "Legt den Text fest, der im Texteingabedialog angezeigt wird."

#: C/entry.page:24(title)
msgid "<cmd>--entry-text</cmd>=<var>text</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--entry-text</cmd>=<var>Text</var>"

#: C/entry.page:25(p)
msgid ""
"Specifies the text that is displayed in the entry field of the text entry "
msgstr ""
"Legt den Text fest, der im Eingabefeld des Texteingabedialogs angezeigt wird."

#: C/entry.page:29(cmd)
msgid "--hide-text"
msgstr "--hide-text"

#: C/entry.page:30(p)
msgid "Hides the text in the entry field of the text entry dialog."
msgstr "Dadurch wird der Text im Eingabefeld des Textreingabedialogs verborgen."

#: C/entry.page:35(p)
msgid "The following example script shows how to create a text entry dialog:"
msgstr ""
"Das folgende Beispielskript zeigt, wie Sie einen Texteingabedialog erzeugen:"

#: C/entry.page:39(code)
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"if zenity --entry \\\n"
"--title=\"Add new profile\" \\\n"
"--text=\"Enter name of new profile:\" \\\n"
"--entry-text \"NewProfile\"\n"
"  then echo $?\n"
"  else echo \"No name entered\"\n"
msgstr ""
"if zenity --entry \\\n"
"--title=\"Neues Profil hinzufügen\" \\\n"
"--text=\"Geben Sie den Namen des neuen Profils ein:\" \\\n"
"--entry-text \"Neues Profil\"\n"
"  then echo $?\n"
"  else echo \"Es wurde kein Name eingegeben\"\n"

#: C/entry.page:53(title)
msgid "Text Entry Dialog Example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Texteingabe-Dialog"

#: C/entry.page:54(desc)
msgid "<app>Zenity</app> text entry dialog example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Texteingabedialog in <app>Zenity</app"

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: C/color-selection.page:52(None)
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"@@image: 'figures/zenity-colorselection-screenshot.png'; "
msgstr "translated"

#: C/color-selection.page:6(desc)
msgid "Use the <cmd>--color-selection</cmd> option."
msgstr ""

#: C/color-selection.page:8(title)
msgid "Color Selection Dialog"
msgstr "Farbauswahldialog"

#: C/color-selection.page:9(p)
msgid ""
"Use the <cmd>--color-selection</cmd> option to create a color selection "
msgstr ""
"Verwenden Sie die Option <option>--color-selection</option>, um einen "
"Farbauswahldialog zu erzeugen."

#: C/color-selection.page:12(p)
msgid "The color selection dialog supports the following options:"
msgstr "Der Farbauswahldialog unterstützt die folgenden Optionen:"

#: C/color-selection.page:19(title)
msgid "<cmd>--color</cmd>=<var>VALUE</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--color</cmd>=<var>WERT</var>"

#: C/color-selection.page:20(p)
msgid "Set the initial color.(ex: #FF0000)"
msgstr ""

#: C/color-selection.page:24(cmd)
msgid "--show-palette"
msgstr "--show-palette"

#: C/color-selection.page:25(p)
msgid "Show the palette."
msgstr ""

#: C/color-selection.page:30(p)
msgid ""
"The following example script shows how to create a color selection dialog:"
msgstr ""
"Das folgende Beispielskript zeigt, wie Sie einen Farbauswahldialog erzeugen "

#: C/color-selection.page:34(code)
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"COLOR=`zenity --color-selection --show-palette`\n"
"case $? in\n"
"         0)\n"
"\t\techo \"You selected $COLOR.\";;\n"
"         1)\n"
"                echo \"No color selected.\";;\n"
"        -1)\n"
"                echo \"An unexpected error has occurred.\";;\n"
msgstr ""
"        #!/bin/sh\n"
"        FILE=`zenity --file-selection --title=\"Wählen Sie eine Datei\"`\n"
"        case $? in\n"
"                 0)\n"
"                        echo \"\\\"$FILE\\\" ausgewählt.\";;\n"
"                 1)\n"
"                        echo \"Keine Datei ausgewählt.\";;\n"
"                -1)\n"
"                        echo \"Keine Datei ausgewählt.\";;\n"
"        esac\n"
"      "

#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you.
#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all.
#: C/calendar.page:66(None)
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"@@image: 'figures/zenity-calendar-screenshot.png'; "
msgstr "translated"

#: C/calendar.page:6(desc)
msgid "Use the <cmd>--calendar</cmd> option."
msgstr ""

#: C/calendar.page:8(title)
msgid "Calendar Dialog"
msgstr "Kalenderdialog"

#: C/calendar.page:9(p)
msgid ""
"Use the <cmd>--calendar</cmd> option to create a calendar dialog. Zenity "
"returns the selected date to standard output. If no date is specified on the "
"command line, the dialog uses the current date."
msgstr ""
"Benutzen Sie die Option <cmd>--calendar</cmd> zur Erzeugung eines "
"Kalenderdialogs. <app>Zenity</app> gibt das gewählte Datum an die "
"Standardausgabe zurück. Wenn kein Datum auf der Befehlszeile angegeben wird, "
"verwendet der Dialog das aktuelle Datum."

#: C/calendar.page:12(p)
msgid "The calendar dialog supports the following options:"
msgstr "Der Kalenderdialog unterstützt die folgenden Optionen:"

#: C/calendar.page:20(p)
msgid "Specifies the text that is displayed in the calendar dialog."
msgstr "Damit legen Sie den Text fest, der im Kalenderdialog angezeigt wird."

#: C/calendar.page:24(title)
msgid "<cmd>--day</cmd>=<var>day</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--day</cmd>=<var>Tag</var>"

#: C/calendar.page:25(p)
msgid ""
"Specifies the day that is selected in the calendar dialog. day must be a "
"number between 1 and 31 inclusive."
msgstr ""
"Damit legen Sie den im Kalenderdialog ausgewählten Tag fest. <var>Tag</var> "
"muss eine Zahl von 1 bis 31 sein."

#: C/calendar.page:29(title)
msgid "<cmd>--month</cmd>=<var>month</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--month</cmd>=<var>Monat</var>"

#: C/calendar.page:30(p)
msgid ""
"Specifies the month that is selected in the calendar dialog. month must be a "
"number between 1 and 12 inclusive."
msgstr ""
"Damit legen Sie den im Kalenderdialog ausgewählten Monat fest. <var>Monat</"
"var> muss eine Zahl zwischen 1 und 12 sein."

#: C/calendar.page:34(title)
msgid "<cmd>--year</cmd>=<var>year</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--year</cmd>=<var>Jahr</var>"

#: C/calendar.page:35(p)
msgid "Specifies the year that is selected in the calendar dialog."
msgstr "Damit legen Sie das im Kalenderdialog ausgewählte Jahr fest."

#: C/calendar.page:39(title)
msgid "<cmd>--date-format</cmd>=<var>format</var>"
msgstr "<cmd>--date-format</cmd>=<var>Format</var>"

#: C/calendar.page:40(p)
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Specifies the format that is returned from the calendar dialog after date "
"selection. The default format depends on your locale. Format must be a format "
"that is acceptable to the <cmd>strftime</cmd> function, for example <var>%A "
msgstr ""
"Damit legen Sie das Format fest, das vom Kalenderdialog nach der Auswahl des "
"Datums zurückgegeben wird. Das Standardformat ist abhängig von Ihren "
"Spracheinstellungen. <replaceable>Format</replaceable> muss ein Format sein, "
"das von der <command>strftime</command>-Funktion unterstützt wird, zum "
"Beispiel <literal>%A %d/%m/%y</literal>."

#: C/calendar.page:45(p)
msgid "The following example script shows how to create a calendar dialog:"
msgstr ""
"Das folgende Beispielskript zeigt, wie Sie einen Kalenderdialog erzeugen "

#: C/calendar.page:49(code)
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
msgid ""
"if zenity --calendar \\\n"
"--title=\"Select a Date\" \\\n"
"--text=\"Click on a date to select that date.\" \\\n"
"--day=10 --month=8 --year=2004\n"
"  then echo $?\n"
"  else echo \"No date selected\"\n"
msgstr ""
"        #!/bin/sh\n"
"        if zenity --calendar \\\n"
"        --title=\"Datum auswählen\" \\\n"
"        --text=\"Klicken Sie auf ein Datum, um es auszuwählen.\" \\\n"
"        --day=9 --month=4 --year=2008\n"
"          then echo $?\n"
"          else echo \"Kein Datum ausgewählt\"\n"
"        fi\n"
"      "

#: C/calendar.page:64(title)
msgid "Calendar Dialog Example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Kalenderdialog"

#: C/calendar.page:65(desc)
msgid "Zenity calendar dialog example"
msgstr "Beispiel für einen Kalenderdialog in <app>Zenity</app>"

#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
#: C/index.page:0(None)
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr "Mario Blättermann <mario.blaettermann@gmail.com>, 2008, 2009, 2011"