tags: docs: prettyName: Documentation desc: | I'm working to improve documentation for GNU/Linux, but more than that I'm working to improve the forms of documentation that more skilled technical writers might be afraid or incapable of working on: `--help` text, generated documentation, and auditing documentation against the source code to make sure that it is accurate and complete. ARM: prettyName: ARM support desc: | Not that folks can't use GNU/Linux on ARM (obviously, the Raspberry Pi has been a huge success), but there's still a lot more friction to using GNU/Linux on ARM compared to x86. I'm working on that. GI: prettyName: GObject Introspection desc: | GObject Introspection (which is a terrible name for what it is, btw) is a cross-(language-runtime) object system. GObject was an object system for C that game out of GTK+, and then GObject Introspection was created as a way to specify the ABI for working with an object, so that GObjects could be used from other languages. I think that GObject Introspection is a really cool technology that can be the basis of reducing friction between languages, but it needs better/more-ubiquitous tooling. contributions: - urls: [https://github.com/flori/json/pull/567] tags: [Ruby, JSON, SoftwareFreedom] desc: | Ruby's standard JSON Gem (which comes bundled with the core Ruby distribution!) contains code that is not Free under the FSF's definition, not Open Source under the OSI's definition, and not GPL-compatible. This has coused much consternation among folks who care about any of those 3 things. This PR replaces that non-Free code with Free code, removing friction for Ruby users on GNU/Linux distros that care about those 3 things. - urls: [https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/mkinitcpio/mkinitcpio/-/merge_requests/328] tags: [mkinitcpip, ARM] sponsored-by: Umorpha Systems desc: | The `mkinitcpio` tool generates init-ramdisk images to boot GNU/Linux systems. To do that it needs to know the version number of the Linux kernel that it is generating an image for; the normal way that it knows this is to sniff the version number from the kernel file. However, it fails to sniff the version number from ARM zImage kernels, which means that Arch Linux ARM and Parabola for ARM need to resort to hacks to get mkinitcpio to work right. This PR removes that friction by teaching mkinitcpio to understand ARM zImage files. - urls: [https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/mkinitcpio/mkinitcpio/-/merge_requests/277] tags: [mkinitcpio, SecureBoot] sponsored-by: Umorpha Systems desc: | One of the things going on in the secure-boot world is moving toward "Unified Kernel Images" (UKI), which are when the kernel and the init-ramdisk are bundled together into a single file to reduce the risk of a compromised init-ramdisk being able to compromise a secured kernel. The `mkinitcpio` tool generates init-ramdisk images, and this PR reduces friction when using `mkinitcpio` to generate them as UKI. - urls: - https://mailman.astron.com/pipermail/file/2024-April/001335.html - https://github.com/file/file/commit/cf139abf35d07ebfd0c3edcab2fc400a211c0fbb tags: [file, ARM] desc: | The `file` tool sniffs a file to tell you about the file's format. This PR improves its ability to detect information about Linux kernel ARM zImage files. - urls: - https://mailman.astron.com/pipermail/file/2024-March/001327.html - https://github.com/file/file/commit/3b92878ee277a6b6c0a37429e9edf5e5b55fcdd4 tags: [file, docs] desc: | The `file` tool sniffs a file to tell you about the file's format. To do this, it reads a "magic" file that describes the magic numbers that it might see in a file. This PR fixes a mistake in the `magic(5)` manual for writing such files. - urls: [https://github.com/diamondburned/gotk4/pull/140] tags: [Go, GI, docs] desc: | gotk4 is a project that burries the lede: yes, it is a set of Go bindings to GTK 4.0. But (IMO) more interestingly, `./gir/cmd/gir-generate` is a tool for generating Go bindings to GObject Introspection (GI) libraries from the `.gir` files describing the library. I'm working to improve that tool. In particular, the not-quite-markdown format that `.gir` files use for documentation is under-specified and hard to parse. Right now I'm focusing on how to handle that, so that we can have top-notch language-specific documentation for GI libraries. This PR is laying the groundwork for the new parser. - urls: - https://lists.ozlabs.org/pipermail/linux-erofs/2023-November/009765.html - https://github.com/erofs/erofs-utils/commit/f528b82ffbcb15484a7195c1a1d08ece0ff67350 - https://github.com/erofs/erofs-utils/commit/197e3294bcdf93f37d12989cd830a33c055b1a53 - https://github.com/erofs/erofs-utils/commit/f97311883337eb7e0ded55e60995e6599eba73e5 tags: [EroFS, docs] sponsored-by: Umorpha Systems desc: | EroFS is the Enhanced Read-Only File System, a successor to SquashFS. This patchset improves the `--help` documentation and man-pages the EroFS userspace tools, and reduces friction by having `fsck.erofs` accept common command line flags that fsck implementions for other filesystems take.