docs: prettyName: Documentation desc: | I'm working to improve documentation for GNU/Linux, but more than that I'm working to improve the forms of documentation that more skilled technical writers might be afraid or incapable of working on: `--help` text, generated documentation, and auditing documentation against the source code to make sure that it is accurate and complete. ARM: prettyName: ARM support desc: | Not that folks can't use GNU/Linux on ARM (obviously, the Raspberry Pi has been a huge success), but there's still a lot more friction to using GNU/Linux on ARM compared to x86. I'm working on that. GI: prettyName: GObject Introspection desc: | GObject Introspection (which is a terrible name for what it is, btw) is a cross-(language-runtime) object system. GObject was an object system for C that game out of GTK+, and then GObject Introspection was created as a way to specify the ABI for working with an object, so that GObjects could be used from other languages. I think that GObject Introspection is a really cool technology that can be the basis of reducing friction between languages, but it needs better/more-ubiquitous tooling.