/* Generated by `lib9p/idl.gen lib9p/idl/2002-9P2000.9p lib9p/idl/2005-9P2000.u.9p lib9p/idl/2012-9P2000.e.9p`. DO NOT EDIT! */ #include #include #include /* for size_t */ #include /* for PRI* macros */ #include /* for memset() */ #include #include "internal.h" /* strings ********************************************************************/ static const char *version_strs[LIB9P_VER_NUM] = { [LIB9P_VER_unknown] = "unknown", #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000) [LIB9P_VER_9P2000] = "9P2000", #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000) */ #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_e) [LIB9P_VER_9P2000_e] = "9P2000.e", #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_e) */ #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) [LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u] = "9P2000.u", #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) */ }; const char *lib9p_version_str(enum lib9p_version ver) { assert(0 <= ver && ver < LIB9P_VER_NUM); return version_strs[ver]; } /* validate_* *****************************************************************/ static ALWAYS_INLINE bool _validate_size_net(struct _validate_ctx *ctx, uint32_t n) { if (__builtin_add_overflow(ctx->net_offset, n, &ctx->net_offset)) /* If needed-net-size overflowed uint32_t, then * there's no way that actual-net-size will live up to * that. */ return lib9p_error(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "message is too short for content"); if (ctx->net_offset > ctx->net_size) return lib9p_error(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "message is too short for content"); return false; } static ALWAYS_INLINE bool _validate_size_host(struct _validate_ctx *ctx, size_t n) { if (__builtin_add_overflow(ctx->host_extra, n, &ctx->host_extra)) /* If needed-host-size overflowed size_t, then there's * no way that actual-net-size will live up to * that. */ return lib9p_error(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "message is too short for content"); return false; } static ALWAYS_INLINE bool _validate_list(struct _validate_ctx *ctx, size_t cnt, _validate_fn_t item_fn, size_t item_host_size) { for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; i++) if (_validate_size_host(ctx, item_host_size) || item_fn(ctx)) return true; return false; } #define validate_1(ctx) _validate_size_net(ctx, 1) #define validate_2(ctx) _validate_size_net(ctx, 2) #define validate_4(ctx) _validate_size_net(ctx, 4) #define validate_8(ctx) _validate_size_net(ctx, 8) #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000) || defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_e) || defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) static ALWAYS_INLINE bool validate_tag(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { return validate_2(ctx); } static ALWAYS_INLINE bool validate_fid(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { return validate_4(ctx); } static ALWAYS_INLINE bool validate_d(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t base_offset = ctx->net_offset; if (validate_4(ctx)) return true; uint32_t len = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[base_offset]); return _validate_size_net(ctx, len) || _validate_size_host(ctx, len); } static ALWAYS_INLINE bool validate_s(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t base_offset = ctx->net_offset; if (validate_2(ctx)) return true; uint16_t len = decode_u16le(&ctx->net_bytes[base_offset]); if (_validate_size_net(ctx, len) || _validate_size_host(ctx, ((size_t)len)+1)) return true; if (!is_valid_utf8_without_nul(&ctx->net_bytes[base_offset+2], len)) return lib9p_error(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "message contains invalid UTF-8"); return false; } static const lib9p_dm_t dm_masks[LIB9P_VER_NUM] = { #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000) [LIB9P_VER_9P2000] = 0b11101100000000000000000111111111, #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000) */ #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_e) [LIB9P_VER_9P2000_e] = 0b11101100000000000000000111111111, #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_e) */ #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) [LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u] = 0b11101100101111000000000111111111, #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) */ }; static ALWAYS_INLINE bool validate_dm(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { if (validate_4(ctx)) return true; lib9p_dm_t mask = dm_masks[ctx->ctx->version]; lib9p_dm_t val = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); if (val & ~mask) return lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "unknown bits in dm bitfield: %#04"PRIx32, val & ~mask); return false; } static const lib9p_qt_t qt_masks[LIB9P_VER_NUM] = { #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000) [LIB9P_VER_9P2000] = 0b11101100, #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000) */ #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_e) [LIB9P_VER_9P2000_e] = 0b11101100, #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_e) */ #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) [LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u] = 0b11101110, #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) */ }; static ALWAYS_INLINE bool validate_qt(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { if (validate_1(ctx)) return true; lib9p_qt_t mask = qt_masks[ctx->ctx->version]; lib9p_qt_t val = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); if (val & ~mask) return lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "unknown bits in qt bitfield: %#01"PRIx8, val & ~mask); return false; } static ALWAYS_INLINE bool validate_qid(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { return false || validate_qt(ctx) || validate_4(ctx) || validate_8(ctx) ; } static ALWAYS_INLINE bool validate_stat(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint16_t stat_size; uint32_t _kern_type_offset; return false || (validate_2(ctx) || ({ stat_size = decode_u16le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-2]); false; })) || ({ _kern_type_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_2(ctx); }) || validate_4(ctx) || validate_qid(ctx) || validate_dm(ctx) || validate_4(ctx) || validate_4(ctx) || validate_8(ctx) || validate_s(ctx) || validate_s(ctx) || validate_s(ctx) || validate_s(ctx) #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) || ( (ctx->ctx->version==LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u) && validate_s(ctx) ) || ( (ctx->ctx->version==LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u) && validate_4(ctx) ) || ( (ctx->ctx->version==LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u) && validate_4(ctx) ) || ( (ctx->ctx->version==LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u) && validate_4(ctx) ) #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) */ || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _kern_type_offset; (((uint32_t)stat_size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "stat_size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)stat_size, exp); }) ; } static const lib9p_o_t o_masks[LIB9P_VER_NUM] = { #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000) [LIB9P_VER_9P2000] = 0b01010011, #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000) */ #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_e) [LIB9P_VER_9P2000_e] = 0b01010011, #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_e) */ #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) [LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u] = 0b01010011, #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) */ }; static ALWAYS_INLINE bool validate_o(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { if (validate_1(ctx)) return true; lib9p_o_t mask = o_masks[ctx->ctx->version]; lib9p_o_t val = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); if (val & ~mask) return lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "unknown bits in o bitfield: %#01"PRIx8, val & ~mask); return false; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Tversion(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_4(ctx) || validate_s(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 100; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Rversion(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_4(ctx) || validate_s(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 101; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Tauth(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_fid(ctx) || validate_s(ctx) || validate_s(ctx) #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) || ( (ctx->ctx->version==LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u) && validate_4(ctx) ) #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) */ || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 102; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Rauth(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_qid(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 103; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Tattach(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_fid(ctx) || validate_fid(ctx) || validate_s(ctx) || validate_s(ctx) #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) || ( (ctx->ctx->version==LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u) && validate_4(ctx) ) #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) */ || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 104; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Rattach(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_qid(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 105; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Rerror(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_s(ctx) #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) || ( (ctx->ctx->version==LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u) && validate_4(ctx) ) #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) */ || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 107; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Tflush(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_2(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 108; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Rflush(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 109; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Twalk(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint16_t nwname; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_fid(ctx) || validate_fid(ctx) || (validate_2(ctx) || ({ nwname = decode_u16le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-2]); false; })) || _validate_list(ctx, decode_u16le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-2]), validate_s, sizeof(struct lib9p_s)) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 110; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t max = 16; (((uint32_t)nwname) > max) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "nwname value is too large (%"PRIu32" > %"PRIu32")", nwname, max); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Rwalk(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint16_t nwqid; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || (validate_2(ctx) || ({ nwqid = decode_u16le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-2]); false; })) || _validate_list(ctx, decode_u16le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-2]), validate_qid, sizeof(struct lib9p_qid)) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 111; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t max = 16; (((uint32_t)nwqid) > max) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "nwqid value is too large (%"PRIu32" > %"PRIu32")", nwqid, max); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Topen(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_fid(ctx) || validate_o(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 112; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Ropen(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_qid(ctx) || validate_4(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 113; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Tcreate(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_fid(ctx) || validate_s(ctx) || validate_dm(ctx) || validate_o(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 114; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Rcreate(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_qid(ctx) || validate_4(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 115; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Tread(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_fid(ctx) || validate_8(ctx) || validate_4(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 116; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Rread(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_d(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 117; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Twrite(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_fid(ctx) || validate_8(ctx) || validate_d(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 118; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Rwrite(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_4(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 119; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Tclunk(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_fid(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 120; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Rclunk(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 121; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Tremove(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_fid(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 122; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Rremove(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 123; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Tstat(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_fid(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 124; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Rstat(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint16_t nstat; uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _stat_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || (validate_2(ctx) || ({ nstat = decode_u16le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-2]); false; })) || ({ _stat_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_stat(ctx); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 125; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _stat_offset; (((uint32_t)nstat) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "nstat value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)nstat, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Twstat(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint16_t nstat; uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _stat_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_fid(ctx) || (validate_2(ctx) || ({ nstat = decode_u16le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-2]); false; })) || ({ _stat_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_stat(ctx); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 126; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _stat_offset; (((uint32_t)nstat) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "nstat value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)nstat, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Rwstat(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 127; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000) || defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_e) || defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) */ #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_e) static FLATTEN bool validate_Tsession(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_8(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 150; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Rsession(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 151; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Tsread(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_4(ctx) || validate_2(ctx) || _validate_list(ctx, decode_u16le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-2]), validate_s, sizeof(struct lib9p_s)) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 152; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Rsread(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_d(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 153; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Tswrite(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_4(ctx) || validate_2(ctx) || _validate_list(ctx, decode_u16le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-2]), validate_s, sizeof(struct lib9p_s)) || validate_d(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 154; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } static FLATTEN bool validate_Rswrite(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { uint32_t size; uint8_t typ; uint32_t _size_offset; return false || (({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; validate_4(ctx); }) || ({ size = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-4]); false; })) || (validate_1(ctx) || ({ typ = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset-1]); false; })) || validate_tag(ctx) || validate_4(ctx) || ({ uint32_t exp = ctx->net_offset - _size_offset; (((uint32_t)size) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "size value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)size, exp); }) || ({ uint32_t exp = 155; (((uint32_t)typ) != exp) && lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_EBADMSG, "typ value is wrong (actual:%"PRIu32" != correct:%"PRIu32")", (uint32_t)typ, exp); }) ; } #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_e) */ /* unmarshal_* ****************************************************************/ static ALWAYS_INLINE void unmarshal_1(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, uint8_t *out) { *out = decode_u8le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset]); ctx->net_offset += 1; } static ALWAYS_INLINE void unmarshal_2(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, uint16_t *out) { *out = decode_u16le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset]); ctx->net_offset += 2; } static ALWAYS_INLINE void unmarshal_4(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, uint32_t *out) { *out = decode_u32le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset]); ctx->net_offset += 4; } static ALWAYS_INLINE void unmarshal_8(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, uint64_t *out) { *out = decode_u64le(&ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset]); ctx->net_offset += 8; } #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000) || defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_e) || defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) static ALWAYS_INLINE void unmarshal_tag(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, lib9p_tag_t *out) { unmarshal_2(ctx, (uint16_t *)out); } static ALWAYS_INLINE void unmarshal_fid(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, lib9p_fid_t *out) { unmarshal_4(ctx, (uint32_t *)out); } static ALWAYS_INLINE void unmarshal_d(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_d *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); unmarshal_4(ctx, &out->len); out->dat = ctx->extra; ctx->extra += sizeof(out->dat[0]) * out->len; for (typeof(out->len) i = 0; i < out->len; i++) unmarshal_1(ctx, (uint8_t *)&out->dat[i]); } static ALWAYS_INLINE void unmarshal_s(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_s *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); unmarshal_2(ctx, &out->len); out->utf8 = ctx->extra; ctx->extra += sizeof(out->utf8[0]) * out->len; for (typeof(out->len) i = 0; i < out->len; i++) unmarshal_1(ctx, (uint8_t *)&out->utf8[i]); ctx->extra++; out->utf8[out->len] = '\0'; } static ALWAYS_INLINE void unmarshal_dm(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, lib9p_dm_t *out) { unmarshal_4(ctx, (uint32_t *)out); } static ALWAYS_INLINE void unmarshal_qt(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, lib9p_qt_t *out) { unmarshal_1(ctx, (uint8_t *)out); } static ALWAYS_INLINE void unmarshal_qid(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_qid *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); unmarshal_qt(ctx, &out->type); unmarshal_4(ctx, &out->vers); unmarshal_8(ctx, &out->path); } static ALWAYS_INLINE void unmarshal_stat(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_stat *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 2; unmarshal_2(ctx, &out->kern_type); unmarshal_4(ctx, &out->kern_dev); unmarshal_qid(ctx, &out->file_qid); unmarshal_dm(ctx, &out->file_mode); unmarshal_4(ctx, &out->file_atime); unmarshal_4(ctx, &out->file_mtime); unmarshal_8(ctx, &out->file_size); unmarshal_s(ctx, &out->file_name); unmarshal_s(ctx, &out->file_owner_uid); unmarshal_s(ctx, &out->file_owner_gid); unmarshal_s(ctx, &out->file_last_modified_uid); #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) if ( (ctx->ctx->version==LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u) ) unmarshal_s(ctx, &out->file_extension); if ( (ctx->ctx->version==LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u) ) unmarshal_4(ctx, &out->file_owner_n_uid); if ( (ctx->ctx->version==LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u) ) unmarshal_4(ctx, &out->file_owner_n_gid); if ( (ctx->ctx->version==LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u) ) unmarshal_4(ctx, &out->file_last_modified_n_uid); #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) */ } static ALWAYS_INLINE void unmarshal_o(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, lib9p_o_t *out) { unmarshal_1(ctx, (uint8_t *)out); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Tversion(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tversion *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_4(ctx, &out->max_msg_size); unmarshal_s(ctx, &out->version); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Rversion(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rversion *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_4(ctx, &out->max_msg_size); unmarshal_s(ctx, &out->version); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Tauth(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tauth *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_fid(ctx, &out->afid); unmarshal_s(ctx, &out->uname); unmarshal_s(ctx, &out->aname); #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) if ( (ctx->ctx->version==LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u) ) unmarshal_4(ctx, &out->n_uname); #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) */ } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Rauth(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rauth *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_qid(ctx, &out->aqid); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Tattach(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tattach *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_fid(ctx, &out->fid); unmarshal_fid(ctx, &out->afid); unmarshal_s(ctx, &out->uname); unmarshal_s(ctx, &out->aname); #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) if ( (ctx->ctx->version==LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u) ) unmarshal_4(ctx, &out->n_uname); #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) */ } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Rattach(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rattach *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_qid(ctx, &out->qid); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Rerror(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rerror *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_s(ctx, &out->ename); #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) if ( (ctx->ctx->version==LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u) ) unmarshal_4(ctx, &out->errno); #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) */ } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Tflush(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tflush *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_2(ctx, &out->oldtag); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Rflush(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rflush *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Twalk(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Twalk *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_fid(ctx, &out->fid); unmarshal_fid(ctx, &out->newfid); unmarshal_2(ctx, &out->nwname); out->wname = ctx->extra; ctx->extra += sizeof(out->wname[0]) * out->nwname; for (typeof(out->nwname) i = 0; i < out->nwname; i++) unmarshal_s(ctx, &out->wname[i]); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Rwalk(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rwalk *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_2(ctx, &out->nwqid); out->wqid = ctx->extra; ctx->extra += sizeof(out->wqid[0]) * out->nwqid; for (typeof(out->nwqid) i = 0; i < out->nwqid; i++) unmarshal_qid(ctx, &out->wqid[i]); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Topen(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Topen *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_fid(ctx, &out->fid); unmarshal_o(ctx, &out->mode); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Ropen(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Ropen *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_qid(ctx, &out->qid); unmarshal_4(ctx, &out->iounit); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Tcreate(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tcreate *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_fid(ctx, &out->fid); unmarshal_s(ctx, &out->name); unmarshal_dm(ctx, &out->perm); unmarshal_o(ctx, &out->mode); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Rcreate(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rcreate *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_qid(ctx, &out->qid); unmarshal_4(ctx, &out->iounit); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Tread(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tread *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_fid(ctx, &out->fid); unmarshal_8(ctx, &out->offset); unmarshal_4(ctx, &out->count); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Rread(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rread *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_d(ctx, &out->data); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Twrite(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Twrite *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_fid(ctx, &out->fid); unmarshal_8(ctx, &out->offset); unmarshal_d(ctx, &out->data); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Rwrite(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rwrite *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_4(ctx, &out->count); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Tclunk(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tclunk *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_fid(ctx, &out->fid); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Rclunk(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rclunk *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Tremove(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tremove *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_fid(ctx, &out->fid); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Rremove(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rremove *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Tstat(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tstat *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_fid(ctx, &out->fid); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Rstat(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rstat *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); ctx->net_offset += 2; unmarshal_stat(ctx, &out->stat); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Twstat(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Twstat *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_fid(ctx, &out->fid); ctx->net_offset += 2; unmarshal_stat(ctx, &out->stat); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Rwstat(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rwstat *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); } #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000) || defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_e) || defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) */ #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_e) static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Tsession(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tsession *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_8(ctx, &out->key); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Rsession(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rsession *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Tsread(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tsread *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_4(ctx, &out->fid); unmarshal_2(ctx, &out->nwname); out->wname = ctx->extra; ctx->extra += sizeof(out->wname[0]) * out->nwname; for (typeof(out->nwname) i = 0; i < out->nwname; i++) unmarshal_s(ctx, &out->wname[i]); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Rsread(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rsread *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_d(ctx, &out->data); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Tswrite(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tswrite *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_4(ctx, &out->fid); unmarshal_2(ctx, &out->nwname); out->wname = ctx->extra; ctx->extra += sizeof(out->wname[0]) * out->nwname; for (typeof(out->nwname) i = 0; i < out->nwname; i++) unmarshal_s(ctx, &out->wname[i]); unmarshal_d(ctx, &out->data); } static FLATTEN void unmarshal_Rswrite(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rswrite *out) { memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); ctx->net_offset += 4; ctx->net_offset += 1; unmarshal_tag(ctx, &out->tag); unmarshal_4(ctx, &out->count); } #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_e) */ /* marshal_* ******************************************************************/ static ALWAYS_INLINE bool _marshal_too_large(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx) { lib9p_errorf(ctx->ctx, LINUX_ERANGE, "%s too large to marshal into %s limit (limit=%"PRIu32")", (ctx->net_bytes[4] % 2 == 0) ? "T-message" : "R-message", ctx->ctx->version ? "negotiated" : ((ctx->net_bytes[4] % 2 == 0) ? "client" : "server"), ctx->ctx->max_msg_size); return true; } static ALWAYS_INLINE bool marshal_1(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, uint8_t *val) { if (ctx->net_offset + 1 > ctx->ctx->max_msg_size) return _marshal_too_large(ctx); ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset] = *val; ctx->net_offset += 1; return false; } static ALWAYS_INLINE bool marshal_2(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, uint16_t *val) { if (ctx->net_offset + 2 > ctx->ctx->max_msg_size) return _marshal_too_large(ctx); encode_u16le(*val, &ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset]); ctx->net_offset += 2; return false; } static ALWAYS_INLINE bool marshal_4(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, uint32_t *val) { if (ctx->net_offset + 4 > ctx->ctx->max_msg_size) return true; encode_u32le(*val, &ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset]); ctx->net_offset += 4; return false; } static ALWAYS_INLINE bool marshal_8(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, uint64_t *val) { if (ctx->net_offset + 8 > ctx->ctx->max_msg_size) return true; encode_u64le(*val, &ctx->net_bytes[ctx->net_offset]); ctx->net_offset += 8; return false; } #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000) || defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_e) || defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) static ALWAYS_INLINE bool marshal_tag(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, lib9p_tag_t *val) { return marshal_2(ctx, (uint16_t *)val); } static ALWAYS_INLINE bool marshal_fid(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, lib9p_fid_t *val) { return marshal_4(ctx, (uint32_t *)val); } static ALWAYS_INLINE bool marshal_d(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_d *val) { return false || marshal_4(ctx, &val->len) || ({ bool err = false; for (typeof(val->len) i = 0; i < val->len && !err; i++) err = marshal_1(ctx, (uint8_t *)&val->dat[i]); err; }) ; } static ALWAYS_INLINE bool marshal_s(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_s *val) { return false || marshal_2(ctx, &val->len) || ({ bool err = false; for (typeof(val->len) i = 0; i < val->len && !err; i++) err = marshal_1(ctx, (uint8_t *)&val->utf8[i]); err; }) ; } static ALWAYS_INLINE bool marshal_dm(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, lib9p_dm_t *val) { lib9p_dm_t masked_val = *val & dm_masks[ctx->ctx->version]; return marshal_4(ctx, (uint32_t *)&masked_val); } static ALWAYS_INLINE bool marshal_qt(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, lib9p_qt_t *val) { lib9p_qt_t masked_val = *val & qt_masks[ctx->ctx->version]; return marshal_1(ctx, (uint8_t *)&masked_val); } static ALWAYS_INLINE bool marshal_qid(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_qid *val) { return false || marshal_qt(ctx, &val->type) || marshal_4(ctx, &val->vers) || marshal_8(ctx, &val->path) ; } static ALWAYS_INLINE bool marshal_stat(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_stat *val) { uint32_t _stat_size_offset; uint32_t _kern_type_offset; return false || ({ _stat_size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 2; false; }); }) || ({ _kern_type_offset = ctx->net_offset; marshal_2(ctx, &val->kern_type); }) || marshal_4(ctx, &val->kern_dev) || marshal_qid(ctx, &val->file_qid) || marshal_dm(ctx, &val->file_mode) || marshal_4(ctx, &val->file_atime) || marshal_4(ctx, &val->file_mtime) || marshal_8(ctx, &val->file_size) || marshal_s(ctx, &val->file_name) || marshal_s(ctx, &val->file_owner_uid) || marshal_s(ctx, &val->file_owner_gid) || marshal_s(ctx, &val->file_last_modified_uid) #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) || ( (ctx->ctx->version==LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u) && marshal_s(ctx, &val->file_extension) ) || ( (ctx->ctx->version==LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u) && marshal_4(ctx, &val->file_owner_n_uid) ) || ( (ctx->ctx->version==LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u) && marshal_4(ctx, &val->file_owner_n_gid) ) || ( (ctx->ctx->version==LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u) && marshal_4(ctx, &val->file_last_modified_n_uid) ) #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) */ || ({ encode_u16le(ctx->net_offset - _kern_type_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_stat_size_offset]); false; }) ; } static ALWAYS_INLINE bool marshal_o(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, lib9p_o_t *val) { lib9p_o_t masked_val = *val & o_masks[ctx->ctx->version]; return marshal_1(ctx, (uint8_t *)&masked_val); } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Tversion(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tversion *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_4(ctx, &val->max_msg_size) || marshal_s(ctx, &val->version) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(100, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Rversion(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rversion *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_4(ctx, &val->max_msg_size) || marshal_s(ctx, &val->version) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(101, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Tauth(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tauth *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_fid(ctx, &val->afid) || marshal_s(ctx, &val->uname) || marshal_s(ctx, &val->aname) #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) || ( (ctx->ctx->version==LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u) && marshal_4(ctx, &val->n_uname) ) #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) */ || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(102, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Rauth(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rauth *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_qid(ctx, &val->aqid) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(103, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Tattach(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tattach *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_fid(ctx, &val->fid) || marshal_fid(ctx, &val->afid) || marshal_s(ctx, &val->uname) || marshal_s(ctx, &val->aname) #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) || ( (ctx->ctx->version==LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u) && marshal_4(ctx, &val->n_uname) ) #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) */ || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(104, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Rattach(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rattach *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_qid(ctx, &val->qid) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(105, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Rerror(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rerror *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_s(ctx, &val->ename) #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) || ( (ctx->ctx->version==LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u) && marshal_4(ctx, &val->errno) ) #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) */ || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(107, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Tflush(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tflush *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_2(ctx, &val->oldtag) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(108, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Rflush(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rflush *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(109, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Twalk(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Twalk *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_fid(ctx, &val->fid) || marshal_fid(ctx, &val->newfid) || marshal_2(ctx, &val->nwname) || ({ bool err = false; for (typeof(val->nwname) i = 0; i < val->nwname && !err; i++) err = marshal_s(ctx, &val->wname[i]); err; }) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(110, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Rwalk(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rwalk *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_2(ctx, &val->nwqid) || ({ bool err = false; for (typeof(val->nwqid) i = 0; i < val->nwqid && !err; i++) err = marshal_qid(ctx, &val->wqid[i]); err; }) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(111, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Topen(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Topen *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_fid(ctx, &val->fid) || marshal_o(ctx, &val->mode) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(112, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Ropen(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Ropen *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_qid(ctx, &val->qid) || marshal_4(ctx, &val->iounit) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(113, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Tcreate(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tcreate *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_fid(ctx, &val->fid) || marshal_s(ctx, &val->name) || marshal_dm(ctx, &val->perm) || marshal_o(ctx, &val->mode) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(114, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Rcreate(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rcreate *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_qid(ctx, &val->qid) || marshal_4(ctx, &val->iounit) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(115, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Tread(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tread *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_fid(ctx, &val->fid) || marshal_8(ctx, &val->offset) || marshal_4(ctx, &val->count) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(116, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Rread(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rread *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_d(ctx, &val->data) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(117, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Twrite(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Twrite *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_fid(ctx, &val->fid) || marshal_8(ctx, &val->offset) || marshal_d(ctx, &val->data) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(118, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Rwrite(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rwrite *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_4(ctx, &val->count) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(119, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Tclunk(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tclunk *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_fid(ctx, &val->fid) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(120, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Rclunk(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rclunk *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(121, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Tremove(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tremove *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_fid(ctx, &val->fid) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(122, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Rremove(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rremove *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(123, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Tstat(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tstat *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_fid(ctx, &val->fid) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(124, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Rstat(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rstat *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; uint32_t _nstat_offset; uint32_t _stat_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || ({ _nstat_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 2; false; }); }) || ({ _stat_offset = ctx->net_offset; marshal_stat(ctx, &val->stat); }) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(125, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u16le(ctx->net_offset - _stat_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_nstat_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Twstat(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Twstat *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; uint32_t _nstat_offset; uint32_t _stat_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_fid(ctx, &val->fid) || ({ _nstat_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 2; false; }); }) || ({ _stat_offset = ctx->net_offset; marshal_stat(ctx, &val->stat); }) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(126, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u16le(ctx->net_offset - _stat_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_nstat_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Rwstat(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rwstat *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(127, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000) || defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_e) || defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) */ #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_e) static FLATTEN bool marshal_Tsession(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tsession *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_8(ctx, &val->key) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(150, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Rsession(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rsession *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(151, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Tsread(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tsread *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_4(ctx, &val->fid) || marshal_2(ctx, &val->nwname) || ({ bool err = false; for (typeof(val->nwname) i = 0; i < val->nwname && !err; i++) err = marshal_s(ctx, &val->wname[i]); err; }) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(152, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Rsread(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rsread *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_d(ctx, &val->data) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(153, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Tswrite(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Tswrite *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_4(ctx, &val->fid) || marshal_2(ctx, &val->nwname) || ({ bool err = false; for (typeof(val->nwname) i = 0; i < val->nwname && !err; i++) err = marshal_s(ctx, &val->wname[i]); err; }) || marshal_d(ctx, &val->data) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(154, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } static FLATTEN bool marshal_Rswrite(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_msg_Rswrite *val) { uint32_t _size_offset; uint32_t _typ_offset; return false || ({ _size_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 4; false; }); }) || ({ _typ_offset = ctx->net_offset; ({ ctx->net_offset += 1; false; }); }) || marshal_tag(ctx, &val->tag) || marshal_4(ctx, &val->count) || ({ encode_u32le(ctx->net_offset - _size_offset, &ctx->net_bytes[_size_offset]); false; }) || ({ encode_u8le(155, &ctx->net_bytes[_typ_offset]); false; }) ; } #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_e) */ /* tables / exports ***********************************************************/ #define _MSG(typ) [LIB9P_TYP_##typ] = { \ .name = #typ, \ .basesize = sizeof(struct lib9p_msg_##typ), \ .validate = validate_##typ, \ .unmarshal = (_unmarshal_fn_t)unmarshal_##typ, \ .marshal = (_marshal_fn_t)marshal_##typ, \ } #define _NONMSG(num) [num] = { \ .name = #num, \ } struct _table_version _lib9p_versions[LIB9P_VER_NUM] = { [LIB9P_VER_unknown] = { .msgs = { _NONMSG(0x00), _NONMSG(0x01), _NONMSG(0x02), _NONMSG(0x03), _NONMSG(0x04), _NONMSG(0x05), _NONMSG(0x06), _NONMSG(0x07), _NONMSG(0x08), _NONMSG(0x09), _NONMSG(0x0A), _NONMSG(0x0B), _NONMSG(0x0C), _NONMSG(0x0D), _NONMSG(0x0E), _NONMSG(0x0F), _NONMSG(0x10), _NONMSG(0x11), _NONMSG(0x12), _NONMSG(0x13), _NONMSG(0x14), _NONMSG(0x15), _NONMSG(0x16), _NONMSG(0x17), _NONMSG(0x18), _NONMSG(0x19), _NONMSG(0x1A), _NONMSG(0x1B), _NONMSG(0x1C), _NONMSG(0x1D), _NONMSG(0x1E), _NONMSG(0x1F), _NONMSG(0x20), _NONMSG(0x21), _NONMSG(0x22), _NONMSG(0x23), _NONMSG(0x24), _NONMSG(0x25), _NONMSG(0x26), _NONMSG(0x27), _NONMSG(0x28), _NONMSG(0x29), _NONMSG(0x2A), _NONMSG(0x2B), _NONMSG(0x2C), _NONMSG(0x2D), _NONMSG(0x2E), _NONMSG(0x2F), _NONMSG(0x30), _NONMSG(0x31), _NONMSG(0x32), _NONMSG(0x33), _NONMSG(0x34), _NONMSG(0x35), _NONMSG(0x36), _NONMSG(0x37), _NONMSG(0x38), _NONMSG(0x39), _NONMSG(0x3A), _NONMSG(0x3B), _NONMSG(0x3C), _NONMSG(0x3D), _NONMSG(0x3E), _NONMSG(0x3F), _NONMSG(0x40), _NONMSG(0x41), _NONMSG(0x42), _NONMSG(0x43), _NONMSG(0x44), _NONMSG(0x45), _NONMSG(0x46), _NONMSG(0x47), _NONMSG(0x48), _NONMSG(0x49), _NONMSG(0x4A), _NONMSG(0x4B), _NONMSG(0x4C), _NONMSG(0x4D), _NONMSG(0x4E), _NONMSG(0x4F), _NONMSG(0x50), _NONMSG(0x51), _NONMSG(0x52), _NONMSG(0x53), _NONMSG(0x54), _NONMSG(0x55), _NONMSG(0x56), _NONMSG(0x57), _NONMSG(0x58), _NONMSG(0x59), _NONMSG(0x5A), _NONMSG(0x5B), _NONMSG(0x5C), _NONMSG(0x5D), _NONMSG(0x5E), _NONMSG(0x5F), _NONMSG(0x60), _NONMSG(0x61), _NONMSG(0x62), _NONMSG(0x63), _MSG(Tversion), _MSG(Rversion), _NONMSG(0x66), _NONMSG(0x67), _NONMSG(0x68), _NONMSG(0x69), _NONMSG(0x6A), _MSG(Rerror), _NONMSG(0x6C), _NONMSG(0x6D), _NONMSG(0x6E), _NONMSG(0x6F), _NONMSG(0x70), _NONMSG(0x71), _NONMSG(0x72), _NONMSG(0x73), _NONMSG(0x74), _NONMSG(0x75), _NONMSG(0x76), _NONMSG(0x77), _NONMSG(0x78), _NONMSG(0x79), _NONMSG(0x7A), _NONMSG(0x7B), _NONMSG(0x7C), _NONMSG(0x7D), _NONMSG(0x7E), _NONMSG(0x7F), _NONMSG(0x80), _NONMSG(0x81), _NONMSG(0x82), _NONMSG(0x83), _NONMSG(0x84), _NONMSG(0x85), _NONMSG(0x86), _NONMSG(0x87), _NONMSG(0x88), _NONMSG(0x89), _NONMSG(0x8A), _NONMSG(0x8B), _NONMSG(0x8C), _NONMSG(0x8D), _NONMSG(0x8E), _NONMSG(0x8F), _NONMSG(0x90), _NONMSG(0x91), _NONMSG(0x92), _NONMSG(0x93), _NONMSG(0x94), _NONMSG(0x95), _NONMSG(0x96), _NONMSG(0x97), _NONMSG(0x98), _NONMSG(0x99), _NONMSG(0x9A), _NONMSG(0x9B), _NONMSG(0x9C), _NONMSG(0x9D), _NONMSG(0x9E), _NONMSG(0x9F), _NONMSG(0xA0), _NONMSG(0xA1), _NONMSG(0xA2), _NONMSG(0xA3), _NONMSG(0xA4), _NONMSG(0xA5), _NONMSG(0xA6), _NONMSG(0xA7), _NONMSG(0xA8), _NONMSG(0xA9), _NONMSG(0xAA), _NONMSG(0xAB), _NONMSG(0xAC), _NONMSG(0xAD), _NONMSG(0xAE), _NONMSG(0xAF), _NONMSG(0xB0), _NONMSG(0xB1), _NONMSG(0xB2), _NONMSG(0xB3), _NONMSG(0xB4), _NONMSG(0xB5), _NONMSG(0xB6), _NONMSG(0xB7), _NONMSG(0xB8), _NONMSG(0xB9), _NONMSG(0xBA), _NONMSG(0xBB), _NONMSG(0xBC), _NONMSG(0xBD), _NONMSG(0xBE), _NONMSG(0xBF), _NONMSG(0xC0), _NONMSG(0xC1), _NONMSG(0xC2), _NONMSG(0xC3), _NONMSG(0xC4), _NONMSG(0xC5), _NONMSG(0xC6), _NONMSG(0xC7), _NONMSG(0xC8), _NONMSG(0xC9), _NONMSG(0xCA), _NONMSG(0xCB), _NONMSG(0xCC), _NONMSG(0xCD), _NONMSG(0xCE), _NONMSG(0xCF), _NONMSG(0xD0), _NONMSG(0xD1), _NONMSG(0xD2), _NONMSG(0xD3), _NONMSG(0xD4), _NONMSG(0xD5), _NONMSG(0xD6), _NONMSG(0xD7), _NONMSG(0xD8), _NONMSG(0xD9), _NONMSG(0xDA), _NONMSG(0xDB), _NONMSG(0xDC), _NONMSG(0xDD), _NONMSG(0xDE), _NONMSG(0xDF), _NONMSG(0xE0), _NONMSG(0xE1), _NONMSG(0xE2), _NONMSG(0xE3), _NONMSG(0xE4), _NONMSG(0xE5), _NONMSG(0xE6), _NONMSG(0xE7), _NONMSG(0xE8), _NONMSG(0xE9), _NONMSG(0xEA), _NONMSG(0xEB), _NONMSG(0xEC), _NONMSG(0xED), _NONMSG(0xEE), _NONMSG(0xEF), _NONMSG(0xF0), _NONMSG(0xF1), _NONMSG(0xF2), _NONMSG(0xF3), _NONMSG(0xF4), _NONMSG(0xF5), _NONMSG(0xF6), _NONMSG(0xF7), _NONMSG(0xF8), _NONMSG(0xF9), _NONMSG(0xFA), _NONMSG(0xFB), _NONMSG(0xFC), _NONMSG(0xFD), _NONMSG(0xFE), _NONMSG(0xFF), }}, #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000) [LIB9P_VER_9P2000] = { .msgs = { _NONMSG(0x00), _NONMSG(0x01), _NONMSG(0x02), _NONMSG(0x03), _NONMSG(0x04), _NONMSG(0x05), _NONMSG(0x06), _NONMSG(0x07), _NONMSG(0x08), _NONMSG(0x09), _NONMSG(0x0A), _NONMSG(0x0B), _NONMSG(0x0C), _NONMSG(0x0D), _NONMSG(0x0E), _NONMSG(0x0F), _NONMSG(0x10), _NONMSG(0x11), _NONMSG(0x12), _NONMSG(0x13), _NONMSG(0x14), _NONMSG(0x15), _NONMSG(0x16), _NONMSG(0x17), _NONMSG(0x18), _NONMSG(0x19), _NONMSG(0x1A), _NONMSG(0x1B), _NONMSG(0x1C), _NONMSG(0x1D), _NONMSG(0x1E), _NONMSG(0x1F), _NONMSG(0x20), _NONMSG(0x21), _NONMSG(0x22), _NONMSG(0x23), _NONMSG(0x24), _NONMSG(0x25), _NONMSG(0x26), _NONMSG(0x27), _NONMSG(0x28), _NONMSG(0x29), _NONMSG(0x2A), _NONMSG(0x2B), _NONMSG(0x2C), _NONMSG(0x2D), _NONMSG(0x2E), _NONMSG(0x2F), _NONMSG(0x30), _NONMSG(0x31), _NONMSG(0x32), _NONMSG(0x33), _NONMSG(0x34), _NONMSG(0x35), _NONMSG(0x36), _NONMSG(0x37), _NONMSG(0x38), _NONMSG(0x39), _NONMSG(0x3A), _NONMSG(0x3B), _NONMSG(0x3C), _NONMSG(0x3D), _NONMSG(0x3E), _NONMSG(0x3F), _NONMSG(0x40), _NONMSG(0x41), _NONMSG(0x42), _NONMSG(0x43), _NONMSG(0x44), _NONMSG(0x45), _NONMSG(0x46), _NONMSG(0x47), _NONMSG(0x48), _NONMSG(0x49), _NONMSG(0x4A), _NONMSG(0x4B), _NONMSG(0x4C), _NONMSG(0x4D), _NONMSG(0x4E), _NONMSG(0x4F), _NONMSG(0x50), _NONMSG(0x51), _NONMSG(0x52), _NONMSG(0x53), _NONMSG(0x54), _NONMSG(0x55), _NONMSG(0x56), _NONMSG(0x57), _NONMSG(0x58), _NONMSG(0x59), _NONMSG(0x5A), _NONMSG(0x5B), _NONMSG(0x5C), _NONMSG(0x5D), _NONMSG(0x5E), _NONMSG(0x5F), _NONMSG(0x60), _NONMSG(0x61), _NONMSG(0x62), _NONMSG(0x63), _MSG(Tversion), _MSG(Rversion), _MSG(Tauth), _MSG(Rauth), _MSG(Tattach), _MSG(Rattach), _NONMSG(0x6A), _MSG(Rerror), _MSG(Tflush), _MSG(Rflush), _MSG(Twalk), _MSG(Rwalk), _MSG(Topen), _MSG(Ropen), _MSG(Tcreate), _MSG(Rcreate), _MSG(Tread), _MSG(Rread), _MSG(Twrite), _MSG(Rwrite), _MSG(Tclunk), _MSG(Rclunk), _MSG(Tremove), _MSG(Rremove), _MSG(Tstat), _MSG(Rstat), _MSG(Twstat), _MSG(Rwstat), _NONMSG(0x80), _NONMSG(0x81), _NONMSG(0x82), _NONMSG(0x83), _NONMSG(0x84), _NONMSG(0x85), _NONMSG(0x86), _NONMSG(0x87), _NONMSG(0x88), _NONMSG(0x89), _NONMSG(0x8A), _NONMSG(0x8B), _NONMSG(0x8C), _NONMSG(0x8D), _NONMSG(0x8E), _NONMSG(0x8F), _NONMSG(0x90), _NONMSG(0x91), _NONMSG(0x92), _NONMSG(0x93), _NONMSG(0x94), _NONMSG(0x95), _NONMSG(0x96), _NONMSG(0x97), _NONMSG(0x98), _NONMSG(0x99), _NONMSG(0x9A), _NONMSG(0x9B), _NONMSG(0x9C), _NONMSG(0x9D), _NONMSG(0x9E), _NONMSG(0x9F), _NONMSG(0xA0), _NONMSG(0xA1), _NONMSG(0xA2), _NONMSG(0xA3), _NONMSG(0xA4), _NONMSG(0xA5), _NONMSG(0xA6), _NONMSG(0xA7), _NONMSG(0xA8), _NONMSG(0xA9), _NONMSG(0xAA), _NONMSG(0xAB), _NONMSG(0xAC), _NONMSG(0xAD), _NONMSG(0xAE), _NONMSG(0xAF), _NONMSG(0xB0), _NONMSG(0xB1), _NONMSG(0xB2), _NONMSG(0xB3), _NONMSG(0xB4), _NONMSG(0xB5), _NONMSG(0xB6), _NONMSG(0xB7), _NONMSG(0xB8), _NONMSG(0xB9), _NONMSG(0xBA), _NONMSG(0xBB), _NONMSG(0xBC), _NONMSG(0xBD), _NONMSG(0xBE), _NONMSG(0xBF), _NONMSG(0xC0), _NONMSG(0xC1), _NONMSG(0xC2), _NONMSG(0xC3), _NONMSG(0xC4), _NONMSG(0xC5), _NONMSG(0xC6), _NONMSG(0xC7), _NONMSG(0xC8), _NONMSG(0xC9), _NONMSG(0xCA), _NONMSG(0xCB), _NONMSG(0xCC), _NONMSG(0xCD), _NONMSG(0xCE), _NONMSG(0xCF), _NONMSG(0xD0), _NONMSG(0xD1), _NONMSG(0xD2), _NONMSG(0xD3), _NONMSG(0xD4), _NONMSG(0xD5), _NONMSG(0xD6), _NONMSG(0xD7), _NONMSG(0xD8), _NONMSG(0xD9), _NONMSG(0xDA), _NONMSG(0xDB), _NONMSG(0xDC), _NONMSG(0xDD), _NONMSG(0xDE), _NONMSG(0xDF), _NONMSG(0xE0), _NONMSG(0xE1), _NONMSG(0xE2), _NONMSG(0xE3), _NONMSG(0xE4), _NONMSG(0xE5), _NONMSG(0xE6), _NONMSG(0xE7), _NONMSG(0xE8), _NONMSG(0xE9), _NONMSG(0xEA), _NONMSG(0xEB), _NONMSG(0xEC), _NONMSG(0xED), _NONMSG(0xEE), _NONMSG(0xEF), _NONMSG(0xF0), _NONMSG(0xF1), _NONMSG(0xF2), _NONMSG(0xF3), _NONMSG(0xF4), _NONMSG(0xF5), _NONMSG(0xF6), _NONMSG(0xF7), _NONMSG(0xF8), _NONMSG(0xF9), _NONMSG(0xFA), _NONMSG(0xFB), _NONMSG(0xFC), _NONMSG(0xFD), _NONMSG(0xFE), _NONMSG(0xFF), }}, #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000) */ #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_e) [LIB9P_VER_9P2000_e] = { .msgs = { _NONMSG(0x00), _NONMSG(0x01), _NONMSG(0x02), _NONMSG(0x03), _NONMSG(0x04), _NONMSG(0x05), _NONMSG(0x06), _NONMSG(0x07), _NONMSG(0x08), _NONMSG(0x09), _NONMSG(0x0A), _NONMSG(0x0B), _NONMSG(0x0C), _NONMSG(0x0D), _NONMSG(0x0E), _NONMSG(0x0F), _NONMSG(0x10), _NONMSG(0x11), _NONMSG(0x12), _NONMSG(0x13), _NONMSG(0x14), _NONMSG(0x15), _NONMSG(0x16), _NONMSG(0x17), _NONMSG(0x18), _NONMSG(0x19), _NONMSG(0x1A), _NONMSG(0x1B), _NONMSG(0x1C), _NONMSG(0x1D), _NONMSG(0x1E), _NONMSG(0x1F), _NONMSG(0x20), _NONMSG(0x21), _NONMSG(0x22), _NONMSG(0x23), _NONMSG(0x24), _NONMSG(0x25), _NONMSG(0x26), _NONMSG(0x27), _NONMSG(0x28), _NONMSG(0x29), _NONMSG(0x2A), _NONMSG(0x2B), _NONMSG(0x2C), _NONMSG(0x2D), _NONMSG(0x2E), _NONMSG(0x2F), _NONMSG(0x30), _NONMSG(0x31), _NONMSG(0x32), _NONMSG(0x33), _NONMSG(0x34), _NONMSG(0x35), _NONMSG(0x36), _NONMSG(0x37), _NONMSG(0x38), _NONMSG(0x39), _NONMSG(0x3A), _NONMSG(0x3B), _NONMSG(0x3C), _NONMSG(0x3D), _NONMSG(0x3E), _NONMSG(0x3F), _NONMSG(0x40), _NONMSG(0x41), _NONMSG(0x42), _NONMSG(0x43), _NONMSG(0x44), _NONMSG(0x45), _NONMSG(0x46), _NONMSG(0x47), _NONMSG(0x48), _NONMSG(0x49), _NONMSG(0x4A), _NONMSG(0x4B), _NONMSG(0x4C), _NONMSG(0x4D), _NONMSG(0x4E), _NONMSG(0x4F), _NONMSG(0x50), _NONMSG(0x51), _NONMSG(0x52), _NONMSG(0x53), _NONMSG(0x54), _NONMSG(0x55), _NONMSG(0x56), _NONMSG(0x57), _NONMSG(0x58), _NONMSG(0x59), _NONMSG(0x5A), _NONMSG(0x5B), _NONMSG(0x5C), _NONMSG(0x5D), _NONMSG(0x5E), _NONMSG(0x5F), _NONMSG(0x60), _NONMSG(0x61), _NONMSG(0x62), _NONMSG(0x63), _MSG(Tversion), _MSG(Rversion), _MSG(Tauth), _MSG(Rauth), _MSG(Tattach), _MSG(Rattach), _NONMSG(0x6A), _MSG(Rerror), _MSG(Tflush), _MSG(Rflush), _MSG(Twalk), _MSG(Rwalk), _MSG(Topen), _MSG(Ropen), _MSG(Tcreate), _MSG(Rcreate), _MSG(Tread), _MSG(Rread), _MSG(Twrite), _MSG(Rwrite), _MSG(Tclunk), _MSG(Rclunk), _MSG(Tremove), _MSG(Rremove), _MSG(Tstat), _MSG(Rstat), _MSG(Twstat), _MSG(Rwstat), _NONMSG(0x80), _NONMSG(0x81), _NONMSG(0x82), _NONMSG(0x83), _NONMSG(0x84), _NONMSG(0x85), _NONMSG(0x86), _NONMSG(0x87), _NONMSG(0x88), _NONMSG(0x89), _NONMSG(0x8A), _NONMSG(0x8B), _NONMSG(0x8C), _NONMSG(0x8D), _NONMSG(0x8E), _NONMSG(0x8F), _NONMSG(0x90), _NONMSG(0x91), _NONMSG(0x92), _NONMSG(0x93), _NONMSG(0x94), _NONMSG(0x95), _MSG(Tsession), _MSG(Rsession), _MSG(Tsread), _MSG(Rsread), _MSG(Tswrite), _MSG(Rswrite), _NONMSG(0x9C), _NONMSG(0x9D), _NONMSG(0x9E), _NONMSG(0x9F), _NONMSG(0xA0), _NONMSG(0xA1), _NONMSG(0xA2), _NONMSG(0xA3), _NONMSG(0xA4), _NONMSG(0xA5), _NONMSG(0xA6), _NONMSG(0xA7), _NONMSG(0xA8), _NONMSG(0xA9), _NONMSG(0xAA), _NONMSG(0xAB), _NONMSG(0xAC), _NONMSG(0xAD), _NONMSG(0xAE), _NONMSG(0xAF), _NONMSG(0xB0), _NONMSG(0xB1), _NONMSG(0xB2), _NONMSG(0xB3), _NONMSG(0xB4), _NONMSG(0xB5), _NONMSG(0xB6), _NONMSG(0xB7), _NONMSG(0xB8), _NONMSG(0xB9), _NONMSG(0xBA), _NONMSG(0xBB), _NONMSG(0xBC), _NONMSG(0xBD), _NONMSG(0xBE), _NONMSG(0xBF), _NONMSG(0xC0), _NONMSG(0xC1), _NONMSG(0xC2), _NONMSG(0xC3), _NONMSG(0xC4), _NONMSG(0xC5), _NONMSG(0xC6), _NONMSG(0xC7), _NONMSG(0xC8), _NONMSG(0xC9), _NONMSG(0xCA), _NONMSG(0xCB), _NONMSG(0xCC), _NONMSG(0xCD), _NONMSG(0xCE), _NONMSG(0xCF), _NONMSG(0xD0), _NONMSG(0xD1), _NONMSG(0xD2), _NONMSG(0xD3), _NONMSG(0xD4), _NONMSG(0xD5), _NONMSG(0xD6), _NONMSG(0xD7), _NONMSG(0xD8), _NONMSG(0xD9), _NONMSG(0xDA), _NONMSG(0xDB), _NONMSG(0xDC), _NONMSG(0xDD), _NONMSG(0xDE), _NONMSG(0xDF), _NONMSG(0xE0), _NONMSG(0xE1), _NONMSG(0xE2), _NONMSG(0xE3), _NONMSG(0xE4), _NONMSG(0xE5), _NONMSG(0xE6), _NONMSG(0xE7), _NONMSG(0xE8), _NONMSG(0xE9), _NONMSG(0xEA), _NONMSG(0xEB), _NONMSG(0xEC), _NONMSG(0xED), _NONMSG(0xEE), _NONMSG(0xEF), _NONMSG(0xF0), _NONMSG(0xF1), _NONMSG(0xF2), _NONMSG(0xF3), _NONMSG(0xF4), _NONMSG(0xF5), _NONMSG(0xF6), _NONMSG(0xF7), _NONMSG(0xF8), _NONMSG(0xF9), _NONMSG(0xFA), _NONMSG(0xFB), _NONMSG(0xFC), _NONMSG(0xFD), _NONMSG(0xFE), _NONMSG(0xFF), }}, #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_e) */ #if defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) [LIB9P_VER_9P2000_u] = { .msgs = { _NONMSG(0x00), _NONMSG(0x01), _NONMSG(0x02), _NONMSG(0x03), _NONMSG(0x04), _NONMSG(0x05), _NONMSG(0x06), _NONMSG(0x07), _NONMSG(0x08), _NONMSG(0x09), _NONMSG(0x0A), _NONMSG(0x0B), _NONMSG(0x0C), _NONMSG(0x0D), _NONMSG(0x0E), _NONMSG(0x0F), _NONMSG(0x10), _NONMSG(0x11), _NONMSG(0x12), _NONMSG(0x13), _NONMSG(0x14), _NONMSG(0x15), _NONMSG(0x16), _NONMSG(0x17), _NONMSG(0x18), _NONMSG(0x19), _NONMSG(0x1A), _NONMSG(0x1B), _NONMSG(0x1C), _NONMSG(0x1D), _NONMSG(0x1E), _NONMSG(0x1F), _NONMSG(0x20), _NONMSG(0x21), _NONMSG(0x22), _NONMSG(0x23), _NONMSG(0x24), _NONMSG(0x25), _NONMSG(0x26), _NONMSG(0x27), _NONMSG(0x28), _NONMSG(0x29), _NONMSG(0x2A), _NONMSG(0x2B), _NONMSG(0x2C), _NONMSG(0x2D), _NONMSG(0x2E), _NONMSG(0x2F), _NONMSG(0x30), _NONMSG(0x31), _NONMSG(0x32), _NONMSG(0x33), _NONMSG(0x34), _NONMSG(0x35), _NONMSG(0x36), _NONMSG(0x37), _NONMSG(0x38), _NONMSG(0x39), _NONMSG(0x3A), _NONMSG(0x3B), _NONMSG(0x3C), _NONMSG(0x3D), _NONMSG(0x3E), _NONMSG(0x3F), _NONMSG(0x40), _NONMSG(0x41), _NONMSG(0x42), _NONMSG(0x43), _NONMSG(0x44), _NONMSG(0x45), _NONMSG(0x46), _NONMSG(0x47), _NONMSG(0x48), _NONMSG(0x49), _NONMSG(0x4A), _NONMSG(0x4B), _NONMSG(0x4C), _NONMSG(0x4D), _NONMSG(0x4E), _NONMSG(0x4F), _NONMSG(0x50), _NONMSG(0x51), _NONMSG(0x52), _NONMSG(0x53), _NONMSG(0x54), _NONMSG(0x55), _NONMSG(0x56), _NONMSG(0x57), _NONMSG(0x58), _NONMSG(0x59), _NONMSG(0x5A), _NONMSG(0x5B), _NONMSG(0x5C), _NONMSG(0x5D), _NONMSG(0x5E), _NONMSG(0x5F), _NONMSG(0x60), _NONMSG(0x61), _NONMSG(0x62), _NONMSG(0x63), _MSG(Tversion), _MSG(Rversion), _MSG(Tauth), _MSG(Rauth), _MSG(Tattach), _MSG(Rattach), _NONMSG(0x6A), _MSG(Rerror), _MSG(Tflush), _MSG(Rflush), _MSG(Twalk), _MSG(Rwalk), _MSG(Topen), _MSG(Ropen), _MSG(Tcreate), _MSG(Rcreate), _MSG(Tread), _MSG(Rread), _MSG(Twrite), _MSG(Rwrite), _MSG(Tclunk), _MSG(Rclunk), _MSG(Tremove), _MSG(Rremove), _MSG(Tstat), _MSG(Rstat), _MSG(Twstat), _MSG(Rwstat), _NONMSG(0x80), _NONMSG(0x81), _NONMSG(0x82), _NONMSG(0x83), _NONMSG(0x84), _NONMSG(0x85), _NONMSG(0x86), _NONMSG(0x87), _NONMSG(0x88), _NONMSG(0x89), _NONMSG(0x8A), _NONMSG(0x8B), _NONMSG(0x8C), _NONMSG(0x8D), _NONMSG(0x8E), _NONMSG(0x8F), _NONMSG(0x90), _NONMSG(0x91), _NONMSG(0x92), _NONMSG(0x93), _NONMSG(0x94), _NONMSG(0x95), _NONMSG(0x96), _NONMSG(0x97), _NONMSG(0x98), _NONMSG(0x99), _NONMSG(0x9A), _NONMSG(0x9B), _NONMSG(0x9C), _NONMSG(0x9D), _NONMSG(0x9E), _NONMSG(0x9F), _NONMSG(0xA0), _NONMSG(0xA1), _NONMSG(0xA2), _NONMSG(0xA3), _NONMSG(0xA4), _NONMSG(0xA5), _NONMSG(0xA6), _NONMSG(0xA7), _NONMSG(0xA8), _NONMSG(0xA9), _NONMSG(0xAA), _NONMSG(0xAB), _NONMSG(0xAC), _NONMSG(0xAD), _NONMSG(0xAE), _NONMSG(0xAF), _NONMSG(0xB0), _NONMSG(0xB1), _NONMSG(0xB2), _NONMSG(0xB3), _NONMSG(0xB4), _NONMSG(0xB5), _NONMSG(0xB6), _NONMSG(0xB7), _NONMSG(0xB8), _NONMSG(0xB9), _NONMSG(0xBA), _NONMSG(0xBB), _NONMSG(0xBC), _NONMSG(0xBD), _NONMSG(0xBE), _NONMSG(0xBF), _NONMSG(0xC0), _NONMSG(0xC1), _NONMSG(0xC2), _NONMSG(0xC3), _NONMSG(0xC4), _NONMSG(0xC5), _NONMSG(0xC6), _NONMSG(0xC7), _NONMSG(0xC8), _NONMSG(0xC9), _NONMSG(0xCA), _NONMSG(0xCB), _NONMSG(0xCC), _NONMSG(0xCD), _NONMSG(0xCE), _NONMSG(0xCF), _NONMSG(0xD0), _NONMSG(0xD1), _NONMSG(0xD2), _NONMSG(0xD3), _NONMSG(0xD4), _NONMSG(0xD5), _NONMSG(0xD6), _NONMSG(0xD7), _NONMSG(0xD8), _NONMSG(0xD9), _NONMSG(0xDA), _NONMSG(0xDB), _NONMSG(0xDC), _NONMSG(0xDD), _NONMSG(0xDE), _NONMSG(0xDF), _NONMSG(0xE0), _NONMSG(0xE1), _NONMSG(0xE2), _NONMSG(0xE3), _NONMSG(0xE4), _NONMSG(0xE5), _NONMSG(0xE6), _NONMSG(0xE7), _NONMSG(0xE8), _NONMSG(0xE9), _NONMSG(0xEA), _NONMSG(0xEB), _NONMSG(0xEC), _NONMSG(0xED), _NONMSG(0xEE), _NONMSG(0xEF), _NONMSG(0xF0), _NONMSG(0xF1), _NONMSG(0xF2), _NONMSG(0xF3), _NONMSG(0xF4), _NONMSG(0xF5), _NONMSG(0xF6), _NONMSG(0xF7), _NONMSG(0xF8), _NONMSG(0xF9), _NONMSG(0xFA), _NONMSG(0xFB), _NONMSG(0xFC), _NONMSG(0xFD), _NONMSG(0xFE), _NONMSG(0xFF), }}, #endif /* defined(CONFIG_9P_ENABLE_9P2000_u) */ }; FLATTEN bool _lib9p_validate_stat(struct _validate_ctx *ctx) { return validate_stat(ctx); } FLATTEN void _lib9p_unmarshal_stat(struct _unmarshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_stat *out) { unmarshal_stat(ctx, out); } FLATTEN bool _lib9p_marshal_stat(struct _marshal_ctx *ctx, struct lib9p_stat *val) { return marshal_stat(ctx, val); }