/* sbc_harness/main.c - Main entry point and event loop for sbc-harness * * Copyright (C) 2024 Luke T. Shumaker * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later */ #include /* libc: for strlen() */ #include /* pico-sdk:pico_stdio_uart: for stdio_uart_init() */ #include /* pico-sdk:hardware_flash: for flash_get_unique_id() */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LOG_NAME MAIN #include #include "usb_keyboard.h" #include "config.h" static COROUTINE hello_world_cr(void *_chan) { const char *msg = "Hello world!\n"; usb_keyboard_rpc_t *chan = _chan; cr_begin(); for (size_t i = 0;; i = (i+1) % strlen(msg)) { int result = usb_keyboard_rpc_send_req(chan, (uint32_t)msg[i]); if (result < 1) { errorf("error sending rune U+%d", (uint32_t)msg[i]); break; } } cr_end(); } static COROUTINE dhcp_cr(void *_chip) { struct w5500 *chip = _chip; cr_begin(); dhcp_client_main(chip, "harness"); cr_end(); } struct { struct rp2040_hwspi dev_spi; struct w5500 dev_w5500; usb_keyboard_rpc_t keyboard_chan; uint16_t usb_serial[sizeof(uint64_t)*2]; /* UTF-16 */ struct lib9p_srv srv; } globals; static COROUTINE read9p_cr(void *) { cr_begin(); lib9p_srv_read_cr(&globals.srv, VCALL(&globals.dev_w5500, tcp_listen, CONFIG_9P_PORT)); cr_end(); } const char *hexdig = "0123456789ABCDEF"; static_assert(CONFIG_9P_MAX_REQS*_CONFIG_9P_NUM_SOCKS <= 16); COROUTINE init_cr(void *) { cr_begin(); /* NOR flash chips have a (bog-?)standard "RUID" "Read Unique * ID" instruction; use our flash chip's unique ID as the * basis for our serial numbers. */ uint64_t flash_id64; static_assert(sizeof(flash_id64) == FLASH_UNIQUE_ID_SIZE_BYTES); flash_get_unique_id((uint8_t *)&flash_id64); uint32_t flash_id32 = hash(&flash_id64, sizeof(flash_id64)); static_assert(sizeof(flash_id32) == sizeof(hash(NULL, 0))); uint8_t flash_id24[3] = { (uint8_t)((flash_id32 >> 16) & 0xFF), (uint8_t)((flash_id32 >> 8) & 0xFF), (uint8_t)((flash_id32 >> 0) & 0xFF), }; rp2040_hwspi_init(&globals.dev_spi, "W5500", RP2040_HWSPI_0, SPI_MODE_0, /* the W5500 supports mode 0 or mode 3 */ 60*1000*1000, /* as close to the W5500's max rate of 80MHz as we can without hwspi borking */ 16, /* PIN_MISO */ 19, /* PIN_MOSI */ 18, /* PIN_CLK */ 17); /* PIN_CS */ w5500_init(&globals.dev_w5500, "W5500", &globals.dev_spi, 21, /* PIN_INTR */ 20, /* PIN_RESET */ ((struct net_eth_addr){{ /* vendor ID: "Wiznet" */ 0x00, 0x08, 0xDC, /* serial number */ flash_id24[0], flash_id24[1], flash_id24[2], }})); static_assert(sizeof(flash_id64)*2 == LM_ARRAY_LEN(globals.usb_serial)); for (size_t i = 0; i < LM_ARRAY_LEN(globals.usb_serial); i++) globals.usb_serial[i] = hexdig[(flash_id64 >> ((sizeof(flash_id64)*8)-((i+1)*4))) & 0xF]; usb_common_earlyinit(globals.usb_serial, sizeof(globals.usb_serial)); usb_keyboard_init(); usb_common_lateinit(); globals.keyboard_chan = (usb_keyboard_rpc_t){0}; /* set up coroutines **************************************************/ coroutine_add("usb_common", usb_common_cr, NULL); coroutine_add("usb_keyboard", usb_keyboard_cr, &globals.keyboard_chan); coroutine_add("hello_world", hello_world_cr, &globals.keyboard_chan); coroutine_add_with_stack_size(4*1024, "dhcp", dhcp_cr, &globals.dev_w5500); for (int i = 0; i < _CONFIG_9P_NUM_SOCKS; i++) { char name[] = {'r', 'e', 'a', 'd', '-', hexdig[i], '\0'}; coroutine_add(name, read9p_cr, NULL); } for (int i = 0; i < CONFIG_9P_MAX_REQS*_CONFIG_9P_NUM_SOCKS; i++) { char name[] = {'w', 'r', 'i', 't', 'e', '-', hexdig[i], '\0'}; coroutine_add(name, lib9p_srv_write_cr, &globals.srv); } cr_exit(); } int main() { stdio_uart_init(); /* char *hdr = "=" * (80-strlen("info : MAIN: ")); */ infof("==================================================================="); coroutine_add("init", init_cr, NULL); coroutine_main(); }