#!/usr/bin/env python3 # build-aux/stack.c.gen - Analyze stack sizes for compiled objects # # Copyright (C) 2024 Luke T. Shumaker # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later import os.path import re import sys import typing ################################################################################ # # Parse the "VCG" language # # https://www.rw.cdl.uni-saarland.de/people/sander/private/html/gsvcg1.html # # The formal syntax is found at # ftp://ftp.cs.uni-sb.de/pub/graphics/vcg/vcg.tgz `doc/grammar.txt`. class VCGElem: typ: str lineno: int attrs: dict[str, str] def parse_vcg(reader: typing.TextIO) -> typing.Iterator[VCGElem]: re_beg = re.compile(r"(edge|node):\s*\{\s*") _re_tok = r"[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*" _re_str = r'"(?:[^\"]|\\.)*"' re_attr = re.compile( "(" + _re_tok + r")\s*:\s*(" + _re_tok + "|" + _re_str + r")\s*" ) re_end = re.compile(r"\}\s*$") re_skip = re.compile(r"(graph:\s*\{\s*title\s*:\s*" + _re_str + r"\s*|\})\s*") re_esc = re.compile(r"\\.") for lineno, line in enumerate(reader): pos = 0 def _raise(msg: str) -> typing.NoReturn: nonlocal lineno nonlocal line nonlocal pos e = SyntaxError(msg) e.lineno = lineno e.offset = pos e.text = line raise e if re_skip.fullmatch(line): continue elem = VCGElem() elem.lineno = lineno m = re_beg.match(line, pos=pos) if not m: _raise("does not look like a VCG line") elem.typ = m.group(1) pos = m.end() elem.attrs = {} while True: if re_end.match(line, pos=pos): break m = re_attr.match(line, pos=pos) if not m: _raise("unexpected character") k = m.group(1) v = m.group(2) if k in elem.attrs: _raise(f"duplicate key: {repr(k)}") if v.startswith('"'): def unesc(esc: re.Match[str]) -> str: match esc.group(0)[1:]: case "n": return "\n" case '"': return '"' case "\\": return "\\" case _: _raise(f"invalid escape code {repr(esc.group(0))}") v = re_esc.sub(unesc, v[1:-1]) elem.attrs[k] = v pos = m.end() yield elem ################################################################################ # Main analysis class Node: # from .title (`static` and `__weak` functions are prefixed with # the compilation unit .c file. For static functions that's fine, # but we'll have to handle it specially for __weak.). funcname: str # .label is "{funcname}\n{location}\n{nstatic} bytes (static}\n{ndynamic} dynamic objects" location: str nstatic: int ndynamic: int # edges with .sourcename set to this node calls: set[str] def synthetic_node(name: str, nstatic: int, calls: set[str] = set()) -> Node: n = Node() n.funcname = name n.location = "" n.nstatic = nstatic n.ndynamic = 0 n.calls = calls return n def analyze( *, ci_fnames: list[str], extra_nodes: list[Node] = [], app_func_filters: dict[str, typing.Callable[[str], bool]], app_location_xform: typing.Callable[[str], str], app_indirect_callees: typing.Callable[[VCGElem], list[str]], app_skip_call: typing.Callable[[list[str], str], bool], cfg_max_call_depth: int, ) -> None: re_node_label = re.compile( r"(?P[^\n]+)\n" + r"(?P[^\n]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+)\n" + r"(?P[0-9]+) bytes \(static\)\n" + r"(?P[0-9]+) dynamic objects", flags=re.MULTILINE, ) graph: dict[str, Node] = dict() qualified: dict[str, set[str]] = dict() def handle_elem(elem: VCGElem) -> None: match elem.typ: case "node": node = Node() node.calls = set() skip = False for k, v in elem.attrs.items(): match k: case "title": node.funcname = v case "label": if elem.attrs.get("shape", "") != "ellipse": m = re_node_label.fullmatch(v) if not m: raise ValueError( f"unexpected label value {repr(v)}" ) node.location = m.group("location") node.nstatic = int(m.group("nstatic")) node.ndynamic = int(m.group("ndynamic")) case "shape": if v != "ellipse": raise ValueError(f"unexpected shape value {repr(v)}") skip = True case _: raise ValueError(f"unknown edge key {repr(k)}") if not skip: if node.funcname in graph: raise ValueError(f"duplicate node {repr(node.funcname)}") graph[node.funcname] = node if ":" in node.funcname: _, shortname = node.funcname.rsplit(":", 1) if shortname not in qualified: qualified[shortname] = set() qualified[shortname].add(node.funcname) case "edge": caller: str | None = None callee: str | None = None for k, v in elem.attrs.items(): match k: case "sourcename": caller = v case "targetname": callee = v case "label": pass case _: raise ValueError(f"unknown edge key {repr(k)}") if caller is None or callee is None: raise ValueError(f"incomplete edge: {repr(elem.attrs)}") if caller not in graph: raise ValueError(f"unknown caller: {caller}") if callee == "__indirect_call": for callee in app_indirect_callees(elem): graph[caller].calls.add(callee) else: graph[caller].calls.add(callee) case _: raise ValueError(f"unknown elem type {repr(elem.typ)}") for ci_fname in ci_fnames: with open(ci_fname, "r") as fh: for elem in parse_vcg(fh): handle_elem(elem) for node in extra_nodes: if node.funcname in graph: raise ValueError(f"duplicate node {repr(node.funcname)}") graph[node.funcname] = node missing: set[str] = set() print("/*") dbg = False def resolve_funcname(funcname: str) -> str | None: # Handle `ld --wrap` functions if f"__wrap_{funcname}" in graph: return f"__wrap_{funcname}" if funcname.startswith("__real_") and funcname[len("__real_") :] in graph: funcname = funcname[len("__real_") :] # Usual case if funcname in graph: return funcname # Handle `__weak` functions if funcname in qualified and len(qualified[funcname]) == 1: return sorted(qualified[funcname])[0] return None def nstatic(orig_funcname: str, chain: list[str] = []) -> int: nonlocal dbg funcname = resolve_funcname(orig_funcname) if not funcname: if app_skip_call(chain, orig_funcname): return 0 missing.add(orig_funcname) return 0 if app_skip_call(chain, funcname): return 0 if len(chain) == cfg_max_call_depth: raise ValueError(f"max call depth exceeded: {chain+[funcname]}") node = graph[funcname] if dbg: print(f"//dbg: {funcname}\t{node.nstatic}") return node.nstatic + max( [0, *[nstatic(call, chain + [funcname]) for call in node.calls]] ) for grp_name, grp_filter in app_func_filters.items(): namelen = max( [len(app_location_xform(name)) for name in graph if grp_filter(name)] + [len(grp_name) + 4] ) numlen = max(len(str(nstatic(name))) for name in graph if name.endswith("_cr")) sep1 = ("=" * namelen) + " " + "=" * numlen sep2 = ("-" * namelen) + " " + "-" * numlen print("= " + grp_name + " " + sep1[len(grp_name) + 3 :]) nmax = 0 nsum = 0 for funcname in graph: if grp_filter(funcname): n = nstatic(funcname) print( f"{app_location_xform(funcname).ljust(namelen)} {str(n).rjust(numlen)}" ) if n > nmax: nmax = n nsum += n print(sep2) print(f"{'Total'.ljust(namelen)} {str(nsum).rjust(numlen)}") print(f"{'Maximum'.ljust(namelen)} {str(nmax).rjust(numlen)}") print(sep1) for funcname in sorted(missing): print(f"warning: missing: {funcname}") print("*/") ################################################################################ # Application-specific code re_location = re.compile(r"(?P.+):(?P[0-9]+):(?P[0-9]+)") def read_source(location: str) -> str: m = re_location.fullmatch(location) if not m: raise ValueError(f"unexpected label value {repr(location)}") filename = m.group("filename") row = int(m.group("row")) - 1 col = int(m.group("col")) - 1 with open(m.group("filename"), "r") as fh: return fh.readlines()[row][col:].rstrip() def main( *, arg_base_dir: str, arg_ci_fnames: list[str], arg_c_fnames: list[str] ) -> None: re_call_other = re.compile(r"(?P[^(]+)\(.*") # The sbc-harness codebase ####################################### vcalls: dict[str, set[str]] = {} re_vtable_start = re.compile(r"_vtable\s*=\s*\{") re_vtable_entry = re.compile(r"^\s+\.(?P\S+)\s*=\s*(?P\S+),.*") for fname in c_fnames: with open(fname, "r") as fh: in_vtable = False for line in fh: line = line.rstrip() if in_vtable: if m := re_vtable_entry.fullmatch(line): meth = m.group("meth") impl = m.group("impl") if impl == "NULL": continue if m.group("meth") not in vcalls: vcalls[meth] = set() vcalls[meth].add(impl) if "}" in line: in_vtable = False elif re_vtable_start.search(line): in_vtable = True re_call_vcall = re.compile(r"VCALL\((?P[^,]+), (?P[^,)]+)[,)].*") def sbc_indirect_callees(loc: str, line: str) -> list[str] | None: if "/3rd-party/" in loc: return None if m := re_call_vcall.fullmatch(line): if m.group("meth") in vcalls: return sorted(vcalls[m.group("meth")]) return [f"__indirect_call:{m.group('obj')}->vtable->{m.group('meth')}"] if "trigger->cb(trigger->cb_arg)" in line: return [ "alarmclock_sleep_intrhandler", "w5500_tcp_alarm_handler", "w5500_udp_alarm_handler", ] if "/chan.h:" in loc and "front->dequeue(" in line: return [ "_cr_chan_dequeue", "_cr_select_dequeue", ] return None def sbc_is_thread(name: str) -> bool: return name.endswith("_cr") or name == "main" def sbc_is_intrhandler(name: str) -> bool: return name in [ "rp2040_hwtimer_intrhandler", "_cr_gdb_intrhandler", "hostclock_handle_sig_alarm", "hostnet_handle_sig_io", ] sbc_gpio_handlers = [ "w5500_intrhandler", ] def sbc_skip_call(chain: list[str], call: str) -> bool: if ( len(chain) > 1 and chain[-1].endswith(":__assert_msg_fail") and call == "_log_printf" and any(c.endswith(":__assert_msg_fail") for c in chain[:-1]) ): return True if call == "_cr_select_dequeue": return True return False # pico-sdk ####################################################### def pico_is_intrhandler(name: str) -> bool: return name in [ "gpio_default_irq_handler", ] def pico_indirect_callees(loc: str, line: str) -> list[str] | None: if "/3rd-party/pico-sdk/" not in loc or "/3rd-party/pico-sdk/lib/" in loc: return None m = re_call_other.fullmatch(line) call: str | None = m.group("func") if m else None match call: case "connect_internal_flash_func": return ["rom_func_lookup(ROM_FUNC_CONNECT_INTERNAL_FLASH)"] case "flash_exit_xip_func": return ["rom_func_lookup(ROM_FUNC_FLASH_EXIT_XIP)"] case "flash_range_erase_func": return ["rom_func_lookup(ROM_FUNC_FLASH_RANGE_ERASE)"] case "flash_flush_cache_func": return ["rom_func_lookup(ROM_FUNC_FLASH_FLUSH_CACHE)"] case "rom_table_lookup": return ["rom_hword_as_ptr(BOOTROM_TABLE_LOOKUP_OFFSET)"] if "/flash.c:" in loc and "boot2_copyout" in line: return ["_stage2_boot"] if "/gpio.c:" in loc and call == "callback": return sbc_gpio_handlers if "/printf.c:" in loc: if call == "out": return [ "_out_buffer", "_out_null", "_out_fct", ] if "->fct(" in line: return ["stdio_buffered_printer"] if "/stdio.c:" in loc: if call == "out_func": return [ "stdio_out_chars_crlf", "stdio_out_chars_no_crlf", ] if call and (call.startswith("d->") or call.startswith("driver->")): _, meth = call.split("->", 1) match meth: case "out_chars": return ["stdio_uart_out_chars"] case "out_flush": return ["stdio_uart_out_flush"] case "in_chars": return ["stdio_uart_in_chars"] return None def pico_skip_call(chain: list[str], call: str) -> bool: if call == "_out_buffer" or call == "_out_fct": last = "" for pcall in chain: if pcall in [ "__wrap_sprintf", "__wrap_snprintf", "__wrap_vsnprintf", "vfctprintf", ]: last = pcall if last == "vfctprintf": return call != "_out_fct" else: return call == "_out_buffer" return False pico_nodes: list[Node] = [ # src/rp2_common/pico_int64_ops/pico_int64_ops_aeabi.S synthetic_node("__aeabi_lmul", 4), # src/rp2_common/pico_divider/divider_hardware.S synthetic_node("__aeabi_uidiv", 0, {"__aeabi_uidivmod"}), synthetic_node("__aeabi_uidivmod", 0), # TODO synthetic_node("__aeabi_uldivmod", 0), # TODO # src/rp2040/boot_stage2/boot2_${name,,}.S for name=W25Q080, # controlled by `#define PICO_BOOT_STAGE2_{name} 1` in # src/boards/include/boards/pico.h synthetic_node("_stage2_boot", 0), # TODO # https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-bootrom-rp2040 synthetic_node("rom_func_lookup(ROM_FUNC_CONNECT_INTERNAL_FLASH)", 0), # TODO synthetic_node("rom_func_lookup(ROM_FUNC_FLASH_EXIT_XIP)", 0), # TODO synthetic_node("rom_func_lookup(ROM_FUNC_FLASH_FLUSH_CACHE)", 0), # TODO synthetic_node("rom_hword_as_ptr(BOOTROM_TABLE_LOOKUP_OFFSET)", 0), # TODO ] # TinyUSB ######################################################## tusb_config_fname = ( arg_base_dir + "/cmd/sbc_harness/config/tusb_config.h" ) # TODO: FIXME re_tud_class = re.compile( r"^\s*#\s*define\s+(?PCFG_TUD_(?:\S{3}|AUDIO|VIDEO|MIDI|VENDOR|USBTMC|DFU_RUNTIME|ECM_RNDIS))\s+(?P\S+).*" ) tusb_config: dict[str, bool] = {} with open(tusb_config_fname, "r") as fh: in_table = False for line in fh: line = line.rstrip() if m := re_tud_class.fullmatch(line): k = m.group("k") v = m.group("v") tusb_config[k] = bool(int(v)) usbd_fname = next( fname for fname in c_fnames if fname.endswith("/tinyusb/src/device/usbd.c") ) tud_drivers: dict[str, set[str]] = {} re_tud_entry = re.compile( r"^\s+\.(?P\S+)\s*=\s*(?P[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(?:,.*)?" ) re_tud_if1 = re.compile(r"^\s*#\s*if (\S+)\s*") re_tud_if2 = re.compile(r"^\s*#\s*if (\S+)\s*\|\|\s*(\S+)\s*") re_tud_endif = re.compile(r"^\s*#\s*endif\s*") with open(usbd_fname, "r") as fh: in_table = False enabled = True for line in fh: line = line.rstrip() if in_table: if m := re_tud_if1.fullmatch(line): enabled = tusb_config[m.group(1)] elif m := re_tud_if2.fullmatch(line): enabled = tusb_config[m.group(1)] or tusb_config[m.group(2)] elif re_tud_endif.fullmatch(line): enabled = True if m := re_tud_entry.fullmatch(line): meth = m.group("meth") impl = m.group("impl") if meth == "name" or not enabled: continue if meth not in tud_drivers: tud_drivers[meth] = set() if impl != "NULL": tud_drivers[meth].add(impl) if line.startswith("}"): in_table = False elif " _usbd_driver[] = {" in line: in_table = True def tud_indirect_callees(loc: str, line: str) -> list[str] | None: if "/tinyusb/" not in loc or "/tinyusb/src/host/" in loc or "_host.c:" in loc: return None m = re_call_other.fullmatch(line) assert m call = m.group("func") if call == "_ctrl_xfer.complete_cb": return [ # "process_test_mode_cb", "tud_vendor_control_xfer_cb", *sorted(tud_drivers["control_xfer_cb"]), ] elif call.startswith("driver->"): return sorted(tud_drivers[call[len("driver->") :]]) elif call == "event.func_call.func": # callback from usb_defer_func() return [] return None def tud_skip_call(chain: list[str], call: str) -> bool: if call == "usbd_app_driver_get_cb": return True return False # newlib ######################################################### newlib_nodes: list[Node] = [ # malloc synthetic_node("free", 0), # TODO synthetic_node("malloc", 0), # TODO synthetic_node("realloc", 0), # TODO synthetic_node("aligned_alloc", 0), # TODO synthetic_node("reallocarray", 0), # TODO # execution synthetic_node("abort", 0), # TODO synthetic_node("longjmp", 0), # TODO synthetic_node("setjmp", 0), # TODO # synthetic_node("memcmp", 0), # TODO synthetic_node("memcpy", 0), # TODO synthetic_node("memset", 0), # TODO synthetic_node("strlen", 0), # TODO synthetic_node("strncpy", 0), # TODO # other synthetic_node("random", 0), # TODO ] # main ########################################################### def thread_filter(name: str) -> bool: return sbc_is_thread(name) def intrhandler_filter(name: str) -> bool: name = name.rsplit(":", 1)[-1] return sbc_is_intrhandler(name) or pico_is_intrhandler(name) def location_xform(loc: str) -> str: if not loc.startswith("/"): return loc parts = loc.split(":", 1) parts[0] = "./" + os.path.relpath(parts[0], arg_base_dir) return ":".join(parts) def indirect_callees(elem: VCGElem) -> list[str]: loc = elem.attrs.get("label", "") line = read_source(loc) ret = sbc_indirect_callees(loc, line) if ret is not None: return ret ret = pico_indirect_callees(loc, line) if ret is not None: return ret ret = tud_indirect_callees(loc, line) if ret is not None: return ret return [f"__indirect_call:" + location_xform(elem.attrs.get("label", ""))] def skip_call(chain: list[str], call: str) -> bool: return ( sbc_skip_call(chain, call) or pico_skip_call(chain, call) or tud_skip_call(chain, call) ) analyze( ci_fnames=arg_ci_fnames, extra_nodes=pico_nodes + newlib_nodes, app_func_filters={ "Threads": thread_filter, "Interrupt handlers": intrhandler_filter, }, app_location_xform=location_xform, app_indirect_callees=indirect_callees, app_skip_call=skip_call, cfg_max_call_depth=100, ) if __name__ == "__main__": base_dir = sys.argv[1] re_suffix = re.compile(r"\.c\.o(bj)?$") ci_fnames = [ re_suffix.sub(".c.ci", fname) for fname in sys.argv[2:] if re_suffix.search(fname) ] c_fnames = [fname for fname in sys.argv[2:] if fname.endswith(".c")] main( arg_base_dir=base_dir, arg_ci_fnames=ci_fnames, arg_c_fnames=c_fnames, )