  PLAN.md - Misc planning notes

  Copyright (C) 2024  Luke T. Shumaker <lukeshu@lukeshu.com>
  SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later

- with hardware I have:
  1. [X] type "hello world" as a USB keyboard
  2. [ ] get networking up (ping)
  3. [ ] forward port 21 as a USB keyboard
  4. [ ] forward a 9p file as a USB keyboard
  5. [ ] connect UART as a 9p socket
- waiting on hardware:
  - sdcard slot:
    1. [ ] whatever the "hello world" of SD is
    2. [ ] as a device on 9p
  - HDMI socket
    1. [ ] PicoDVI hello-world
    2. [ ] "PiciDVI" to network
    3. [ ] reverse the flow of PicoDVI
