from django import forms from django.http import HttpResponse from django.core.mail import send_mail from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, redirect from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required, permission_required from django.db.models import Count from django.views.decorators.cache import never_cache from django.views.generic.create_update import delete_object from django.views.generic.simple import direct_to_template from django.template import Context, loader from django.utils import simplejson from main.models import Todolist, TodolistPkg, Package class TodoListForm(forms.Form): name = forms.CharField(max_length=255, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': '30'})) description = forms.CharField(required=False, widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': '4', 'cols': '60'})) packages = forms.CharField(required=False, help_text='(one per line)', widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'rows': '20', 'cols': '60'})) def clean_packages(self): package_names = [s.strip() for s in self.cleaned_data['packages'].split("\n")] package_names = set(package_names) packages = Package.objects.filter( pkgname__in=package_names).exclude( repo__testing=True).order_by('arch') return packages @login_required @never_cache def flag(request, listid, pkgid): list = get_object_or_404(Todolist, id=listid) pkg = get_object_or_404(TodolistPkg, id=pkgid) pkg.complete = not pkg.complete if request.is_ajax(): return HttpResponse( simplejson.dumps({'complete': pkg.complete}), mimetype='application/json') return redirect(list) @login_required @never_cache def view(request, listid): list = get_object_or_404(Todolist, id=listid) return direct_to_template(request, 'todolists/view.html', {'list': list}) @login_required @never_cache def list(request): lists = Todolist.objects.select_related('creator').annotate( pkg_count=Count('todolistpkg')).order_by('-date_added') incomplete = Todolist.objects.filter(todolistpkg__complete=False).annotate( Count('todolistpkg')).values_list('id', 'todolistpkg__count') # tag each list with an incomplete package count lookup = {} for k, v in incomplete: lookup[k] = v for l in lists: l.incomplete_count = lookup.get(, 0) return direct_to_template(request, 'todolists/list.html', {'lists': lists}) # TODO: this calls for transaction management and async emailing @permission_required('main.add_todolist') @never_cache def add(request): if request.POST: form = TodoListForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): todo = Todolist.objects.create( creator = request.user, name = form.cleaned_data['name'], description = form.cleaned_data['description']) for pkg in form.cleaned_data['packages']: tpkg = TodolistPkg.objects.create(list=todo, pkg=pkg) send_todolist_email(tpkg) return redirect('/todo/') else: form = TodoListForm() page_dict = { 'title': 'Add Todo List', 'form': form, 'submit_text': 'Create List' } return direct_to_template(request, 'general_form.html', page_dict) # TODO: this calls for transaction management and async emailing @permission_required('main.change_todolist') @never_cache def edit(request, list_id): todo_list = get_object_or_404(Todolist, id=list_id) if request.POST: form = TodoListForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): = form.cleaned_data['name'] todo_list.description = form.cleaned_data['description'] packages = [p.pkg for p in todo_list.packages] # first delete any packages not in the new list for p in todo_list.packages: if p.pkg not in form.cleaned_data['packages']: p.delete() # now add any packages not in the old list for pkg in form.cleaned_data['packages']: if pkg not in packages: tpkg = TodolistPkg.objects.create( list=todo_list, pkg=pkg) send_todolist_email(tpkg) return redirect(todo_list) else: form = TodoListForm(initial={ 'name':, 'description': todo_list.description, 'packages': '\n'.join(todo_list.package_names), }) page_dict = { 'title': 'Edit Todo List: %s' %, 'form': form, 'submit_text': 'Save List' } return direct_to_template(request, 'general_form.html', page_dict) @permission_required('main.delete_todolist') @never_cache def delete_todolist(request, object_id): return delete_object(request, object_id=object_id, model=Todolist, template_name="todolists/todolist_confirm_delete.html", post_delete_redirect='/todo/') def send_todolist_email(todo): '''Sends an e-mail to the maintainer of a package notifying them that the package has been added to a todo list''' maints = todo.pkg.maintainers if not maints: return page_dict = { 'pkg': todo.pkg, 'todolist': todo.list, 'weburl': todo.pkg.get_full_url() } t = loader.get_template('todolists/email_notification.txt') c = Context(page_dict) send_mail('arch: Package [%s] added to Todolist' % todo.pkg.pkgname, t.render(c), 'Arch Website Notification <>', [ for m in maints], fail_silently=True) def public_list(request): todo_lists = Todolist.objects.incomplete() return direct_to_template(request, "todolists/public_list.html", {"todo_lists": todo_lists}) # vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et: