{% extends "base.html" %} {% load wiki %} {% block title %}{{ BRANDING_DISTRONAME }} - HTTPS Only site{% endblock %} {% block content %}


Hi! This is not the main site. You're seeing this message because you entered our website without using a secure connection. We like privacy for all so we've decided to serve our website only through secure channels.

The website uses SSL certificates issued by CACert. Some web browsers or systems still don't provide CACert's root certificate, so if you find a huge error message telling you're about to do something bad, come back here and keep reading.

Parabola GNU/Linux-libre

I just want to get the ISOs

You can proceed to our ISOs download page on our wiki.

I want to do this the right way

Ask your distribution to include CACert's root certificates.

Alternatively, install the root certificate in your browser. (more details here.)

{% endblock %}