{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}Parabola - RSS Feeds{% endblock %} {% block content %}

RSS Feeds

Several RSS feeds are available for consumption from the Parabola website. The majority of these are package-related and allow feeds to be customized for the updates you care about.

News and Activity Feeds

Grab the news item feed to keep up-to-date with the latest news from the Parabola staff.

The Parabola Wiki.

Package Feeds

If you are interested in all package updates, then grab this feed. Note that when a package is updated for multiple architectures, you will see each individual update show up here. Alternatively, you can select a packages feed from the below table that is more tailored to your specific needs. If you are only interested in one architecture, there are a variety of feeds you can choose from. Note that feeds for a specific architecture, such as 'i686', will also include all package updates for 'any' (architecture-independent) packages.

{% for repo in repos %} {% endfor %} {% for arch in arches %} {% for repo in repos %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
Architecture All Repos{{ repo }}
{{ arch }} FeedFeed
{% endblock %}