{% extends "base.html" %} {% load cache %} {% block title %}Parabola - {{ pkg.pkgname }} {{ pkg.pkgver }}-{{ pkg.pkgrel }} - Package Details{% endblock %} {% block navbarclass %}anb-packages{% endblock %} {% load package_extras %} {% block content %}

Package Details: {{ pkg.pkgname }} {{ pkg.pkgver }}-{{ pkg.pkgrel }}

{% cache 300 package-details-pkginfo pkg.id %} {% ifequal pkg.pkgname pkg.pkgbase %} {% with pkg.split_packages as splits %}{% if splits %} {% endif %}{% endwith %} {% else %} {% if pkg.base_package %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endifequal %} {% with pkg.groups.all as groups %} {% endwith %} {% with pkg.maintainers as maints %} {% endwith %}
Architecture: {{ pkg.arch.name }}
Repository: {{ pkg.repo.name|capfirst }}
Split Packages: {% for s in splits %} {{ s.pkgname }}
{% endfor %}
Base Package:{{ pkg.pkgbase }}{{ pkg.pkgbase }}
Description: {% if pkg.pkgdesc %}{{ pkg.pkgdesc }}{% endif %}
Upstream URL: {% if pkg.url %}{{ pkg.url }}{% endif %}
License(s): {{ pkg.licenses.all|join:", " }}
Groups:{% if groups %} {% for g in groups %} {{ g.name }}
{% endfor %} {% else %}None{% endif %}
Maintainers:{% if maints %} {% for m in maints %} {% userpkgs m %}
{% endfor %} {% else %}Orphan{% endif %}
Package Size: {{ pkg.compressed_size|filesizeformat }}
Installed Size: {{ pkg.installed_size|filesizeformat }}
Last Packager: {% with pkg.packager as pkgr %}{% if pkgr %}{% userpkgs pkgr %}{% else %}{{ pkg.packager_str }}{% endif %}{% endwith %}
Build Date: {{ pkg.build_date }} UTC
Last Updated: {{ pkg.last_update|date }}
{% with pkg.get_depends as deps %}

Dependencies ({{deps|length}})

{% if deps %}
    {% for depend in deps %} {% ifequal depend.pkg None %}
  • {{ depend.dep.depname }} (virtual)
  • {% else %}
  • {{ depend.dep.depname }}{{ depend.dep.depvcmp|default:"" }} {% if depend.pkg.repo.testing %}(testing){% endif %} {% if depend.dep.optional %}(optional){% endif %} {% if depend.dep.description %}- {{ depend.dep.description }}{% endif %}
  • {% endifequal %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endwith %} {% with pkg.get_requiredby as rqdby %}

Required By ({{rqdby|length}})

{% if rqdby %}
    {% for req in rqdby %}
  • {{ req.pkg.pkgname }} {% if req.pkg.repo.testing %}(testing){% endif %} {% if req.optional %}(optional){% endif %}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endwith %}
{% endcache %}
{% load cdn %}{% jquery %} {% endblock %}