import os import re from pip import call_subprocess from pip.index import Link from pip.util import rmtree, display_path from pip.log import logger from pip.vcs import vcs, VersionControl _svn_xml_url_re = re.compile('url="([^"]+)"') _svn_rev_re = re.compile('committed-rev="(\d+)"') _svn_url_re = re.compile(r'URL: (.+)') _svn_revision_re = re.compile(r'Revision: (.+)') class Subversion(VersionControl): name = 'svn' dirname = '.svn' repo_name = 'checkout' schemes = ('svn', 'svn+ssh', 'svn+http', 'svn+https') bundle_file = 'svn-checkout.txt' guide = ('# This was an svn checkout; to make it a checkout again run:\n' 'svn checkout --force -r %(rev)s %(url)s .\n') def get_info(self, location): """Returns (url, revision), where both are strings""" assert not location.rstrip('/').endswith(self.dirname), 'Bad directory: %s' % location output = call_subprocess( [self.cmd, 'info', location], show_stdout=False, extra_environ={'LANG': 'C'}) match = if not match: logger.warn('Cannot determine URL of svn checkout %s' % display_path(location))'Output that cannot be parsed: \n%s' % output) return None, None url = match = if not match: logger.warn('Cannot determine revision of svn checkout %s' % display_path(location))'Output that cannot be parsed: \n%s' % output) return url, None return url, def parse_vcs_bundle_file(self, content): for line in content.splitlines(): if not line.strip() or line.strip().startswith('#'): continue match ='^-r\s*([^ ])?', line) if not match: return None, None rev = rest = line[match.end():].strip().split(None, 1)[0] return rest, rev return None, None def unpack(self, location): """Check out the svn repository at the url to the destination location""" url, rev = self.get_url_rev() logger.notify('Checking out svn repository %s to %s' % (url, location)) logger.indent += 2 try: if os.path.exists(location): # Subversion doesn't like to check out over an existing directory # --force fixes this, but was only added in svn 1.5 rmtree(location) call_subprocess( [self.cmd, 'checkout', url, location], filter_stdout=self._filter, show_stdout=False) finally: logger.indent -= 2 def export(self, location): """Export the svn repository at the url to the destination location""" url, rev = self.get_url_rev() logger.notify('Exporting svn repository %s to %s' % (url, location)) logger.indent += 2 try: if os.path.exists(location): # Subversion doesn't like to check out over an existing directory # --force fixes this, but was only added in svn 1.5 rmtree(location) call_subprocess( [self.cmd, 'export', url, location], filter_stdout=self._filter, show_stdout=False) finally: logger.indent -= 2 def switch(self, dest, url, rev_options): call_subprocess( [self.cmd, 'switch'] + rev_options + [url, dest]) def update(self, dest, rev_options): call_subprocess( [self.cmd, 'update'] + rev_options + [dest]) def obtain(self, dest): url, rev = self.get_url_rev() if rev: rev_options = ['-r', rev] rev_display = ' (to revision %s)' % rev else: rev_options = [] rev_display = '' if self.check_destination(dest, url, rev_options, rev_display): logger.notify('Checking out %s%s to %s' % (url, rev_display, display_path(dest))) call_subprocess( [self.cmd, 'checkout', '-q'] + rev_options + [url, dest]) def get_location(self, dist, dependency_links): for url in dependency_links: egg_fragment = Link(url).egg_fragment if not egg_fragment: continue if '-' in egg_fragment: ## FIXME: will this work when a package has - in the name? key = '-'.join(egg_fragment.split('-')[:-1]).lower() else: key = egg_fragment if key == dist.key: return url.split('#', 1)[0] return None def get_revision(self, location): """ Return the maximum revision for all files under a given location """ # Note: taken from setuptools.command.egg_info revision = 0 for base, dirs, files in os.walk(location): if self.dirname not in dirs: dirs[:] = [] continue # no sense walking uncontrolled subdirs dirs.remove(self.dirname) entries_fn = os.path.join(base, self.dirname, 'entries') if not os.path.exists(entries_fn): ## FIXME: should we warn? continue f = open(entries_fn) data = f.close() if data.startswith('8') or data.startswith('9') or data.startswith('10'): data = map(str.splitlines, data.split('\n\x0c\n')) del data[0][0] # get rid of the '8' dirurl = data[0][3] revs = [int(d[9]) for d in data if len(d)>9 and d[9]]+[0] if revs: localrev = max(revs) else: localrev = 0 elif data.startswith(' rev and (best_match_rev is None or best_match_rev > tag_rev)): # FIXME: Is best_match > tag_rev really possible? # or is it a sign something is wacky? best_match_rev = tag_rev best_tag = tag return best_tag def get_src_requirement(self, dist, location, find_tags=False): repo = self.get_url(location) if repo is None: return None parts = repo.split('/') ## FIXME: why not project name? egg_project_name = dist.egg_name().split('-', 1)[0] rev = self.get_revision(location) if parts[-2] in ('tags', 'tag'): # It's a tag, perfect! full_egg_name = '%s-%s' % (egg_project_name, parts[-1]) elif parts[-2] in ('branches', 'branch'): # It's a branch :( full_egg_name = '%s-%s-r%s' % (dist.egg_name(), parts[-1], rev) elif parts[-1] == 'trunk': # Trunk :-/ full_egg_name = '%s-dev_r%s' % (dist.egg_name(), rev) if find_tags: tag_url = '/'.join(parts[:-1]) + '/tags' tag_revs = self.get_tag_revs(tag_url) match = self.find_tag_match(rev, tag_revs) if match: logger.notify('trunk checkout %s seems to be equivalent to tag %s' % match) repo = '%s/%s' % (tag_url, match) full_egg_name = '%s-%s' % (egg_project_name, match) else: # Don't know what it is logger.warn('svn URL does not fit normal structure (tags/branches/trunk): %s' % repo) full_egg_name = '%s-dev_r%s' % (egg_project_name, rev) return 'svn+%s@%s#egg=%s' % (repo, rev, full_egg_name) vcs.register(Subversion)