from datetime import datetime, time from pytz import utc from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.contrib.syndication.views import Feed from django.db import connection from django.db.models import Q from django.utils.feedgenerator import Rss201rev2Feed from django.views.decorators.http import condition from main.models import Arch, Repo, Package from news.models import News from releng.models import Release class BatchWritesWrapper(object): def __init__(self, outfile): self.outfile = outfile self.buf = [] def write(self, s): buf = self.buf buf.append(s) if len(buf) >= 40: self.outfile.write(''.join(buf)) self.buf = [] def flush(self): self.outfile.write(''.join(self.buf)) self.outfile.flush() class FasterRssFeed(Rss201rev2Feed): def write(self, outfile, encoding): ''' Batch the underlying 'write' calls on the outfile because Python's default saxutils XmlGenerator is a POS that insists on unbuffered write/flush calls. This sucks when it is making 1-byte calls to write '>' closing tags and over 1600 write calls in our package feed. ''' wrapper = BatchWritesWrapper(outfile) super(FasterRssFeed, self).write(wrapper, encoding) wrapper.flush() def package_last_modified(request, *args, **kwargs): cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT MAX(last_update) FROM packages") return cursor.fetchone()[0] class PackageFeed(Feed): feed_type = FasterRssFeed link = '/packages/' def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): wrapper = condition(last_modified_func=package_last_modified) return wrapper(super(PackageFeed, self).__call__)(request, *args, **kwargs) __name__ = 'package_feed' def get_object(self, request, arch='', repo=''): obj = dict() qs = Package.objects.normal().order_by('-last_update') if arch != '': # feed for a single arch, also include 'any' packages everywhere a = Arch.objects.get(name=arch) qs = qs.filter(Q(arch=a) | Q(arch__agnostic=True)) obj['arch'] = a if repo != '': # feed for a single arch AND repo r = Repo.objects.get(name__iexact=repo) qs = qs.filter(repo=r) obj['repo'] = r else: qs = qs.filter(repo__staging=False) obj['qs'] = qs[:50] return obj def title(self, obj): s = 'Arch Linux: Recent package updates' if 'repo' in obj and 'arch' in obj: s += ' (%s [%s])' % (obj['arch'].name, obj['repo'].name.lower()) elif 'repo' in obj: s += ' [%s]' % (obj['repo'].name.lower()) elif 'arch' in obj: s += ' (%s)' % (obj['arch'].name) return s def description(self, obj): s = 'Recently updated packages in the Arch Linux package repositories' if 'arch' in obj: s += ' for the \'%s\' architecture' % obj['arch'].name.lower() if not obj['arch'].agnostic: s += ' (including \'any\' packages)' if 'repo' in obj: s += ' in the [%s] repository' % obj['repo'].name.lower() s += '.' return s subtitle = description def items(self, obj): return obj['qs'] item_guid_is_permalink = False def item_guid(self, item): # date = item.last_update return 'tag:%s,%s:%s%s' % (Site.objects.get_current().domain, date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), item.get_absolute_url(), date.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')) def item_pubdate(self, item): return item.last_update def item_title(self, item): return '%s %s %s' % (item.pkgname, item.full_version, def item_description(self, item): return item.pkgdesc def item_categories(self, item): return (, def news_last_modified(request, *args, **kwargs): cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT MAX(last_modified) FROM news") return cursor.fetchone()[0] class NewsFeed(Feed): feed_type = FasterRssFeed title = 'Arch Linux: Recent news updates' link = '/news/' description = 'The latest and greatest news from the Arch Linux distribution.' subtitle = description def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): wrapper = condition(last_modified_func=news_last_modified) return wrapper(super(NewsFeed, self).__call__)(request, *args, **kwargs) __name__ = 'news_feed' def items(self): return News.objects.select_related('author').order_by( '-postdate', '-id')[:10] item_guid_is_permalink = False def item_guid(self, item): return item.guid def item_pubdate(self, item): return item.postdate def item_author_name(self, item): return def item_title(self, item): return item.title def item_description(self, item): return item.html() class ReleaseFeed(Feed): feed_type = FasterRssFeed title = 'Arch Linux: Releases' link = '/download/' description = 'Release ISOs' subtitle = description __name__ = 'release_feed' def items(self): return Release.objects.filter(available=True)[:10] def item_title(self, item): return item.version def item_description(self, item): return item.info_html() def item_pubdate(self, item): return datetime.combine(item.release_date, time()).replace(tzinfo=utc) item_guid_is_permalink = False def item_guid(self, item): # date = item.release_date return 'tag:%s,%s:%s' % (Site.objects.get_current().domain, date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), item.get_absolute_url()) def item_enclosure_url(self, item): domain = Site.objects.get_current().domain proto = 'https' return "%s://%s/%s.torrent" % (proto, domain, item.iso_url()) def item_enclosure_length(self, item): if item.torrent_data: torrent = item.torrent() return torrent['file_length'] or "" return "" item_enclosure_mime_type = 'application/x-bittorrent' # vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et: