# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ reporead_inotify command Watches repo.files.tar.gz files for updates and parses them after a short delay in order to catch all updates in a single bulk update. Usage: ./manage.py reporead_inotify [path_template] Where 'path_template' is an optional path_template for finding the repo.files.tar.gz files. The form is '/srv/ftp/%(repo)s/os/%(arch)s/', which is also the default template if none is specified. While 'repo' is not required to be present in the path_template, note that 'arch' is so reporead can function correctly. """ import logging import multiprocessing import os.path import pyinotify import sys import threading import time from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError from main.models import Arch, Repo from .reporead import read_repo logging.basicConfig( level=logging.WARNING, format='%(asctime)s -> %(levelname)s: %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', stream=sys.stderr) logger = logging.getLogger() class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Watch database files and run an update when necessary." args = "[path_template]" def handle(self, path_template=None, **options): v = int(options.get('verbosity', 0)) if v == 0: logger.level = logging.ERROR elif v == 1: logger.level = logging.INFO elif v == 2: logger.level = logging.DEBUG if not path_template: path_template = '/srv/ftp/%(repo)s/os/%(arch)s/' self.path_template = path_template notifier = self.setup_notifier() logger.info('Entering notifier loop') notifier.loop() logger.info('Cancelling remaining threads...') for thread in threading.enumerate(): if hasattr(thread, 'cancel'): thread.cancel() def setup_notifier(self): '''Set up and configure the inotify machinery and logic. This takes the provided or default path_template and builds a list of directories we need to watch for database updates. It then validates and passes these on to the various pyinotify pieces as necessary and finally builds and returns a notifier object.''' arches = Arch.objects.filter(agnostic=False) repos = Repo.objects.all() arch_path_map = dict((arch, None) for arch in arches) all_paths = set() total_paths = 0 for arch in arches: combos = ({ 'repo': repo.name.lower(), 'arch': arch.name } for repo in repos) # take a python format string and generate all unique combinations # of directories from it; using set() ensures we filter it down paths = set(self.path_template % values for values in combos) total_paths += len(paths) all_paths |= paths arch_path_map[arch] = paths logger.info('Watching %d total paths', total_paths) logger.debug(all_paths) # sanity check- basically ensure every path we created from the # template mapped to only one architecture if total_paths != len(all_paths): raise CommandError('path template did not uniquely ' 'determine architecture for each file') # A proper atomic replacement of the database as done by rsync is type # IN_MOVED_TO. repo-add/remove will finish with a IN_CLOSE_WRITE. mask = pyinotify.IN_CLOSE_WRITE | pyinotify.IN_MOVED_TO manager = pyinotify.WatchManager() for name in all_paths: manager.add_watch(name, mask) handler = EventHandler(arch_paths=arch_path_map) return pyinotify.Notifier(manager, handler) class Database(object): '''A object representing a pacman database on the filesystem. It stores various bits of metadata and state representing the file path, when we last updated, how long our delay is before performing the update, whether we are updating now, etc.''' def __init__(self, arch, path, delay=60.0): self.arch = arch self.path = path self.delay = delay self.mtime = None self.last_import = None self.update_thread = None self.updating = False self.run_again = False self.lock = threading.Lock() def _start_update_countdown(self): self.update_thread = threading.Timer(self.delay, self.update) logger.info('Starting %.1f second countdown to update %s', self.delay, self.path) self.update_thread.start() def queue_for_update(self, mtime): logger.debug('Queueing database %s...', self.path) with self.lock: self.mtime = mtime if self.updating: # store the fact that we will need to run it again self.run_again = True return if self.update_thread: self.update_thread.cancel() self.update_thread = None self._start_update_countdown() def update(self): logger.debug('Updating database %s...', self.path) with self.lock: self.last_import = time.time() self.updating = True try: # invoke reporead's primary method. we do this in a separate # process for memory conservation purposes; these processes grow # rather large so it is best to free up the memory ASAP. process = multiprocessing.Process(target=read_repo, args=[self.arch, self.path, {}]) process.start() process.join() finally: logger.debug('Done updating database %s.', self.path) with self.lock: self.update_thread = None self.updating = False if self.run_again: self.run_again = False self._start_update_countdown() class EventHandler(pyinotify.ProcessEvent): '''Our main event handler which listens for database change events. Because we are watching the whole directory, we filter down and only look at those events dealing with files databases.''' def my_init(self, **kwargs): self.databases = {} self.arch_lookup = {} # we really want a single path to arch mapping, so massage the data arch_paths = kwargs['arch_paths'] for arch, paths in arch_paths.items(): self.arch_lookup.update((path.rstrip('/'), arch) for path in paths) def process_default(self, event): '''Primary event processing function which kicks off reporead timer threads if a files database was updated.''' if not event.name: return # screen to only the files we care about if event.name.endswith('.files.tar.gz'): path = event.pathname stat = os.stat(path) database = self.databases.get(path, None) if database is None: arch = self.arch_lookup.get(event.path, None) if arch is None: logger.warning( 'Could not determine arch for %s, skipping update', path) return database = Database(arch, path) self.databases[path] = database database.queue_for_update(stat.st_mtime) # vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et: