# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ reporead command Parses a repo.db.tar.gz file and updates the Arch database with the relevant changes. Usage: ./manage.py reporead ARCH PATH ARCH: architecture to update; must be available in the database PATH: full path to the repo.db.tar.gz file. Example: ./manage.py reporead i686 /tmp/core.db.tar.gz """ from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.db import transaction from collections import defaultdict import io import os import re import sys import tarfile import logging from datetime import datetime from optparse import make_option from devel.utils import UserFinder from main.models import Arch, Package, PackageDepend, PackageFile, Repo from packages.models import Conflict, Provision, Replacement logging.basicConfig( level=logging.WARNING, format='%(asctime)s -> %(levelname)s: %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', stream=sys.stderr) logger = logging.getLogger() class Command(BaseCommand): option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option('-f', '--force', action='store_true', dest='force', default=False, help='Force a re-import of data for all packages instead of only new ones. Will not touch the \'last updated\' value.'), make_option('--filesonly', action='store_true', dest='filesonly', default=False, help='Load filelists if they are outdated, but will not add or remove any packages. Will not touch the \'last updated\' value.'), ) help = "Runs a package repository import for the given arch and file." args = " " def handle(self, arch=None, filename=None, **options): if not arch: raise CommandError('Architecture is required.') if not validate_arch(arch): raise CommandError('Specified architecture %s is not currently known.' % arch) if not filename: raise CommandError('Package database file is required.') filename = os.path.normpath(filename) if not os.path.exists(filename) or not os.path.isfile(filename): raise CommandError('Specified package database file does not exist.') v = int(options.get('verbosity', 0)) if v == 0: logger.level = logging.ERROR elif v == 1: logger.level = logging.INFO elif v == 2: logger.level = logging.DEBUG return read_repo(arch, filename, options) class Pkg(object): """An interim 'container' object for holding Arch package data.""" bare = ( 'name', 'base', 'arch', 'desc', 'filename', 'md5sum', 'sha256sum', 'pgpsig', 'url', 'packager' ) number = ( 'csize', 'isize' ) collections = ( 'depends', 'optdepends', 'conflicts', 'provides', 'replaces', 'groups', 'license', 'files' ) version_re = re.compile(r'^((\d+):)?(.+)-([^-]+)$') def __init__(self, repo): self.repo = repo self.ver = None self.rel = None self.epoch = 0 for k in self.bare + self.number: setattr(self, k, None) for k in self.collections: setattr(self, k, ()) self.files = None self.has_files = False def populate(self, values): for k, v in values.iteritems(): # ensure we stay under our DB character limit if k in self.bare: setattr(self, k, v[0][:254]) elif k in self.number: setattr(self, k, long(v[0])) elif k == 'version': match = self.version_re.match(v[0]) self.ver = match.group(3) self.rel = match.group(4) if match.group(2): self.epoch = int(match.group(2)) elif k == 'builddate': try: self.builddate = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(v[0])) except ValueError: try: self.builddate = datetime.strptime(v[0], '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y') except ValueError: logger.warning('Package %s had unparsable build date %s', self.name, v[0]) elif k == 'files': self.files = tuple(v) self.has_files = True else: # anything left in collections setattr(self, k, tuple(v)) @property def full_version(self): '''Very similar to the main.models.Package method.''' if self.epoch > 0: return u'%d:%s-%s' % (self.epoch, self.ver, self.rel) return u'%s-%s' % (self.ver, self.rel) DEPEND_RE = re.compile(r"^(.+?)((>=|<=|=|>|<)(.*))?$") def create_depend(package, dep_str, optional=False): depend = PackageDepend(pkg=package, optional=optional) # lop off any description first parts = dep_str.split(':', 1) if len(parts) > 1: depend.description = parts[1].strip() match = DEPEND_RE.match(parts[0].strip()) if match: depend.depname = match.group(1) if match.group(2): depend.depvcmp = match.group(2) else: logger.warning('Package %s had unparsable depend string %s', package.pkgname, dep_str) return None depend.save(force_insert=True) return depend def create_related(model, package, rel_str, equals_only=False): related = model(pkg=package) match = DEPEND_RE.match(rel_str) if match: related.name = match.group(1) if match.group(3): comp = match.group(3) if not equals_only: related.comparison = comp elif comp != '=': logger.warning( 'Package %s had unexpected comparison operator %s for %s in %s', package.pkgname, comp, model.__name__, rel_str) if match.group(4): related.version = match.group(4) else: logger.warning('Package %s had unparsable %s string %s', package.pkgname, model.___name__, rel_str) return None related.save(force_insert=True) return related def create_multivalued(dbpkg, repopkg, db_attr, repo_attr): '''Populate the simplest of multivalued attributes. These are those that only deal with a 'name' attribute, such as licenses, groups, etc. The input and output objects and attribute names are specified, and everything is done via getattr().''' collection = getattr(dbpkg, db_attr) collection.all().delete() for name in getattr(repopkg, repo_attr): collection.create(name=name) finder = UserFinder() def populate_pkg(dbpkg, repopkg, force=False, timestamp=None): db_score = 1 if repopkg.base: dbpkg.pkgbase = repopkg.base else: dbpkg.pkgbase = repopkg.name dbpkg.pkgver = repopkg.ver dbpkg.pkgrel = repopkg.rel dbpkg.epoch = repopkg.epoch dbpkg.pkgdesc = repopkg.desc dbpkg.url = repopkg.url dbpkg.filename = repopkg.filename dbpkg.compressed_size = repopkg.csize dbpkg.installed_size = repopkg.isize dbpkg.build_date = repopkg.builddate dbpkg.packager_str = repopkg.packager # attempt to find the corresponding django user for this string dbpkg.packager = finder.find(repopkg.packager) dbpkg.pgp_signature = repopkg.pgpsig if timestamp: dbpkg.flag_date = None dbpkg.last_update = timestamp dbpkg.save() db_score += populate_files(dbpkg, repopkg, force=force) dbpkg.packagedepend_set.all().delete() for y in repopkg.depends: create_depend(dbpkg, y) for y in repopkg.optdepends: create_depend(dbpkg, y, True) dbpkg.conflicts.all().delete() for y in repopkg.conflicts: create_related(Conflict, dbpkg, y) dbpkg.provides.all().delete() for y in repopkg.provides: create_related(Provision, dbpkg, y, equals_only=True) dbpkg.replaces.all().delete() for y in repopkg.replaces: create_related(Replacement, dbpkg, y) create_multivalued(dbpkg, repopkg, 'groups', 'groups') create_multivalued(dbpkg, repopkg, 'licenses', 'license') related_score = (len(repopkg.depends) + len(repopkg.optdepends) + len(repopkg.conflicts) + len(repopkg.provides) + len(repopkg.replaces) + len(repopkg.groups) + len(repopkg.license)) if related_score: db_score += (related_score / 20) + 1 return db_score def populate_files(dbpkg, repopkg, force=False): if not force: if dbpkg.pkgver != repopkg.ver or dbpkg.pkgrel != repopkg.rel \ or dbpkg.epoch != repopkg.epoch: logger.info("DB version (%s) didn't match repo version " "(%s) for package %s, skipping file list addition", dbpkg.full_version, repopkg.full_version, dbpkg.pkgname) return 0 if not dbpkg.files_last_update or not dbpkg.last_update: pass elif dbpkg.files_last_update > dbpkg.last_update: return 0 # only delete files if we are reading a DB that contains them if repopkg.has_files: dbpkg.packagefile_set.all().delete() logger.info("adding %d files for package %s", len(repopkg.files), dbpkg.pkgname) for f in repopkg.files: dirname, filename = f.rsplit('/', 1) if filename == '': filename = None # this is basically like calling dbpkg.packagefile_set.create(), # but much faster as we can skip a lot of the repeated code paths pkgfile = PackageFile(pkg=dbpkg, is_directory=(filename is None), directory=dirname + '/', filename=filename) pkgfile.save(force_insert=True) dbpkg.files_last_update = datetime.utcnow() dbpkg.save() return (len(repopkg.files) / 50) + 1 return 0 class Batcher(object): def __init__(self, threshold, start=0): self.threshold = threshold self.meter = start def batch_commit(self, score): """ Track updates to the database and perform a commit if the batch becomes sufficiently large. "Large" is defined by waiting for the sum of scores to exceed the arbitrary threshold value; once it is hit a commit is issued. """ self.meter += score if self.meter > self.threshold: logger.debug("Committing transaction, batch threshold hit") transaction.commit() self.meter = 0 @transaction.commit_on_success def db_update(archname, reponame, pkgs, options): """ Parses a list and updates the Arch dev database accordingly. Arguments: pkgs -- A list of Pkg objects. """ logger.info('Updating Arch: %s', archname) force = options.get('force', False) filesonly = options.get('filesonly', False) repository = Repo.objects.get(name__iexact=reponame) architecture = Arch.objects.get(name__iexact=archname) # no-arg order_by() removes even the default ordering; we don't need it dbpkgs = Package.objects.filter( arch=architecture, repo=repository).order_by() # This makes our inner loop where we find packages by name *way* more # efficient by not having to go to the database for each package to # SELECT them by name. dbdict = dict([(pkg.pkgname, pkg) for pkg in dbpkgs]) logger.debug("Creating sets") dbset = set(dbdict.keys()) syncset = set([pkg.name for pkg in pkgs]) logger.info("%d packages in current web DB", len(dbset)) logger.info("%d packages in new updating db", len(syncset)) in_sync_not_db = syncset - dbset logger.info("%d packages in sync not db", len(in_sync_not_db)) # Try to catch those random package deletions that make Eric so unhappy. if len(dbset): dbpercent = 100.0 * len(syncset) / len(dbset) else: dbpercent = 0.0 logger.info("DB package ratio: %.1f%%", dbpercent) # Fewer than 20 packages makes the percentage check unreliable, but it also # means we expect the repo to fluctuate a lot. msg = "Package database has %.1f%% the number of packages in the " \ "web database" % dbpercent if len(dbset) == 0 and len(syncset) == 0: pass elif not filesonly and \ len(dbset) > 20 and dbpercent < 50.0 and \ not repository.testing and not repository.staging: logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) elif dbpercent < 75.0: logger.warning(msg) batcher = Batcher(100) if not filesonly: # packages in syncdb and not in database (add to database) for p in [x for x in pkgs if x.name in in_sync_not_db]: logger.info("Adding package %s", p.name) pkg = Package(pkgname=p.name, arch=architecture, repo=repository) score = populate_pkg(pkg, p, timestamp=datetime.utcnow()) batcher.batch_commit(score) # packages in database and not in syncdb (remove from database) in_db_not_sync = dbset - syncset for p in in_db_not_sync: logger.info("Removing package %s", p) dbp = dbdict[p] dbp.delete() batcher.batch_commit(1) # packages in both database and in syncdb (update in database) pkg_in_both = syncset & dbset for p in [x for x in pkgs if x.name in pkg_in_both]: logger.debug("Looking for package updates") dbp = dbdict[p.name] timestamp = None # for a force, we don't want to update the timestamp. # for a non-force, we don't want to do anything at all. if filesonly: pass elif p.ver == dbp.pkgver and p.rel == dbp.pkgrel \ and p.epoch == dbp.epoch: if not force: continue else: timestamp = datetime.utcnow() if filesonly: logger.debug("Checking files for package %s", p.name) score = populate_files(dbp, p, force=force) else: logger.info("Updating package %s", p.name) score = populate_pkg(dbp, p, force=force, timestamp=timestamp) batcher.batch_commit(score) logger.info('Finished updating Arch: %s', archname) def parse_info(iofile): """ Parses an Arch repo db information file, and returns variables as a list. """ store = {} blockname = None for line in iofile: line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: continue elif line.startswith('%') and line.endswith('%'): blockname = line[1:-1].lower() logger.debug("Parsing package block %s", blockname) store[blockname] = [] elif blockname: store[blockname].append(line) else: raise Exception("Read package info outside a block: %s" % line) return store def parse_repo(repopath): """ Parses an Arch repo db file, and returns a list of Pkg objects. Arguments: repopath -- The path of a repository db file. """ logger.info("Starting repo parsing") if not os.path.exists(repopath): logger.error("Could not read file %s", repopath) logger.info("Reading repo tarfile %s", repopath) filename = os.path.split(repopath)[1] m = re.match(r"^(.*)\.(db|files)\.tar(\..*)?$", filename) if m: reponame = m.group(1) else: logger.error("File does not have the proper extension") raise Exception("File does not have the proper extension") repodb = tarfile.open(repopath, "r") logger.debug("Starting package parsing") dbfiles = ('desc', 'depends', 'files') newpkg = lambda: Pkg(reponame) pkgs = defaultdict(newpkg) for tarinfo in repodb.getmembers(): if tarinfo.isreg(): pkgid, fname = os.path.split(tarinfo.name) if fname not in dbfiles: continue data_file = repodb.extractfile(tarinfo) data_file = io.TextIOWrapper(io.BytesIO(data_file.read()), encoding='utf=8') try: pkgs[pkgid].populate(parse_info(data_file)) except UnicodeDecodeError: logger.warn("Could not correctly decode %s, skipping file", tarinfo.name) data_file.close() logger.debug("Done parsing file %s", fname) repodb.close() logger.info("Finished repo parsing, %d total packages", len(pkgs)) return (reponame, pkgs.values()) def validate_arch(archname): "Check if arch is valid." return Arch.objects.filter(name__iexact=archname).exists() def read_repo(primary_arch, repo_file, options): """ Parses repo.db.tar.gz file and returns exit status. """ repo, packages = parse_repo(repo_file) # group packages by arch -- to handle noarch stuff packages_arches = {} for arch in Arch.objects.filter(agnostic=True): packages_arches[arch.name] = [] packages_arches[primary_arch] = [] for package in packages: if package.arch in packages_arches: packages_arches[package.arch].append(package) else: # we don't include mis-arched packages logger.warning("Package %s arch = %s", package.name, package.arch) del packages logger.info('Starting database updates.') for arch in sorted(packages_arches.keys()): db_update(arch, repo, packages_arches[arch], options) logger.info('Finished database updates.') return 0 # vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et: