# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ reporead command Parses a repo.db.tar.gz file and updates the Arch database with the relevant changes. Usage: ./manage.py reporead ARCH PATH ARCH: architecture to update; must be available in the database PATH: full path to the repo.db.tar.gz file. Example: ./manage.py reporead i686 /tmp/core.db.tar.gz """ # multi value blocks REPOVARS = ['arch', 'backup', 'base', 'builddate', 'conflicts', 'csize', 'deltas', 'depends', 'desc', 'filename', 'files', 'force', 'groups', 'installdate', 'isize', 'license', 'md5sum', 'name', 'optdepends', 'packager', 'provides', 'reason', 'replaces', 'size', 'url', 'version'] from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError from django.conf import settings from django.db import models, transaction from django.core import management import os import re import sys import tarfile import logging from datetime import datetime from optparse import make_option from cStringIO import StringIO from logging import ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG from main.models import Arch, Package, Repo class SomethingFishyException(Exception): '''Raised when the database looks like its going to wipe out a bunch of packages.''' pass logging.basicConfig( level=WARNING, format='%(asctime)s -> %(levelname)s: %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', stream=sys.stderr) logger = logging.getLogger() class Command(BaseCommand): option_list = BaseCommand.option_list + ( make_option('-f', '--force', action='store_true', dest='force', default=False, help='Force a re-import of data for all packages instead of only new ones. Will not touch the \'last updated\' value.'), make_option('--filesonly', action='store_true', dest='filesonly', default=False, help='Load filelists if they are outdated, but will not add or remove any packages. Will not touch the \'last updated\' value.'), ) help = "Runs a package repository import for the given arch and file." args = " " def handle(self, arch=None, file=None, **options): if not arch: raise CommandError('Architecture is required.') if not validate_arch(arch): raise CommandError('Specified architecture %s is not currently known.' % arch) if not file: raise CommandError('Package database file is required.') file = os.path.normpath(file) if not os.path.exists(file) or not os.path.isfile(file): raise CommandError('Specified package database file does not exist.') v = int(options.get('verbosity', 0)) if v == 0: logger.level = ERROR elif v == 1: logger.level = INFO elif v == 2: logger.level = DEBUG return read_repo(arch, file, options) class Pkg(object): """An interim 'container' object for holding Arch package data.""" def __init__(self, val): selfdict = {} squash = ['arch', 'builddate', 'csize', 'desc', 'filename', 'installdate', 'isize', 'license', 'md5sum', 'packager', 'size', 'url'] selfdict['name'] = val['name'][0] selfdict['base'] = None del val['name'] if 'license' not in val: val['license'] = [] for x in val.keys(): if x in squash: if val[x] == None or len(val[x]) == 0: logger.warning("Package %s has no %s" % (selfdict['name'],x)) selfdict[x] = None else: selfdict[x] = ', '.join(val[x]) # make sure we don't have elements larger than the db char # fields if len(selfdict[x]) > 255: selfdict[x] = selfdict[x][:254] elif x == 'base': selfdict[x] = val[x][0] elif x == 'force': selfdict[x] = True elif x == 'version': version = val[x][0].rsplit('-') selfdict['ver'] = version[0] selfdict['rel'] = version[1] elif x == 'reason': selfdict[x] = int(val[x][0]) else: selfdict[x] = val[x] self.__dict__ = selfdict def __getattr__(self,name): if name == 'force': return False else: return None def populate_pkg(dbpkg, repopkg, force=False, timestamp=None): if repopkg.base: dbpkg.pkgbase = repopkg.base else: dbpkg.pkgbase = repopkg.name dbpkg.pkgver = repopkg.ver dbpkg.pkgrel = repopkg.rel dbpkg.pkgdesc = repopkg.desc dbpkg.license = repopkg.license dbpkg.url = repopkg.url dbpkg.filename = repopkg.filename dbpkg.compressed_size = int(repopkg.csize) dbpkg.installed_size = int(repopkg.isize) try: dbpkg.build_date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(repopkg.builddate)) except: try: dbpkg.build_date = datetime.strptime(repopkg.builddate, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y') except: pass if timestamp: dbpkg.needupdate = False dbpkg.last_update = timestamp dbpkg.save() populate_files(dbpkg, repopkg, force=force) dbpkg.packagedepend_set.all().delete() if 'depends' in repopkg.__dict__: for y in repopkg.depends: # make sure we aren't adding self depends.. # yes *sigh* i have seen them in pkgbuilds dpname,dpvcmp = re.match(r"([a-z0-9._+-]+)(.*)", y).groups() if dpname == repopkg.name: logger.warning('Package %s has a depend on itself' % repopkg.name) continue dbpkg.packagedepend_set.create(depname=dpname, depvcmp=dpvcmp) logger.debug('Added %s as dep for pkg %s' % (dpname,repopkg.name)) def populate_files(dbpkg, repopkg, force=False): if not force: if not dbpkg.files_last_update or not dbpkg.last_update: pass elif dbpkg.files_last_update > dbpkg.last_update: return # only delete files if we are reading a DB that contains them if 'files' in repopkg.__dict__: dbpkg.packagefile_set.all().delete() logger.info("adding %d files for package %s" % (len(repopkg.files), dbpkg.pkgname)) for x in repopkg.files: dbpkg.packagefile_set.create(path=x) dbpkg.files_last_update = datetime.now() dbpkg.save() def db_update(archname, reponame, pkgs, options): """ Parses a list and updates the Arch dev database accordingly. Arguments: pkgs -- A list of Pkg objects. """ logger.info('Updating Arch: %s' % archname) force = options.get('force', False) filesonly = options.get('filesonly', False) repository = Repo.objects.get(name__iexact=reponame) architecture = Arch.objects.get(name__iexact=archname) dbpkgs = Package.objects.filter(arch=architecture, repo=repository) # It makes sense to fully evaluate our DB query now because we will # be using 99% of the objects in our "in both sets" loop. Force eval # by calling list() on the QuerySet. list(dbpkgs) # This makes our inner loop where we find packages by name *way* more # efficient by not having to go to the database for each package to # SELECT them by name. dbdict = dict([(pkg.pkgname, pkg) for pkg in dbpkgs]) # go go set theory! # thank you python for having a set class <3 logger.debug("Creating sets") dbset = set([pkg.pkgname for pkg in dbpkgs]) syncset = set([pkg.name for pkg in pkgs]) logger.info("%d packages in current web DB" % len(dbset)) logger.info("%d packages in new updating db" % len(syncset)) # packages in syncdb and not in database (add to database) logger.debug("Set theory: Packages in syncdb not in database") in_sync_not_db = syncset - dbset logger.info("%d packages in sync not db" % len(in_sync_not_db)) # Try to catch those random orphaning issues that make Eric so unhappy. if len(dbset) > 20: dbpercent = 100.0 * len(syncset) / len(dbset) else: # we don't have 20 packages in this repo/arch, so this check could # produce a lot of false positives (or a div by zero). fake it dbpercent = 100.0 logger.info("DB package ratio: %.1f%%" % dbpercent) if dbpercent < 50.0 and not repository.testing: logger.error(".db.tar.gz has %.1f%% the number of packages in the web database" % dbpercent) raise SomethingFishyException( 'It looks like the syncdb is less than half the size of the web db. WTF?') if dbpercent < 75.0: logger.warning(".db.tar.gz has %.1f%% the number of packages in the web database." % dbpercent) if not filesonly: # packages in syncdb and not in database (add to database) logger.debug("Set theory: Packages in syncdb not in database") for p in [x for x in pkgs if x.name in in_sync_not_db]: logger.info("Adding package %s", p.name) pkg = Package(pkgname = p.name, arch = architecture, repo = repository) populate_pkg(pkg, p, timestamp=datetime.now()) # packages in database and not in syncdb (remove from database) logger.debug("Set theory: Packages in database not in syncdb") in_db_not_sync = dbset - syncset for p in in_db_not_sync: logger.info("Removing package %s from database", p) Package.objects.get( pkgname=p, arch=architecture, repo=repository).delete() # packages in both database and in syncdb (update in database) logger.debug("Set theory: Packages in database and syncdb") pkg_in_both = syncset & dbset for p in [x for x in pkgs if x.name in pkg_in_both]: logger.debug("Looking for package updates") dbp = dbdict[p.name] timestamp = None # for a force, we don't want to update the timestamp. # for a non-force, we don't want to do anything at all. if filesonly: pass elif ''.join((p.ver,p.rel)) == ''.join((dbp.pkgver,dbp.pkgrel)): if not force: continue else: timestamp = datetime.now() if filesonly: logger.debug("Checking files for package %s in database", p.name) populate_files(dbp, p) else: logger.info("Updating package %s in database", p.name) populate_pkg(dbp, p, force=force, timestamp=timestamp) logger.info('Finished updating Arch: %s' % archname) def parse_inf(iofile): """ Parses an Arch repo db information file, and returns variables as a list. Arguments: iofile -- A StringIO, FileType, or other object with readlines method. """ store = {} lines = iofile.readlines() blockname = None max = len(lines) i = 0 while i < max: line = lines[i].strip() if len(line) > 0 and line[0] == '%' and line[1:-1].lower() in REPOVARS: blockname = line[1:-1].lower() logger.debug("Parsing package block %s",blockname) store[blockname] = [] i += 1 while i < max and len(lines[i].strip()) > 0: store[blockname].append(lines[i].strip()) i += 1 # here is where i would convert arrays to strings # based on count and type, but i dont think it is needed now i += 1 return store def parse_repo(repopath): """ Parses an Arch repo db file, and returns a list of Pkg objects. Arguments: repopath -- The path of a repository db file. """ logger.info("Starting repo parsing") if not os.path.exists(repopath): logger.error("Could not read file %s", repopath) logger.info("Reading repo tarfile %s", repopath) filename = os.path.split(repopath)[1] m = re.match(r"^(.*)\.(db|files)\.tar\.(.*)$", filename) if m: reponame = m.group(1) else: logger.error("File does not have the proper extension") raise SomethingFishyException("File does not have the proper extension") repodb = tarfile.open(repopath,"r:gz") ## assuming well formed tar, with dir first then files after ## repo-add enforces this logger.debug("Starting package parsing") dbfiles = ('desc', 'depends', 'files') pkgs = [] tpkg = None while True: tarinfo = repodb.next() if tarinfo == None or tarinfo.isdir(): if tpkg != None: tpkg.reset() data = parse_inf(tpkg) p = Pkg(data) p.repo = reponame logger.debug("Done parsing package %s", p.name) pkgs.append(p) if tarinfo == None: break # set new tpkg tpkg = StringIO() if tarinfo.isreg(): fname = os.path.split(tarinfo.name)[1] if fname in dbfiles: tpkg.write(repodb.extractfile(tarinfo).read()) tpkg.write('\n') # just in case repodb.close() logger.info("Finished repo parsing") return (reponame, pkgs) def validate_arch(arch): "Check if arch is valid." available_arches = [x.name for x in Arch.objects.all()] return arch in available_arches @transaction.commit_on_success def read_repo(primary_arch, file, options): """ Parses repo.db.tar.gz file and returns exit status. """ repo, packages = parse_repo(file) # sort packages by arch -- to handle noarch stuff packages_arches = {} packages_arches['any'] = [] packages_arches[primary_arch] = [] for package in packages: if package.arch in ('any', primary_arch): packages_arches[package.arch].append(package) else: # we don't include mis-arched packages logger.warning("Package %s arch = %s" % ( package.name,package.arch)) logger.info('Starting database updates.') for (arch, pkgs) in packages_arches.items(): db_update(arch, repo, pkgs, options) logger.info('Finished database updates.') return 0 # vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et: