# License See LICENSE file. # Authors See AUTHORS file. # Dependencies - python - mysql-python or python-pysqlite - Django = 0.96 # Installation For a simple testing installation: 1. Install dependencies. pacman -S django python-pysqlite sqlite3 2. Fetch adn Extract test database For simple testing, sqlite is a good option. We have provided an example test database. wget http://dev.archlinux.org/~eliott/archweb_sqlite.db.gz -O - | zcat > archweb.db 3. Copy local_settings.py.example to local_settings.py and modify Make sure to uncomment the sqlite section. 4. Use the following commands to start a service instance export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`:${PYTHONPATH} export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=archweb_dev.settings python manage.py runserver 5. The test database has a few test accounts in it. To login, use the following credentails. User: admin Pass: pass You can then reset the password on any of the test users by going into the django admin interface and doing so.