#!/bin/bash ################################################################################ # misc # ################################################################################ ## Blacklist URL ## Used by `pkgbuild-check-nonfree` BLACKLIST=http://repo.parabolagnulinux.org/docs/blacklist.txt ## Diff tool (vimdiff, gvimdiff, meld, etc) ## Used by `aur`, `diff-unfree` DIFFTOOL=`which vimdiff gvimdiff meld colordiff 2>/dev/null|sed 's/\s.*//'` ## The repos you'll be packaging for ## Used by `toru`, `createworkdir`, `prfullpkg` # Tip: As early repos take precedence on $REPOS loops, you can use this as # inverted order of precedence. Put testing repos first so fullpkg find new # PKGBUILDs first, for instance. Toru-path uses reverse order to enforce repo # precedence on the path cache (the last path added replaces the rest) REPOS=('core' 'libre' 'extra' 'community' 'libre-testing' 'social' 'sugar' 'pcr' 'java') ## The architectures ## Used by `librestage` ARCHES=('i686' 'x86_64' 'mips64el' 'any') ################################################################################ # abslibre # ################################################################################ # The dir where you work on WORKDIR=/home/$USER/packages ## Package signing SIGEXT=".sig" #SIGID="0xYOURID" ## Parabola hostname PARABOLAHOST=parabola ## Assumes something similar in your .ssh/config: ## Repo server # Host parabola # Port 1863 # HostName repo.parabolagnulinux.org # User repo ## Server destination of libre packages # Don't change unless you know what you're doing and you won't screw # anything ;) LIBREDESTDIR=/srv/http/repo/public ## ABSLibre ABSLIBREGIT=http://projects.parabolagnulinux.org/abslibre.git ## Commit Command ## Should be git or hg ## Uncomment only one of those COMMITCMD=git #COMMITCMD=hg ################################################################################ # fullpkg # ################################################################################ ## Uncomment one of those or make one of your choice # Normal fullpkg FULLBUILDCMD="sudo libremakepkg" # Cross compiling fullkpg # FULLBUILDCMD="sudo libremakepkg -n cross-compile-chroot" # Build from within the chroot (or host system) # FULLBUILDCMD="makepkg -sL --noconfirm" # Run a command before releasing a package (ie. SSH connection, SSH tunnel, etc.) HOOKPRERELEASE="ssh -fN parabola" # Run a command before running FULLBUILDCMD, usually to cleanup uneeded packages # Note! chcleanup *is not* chroot aware, if you run it as it is it will cleanup # your system # HOOKPREBUILD="chcleanup" # Locally release the package or any other action after running FULLBUILDCMD # succesfully # HOOKLOCALRELEASE="" ################################################################################ # toru # ################################################################################ # Section for toru's vars TORUPATH=/var/lib/libretools/toru ################################################################################ # This probably shouldn't be in a .conf file... # ################################################################################ if [[ -z ${INCLUDE_CONF_SH:-} ]]; then LIBREUSER="${SUDO_USER:-$USER}" LIBREHOME="$(eval echo ~$LIBREUSER)" if [[ -z ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-} ]]; then export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="${LIBREHOME}/.config" fi if [[ -e "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/libretools/libretools.conf" ]]; then . "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/libretools/libretools.conf" fi ret=0 for VAR in PARABOLAHOST LIBREDESTDIR \ BLACKLIST WORKDIR REPOS ARCHES ABSLIBREGIT \ COMMITCMD DIFFTOOL FULLBUILDCMD SIGEXT SIGID; do if [[ -z ${!VAR} ]]; then echo "Configure $VAR var in /etc/libretools.conf" ret=1 fi done if [[ $ret != 0 ]]; then exit 1 fi unset ret . /usr/bin/libremessages fi