#!/bin/bash # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. m4_include(lib/common.sh) CHROOT_VERSION='v2' FORCE='n' MODE='i' NOCOPY='n' NONETWORK='n' working_dir='' APPNAME=$(basename "${0}") # usage: usage usage() { echo "Usage: ${APPNAME} [options] working-dir [exta-arguments]" echo ' options:' echo ' -f Force overwrite of files in the working-dir' echo ' -C Location of a pacman config file' echo ' -M Location of a makepkg config file' echo ' -n Do not copy config files into the chroot' echo ' -c Set pacman cache' echo ' -N Disable networking in the chroot' echo ' modes:' echo ' -i Install the packages "extra-arguments" in the chroot.' echo ' This creates the chroot if it does not exist.' echo ' This is the default mode.' echo ' -r Run the command "extra-arguments" within the chroot' echo ' -u Update the chroot via pacman' echo ' -h Print this message' exit ${1-1} } ################################################################################ while getopts 'fC:M:nc:Niruh' arg; do case "${arg}" in f) FORCE='y' ;; C) pac_conf="$OPTARG" ;; M) makepkg_conf="$OPTARG" ;; n) NOCOPY='y' ;; c) cache_dir="$OPTARG" ;; N) NONETWORK='y' ;; i|r|u) MODE="$arg" ;; h) usage 0 ;; *) error "invalid argument '${arg}'"; usage ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) case $MODE in i) case $# in 0) die 'You must specify a directory and one or more packages.' ;; 1) die 'You must specify one or more packages.' ;; esac ;; r) case $# in 0) die 'You must specify a directory and a command.' ;; 1) die 'You must specify a command.' ;; esac ;; u) case $# in 0) die 'You must specify a directory.' ;; 1) : ;; 2) die 'Extra arguments' ;; esac ;; esac working_dir="$(readlink -f "${1}")" shift 1 [[ -z $working_dir ]] && die 'Please specify a working directory.' if [[ $MODE == u ]]; then MODE=r set -- pacman -Syu --noconfirm fi ################################################################################ if (( $EUID != 0 )); then die 'This script must be run as root.' fi if [[ -z $cache_dir ]]; then cache_dirs=($(pacman -v $cache_conf 2>&1 | grep '^Cache Dirs:' | sed 's/Cache Dirs:\s*//g')) else cache_dirs=(${cache_dir}) fi host_mirror=$(pacman -Sddp extra/devtools 2>/dev/null | sed -E 's#(.*/)extra/os/.*#\1$repo/os/$arch#') if echo "${host_mirror}" | grep -q 'file://'; then host_mirror_path=$(echo "${host_mirror}" | sed -E 's#file://(/.*)/\$repo/os/\$arch#\1#g') fi # {{{ functions build_mount_args() { local p declare -g mount_args=() if [[ -n $host_mirror_path ]]; then printf -v p '%q' "$host_mirror_path" mount_args+=(--bind-ro="$p") fi printf -v p '%q' "${cache_dirs[0]}" mount_args+=(--bind="$p") for cache_dir in ${cache_dirs[@]:1}; do printf -v p '%q' "$cache_dir" mount_args+=(--bind-ro="$p") done } copy_hostconf () { cp -a /etc/pacman.d/gnupg "${working_dir}/etc/pacman.d" echo "Server = ${host_mirror}" > ${working_dir}/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist if [[ -n $pac_conf && $NOCOPY = 'n' ]]; then cp ${pac_conf} ${working_dir}/etc/pacman.conf fi if [[ -n $makepkg_conf && $NOCOPY = 'n' ]]; then cp ${makepkg_conf} ${working_dir}/etc/makepkg.conf fi sed -r "s|^#?\\s*CacheDir.+|CacheDir = $(echo -n ${cache_dirs[@]})|g" -i ${working_dir}/etc/pacman.conf } chroot_lock () { lock_open_write 9 "${working_dir}" "Locking chroot" } chroot_run() { local dir=$1 shift local nspawn_args=(-D "$dir" "${mount_args[@]}") if [[ $NONETWORK = y ]]; then nspawn_args+=(--private-network) fi systemd-nspawn "${nspawn_args[@]}" -- "${@}" 2>/dev/null } # }}} umask 0022 if [[ $MODE == r ]]; then # run chroot {{{ #Sanity check if [[ ! -f "${working_dir}/.arch-chroot" ]]; then die "'${working_dir}' does not appear to be a Arch chroot." elif [[ $(cat "${working_dir}/.arch-chroot") != ${CHROOT_VERSION} ]]; then die "'${working_dir}' is not compatible with ${APPNAME} version ${CHROOT_VERSION}. Please rebuild." fi chroot_lock build_mount_args copy_hostconf chroot_run "${working_dir}" "$@" # }}} elif [[ $MODE == i ]]; then # {{{ build chroot if [[ -e $working_dir && $FORCE = 'n' ]]; then die "Working directory '${working_dir}' already exists - try using -f" fi if [[ ! -d "${working_dir}" ]]; then mkdir -p "${working_dir}" fi if { type -P btrfs && btrfs subvolume create "${working_dir}"; } &>/dev/null; then chmod 0755 "${working_dir}" fi chroot_lock pacargs=("${cache_dirs[@]/#/--cachedir=}") if [[ -n $pac_conf ]]; then pacargs+=("--config=${pac_conf}") fi if [[ $FORCE = 'y' ]]; then pacargs+=("--force") fi if ! pacstrap -GMcd "${working_dir}" "${pacargs[@]}" "$@"; then die 'Failed to install all packages' fi printf '%s.UTF-8 UTF-8\n' en_US de_DE > "${working_dir}/etc/locale.gen" chroot_run "${working_dir}" locale-gen echo 'LANG=C' > "${working_dir}/etc/locale.conf" copy_hostconf echo "${CHROOT_VERSION}" > "${working_dir}/.arch-chroot" # }}} fi