SHELL=/bin/bash # The git user home, from where repos are served PREFIX=/srv/git # The git user USER=git # The git-shell path GIT_SHELL=/usr/bin/git-shell # The hacking.git clone HACKERS=$(shell pwd) # Add all of your pubkeys # TODO this can fail if you don't have any keys (why don't you) bootstrap: cat $(HOME)/.ssh/id_{rsa,ecdsa,dsa}.pub >>authorized_keys 2>/dev/null || true git commit authorized_keys -m "Bootstraping hacking.git" ; \ # Create the user user: useradd --home $(PREFIX) \ --shell $(GIT_SHELL) \ --create-home \ --system \ --user-group \ $(USER) # Check if we have at least a key check: if [ $(shell wc -l authorized_keys | cut -d' ' -f1) -eq 0 ]; then \ echo 'Add at least your key to authorized_keys!'; \ exit 1 ;\ fi # Add the hackers repo to the local clone install-local: git remote add git git:hackers.git cat ssh_config >>$(HOME)/.ssh/config # Create the hackers.git bare repo and clone as .ssh # Then create needed symlinks and add hooks to hackers.git install: check cd $(PREFIX); \ git clone --bare $(HACKERS) hackers.git && \ git clone hackers.git .ssh && \ chmod 700 $(PREFIX) && \ chmod 700 .ssh && \ chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys && \ ln -s $(PREFIX)/.ssh/git-hooks/* hackers.git/hooks/ && \ ln -s $(PREFIX)/.ssh/git-shell-commands && \ chown -R $(USER):$(USER) $(PREFIX)