#!/bin/bash # Get the package name from the filename # hackish, but should work for now getpkgname() { local tmp tmp=${1##*/} tmp=${tmp%.pkg.tar.gz} tmp=${tmp%-i686} tmp=${tmp%-x86_64} echo ${tmp%-*-*} } STAGEDIR=$(pwd) #This is our "unknown" category. We will have to do something about this later. # It is a stop-gap. We will insert new packages in this way CATEGORY="unknown" SVNCO=$1 REPOTAG=$2 if [ "$SVNCO" = "" ]; then me=$(basename $0) echo "usage: $me <abs_dir> <repo_tag>" >&2 exit 1 fi if [ ! "$(ls $STAGEDIR/*.pkg.tar.gz 2>/dev/null)" ]; then exit fi cd $STAGEDIR for pkgfile in $STAGEDIR/*.pkg.tar.gz; do pkgname=$(getpkgname $pkgfile); fullname=$(basename $pkgfile) pkgpath="$SVNCO/$pkgname/repos/$REPOTAG" # find the matching PKGBUILD if [ ! -d "$pkgpath" ]; then msg "WARNING: could not find PKGBUILD for $pkgname, cannot update this entry" return fi pkgbuild="${pkgpath}/PKGBUILD" if [ ! -f $pkgbuild ]; then msg "WARNING: could not find PKGBUILD for $fullname, cannot update this entry" return fi # pick out the category from the pathname unset pkgname pkgver pkgrel pkgdesc license groups provides md5sums force unset replaces depends conflicts backup source install build makedepends unset options source $pkgbuild || continue deplist=${depends[@]} sources=${source[@]} echo $fullname echo $pkgname echo $pkgver echo $pkgrel echo $pkgdesc echo $CATEGORY echo $url echo $sources echo $deplist done exit 0