#! /usr/bin/python #-*- encoding: utf-8 -*- import commands import re from repm.config import * from repm.pato2 import * def pkginfo_from_filename(filename): """ Generates a Package object with info from a filename, filename can be relative or absolute Parameters: ---------- filename -> str Returns: ---------- pkg -> Package object""" pkg = Package() pkg["location"] = filename fileattrs = os.path.basename(filename).split("-") pkg["arch"] = fileattrs.pop(-1).split(".")[0] pkg["release"] = fileattrs.pop(-1) pkg["version"] = fileattrs.pop(-1) pkg["name"] = "-".join(fileattrs) return pkg def pkginfo_from_rsync_output(rsync_output): """ Generates a list of packages and versions from an rsync output wich uses --list-only and --no-motd options. Parameters: ---------- rsync_output -> str Contains output from rsync Returns: ---------- package_list -> tuple Contains Package objects. """ a=list() def package_or_link(line): """ Take info out of filename """ location_field = 4 pkginfo_from_filename(line.rsplit()[location_field]) def directory(line): pass options = { "d": directory, "l": package_or_link, "-": package_or_link} for line in rsync_output.split("\n"): if ".pkg.tar" in line: pkginfo_=options[line[0]](line) if pkginfo_: a.append(pkginfo_) return tuple(a) def pkginfo_from_files_in_dir(directory): """ Returns pkginfo from filenames of packages in dir wich has .pkg.tar.{xz,gz} on them """ def generate_exclude_list_from_blacklist(packages_iterable, blacklisted_names, exclude_file=rsync_blacklist, debug=verbose): """ Generate an exclude list for rsync Parameters: ---------- package_iterable -> list or tuple Contains Package objects blacklisted_names-> list or tuple Contains blacklisted names exclude_file -> str Path to file debug -> bool If True, file list gets logged Output: ---------- None """ a=list() for package in packages_iterable: if not isinstance(package, Package): raise ValueError(" %s is not a Package object " % package) if package["name"] in blacklisted_names: a.append(package["location"]) if debug: printf(a) try: fsock = open(exclude_file,"w") try: fsock.write("\n".join(a)) finally: fsock.close() except IOError: printf("%s wasnt written" % blacklist_file) if __name__ == "__main__": a=run_rsync(rsync_list_command) packages=pkginfo_from_rsync_output(a) generate_exclude_list_from_blacklist(packages,listado(blacklist))