#!/bin/bash source "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/../etc/dbscripts.cfg" source "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/../share/db-functions" clean_pkg() { local pkg local target if ! "${cleanup_dryrun}"; then for pkg in "$@"; do if [ -h "$pkg" ]; then rm -f "$pkg" "$pkg.sig" else mv_acl "$pkg" "${cleanup_destination_directory}/${pkg##*/}" if [ -e "$pkg.sig" ]; then mv_acl "$pkg.sig" "${cleanup_destination_directory}/${pkg##*/}.sig" fi touch "${cleanup_destination_directory}/${pkg##*/}" fi done fi } "${cleanup_dryrun}" && warning 'dry run mode is active' for repo in "${main_repositories[@]}"; do for arch in "${native_architectures[@]}"; do if [ ! -f "${root_dir}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${database_extension_suffixfile}" ]; then continue fi # get a list of actual available package files find "${root_dir}/${repo}/os/${arch}" -xtype f -name "*${package_extension_suffixfile}" -printf '%f\n' | sort > "${work_directory}/repo-${repo}-${arch}" # get a list of package files defined in the repo db bsdtar -xOf "${root_dir}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${database_extension_suffixfile}" | awk '/^%FILENAME%/{getline;print}' | sort > "${work_directory}/db-${repo}-${arch}" missing_pkgs=($(comm -13 "${work_directory}/repo-${repo}-${arch}" "${work_directory}/db-${repo}-${arch}")) if [ ${#missing_pkgs[@]} -ge 1 ]; then error "Missing packages in [%s] (%s)..." "${repo}" "${arch}" for missing_pkg in "${missing_pkgs[@]}"; do msg2 '%s' "${missing_pkg}" done fi old_pkgs=($(comm -23 "${work_directory}/repo-${repo}-${arch}" "${work_directory}/db-${repo}-${arch}")) if [ ${#old_pkgs[@]} -ge 1 ]; then msg "Removing old packages from [%s] (%s)..." "${repo}" "${arch}" for old_pkg in "${old_pkgs[@]}"; do msg2 '%s' "${old_pkg}" clean_pkg "${root_dir}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${old_pkg}" done fi done done # get a list of all available packages in the pacakge pool find "${root_dir}/${native_packages_pool}" -name "*${package_extension_suffixfile}" -printf '%f\n' | sort > "${work_directory}/pool" # create a list of packages in our db cat "${work_directory}/db-"* | sort -u > "${work_directory}/db" old_pkgs=($(comm -23 "${work_directory}/pool" "${work_directory}/db")) if [ ${#old_pkgs[@]} -ge 1 ]; then msg "Removing old packages from package pool..." for old_pkg in "${old_pkgs[@]}"; do msg2 '%s' "${old_pkg}" clean_pkg "${root_dir}/${native_packages_pool}/${old_pkg}" done fi old_pkgs=($(find "${cleanup_destination_directory}" -type f -name "*${package_extension_suffixfile}" -mtime +"${cleanup_keep}" -printf '%f\n')) if [ ${#old_pkgs[@]} -ge 1 ]; then msg "Removing old packages from the cleanup directory..." for old_pkg in "${old_pkgs[@]}"; do msg2 '%s' "${old_pkg}" if ! "${cleanup_dryrun}"; then rm -f "${cleanup_destination_directory}/${old_pkg}" rm -f "${cleanup_destination_directory}/${old_pkg}.sig" fi done fi for repo in "${main_repositories[@]}"; do for arch in "${native_architectures[@]}"; do repo_unlock "${repo}" "${arch}" done done script_unlock