diff options
-rwxr-xr-xdb-check-nonfree46 (renamed from
-rwxr-xr-xdb-init (renamed from createrepos)2 (renamed from
45 files changed, 692 insertions, 1303 deletions
diff --git a/abslibre b/abslibre
deleted file mode 100755
index 0b3e371..0000000
--- a/abslibre
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-# Remote
-SYNCARGS='-mrtv --no-motd --delete-after --no-p --no-o --no-g'
-# Variables from abs.conf
-REPOS=(core extra community testing community-testing !staging !community-staging)
-# Steps
-# * Sync abs
-# * Download blacklist.txt
-# * Sync abslibre from abs excluding from blacklist
-# * Create repo.abs.tar.gz tarballs
-function sync_abs() {
- for ARCH in any i686 x86_64; do
- rsync ${SYNCARGS} ${SYNCSERVER}::abs/${ARCH}/ ${ABSROOT}/${ARCH} || return $?
- done
-function get_blacklist() {
- printf ":: Updating blacklist...\t"
- wget -q -O - "${BLACKLIST}" | cut -d':' -f1 | sort -u | \
- sed "s/^/**\//" > ${BLFILE} || {
- printf "[FAILED]\n"
- return 1
- }
- # Prevent using an empty blacklist
- [ $(wc -l ${BLFILE} | cut -d " " -f1) -eq 0 ] && return 1
- printf "[OK]\n"
-function sync_abs_libre() {
- # Clone ABSLibre git repo
- if [ -d /var/tmp/abslibre/.git ]; then
- pushd /var/tmp/abslibre >/dev/null 2>&1
- git pull
- popd >/dev/null 2>&1
- else
- git clone /srv/git/abslibre.git /var/tmp/abslibre
- fi
- # Sync from ABS and then sync from ABSLibre
- printf ":: Syncing ABSLibre...\t"
- (rsync ${SYNCARGS} --delete-excluded \
- --exclude-from=${BLFILE} \
- ${ABSROOT} \
- &&
- for ARCH in i686 x86_64; do rsync -v -mrtq --no-motd --no-p --no-o --no-g --exclude=.git/ /var/tmp/abslibre/ ${ABSLIBRE}/${ARCH}/; done) || {
- printf "[FAILED]\n"
- return 1
- }
- printf "[OK]\n"
-# This part is very hacky and particular to the current setup :P
-sync_pre_mips64el() {
- pushd /home/fauno/Repos/abslibre-pre-mips64el >/dev/null
- sudo -u fauno sh -c "
- rsync ${SYNCARGS} \
- --exclude=.git* \
- --exclude=community-staging \
- --exclude=community-testing \
- --exclude=gnome-unstable \
- --exclude=kde-unstable \
- --exclude=multilib \
- --exclude=multilib-testing \
- --exclude=multilib-staging \
- --exclude=staging \
- --exclude=testing \
- ${ABSLIBRE}/x86_64/ \
- /home/fauno/Repos/abslibre-pre-mips64el/ &&
- git add . &&
- git commit -m \"$(date)\" -a
- git push origin master
- git gc
- "
-# Create .abs.tar.gz tarballs
-create_tarballs() {
- for repo in ${ABSLIBRE}/{i686,x86_64}/*; do
- baserepo=${repo##*/}
- arch=$(basename $(dirname $repo))
- # Remove the old one
- mkdir -p /srv/http/web/media/abs/$baserepo/os/$arch/
- rm /srv/http/web/media/abs/$baserepo/os/$arch/$baserepo.abs.tar.gz
- # Create a new one joining arch and any
- # Remove the first part of the path (it could be $repo but any isn't hit)
- bsdtar -czvf /srv/http/web/media/abs/$baserepo/os/$arch/$baserepo.abs.tar.gz \
- -s ":${ABSLIBRE}/[a-z0-9_]\+/[a-z]\+::" \
- $repo/* ${ABSLIBRE}/any/${baserepo}/*
- done
-sync_abs || exit 1
-get_blacklist || exit 1
-sync_abs_libre || exit 1
-# This is being done at repo server now
-sync_pre_mips64el || exit 1
-#create_tarballs || exit 1
-echo "Exclusion list used"
-cat ${BLFILE}
-exit 0
diff --git a/any-to-ours b/any-to-ours
deleted file mode 100755
index d98cc5d..0000000
--- a/any-to-ours
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# Releases 'any' packages from Arch arches to ours
-trap_exit() {
- echo
- error "$@"
- exit 1
-source "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/config"
-source "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/libremessages"
-# From makepkg
-set -E
-trap 'trap_exit "$(gettext "TERM signal caught. Exiting...")"' TERM HUP QUIT
-trap 'trap_exit "$(gettext "Aborted by user! Exiting...")"' INT
-trap 'trap_exit "$(gettext "An unknown error has occurred. Exiting...")"' ERR
-# The architecture to compare with
-# Traverse all Arch repos
-for _repo in "${ARCHREPOS[@]}"; do
- msg "Processing %s..." "${_repo}"
- # Find 'any' packages
- # This is hardcoded but it could release other arches...
- PKGS=($(find "${FTP_BASE}/${_repo}/os/${BASEARCH}/" \
- -iname '*-any.pkg.tar.?z' \
- -printf "%f "))
- if [ ${#PKGS[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
- msg2 "No '%s' packages here" any
- continue
- fi
- for _arch in "${OURARCHES[@]}"; do
- msg2 "Syncing %s..." "${_arch}"
- # Sync 'any' only and extract the synced packages
- SYNCED=($(
- rsync -av \
- --include='*-any.pkg.tar.?z' \
- --include='*-any.pkg.tar.?z.sig' \
- --exclude='*' \
- "${FTP_BASE}/${_repo}/os/${BASEARCH}/" \
- "${FTP_BASE}/${_repo}/os/${_arch}/" 2>&1 | \
- grep 'any\.pkg\.tar\..z$' | \
- cut -d ' ' -f 1 ))
- if [ ${#SYNCED[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
- msg2 "Already synced (or error happened)"
- continue
- fi
- msg2 "Synced %d packages: %s" "${#SYNCED[@]}" "${SYNCED[*]}"
- msg2 "Adding to db..."
- pushd "${FTP_BASE}/${_repo}/os/${_arch}/" >/dev/null
- # Add the packages to the db
- repo-add "${_repo}${DBEXT}" "${SYNCED[@]}"
- popd >/dev/null
- # Avoid mixups
- done
diff --git a/config b/config
index fdf3ef9..51d89ea 100644
--- a/config
+++ b/config
@@ -1,39 +1,25 @@
-#!/bin/bash # as a hint to text editors
-# Repos from Arch
-ARCHREPOS=('core' 'testing' 'extra' 'community' 'multilib' 'multilib-testing')
-# Official Parabola repos
-OURREPOS=('libre' 'libre-testing' 'libre-multilib' 'libre-multilib-testing')
-# User repos
-USERREPOS=('~smv' '~xihh' '~brendan' '~lukeshu' '~emulatorman' '~aurelien' '~jorginho' '~coadde' '~drtan')
-# Community project repos
-PROJREPOS=('nonsystemd' 'nonsystemd-testing' 'nonprism' 'nonprism-testing' 'pcr' 'kernels' 'cross' 'java')
-# Remote repos
-# Directories where packages are shared between repos
-# *relative to FTP_BASE*
-# Directories where sources are stored
+#!/bin/bash # non-executable, but put this there as a hint to text editors
+case "$USER" in
+ db-import-packages) _name=import-packages;;
+ db-import-community) _name=import-community;;
+ *) _name=parabola;;
# Time in days to keep moved packages
# Time in days to keep moved sourcepackages
@@ -41,17 +27,22 @@ LOCK_DELAY=10
[ -n "${STAGING:-}" ] || STAGING="$HOME/staging/unknown/staging"
-ARCHARCHES=(i686 x86_64)
+export TMPDIR="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"
+ARCHES=(i686 x86_64 mips64el)
+# Allowed licenses: get sourceballs only for licenses in this array
+# Empty (commented out) to get sourceballs for all packages
+# Where to send error emails, and who they are from
+FROM="dbscripts+${_name}@$(hostname -f)"
-# parabolaweb root
+# Override default config with config.local
+[ -f "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/config.local" ] && . "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/config.local"
+[ -f "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/config.local.${_name}" ] && . "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/config.local.${_name}"
+unset _name
diff --git a/config.local.import-community b/config.local.import-community
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63f4d2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.local.import-community
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/config.local.import-packages b/config.local.import-packages
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..432b3ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.local.import-packages
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+PKGREPOS=('core' 'extra' 'testing' 'staging' {kde,gnome}-unstable)
diff --git a/config.local.parabola b/config.local.parabola
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b96f801
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.local.parabola
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ # Main repos
+ libre{,-testing}
+ libre-multilib{,-testing}
+ # Community project repos
+ {nonsystemd,nonprism}{,-testing}
+ pcr kernels cross java
+ # User repos
+ '~smv' '~xihh' '~brendan' '~lukeshu' '~emulatorman' '~aurelien' '~jorginho' '~coadde' '~drtan'
diff --git a/config.local.svn-community b/config.local.svn-community
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..105ea66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.local.svn-community
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+PKGREPOS=('community' 'community-testing' 'community-staging' 'multilib' 'multilib-testing' 'multilib-staging')
diff --git a/config.local.svn-packages b/config.local.svn-packages
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..958a483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.local.svn-packages
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+PKGREPOS=('core' 'extra' 'testing' 'staging' 'kde-unstable' 'gnome-unstable')
+STABLE_REPOS=('core' 'extra')
diff --git a/create-repo b/create-repo
deleted file mode 100755
index 3feb098..0000000
--- a/create-repo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Creates repository structure
-. "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/config"
-. "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/db-functions"
-if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
- msg "Usage: %s repo1 [repo2 ... repoX]" "${0##*/}"
- exit 1
-msg "Creating repos..."
-for _repo in "$@"; do
- msg2 "Creating [%s]" "${_repo}"
- for _arch in "${ARCHES[@]}"; do
- mkdir -p "${FTP_BASE}/${_repo}/os/${_arch}" || \
- error "Failed creating %s dir" "${_arch}"
- done
-msg "Don't forget to add them to the PKGREPOS array on %s" "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/config"
diff --git a/cron-jobs/devlist-mailer b/cron-jobs/devlist-mailer
index 1a05521..cede4fc 100755
--- a/cron-jobs/devlist-mailer
+++ b/cron-jobs/devlist-mailer
@@ -2,9 +2,8 @@
#Dummy helper to send email to arch-dev
# It does nothing if no output
+# Load $LIST and $FROM from the config file
+source "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/../config"
SUBJECT="Repository Maintenance $(date +"%d-%m-%Y")"
if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
diff --git a/cron-jobs/ftpdir-cleanup b/cron-jobs/ftpdir-cleanup
index 4a2b418..560689a 100755
--- a/cron-jobs/ftpdir-cleanup
+++ b/cron-jobs/ftpdir-cleanup
@@ -22,6 +22,14 @@ clean_pkg() {
+for repo in "${PKGREPOS[@]}"; do
+ for arch in "${ARCHES[@]}"; do
+ repo_lock "${repo}" "${arch}" || exit 1
+ done
"${CLEANUP_DRYRUN}" && warning 'dry run mode is active'
for repo in "${PKGREPOS[@]}"; do
diff --git a/cron-jobs/repo-sanity-check b/cron-jobs/repo-sanity-check
deleted file mode 100755
index bd89240..0000000
--- a/cron-jobs/repo-sanity-check
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# Solves issue165... on the old flyspray install. I have no idea what issue that was.
-. "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/../config"
-. "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/../db-functions"
-# Traverse all repos
-for _repo in "${PKGREPOS[@]}"; do
- msg "Cleaning up [%s]" "${_repo}"
- # Find all pkgnames on this repo's abs
- on_abs=($(
- find "${SVNREPO}/${_repo}" -name PKGBUILD | \
- while read pkgbuild; do
- source "${pkgbuild}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- # cleanup to save memory
- unset build package source md5sums pkgdesc pkgver pkgrel epoch \
- url license arch depends makedepends optdepends options \
- >/dev/null 2>&1
- # also cleanup package functions
- for _pkg in "${pkgname[@]}"; do
- unset "package_${pkg}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- done
- # this fills the on_abs array
- echo "${pkgname[@]}"
- done
- ))
- # quit if abs is empty
- if [ ${#on_abs[*]} -eq 0 ]; then
- warning "[%s]'s ABS tree is empty, skipping" "${_repo}"
- break
- fi
- # Find all pkgnames on repos
- on_repo=($(
- find "${FTP_BASE}/${_repo}" -name "*.pkg.tar.?z" \
- -printf "%f\n" | sed "s/^\(.\+\)-[^-]\+-[^-]\+-[^-]\+$/\1/"
- ))
- # Compares them, whatever is on repos but not on abs should be removed
- remove=($(comm -13 \
- <(printf '%s\n' "${on_abs[@]}" | sort -u) \
- <(printf '%s\n' "${on_repo[@]}" | sort -u) ))
- # Remove them from databases, ftpdir-cleanup will take care of the rest
- find "${FTP_BASE}/${_repo}" -name "*.db.tar.?z" \
- -exec repo-remove {} "${remove[@]}" \; >/dev/null 2>&1
- msg2 "Removed the following packages:"
- plain '%s' "${remove[@]}"
diff --git a/cron-jobs/sourceballs b/cron-jobs/sourceballs
index a9addc3..b657813 100755
--- a/cron-jobs/sourceballs
+++ b/cron-jobs/sourceballs
@@ -63,11 +63,10 @@ for repo in "${PKGREPOS[@]}"; do
if grep -Fqx "${pkgbase}" "${dirname}/sourceballs.skip"; then
- # Commenting out, we'll sourceball everything
# Check if the license or .force file does not enforce creating a source package
-# if ! (chk_license ${pkglicense[@]} || grep -Fqx "${pkgbase}" "${dirname}/sourceballs.force"); then
-# continue
-# fi
+ if ! ([[ ${#ALLOWED_LICENSES[@]} -eq 0 ]] || chk_license "${pkglicense[@]}" || grep -Fqx "${pkgbase}" "${dirname}/sourceballs.force"); then
+ continue
+ fi
# Store the expected file name of the source package
echo "${pkgbase}-${pkgver}${SRCEXT}" >> "${WORKDIR}/expected-src-pkgs"
@@ -78,15 +77,10 @@ for repo in "${PKGREPOS[@]}"; do
- # Get the sources from svn
+ # Get the sources from xbs
mkdir -p -m0770 "${WORKDIR}/pkgbuilds/${repo}-${pkgarch}"
- #svn export -q "${SVNREPO}/${pkgbase}/repos/${repo}-${pkgarch}" \
- # "${WORKDIR}/pkgbuilds/${repo}-${pkgarch}/${pkgbase}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- # If it's on official repos, nor [libre], nor [libre-testing]
- cp -r "${SVNREPO}/$repo/${pkgbase}" "${WORKDIR}/pkgbuilds/${repo}-${pkgarch}/" >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
- cp -r "${SVNREPO}/libre/${pkgbase}" "${WORKDIR}/pkgbuilds/${repo}-${pkgarch}/" >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
- cp -r "${SVNREPO}/libre-testing/${pkgbase}" "${WORKDIR}/pkgbuilds/${repo}-${pkgarch}/" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ cp -a "$(xbs releasepath "${pkgbase}" "${repo}" "${pkgarch}")" \
+ "${WORKDIR}/pkgbuilds/${repo}-${pkgarch}/${pkgbase}" >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -ge 1 ]; then
diff --git a/cron-jobs/sourceballs.skip b/cron-jobs/sourceballs.skip
index 14d6f4b..0e1731c 100644
--- a/cron-jobs/sourceballs.skip
+++ b/cron-jobs/sourceballs.skip
@@ -1,14 +1,28 @@
diff --git a/cron-jobs/sourceballs2 b/cron-jobs/sourceballs2
deleted file mode 100755
index e935f86..0000000
--- a/cron-jobs/sourceballs2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# Steps
-# Traverse ABSLibre
-# Makepkg --allsource every package
-# Remove the old sourceballs
-dirname="$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")"
-. "${dirname}/../config"
-. "${dirname}/../db-functions"
-pushd "${WORKDIR}" >/dev/null
-# Adjust the nice level to run at a lower priority
-renice +10 -p $$ > /dev/null
-# Create a list of all available source package file names
-find "${FTP_BASE}/${SRCPOOL}" -xtype f -name "*${SRCEXT}" -printf '%f\n' | sort -u > "${WORKDIR}/available-src-pkgs"
-pushd "${SVNREPO}" >/dev/null
-for repo in "${PKGREPOS[@]}"; do
- msg "Sourceballing [%s]" "${repo}"
- pushd "$repo" >/dev/null
- find -maxdepth 1 -type d | while read pkg; do
- pushd "${SVNREPO}/$repo/$pkg" >/dev/null
- [[ ! -e ./PKGBUILD ]] && {
- warning "%s is not a package" "$repo/$pkg"
- continue
- }
- # Unset the previous data
- unset pkgbase pkgname pkgver pkgrel
- source PKGBUILD
- unset build package url pkgdesc source md5sums depends makedepends \
- optdepends license arch options check mksource
- for _pkg in "${pkgname[@]}"; do
- unset "package_${_pkg}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- done
- pkgbase=${pkgbase:-$pkgname}
- srcfile="${pkgbase}-${pkgver}-${pkgrel}${SRCEXT}"
- echo "${srcfile}" >> "${WORKDIR}/expected-src-pkgs"
- # Skip already sourceballed
- [ -e "${SRCPKGDEST}/${srcfile}" ] && continue
- makepkg --allsource --ignorearch -c >/dev/null 2>&1
- [ $? -ne 0 ] && plain '%s' "${srcfile}"
- done # end find pkgs
- popd >/dev/null
-done # end repos
diff --git a/cron-jobs/update-abs-tarballs b/cron-jobs/update-abs-tarballs
deleted file mode 100755
index e710f7c..0000000
--- a/cron-jobs/update-abs-tarballs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-. "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/../config"
-rsync -av --exclude=staging/ "${FTP_BASE}/"
diff --git a/db-check-nonfree b/db-check-nonfree
deleted file mode 100755
index 37b7cf6..0000000
--- a/db-check-nonfree
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-. "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/config"
-. "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/db-functions"
-if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
- error "Calling %s with a specific repository is not supported" "${0##*/}"
- exit 1
-# TODO: this might lock too much (architectures)
-for repo in "${repos[@]}"; do
- for pkgarch in "${ARCHES[@]}"; do
- repo_lock "${repo}" "${pkgarch}" || exit 1
- done
-msg "Check nonfree in repo:"
-nonfree=($(cut -d: -f1 "${BLACKLIST_FILE}" | sort -u))
-for repo in "${ARCHREPOS[@]}"; do
- for pkgarch in "${ARCHES[@]}"; do
- msg2 "%s %s" "$repo" "$pkgarch"
- if [ ! -f "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${pkgarch}/${repo}${DBEXT}" ]; then
- continue
- fi
- unset dbpkgs
- unset cleanpkgs
- cleanpkgs=()
- dbpkgs=($(bsdtar -xOf "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${pkgarch}/${repo}${DBEXT}" | awk '/^%NAME%/{getline;print}' | sort -u ))
- for pkgname in "${dbpkgs[@]}"; do
- if in_array "${pkgname}" "${nonfree[@]}"; then
- cleanpkgs+=("${pkgname}")
- fi
- done
- if [ ${#cleanpkgs[@]} -ge 1 ]; then
- msg2 "Nonfree: %s" "${cleanpkgs[*]}"
- arch_repo_remove "${repo}" "${pkgarch}" "${cleanpkgs[@]}"
- fi
- done
-for repo in "${repos[@]}"; do
- for pkgarch in "${ARCHES[@]}"; do
- repo_unlock "${repo}" "${pkgarch}"
- done
diff --git a/ b/
index bc2349b..bc2349b 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
diff --git a/db-cleanup b/db-cleanup
deleted file mode 100755
index efe7397..0000000
--- a/db-cleanup
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# Syncs pools against themselves using database contents as filter to cleanup
-# them up
-# License: GPLv3
-# Principles
-# * Get repos dbs contents
-# * Make them a include list
-# * Rsync pools against themselves removing excluded files
-# * Instant cleanup!
-trap_exit() {
- echo
- error "$@"
- exit 1
-source "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/config"
-source "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/libremessages"
-# From makepkg
-set -E
-trap 'trap_exit "$(gettext "TERM signal caught. Exiting...")"' TERM HUP QUIT
-trap 'trap_exit "$(gettext "Aborted by user! Exiting...")"' INT
-trap 'trap_exit "$(gettext "An unknown error has occurred. Exiting...")"' ERR
-"${CLEANUP_DRYRUN}" && EXTRAFLAGS+=(--dry-run)
-filter=$(mktemp -t "${0##*/}.XXXXXXXXXX")
-trap "rm -f -- $(printf %q "$filter")" EXIT
-for _repo in "${PKGREPOS[@]}"; do
- for _arch in "${ARCHES[@]}"; do
- msg "Getting %s-%s database" "${_repo}" "${_arch}"
- dbfile="${FTP_BASE}/${_repo}/os/${_arch}/${_repo}${DBEXT}"
- if [ ! -r "${dbfile}" ]; then
- warning "Not found"
- continue
- fi
- # Echo the contents into a filter file
- bsdtar tf "${dbfile}" | \
- cut -d'/' -f1 | \
- sort -u | \
- sed "s|$|*|" >> "$filter"
- done
-msg "Removing old files:"
-for POOL in "${PKGPOOLS[@]}" "${SRCPOOLS[@]}"; do
- msg2 '%s' "${POOL}"
- rsync "${EXTRAFLAGS[@]}" -va --delete-excluded \
- --include-from="$filter" \
- --exclude="*" \
- "${FTP_BASE}/${POOL}/" \
- "${FTP_BASE}/${POOL}/"
-msg "Removing dead symlinks:"
-"${CLEANUP_DRYRUN}" || actions+=(-delete)
-find -L "${FTP_BASE}/" -type l "${actions[@]}"
diff --git a/db-functions b/db-functions
index dd8e2dc..c1bf6e8 100644
--- a/db-functions
+++ b/db-functions
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Some PKGBUILDs need CARCH to be set
+CARCH=$(. "$(librelib"; load_files makepkg; echo "$CARCH")
# Useful functions
@@ -29,70 +29,12 @@ WORKDIR=$(mktemp -dt "${0##*/}.XXXXXXXXXX")
-# check if messages are to be printed using color
-if [[ -t 2 ]]; then
- ALL_OFF="$(tput sgr0)"
- BOLD="$(tput bold)"
- BLUE="${BOLD}$(tput setaf 4)"
- GREEN="${BOLD}$(tput setaf 2)"
- RED="${BOLD}$(tput setaf 1)"
- YELLOW="${BOLD}$(tput setaf 3)"
-plain() {
- local mesg=$1; shift
- printf "${BOLD} ${mesg}${ALL_OFF}\n" "$@"
-msg() {
- local mesg=$1; shift
- printf "${GREEN}==>${ALL_OFF}${BOLD} ${mesg}${ALL_OFF}\n" "$@"
-msg2() {
- local mesg=$1; shift
- printf "${BLUE} ->${ALL_OFF}${BOLD} ${mesg}${ALL_OFF}\n" "$@"
-warning() {
- local mesg=$1; shift
- printf "${YELLOW}==> WARNING:${ALL_OFF}${BOLD} ${mesg}${ALL_OFF}\n" "$@" >&2
-error() {
- local mesg=$1; shift
- printf "${RED}==> ERROR${ALL_OFF}${BOLD} ${mesg}${ALL_OFF}\n" "$@" >&2
-# usage : in_array( $needle, $haystack )
-# return : 0 - found
-# 1 - not found
-in_array() {
- local needle=$1; shift
- [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1 # Not Found
- local item
- for item in "$@"; do
- [[ $item = "$needle" ]] && return 0 # Found
- done
- return 1 # Not Found
-# usage : get_full_version( $epoch, $pkgver, $pkgrel )
-# return : full version spec, including epoch (if necessary), pkgver, pkgrel
-get_full_version() {
- if [[ $1 -eq 0 ]]; then
- # zero epoch case, don't include it in version
- echo "$2-$3"
- else
- echo "$1:$2-$3"
- fi
+# Used: plain, msg, msg2, warning, error, in_array, get_full_version, abort, die
+# Overwritten: cleanup
+# Ignored: stat_busy, stat_done,
+# setup_workdir, trab_abort, trap_exit,
+# lock, slock, lock_close
+. $(librelib common)
script_lock() {
local LOCKDIR="$TMPDIR/.scriptlock.${0##*/}"
@@ -147,16 +89,6 @@ cleanup() {
[ "$1" ] && exit "$1"
-abort() {
- msg 'Aborting...'
- cleanup 0
-die() {
- error "$@"
- cleanup 1
trap abort INT QUIT TERM HUP
trap cleanup EXIT
@@ -347,7 +279,7 @@ check_pkgfile() {
-check_pkgsvn() {
+check_pkgxbs() {
local pkgfile="${1}"
local _pkgbase="$(getpkgbase "${pkgfile}")"
[ $? -ge 1 ] && return 1
@@ -361,18 +293,11 @@ check_pkgsvn() {
in_array "${repo}" "${PKGREPOS[@]}" || return 1
- if [ ! -f "${WORKDIR}/pkgbuilds/${repo}-${_pkgarch}/${_pkgbase}" ]; then
- mkdir -p "${WORKDIR}/pkgbuilds/${repo}-${_pkgarch}"
- svn export -q "${SVNREPO}/${_pkgbase}/repos/${repo}-${_pkgarch}/PKGBUILD" \
- "${WORKDIR}/pkgbuilds/${repo}-${_pkgarch}/${_pkgbase}" >/dev/null
- [ $? -ge 1 ] && return 1
- fi
- local svnver="$(. "${WORKDIR}/pkgbuilds/${repo}-${_pkgarch}/${_pkgbase}"; get_full_version "${epoch:-0}" "${pkgver}" "${pkgrel}")"
- [ "${svnver}" == "${_pkgver}" ] || return 1
+ local xbsver="$(. "$(xbs releasepath "${_pkgbase}" "${repo}" "${_pkgarch}")/PKGBUILD"; get_full_version "${_pkgname}")"
+ [ "${xbsver}" == "${_pkgver}" ] || return 1
- local svnnames=($(. "${WORKDIR}/pkgbuilds/${repo}-${_pkgarch}/${_pkgbase}"; echo "${pkgname[@]}"))
- in_array "${_pkgname}" "${svnnames[@]}" || return 1
+ local xbsnames=($(. "$(xbs releasepath "${_pkgbase}" "${repo}" "${_pkgarch}")/PKGBUILD"; echo "${pkgname[@]}"))
+ in_array "${_pkgname}" "${xbsnames[@]}" || return 1
return 0
@@ -383,7 +308,7 @@ check_splitpkgs() {
local pkgfiles=("${@}")
local pkgfile
local pkgdir
- local svnname
+ local xbsname
mkdir -p "${WORKDIR}/check_splitpkgs/"
pushd "${WORKDIR}/check_splitpkgs" >/dev/null
@@ -391,35 +316,21 @@ check_splitpkgs() {
for pkgfile in "${pkgfiles[@]}"; do
issplitpkg "${pkgfile}" || continue
local _pkgbase="$(getpkgbase "${pkgfile}")"
- msg2 "Checking %s" "$_pkgbase"
local _pkgname="$(getpkgname "${pkgfile}")"
local _pkgarch="$(getpkgarch "${pkgfile}")"
mkdir -p "${repo}/${_pkgarch}/${_pkgbase}"
echo "${_pkgname}" >> "${repo}/${_pkgarch}/${_pkgbase}/staging"
- if [ ! -f "${WORKDIR}/pkgbuilds/${repo}-${_pkgarch}/${_pkgbase}" ]; then
- mkdir -p "${WORKDIR}/pkgbuilds/${repo}-${_pkgarch}"
- cp -r "${SVNREPO}/$repo/$_pkgbase/PKGBUILD" "${WORKDIR}/pkgbuilds/${repo}-${_pkgarch}/${_pkgbase}" >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
- cp -r "${SVNREPO}/libre/$_pkgbase/PKGBUILD" "${WORKDIR}/pkgbuilds/${repo}-${_pkgarch}/${_pkgbase}" >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
- cp -r "${SVNREPO}/libre-testing/$_pkgbase/PKGBUILD" "${WORKDIR}/pkgbuilds/${repo}-${_pkgarch}/$_pkgbase">/dev/null 2>&1
- [[ $? -ge 1 ]] && {
- echo "Failed $_pkgbase-$_pkgver-$_pkgarch"
- return 1
- }
- fi
- local svnnames=($(. "${WORKDIR}/pkgbuilds/${repo}-${_pkgarch}/${_pkgbase}"; echo "${pkgname[@]}"))
- printf '%s\n' "${svnnames[@]}" >> "${repo}/${_pkgarch}/${_pkgbase}/svn"
+ local xbsnames=($(. "$(xbs releasepath "${_pkgbase}" "${repo}" "${_pkgarch}")/PKGBUILD"; echo "${pkgname[@]}"))
+ printf '%s\n' "${xbsnames[@]}" >> "${repo}/${_pkgarch}/${_pkgbase}/xbs"
popd >/dev/null
for pkgdir in "${WORKDIR}/check_splitpkgs/${repo}"/*/*; do
[ ! -d "${pkgdir}" ] && continue
sort -u "${pkgdir}/staging" -o "${pkgdir}/staging"
- sort -u "${pkgdir}/svn" -o "${pkgdir}/svn"
- if [ ! -z "$(comm -13 "${pkgdir}/staging" "${pkgdir}/svn")" ]; then
+ sort -u "${pkgdir}/xbs" -o "${pkgdir}/xbs"
+ if [ ! -z "$(comm -13 "${pkgdir}/staging" "${pkgdir}/xbs")" ]; then
return 1
@@ -442,17 +353,6 @@ check_pkgrepos() {
[ -f "${FTP_BASE}/${PKGPOOL}/${pkgfile##*/}" ] && return 1
[ -f "${FTP_BASE}/${PKGPOOL}/${pkgfile##*/}.sig" ] && return 1
- local repo
- local arch
- for repo in "${PKGREPOS[@]}"; do
- for arch in "${ARCHES[@]}"; do
- [ -f "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}-${pkgarch}"${PKGEXT} ] && return 1
- [ -f "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}-${pkgarch}"${PKGEXT}.sig ] && return 1
- [ -f "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkgfile##*/}" ] && return 1
- [ -f "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkgfile##*/}.sig" ] && return 1
- done
- done
return 0
@@ -511,7 +411,7 @@ arch_repo_add() {
# package files might be relative to repo dir
pushd "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}" >/dev/null
- /usr/bin/repo-add -q "${repo}${DBEXT}" "${pkgs[@]}" >/dev/null \
+ /usr/bin/repo-add -q "${repo}${DBEXT}" "${pkgs[@]}" \
|| error '%s' "repo-add ${repo}${DBEXT} ${pkgs[*]}"
/usr/bin/repo-add -f -q "${repo}${FILESEXT}" "${pkgs[@]}" \
|| error '%s' "repo-add -f ${repo}${FILESEXT} ${pkgs[*]}"
@@ -532,7 +432,7 @@ arch_repo_remove() {
error "No database found at '%s'" "${dbfile}"
return 1
- /usr/bin/repo-remove -q "${dbfile}" "${pkgs[@]}" >/dev/null \
+ /usr/bin/repo-remove -q "${dbfile}" "${pkgs[@]}" \
|| error '%s' "repo-remove ${dbfile} ${pkgs[*]}"
/usr/bin/repo-remove -q "${filesfile}" "${pkgs[@]}" \
|| error '%s' "repo-remove ${filesfile} ${pkgs[*]}"
diff --git a/db-import b/db-import
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a8a073d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db-import
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+set -euE
+# Imports Arch-like repos, running them through a blacklist
+# License: GPLv3
+. "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/config" # for: FTP_BASE DBEXT
+. "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/db-import.conf" # for: IMPORTDIR IMPORTS
+. "$(librelib messages)"
+. "$(librelib blacklist)"
+# DBs = pacman DataBases
+# This replaces two scripts:
+# - abslibre : imported ABS tree from Arch
+# - db-sync : imported pacman DBs from Arch
+# The flow here is:
+# 1. "${IMPORTDIR}/cache/${name}/dbs/" # Download the pacman databases
+# 2. "${IMPORTDIR}/cache/${name}/abs/" # Download the ABS tree
+# 3. "${IMPORTDIR}/clean/${name}/dbs/" # Run the pacman DBs through the blacklist
+# 4. "${IMPORTDIR}/clean/${name}/pkgs/" # Download the pkg files mentioned in "clean/${name}/dbs/"
+# 5. "${IMPORTDIR}/staging/${tag}" # Copy all the package files we just downloaded to here
+# 6. Run `db-update on` with STAGING="${IMPORTDIR}/staging/${tag}"
+# generic arguments to pass to rsync, borrowed from `abs`
+SYNCARGS='-mrtvlH --no-motd --no-p --no-o --no-g'
+main() {
+ blacklist-update
+ local importStr
+ for importStr in "${IMPORTS[@]}"; do
+ local importAry=($importStr)
+ local name=${importAry[0]}
+ local pkgmirror=${importAry[1]}
+ local absmirror=${importAry[2]}
+ local tags=("${importAry[@]:3}")
+ msg "Fetching remote package source: %s" "$name"
+ fetch_dbs "$name" "$pkgmirror"
+ fetch_abs "$name" "$absmirror" "${tags[@]}"
+ msg "Filtering blacklisted packages from remote package source: %s" "$name"
+ clean_dbs "$name" "${tags[@]}"
+ fetch_pkgs "$name" "${tags[@]}"
+ msg "Publishing changes from remote package source: %s" "$name"
+ publish "$name" "${tags[@]}"
+ done
+ return $r
+fetch_dbs() {
+ local name=$1
+ local pkgmirror=$2
+ msg2 'Synchronizing package databases...'
+ mkdir -p -- "${IMPORTDIR}/cache/${name}/dbs"
+ # Grab just the .db files from $pkgmirror
+ rsync $SYNCARGS --delete-after \
+ --include="*/" \
+ --include="*.db" \
+ --include="*${DBEXT}" \
+ --exclude="*" \
+ "rsync://${pkgmirror}/" "${IMPORTDIR}/cache/${name}/dbs"
+fetch_abs() {
+ local name=$1
+ local absmirror=$2
+ local tags=("${@:3}")
+ local fake_home
+ local absroot
+ # Sync the ABS tree from $absmirror
+ local arch
+ for arch in $(list_arches "${tags[@]}"); do
+ msg2 'Synchronizing %s ABS tree...' "$arch"
+ absroot="${IMPORTDIR}/cache/${name}/abs/${arch}"
+ mkdir -p -- "$absroot"
+ # Configure `abs` for this mirror
+ fake_home="${IMPORTDIR}/homes/${name}/${arch}"
+ mkdir -p -- "$fake_home"
+ {
+ printf "ABSROOT='%s'\n" "$absroot"
+ printf "SYNCSERVER='%s'\n" "$absmirror"
+ printf "ARCH='%s'\n" "$arch"
+ printf 'REPOS=(\n'
+ list_repos "$arch" "${tags[@]}"
+ printf ')\n'
+ } > "${fake_home}/.abs.conf"
+ # Run `abs`
+ HOME=$fake_home abs
+ done
+clean_dbs() {
+ local name=$1
+ local tags=("${@:2}")
+ rm -rf -- "${IMPORTDIR}/clean/$name"
+ local tag
+ for tag in "${tags[@]}"; do
+ msg2 'Creating clean version of %s package database...' "$tag"
+ local cache="${IMPORTDIR}/cache/$name/dbs/$(db_file "$tag")"
+ local clean="${IMPORTDIR}/clean/$name/dbs/$(db_file "$tag")"
+ install -Dm644 "$cache" "$clean"
+ blacklist-cat | blacklist-get-pkg | xargs -d '\n' repo-remove "$clean"
+ done
+fetch_pkgs() {
+ local name=$1
+ local tags=("${@:2}")
+ local repo arch dbfile whitelist
+ local tag
+ for tag in "${tags[@]}"; do
+ msg2 'Syncronizing package files for %s...' "$tag"
+ repo=${tag%-*}
+ arch=${tag##*-}
+ dbfile="${IMPORTDIR}/clean/$name/dbs/$(db_file "$tag")"
+ whitelist="${IMPORTDIR}/clean/$name/dbs/$tag.whitelist"
+ list_pkgs "$dbfile" > "$whitelist"
+ # fetch the architecture-specific packages
+ rsync $SYNCARGS --delete-after --delete-excluded \
+ --delay-updates \
+ --include-from=<(sed "s|\$|-$arch.tar.?z|" "$whitelist") \
+ --exclude='*' \
+ "rsync://${pkgmirror}/$(db_dir "$tag")/" \
+ "${IMPORTDIR}/clean/${name}/pkgs/${tag}/"
+ # fetch the architecture-independent packages
+ rsync $SYNCARGS --delete-after --delete-excluded \
+ --delay-updates \
+ --include-from=<(sed "s|\$|-any.tar.?z|" "$whitelist") \
+ --exclude='*' \
+ "rsync://${pkgmirror}/$(db_dir "$tag")/" \
+ "${IMPORTDIR}/clean/${name}/pkgs/${repo}-any/"
+ done
+publish() {
+ local name=$1
+ local tags=("${@:2}")
+ local tag
+ for tag in "${tags[@]}"; do
+ msg2 'Publishing changes to %s...' "$tag"
+ publish_tag "$name" "$tag"
+ done
+publish_tag() {
+ local name=$1
+ local tag=$2
+ local repo=${tag%-*}
+ local arch=${tag##*-}
+ local dir="${IMPORTDIR}/clean/${name}/pkgs/${tag}"
+ local found
+ local error=false
+ local files=()
+ local pkgid pkgarch
+ for pkgid in $(list_added_pkgs "$name" "$tag"); do
+ found=false
+ for pkgarch in "${arch}" any; do
+ file="${dir}/${pkgid}-${arch}".pkg.tar.?z
+ if ! $found && [[ -r $file ]]; then
+ files+=("$file")
+ found=true
+ fi
+ done
+ if ! $found; then
+ error 'Could not find package file for %s' "$pkgid"
+ error=true
+ fi
+ done
+ if $error; then
+ error 'Quitting...'
+ return 1
+ fi
+ mkdir -p -- "${IMPORTDIR}/staging/${tag}/${repo}"
+ cp -al -- "${files[@]}" "${IMPORTDIR}/staging/${tag}/${repo}/"
+ STAGING="${IMPORTDIR}/staging/${tag}" db-update
+ # XXX: db-remove wants pkgbase, not pkgname
+ list_removed_pkgs "$name" "$tag" | xargs -d '\n' db-remove "$repo" "$arch"
+# Usage: list_arches repo-arch...
+# Returns a list of the architectures mentioned in a list of "repo-arch" pairs.
+list_arches() {
+ local tags=("$@")
+ printf '%s\n' "${tags[@]##*-}" | sort -u
+# Usage: list_repos arch repo-arch...
+# Returns a list of all the repositories mentioned for a given architecture in a
+# list of "repo-arch" pairs.
+list_repos() {
+ local arch=$1
+ local tags=("${@:2}")
+ printf '%s\n' "${tags[@]}" | sed -n "s/-$arch\$//p"
+# Usage: db_dir repo-arch
+db_dir() {
+ local tag=$1
+ local repo=${tag%-*}
+ local arch=${tag##*-}
+ echo "${repo}/os/${arch}"
+# Usage; db_file repo-arch
+db_file() {
+ local tag=$1
+ local repo=${tag%-*}
+ local arch=${tag##*-}
+ echo "${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${DBEXT}"
+# Usage: list_pkgs dbfile
+# Prints "$pkgname-$(get_full_version "$pkgname")" for every package in $dbfile
+list_pkgs() {
+ local dbfile=$1
+ bsdtar tf "$dbfile" | cut -d/ -f1
+# Usage: list_pkgs | sep_ver
+# Separates the pkgname from the version (replaces the '-' with ' ') for the
+# list provided on stdin.
+sep_ver() {
+ sed -r 's/-([^-]*-[^-]*)$/ \1/'
+# Usage: list_removed_pkgs importsrc repo-arch
+# Prints "$pkgname-$(get_full_version "$pkgname")" for every removed package.
+list_removed_pkgs() {
+ local name=$1
+ local tag=$2
+ local old="${FTP_BASE}/$(db_file "$tag")"
+ local new="${IMPORTDIR}/clean/$name/dbs/$(db_file "$tag")"
+ # make a list of:
+ # pkgname oldver[ newver]
+ # It will include removed or updated packages (changed packages)
+ join -a1 \
+ <(list_pkgs "$old"|sep_ver|sort) \
+ <(list_pkgs "$new"|sep_ver|sort)
+ | grep -v ' .* ' # remove updated packages
+ | sed 's/ /-/' # re-combine the pkgname and version
+# Usage: list_added_pkgs importsrc repo-arch
+# slightly a misnomer; added and updated
+# Prints "$pkgname-$(get_full_version "$pkgname")" for every added or updated
+# package.
+list_added_pkgs() {
+ local name=$1
+ local tag=$2
+ local old="${FTP_BASE}/$(db_file "$tag")"
+ local new="${IMPORTDIR}/clean/$name/dbs/$(db_file "$tag")"
+ comm -13 <(list_pkgs "$old") <(list_pkgs "$new")
+main "$@"
diff --git a/db-import.conf b/db-import.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4330fa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db-import.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#/bin/bash # as a hint to text editors
+ {core,extra,testing,staging}-{i686,x86_64}
+ {gnome,kde}-unstable-{i686,x86_64}
+ community{,-testing,-staging}-{i686,x86_64}
+ multilib{,-testing,-staging}-x86_64
+_archpkgmirror=$(db-pick-mirror rsync
+# name pkgmirror absmirror repo-arch...
+IMPORTS=("archlinux ${_archpkgmirror} ${_archrepos[*]}")
+unset _archrepos _archpkgmirror
diff --git a/createrepos b/db-init
index 8da2455..e25dbff 100755
--- a/createrepos
+++ b/db-init
@@ -4,5 +4,3 @@
source "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/config"
-"$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/create-repo" "${PKGREPOS[@]}"
diff --git a/ b/
index 4e1b164..4e1b164 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
diff --git a/db-move b/db-move
index 2ac3f4a..f48ce4f 100755
--- a/db-move
+++ b/db-move
@@ -27,18 +27,13 @@ done
# First loop is to check that all necessary files exist
for pkgbase in "${args[@]:2}"; do
for pkgarch in "${ARCHES[@]}" 'any'; do
- svnrepo_from="${SVNREPO}/${repo_from}/${pkgbase}"
- if [ -r "${svnrepo_from}/PKGBUILD" ]; then
- pkgnames=($(. "${svnrepo_from}/PKGBUILD"; echo "${pkgname[@]}"))
+ xbsrepo_from="$(xbs releasepath "${pkgbase}" "${repo_from}" "${pkgarch}")"
+ if [ -r "${xbsrepo_from}/PKGBUILD" ]; then
+ pkgnames=($(. "${xbsrepo_from}/PKGBUILD"; echo "${pkgname[@]}"))
if [ ${#pkgnames[@]} -lt 1 ]; then
die "Could not read pkgname"
- pkgver=$(. "${svnrepo_from}/PKGBUILD"; get_full_version "${epoch:-0}" "${pkgver}" "${pkgrel}")
- if [ -z "${pkgver}" ]; then
- die "Could not read pkgver"
- fi
if [ "${pkgarch}" == 'any' ]; then
@@ -46,6 +41,10 @@ for pkgbase in "${args[@]:2}"; do
for pkgname in "${pkgnames[@]}"; do
+ pkgver=$(. "${xbsrepo_from}/PKGBUILD"; get_full_version "${pkgname}")
+ if [ -z "${pkgver}" ]; then
+ die "Could not read pkgver"
+ fi
for tarch in "${tarches[@]}"; do
getpkgfile "${ftppath_from}/${tarch}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}-${pkgarch}"${PKGEXT} >/dev/null
@@ -61,20 +60,21 @@ msg "Moving packages from [%s] to [%s]..." "${repo_from}" "${repo_to}"
declare -A add_pkgs
declare -A remove_pkgs
for pkgbase in "${args[@]:2}"; do
- for pkgarch in "${ARCHES[@]}" 'any'; do
- svnrepo_from="${SVNREPO}/${repo_from}/${pkgbase}"
- if [ -f "${svnrepo_from}/PKGBUILD" ]; then
+ # move the package in xbs
+ arches=($(xbs move "${repo_from}" "${repo_to}" "${pkgbase}"))
+ # move the package in ftp
+ for pkgarch in "${arches[@]}"; do
+ dir_to="$(xbs releasepath "$pkgbase" "$repo_to" "$pkgarch")"
+ if true; then # to add in indent level to make merging easier
if [ "${pkgarch}" == 'any' ]; then
- msg2 '%s (%s)' "${pkgbase}" "${tarches[*]}"
- pkgnames=($(. "${svnrepo_from}/PKGBUILD"; echo "${pkgname[@]}"))
- pkgver=$(. "${svnrepo_from}/PKGBUILD"; get_full_version "${epoch:-0}" "${pkgver}" "${pkgrel}")
+ pkgnames=($(. "${dir_to}/PKGBUILD"; echo "${pkgname[@]}"))
for pkgname in "${pkgnames[@]}"; do
+ pkgver=$(. "${dir_to}/PKGBUILD"; get_full_version "${pkgname}")
for tarch in "${tarches[@]}"; do
pkgpath=$(getpkgfile "${ftppath_from}/${tarch}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}-${pkgarch}"${PKGEXT})
diff --git a/db-pick-mirror b/db-pick-mirror
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9474ed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db-pick-mirror
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'json'
+require 'rest_client'
+protocol = ARGV[0]
+jsonurl = ARGV[1]
+data = JSON::parse(RestClient.get(jsonurl))
+if data["version"] != 3
+ print "Data format version != 3"
+ exit 1
+urls = data["urls"]
+rsync_urls ={|a| a["protocol"]==protocol}
+# By score ( (delay+speed)/completion )
+#best = rsync_urls.sort{|a,b| (a["score"] || Float::INFINITY) <=> (b["score"] || Float::INFINITY) }.first
+# By delay/completion
+best = rsync_urls.sort{|a,b| a["delay"]/a["completion_pct"] <=> b["delay"]/b["completion_pct"] }.first
+puts best["url"]
diff --git a/db-remove b/db-remove
index 8fff9db..c4439a6 100755
--- a/db-remove
+++ b/db-remove
@@ -29,11 +29,12 @@ done
for pkgbase in "${pkgbases[@]}"; do
msg "Removing %s from [%s]..." "$pkgbase" "$repo"
- if [ -d "${SVNREPO}/$repo/$pkgbase" ]; then
- remove_pkgs=($(. "${SVNREPO}/$repo/$pkgbase/PKGBUILD"; echo "${pkgname[@]}"))
+ path="$(xbs releasepath "$pkgbase" "$repo" "$arch")"
+ if [ -d "$path" ]; then
+ remove_pkgs+=($(. "$path/PKGBUILD"; echo "${pkgname[@]}"))
+ xbs unrelease "$pkgbase" "$repo" "$arch"
- warning "%s not found in ABS(libre)" "$pkgbase"
+ warning "%s not found in XBS %s" "$pkgbase" "$repo-$arch"
warning "Removing only %s from the repo" "$pkgbase"
warning "If it was a split package you have to remove the others yourself!"
diff --git a/db-sync b/db-sync
deleted file mode 100755
index 35b6489..0000000
--- a/db-sync
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-# Syncs Arch repos based on info contained in repo.db files
-# License: GPLv3
-# Principles
-# * Get repo.db from an Arch-like repo
-# * Generate a list of available packages
-# * Create sync whitelist (based on package blacklist)
-# * Get packages
-# * Check package signatures
-# * Check database signatures
-# * Sync repo => repo
-# * make a tarball of files used for forensics
-# Run as `V=true db-sync` to get verbose output
-${VERBOSE} && extra+=(-v)
-WORKDIR=$(mktemp -dt "${0##*/}.XXXXXXXXXX")
-trap "rm -rf -- $(printf '%q' "${WORKDIR}")" EXIT
-# Returns contents of a repo
-get_repos() {
- # Exclude everything but db files
- rsync "${extra[@]}" --no-motd -mrtlH --no-p --include="*/" \
- --include="*.db" \
- --include="*${DBEXT}" \
- --include="*.files" \
- --include="*${FILESEXT}" \
- --exclude="*" \
- --delete-after \
- "rsync://${mirror}/${mirrorpath}/" "$WORKDIR"
-get_repo_content() {
- # Return all contents
- bsdtar tf "${1}" | \
- cut -d "/" -f 1 | \
- sort -u
-# Prints blacklisted packages
-get_blacklist() {
- cut -d ':' -f 1 "${BLACKLIST_FILE}"
-# repo
-# arch
-get_repo_file() {
- echo "${WORKDIR}/${1}/os/${2}/${1}"
-# Process the databases and get the libre packages
-init() {
- # Get the blacklisted packages
- blacklist=($(get_blacklist))
- # Store all the whitelist files
- whitelists=()
- msg "%d packages in blacklist" ${#blacklist[@]}
- test ${#blacklist[@]} -eq 0 && fatal_error "Empty blacklist"
- # Sync the repos databases
- get_repos
- # Traverse all repo-arch pairs
- for _repo in "${ARCHREPOS[@]}"; do
- for _arch in "${ARCHARCHES[@]}"; do
- msg "Processing %s-%s" "${_repo}-${_arch}"
- db_file=$(get_repo_file "${_repo}" "${_arch}")${DBEXT}
- files_file=$(get_repo_file "${_repo}" "${_arch}")${FILESEXT}
- if [ ! -f "${db_file}" ]; then
- warning "%s doesn't exist, skipping this repo-arch" "${db_file}"
- continue
- fi
- if [ ! -f "${files_file}" ]; then
- warning "%s doesn't exist, skipping this repo-arch" "${files_file}"
- continue
- fi
- # Remove blacklisted packages and count them
- # TODO capture all removed packages for printing on debug mode
- msg2 "Removing blacklisted packages from %s database..." .db
- LC_ALL=C repo-remove "${db_file}" "${blacklist[@]}" \
- |& sed -n 's/-> Removing/ &/p'
- msg2 "Removing blacklisted packages from %s database..." .files
- LC_ALL=C repo-remove "${files_file}" "${blacklist[@]}" \
- |& sed -n 's/-> Removing/ &/p'
- # Get db contents
- db=($(get_repo_content "${db_file}"))
- msg2 "Process clean db for syncing..."
- # Create a whitelist, add * wildcard to end
- # TODO due to lack of -arch suffix, the pool sync retrieves every arch even if
- # we aren't syncing them
- # IMPORTANT: the . in the sed command is needed because an empty
- # whitelist would consist of a single * allowing any package to
- # pass through
- printf '%s\n' "${db[@]}" | sed "s|.$|&*|g" > "/tmp/${_repo}-${_arch}.whitelist"
- msg2 "%d packages in whitelist" "$(wc -l /tmp/${_repo}-${_arch}.whitelist | cut -d' ' -f1)"
- # Sync excluding everything but whitelist
- # We delete here for cleanup
- rsync "${extra[@]}" --no-motd -rtlH \
- --delete-after \
- --delete-excluded \
- --delay-updates \
- --include-from="/tmp/${_repo}-${_arch}.whitelist" \
- --exclude="*" \
- "rsync://${mirror}/${mirrorpath}/${_repo}/os/${_arch}/" \
- "${FTP_BASE}/${_repo}/os/${_arch}/"
- # Add a new whitelist
- whitelists+=(/tmp/${_repo}-${_arch}.whitelist)
- msg "Putting databases back in place"
- rsync "${extra[@]}" --no-motd -rtlH \
- --delay-updates \
- --safe-links \
- "${WORKDIR}/${_repo}/os/${_arch}/" \
- "${FTP_BASE}/${_repo}/os/${_arch}/"
- # Cleanup
- unset db
- done
- done
- msg "Syncing package pool"
- # Concatenate all whitelists, check for single *s just in case
- cat "${whitelists[@]}" | grep -v "^\*$" | sort -u > /tmp/any.whitelist
- msg2 "Retrieving %d packages from pool" "$(wc -l /tmp/any.whitelist | cut -d' ' -f1)"
- # Sync
- # *Don't delete-after*, this is the job of cleanup scripts. It will remove our
- # packages too
- local pkgpool
- for pkgpool in "${ARCHPKGPOOLS[@]}"; do
- rsync "${extra[@]}" --no-motd -rtlH \
- --delay-updates \
- --safe-links \
- --include-from=/tmp/any.whitelist \
- --exclude="*" \
- "rsync://${mirror}/${mirrorpath}/${pkgpool}/" \
- "${FTP_BASE}/${pkgpool}/"
- done
- # Sync sources
- msg "Syncing source pool"
- #sed "s|\.pkg\.tar\.|.src.tar.|" /tmp/any.whitelist > /tmp/any-src.whitelist
- #msg2 "Retrieving %d sources from pool" $(wc -l < /tmp/any-src.whitelist)
- # Sync
- # *Don't delete-after*, this is the job of cleanup scripts. It will remove our
- # packages too
- local srcpool
- for srcpool in "${ARCHSRCPOOLS[@]}"; do
- rsync "${extra[@]}" --no-motd -rtlH \
- --delay-updates \
- --safe-links \
- --include-from=/tmp/any.whitelist \
- --exclude="*" \
- "rsync://${mirror}/${mirrorpath}/${srcpool}/" \
- "${FTP_BASE}/${srcpool}/"
- done
- date -u +%s > "${FTP_BASE}/lastsync"
- # Cleanup
- unset blacklist whitelists _arch _repo repo_file
-trap_exit() {
- local signal=$1; shift
- echo
- error "$@"
- trap -- "$signal"
- kill "-$signal" "$$"
-source "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/config"
-source "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/db-sync.conf"
-source "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/libremessages"
-# Check variables presence
- test -z "${!var}" && fatal_error "Empty %s" "${var}"
-# From makepkg
-set -E
-for signal in TERM HUP QUIT; do
- trap "trap_exit $signal '%s signal caught. Exiting...' $signal" "$signal"
-trap 'trap_exit INT "Aborted by user! Exiting..."' INT
-trap 'trap_exit USR1 "An unknown error has occurred. Exiting..."' ERR
diff --git a/db-sync.conf b/db-sync.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d6c709..0000000
--- a/db-sync.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/db-update b/db-update
index 3c06f63..0a46128 100755
--- a/db-update
+++ b/db-update
@@ -47,14 +47,19 @@ for repo in "${repos[@]}"; do
if ! check_pkgfile "${pkg}"; then
die "Package %s is not consistent with its meta data" "${repo}/${pkg##*/}"
+ if "${REQUIRE_SIGNATURE}" && ! pacman-key -v "${pkg}.sig" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ die "Package %s does not have a valid signature" "${repo}/${pkg##*/}"
+ fi
+ if ! check_pkgxbs "${pkg}" "${repo}"; then
+ die "Package %s is not consistent with XBS" "${repo}/${pkg##*/}"
+ fi
if ! check_pkgrepos "${pkg}"; then
die "Package %s already exists in another repository" "${repo}/${pkg##*/}"
- # This is fucking obnoxious
- #if ! check_splitpkgs ${repo} "${pkgs[@]}"; then
- # die "Missing split packages for %s" "${repo}"
- #fi
+ if ! check_splitpkgs "${repo}" "${pkgs[@]}"; then
+ die "Missing split packages for %s" "${repo}"
+ fi
die "Could not read %s" "${STAGING}"
diff --git a/libremessages b/libremessages
deleted file mode 100755
index 37df149..0000000
--- a/libremessages
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Pacman Development Team <>
-# Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by Judd Vinet <>
-# Copyright (c) 2005 by Aurelien Foret <>
-# Copyright (c) 2006 by Miklos Vajna <>
-# Copyright (c) 2005 by Christian Hamar <>
-# Copyright (c) 2006 by Alex Smith <>
-# Copyright (c) 2006 by Andras Voroskoi <>
-# Copyright (c) 2011 by Joshua Haase <>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-# gettext initialization
-export TEXTDOMAIN='libretools'
-export TEXTDOMAINDIR='/usr/share/locale'
-# check if messages are to be printed using color
-if tput setaf 0 &>/dev/null; then
- ALL_OFF="$(tput sgr0)"
- BOLD="$(tput bold)"
- BLUE="${BOLD}$(tput setaf 4)"
- GREEN="${BOLD}$(tput setaf 2)"
- RED="${BOLD}$(tput setaf 1)"
- YELLOW="${BOLD}$(tput setaf 3)"
- PURPLE="${ALL_OFF}$(tput setaf 5)"
- ALL_OFF="\033[1;0m"
- BOLD="\033[1;1m"
- BLUE="${BOLD}\033[1;34m"
- GREEN="${BOLD}\033[1;32m"
- RED="${BOLD}\033[1;31m"
- YELLOW="${BOLD}\033[1;33m"
- PURPLE="${BOLD}\033[1;30;40m"
-stdnull() {
- local action=$1;
- eval "${action} >/dev/null 2>&1"
-plain() {
- local mesg=$1; shift
- printf "${BOLD} ${mesg}${ALL_OFF}\n" "$@" >&2
-msg() {
- local mesg=$1; shift
- printf "${GREEN}==>${ALL_OFF}${BOLD} ${mesg}${ALL_OFF}\n" "$@" >&2
-msg2() {
- local mesg=$1; shift
- printf "${BLUE} ->${ALL_OFF}${BOLD} ${mesg}${ALL_OFF}\n" "$@" >&2
-warning() {
- local mesg=$1; shift
- printf "${YELLOW}==> $(gettext "WARNING:")${ALL_OFF}${BOLD} ${mesg}${ALL_OFF}\n" "$@" >&2
-error() {
- local mesg=$1; shift
- printf "${RED}==> $(gettext "ERROR:")${ALL_OFF}${BOLD} ${mesg}${ALL_OFF}\n" "$@" >&2
-fatal_error() {
- local mesg=$1; shift
- error "$mesg" "$@"
- exit 1
diff --git a/mkrepo b/mkrepo
deleted file mode 100755
index b11dc0b..0000000
--- a/mkrepo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# Author: Nicolás Reynolds <>
-# License: GPLv3+
-# Description: A script to quickly create new [repos]
-source "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/config"
-for repo in "$@"; do
- echo ":: Creating [$repo]"
- for arch in "${ARCHES[@]}"; do
- mkdir -pv "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}"
- done
-echo ":: All done. Add the repo to the ParabolaWeb admin page."
diff --git a/test/lib/ b/test/lib/
index a2dee10..b9a2f9d 100644
--- a/test/lib/
+++ b/test/lib/
@@ -1,45 +1,83 @@
set -E
+# override the default TMPDIR
+init_tmpdir() {
+ [[ -n $MASTER_TMPDIR ]] || export MASTER_TMPDIR="$(mktemp -dqt ${0##*/}.XXXXXXXXXX)"
. "$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/../../config"
. "$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/../../db-functions"
+arches() (
+ . $(librelib
+ load_files libretools
+ printf '%s\n' "${ARCHES[*]}"
+arch_svn() {
+ /usr/bin/svn "$@"
+signpkg() {
+ if [[ -r '/etc/makepkg.conf' ]]; then
+ source '/etc/makepkg.conf'
+ else
+ die '/etc/makepkg.conf not found!'
+ fi
+ if [[ -r ~/.makepkg.conf ]]; then
+ . ~/.makepkg.conf
+ fi
+ if [[ -n $GPGKEY ]]; then
+ fi
+ gpg --detach-sign --use-agent "${SIGNWITHKEY[@]}" "${@}" || die
oneTimeSetUp() {
local p
local d
local a
+ local arches=($(arches))
local pkgname
local pkgarch
local pkgversion
local build
- pkgdir="$(mktemp -d /tmp/$(basename $0).XXXXXXXXXX)"
- cp -Lr $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/../packages/* "${pkgdir}"
+ pkgdir="$(mktemp -dt "${0##*/}.XXXXXXXXXX")"
+ cp -Lr "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"/../packages/* "${pkgdir}"
msg 'Building packages...'
for d in "${pkgdir}"/*; do
pushd $d >/dev/null
- pkgname=($(. PKGBUILD; echo ${pkgname[@]}))
- pkgarch=($(. PKGBUILD; echo ${arch[@]}))
- pkgversion=$(. PKGBUILD; echo $(get_full_version ${epoch:-0} ${pkgver} ${pkgrel}))
+ pkgname=($(. PKGBUILD; echo "${pkgname[@]}"))
+ pkgarch=($(. PKGBUILD; echo "${arch[@]}"))
+ pkgversion=$(. PKGBUILD; get_full_version)
- for a in ${pkgarch[@]}; do
- for p in ${pkgname[@]}; do
- [ ! -f ${p}-${pkgversion}-${a}${PKGEXT} ] && build=false
+ for a in "${pkgarch[@]}"; do
+ for p in "${pkgname[@]}"; do
+ [ ! -f "${p}-${pkgversion}-${a}"${PKGEXT} ] && build=false
- if ! ${build}; then
+ if ! "${build}"; then
if [ "${pkgarch[0]}" == 'any' ]; then
- sudo extra-x86_64-build || die 'extra-x86_64-build failed'
+ sudo libremakepkg || die 'libremakepkg failed'
- for a in ${pkgarch[@]}; do
- sudo extra-${a}-build || die "extra-${a}-build failed"
+ for a in "${pkgarch[@]}"; do
+ if in_array "$a" "${arches[@]}"; then
+ sudo setarch "$a" libremakepkg -n "$a" || die "setarch ${a} libremakepkg -n ${a} failed"
+ for p in "${pkgname[@]}"; do
+ cp "${p}-${pkgversion}-${a}"${PKGEXT} "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/../packages/${d##*/}")"
+ done
+ else
+ warning "skipping arch %s" "$a"
+ fi
- for a in ${pkgarch[@]}; do
- for p in ${pkgname[@]}; do
- cp ${p}-${pkgversion}-${a}${PKGEXT} $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/../packages/$(basename ${d})
- done
- done
popd >/dev/null
@@ -55,17 +93,19 @@ setUp() {
local r
local a
- [ -f "$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/../../config.local" ] && die "$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/../../config.local exists"
- TMP="$(mktemp -d /dev/shm/$(basename $0).XXXXXXXXXX)"
+ [ -f "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/../../config.local" ] && die "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/../../config.local exists"
+ init_tmpdir
+ TMP="$(mktemp -dt "${0##*/}.XXXXXXXXXX")"
#msg "Using ${TMP}"
PKGREPOS=('core' 'extra' 'testing')
+ SRCPOOL='pool/sources'
mkdir -p "${TMP}/"{ftp,tmp,staging,{package,source}-cleanup,svn-packages-{copy,repo}}
- for r in ${PKGREPOS[@]}; do
+ for r in "${PKGREPOS[@]}"; do
mkdir -p "${TMP}/staging/${r}"
- for a in ${ARCHES[@]} any; do
+ for a in "${ARCHES[@]}"; do
mkdir -p "${TMP}/ftp/${r}/os/${a}"
@@ -74,21 +114,33 @@ setUp() {
msg 'Creating svn repository...'
svnadmin create "${TMP}/svn-packages-repo"
- svn checkout -q "file://${TMP}/svn-packages-repo" "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy"
+ arch_svn checkout -q "file://${TMP}/svn-packages-repo" "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy"
for p in "${pkgdir}"/*; do
- pkg=$(basename $p)
+ pkg=${p##*/}
mkdir -p "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy/${pkg}"/{trunk,repos}
- cp "${p}"/* "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy"/${pkg}/trunk/
- svn add -q "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy"/${pkg}
- svn commit -q -m"initial commit of ${pkg}" "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy"
+ cp "${p}"/* "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy/${pkg}/trunk/"
+ arch_svn add -q "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy/${pkg}"
+ arch_svn commit -q -m"initial commit of ${pkg}" "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy"
- cat <<eot > "$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/../../config.local"
+ mkdir -p "${TMP}/home/.config/libretools"
+ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME="${TMP}/home/.config"
+ printf '%s\n' \
+ 'SVNURL=foo' \
+ "SVNREPO=\"${TMP}/svn-packages-copy\"" \
+ "ARCHES=($(arches))" \
+ > "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/libretools/xbs-abs.conf"
+ printf '%s\n' 'BUILDSYSTEM=abs' > "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xbs.conf"
+ cat <<eot > "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/../../config.local"
- SVNREPO="file://${TMP}/svn-packages-repo"
+ SVNREPO="${TMP}/svn-packages-copy"
+ TESTING_REPO='testing'
+ STABLE_REPOS=('core' 'extra')
@@ -97,12 +149,12 @@ setUp() {
- . "$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/../../config"
+ . "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/../../config"
tearDown() {
rm -rf "${TMP}"
- rm -f "$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/../../config.local"
+ rm -f "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/../../config.local"
@@ -110,18 +162,24 @@ releasePackage() {
local repo=$1
local pkgbase=$2
local arch=$3
+ local a
+ local p
+ local pkgver
+ local pkgname
- pushd "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy"/${pkgbase}/trunk/ >/dev/null
- archrelease ${repo}-${arch} >/dev/null 2&>1
- pkgver=$(. PKGBUILD; echo $(get_full_version ${epoch:-0} ${pkgver} ${pkgrel}))
+ pushd "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy/${pkgbase}/trunk/" >/dev/null
+ xbs release "${repo}" "${arch}" >/dev/null 2>&1
+ pkgver=$(. PKGBUILD; get_full_version)
+ pkgname=($(. PKGBUILD; echo "${pkgname[@]}"))
popd >/dev/null
- cp "${pkgdir}/${pkgbase}"/*-${pkgver}-${arch}${PKGEXT} "${STAGING}"/${repo}/
+ cp "${pkgdir}/${pkgbase}"/*-"${pkgver}-${arch}"${PKGEXT} "${STAGING}/${repo}/"
- # TODO: really sign the packages with a valid key
- find "${STAGING}"/${repo}/ -type f \
- -name "*-${pkgver}-${arch}${PKGEXT}" \
- -exec touch {}.sig \;
+ if "${REQUIRE_SIGNATURE}"; then
+ for a in "${arch[@]}"; do
+ for p in "${pkgname[@]}"; do
+ signpkg "${STAGING}/${repo}/${p}-${pkgver}-${a}"${PKGEXT}
+ done
+ done
@@ -132,32 +190,29 @@ checkAnyPackageDB() {
local db
[ -r "${FTP_BASE}/${PKGPOOL}/${pkg}" ] || fail "${PKGPOOL}/${pkg} not found"
+ if "${REQUIRE_SIGNATURE}"; then
[ -r "${FTP_BASE}/${PKGPOOL}/${pkg}.sig" ] || fail "${PKGPOOL}/${pkg}.sig not found"
- for arch in i686 x86_64; do
+ for arch in $(arches); do
[ -L "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkg}" ] || fail "${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkg} is not a symlink"
- [ "$(readlink -e "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkg}")" == "${FTP_BASE}/${PKGPOOL}/${pkg}" ] \
+ [ "$(readlink -e "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkg}")" == "$(readlink -e "${FTP_BASE}/${PKGPOOL}/${pkg}")" ] \
|| fail "${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkg} does not link to ${PKGPOOL}/${pkg}"
[ -L "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkg}.sig" ] || fail "${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkg}.sig is not a symlink"
- [ "$(readlink -e "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkg}.sig")" == "${FTP_BASE}/${PKGPOOL}/${pkg}.sig" ] \
+ [ "$(readlink -e "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkg}.sig")" == "$(readlink -e "${FTP_BASE}/${PKGPOOL}/${pkg}.sig")" ] \
|| fail "${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkg}.sig does not link to ${PKGPOOL}/${pkg}.sig"
+ for db in ${DBEXT} ${FILESEXT}; do
+ ( [ -r "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${db%.tar.*}" ] \
+ && bsdtar -xf "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${db%.tar.*}" -O | grep ${pkg} &>/dev/null) \
+ || fail "${pkg} not in ${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${db%.tar.*}"
+ done
[ -r "${STAGING}"/${repo}/${pkg} ] && fail "${repo}/${pkg} found in staging dir"
[ -r "${STAGING}"/${repo}/${pkg}.sig ] && fail "${repo}/${pkg}.sig found in staging dir"
- for db in ${DBEXT} ${FILESEXT}; do
- ( [ -r "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${db%.tar.*}" ] \
- && bsdtar -xf "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${db%.tar.*}" -O | grep -q ${pkg}) \
- || fail "${pkg} not in ${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${db%.tar.*}"
- done
- [ -r "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/any/${pkg}" ] && fail "${repo}/os/any/${pkg} should not exist"
- [ -r "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/any/${pkg}.sig" ] && fail "${repo}/os/any/${pkg}.sig should not exist"
checkAnyPackage() {
@@ -167,7 +222,7 @@ checkAnyPackage() {
checkAnyPackageDB $repo $pkg
local pkgbase=$(getpkgbase "${FTP_BASE}/${PKGPOOL}/${pkg}")
- svn up -q "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy/${pkgbase}"
+ arch_svn up -q "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy/${pkgbase}"
[ -d "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy/${pkgbase}/repos/${repo}-any" ] \
|| fail "svn-packages-copy/${pkgbase}/repos/${repo}-any does not exist"
@@ -182,7 +237,7 @@ checkPackageDB() {
[ -L "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkg}" ] || fail "${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkg} not a symlink"
[ -r "${STAGING}"/${repo}/${pkg} ] && fail "${repo}/${pkg} found in staging dir"
- [ "$(readlink -e "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkg}")" == "${FTP_BASE}/${PKGPOOL}/${pkg}" ] \
+ [ "$(readlink -e "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkg}")" == "$(readlink -e "${FTP_BASE}/${PKGPOOL}/${pkg}")" ] \
|| fail "${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkg} does not link to ${PKGPOOL}/${pkg}"
@@ -190,13 +245,13 @@ checkPackageDB() {
[ -L "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkg}.sig" ] || fail "${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkg}.sig is not a symlink"
[ -r "${STAGING}"/${repo}/${pkg}.sig ] && fail "${repo}/${pkg}.sig found in staging dir"
- [ "$(readlink -e "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkg}.sig")" == "${FTP_BASE}/${PKGPOOL}/${pkg}.sig" ] \
+ [ "$(readlink -e "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkg}.sig")" == "$(readlink -e "${FTP_BASE}/${PKGPOOL}/${pkg}.sig")" ] \
|| fail "${repo}/os/${arch}/${pkg}.sig does not link to ${PKGPOOL}/${pkg}.sig"
for db in ${DBEXT} ${FILESEXT}; do
( [ -r "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${db%.tar.*}" ] \
- && bsdtar -xf "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${db%.tar.*}" -O | grep -q ${pkg}) \
+ && bsdtar -xf "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${db%.tar.*}" -O | grep ${pkg} &>/dev/null) \
|| fail "${pkg} not in ${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${db%.tar.*}"
@@ -209,7 +264,7 @@ checkPackage() {
checkPackageDB $repo $pkg $arch
local pkgbase=$(getpkgbase "${FTP_BASE}/${PKGPOOL}/${pkg}")
- svn up -q "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy/${pkgbase}"
+ arch_svn up -q "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy/${pkgbase}"
[ -d "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy/${pkgbase}/repos/${repo}-${arch}" ] \
|| fail "svn-packages-copy/${pkgbase}/repos/${repo}-${arch} does not exist"
@@ -222,7 +277,7 @@ checkRemovedPackageDB() {
for db in ${DBEXT} ${FILESEXT}; do
( [ -r "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${db%.tar.*}" ] \
- && bsdtar -xf "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${db%.tar.*}" -O | grep -q ${pkgbase}) \
+ && bsdtar -xf "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${db%.tar.*}" -O | grep ${pkgbase} &>/dev/null) \
&& fail "${pkgbase} should not be in ${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${db%.tar.*}"
@@ -234,7 +289,7 @@ checkRemovedPackage() {
checkRemovedPackageDB $repo $pkgbase $arch
- svn up -q "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy/${pkgbase}"
+ arch_svn up -q "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy/${pkgbase}"
[ -d "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy/${pkgbase}/repos/${repo}-${arch}" ] \
&& fail "svn-packages-copy/${pkgbase}/repos/${repo}-${arch} should not exist"
@@ -246,9 +301,9 @@ checkRemovedAnyPackageDB() {
local db
for db in ${DBEXT} ${FILESEXT}; do
- for arch in i686 x86_64; do
+ for arch in $(arches); do
( [ -r "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${db%.tar.*}" ] \
- && bsdtar -xf "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${db%.tar.*}" -O | grep -q ${pkgbase}) \
+ && bsdtar -xf "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${db%.tar.*}" -O | grep ${pkgbase} &>/dev/null) \
&& fail "${pkgbase} should not be in ${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${db%.tar.*}"
@@ -260,7 +315,7 @@ checkRemovedAnyPackage() {
checkRemovedAnyPackageDB $repo $pkgbase
- svn up -q "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy/${pkgbase}"
+ arch_svn up -q "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy/${pkgbase}"
[ -d "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy/${pkgbase}/repos/${repo}-any" ] \
&& fail "svn-packages-copy/${pkgbase}/repos/${repo}-any should not exist"
diff --git a/test/test.d/ b/test/test.d/
index 49734c4..b5ec5c8 100755
--- a/test/test.d/
+++ b/test/test.d/
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-curdir=$(readlink -e $(dirname $0))
+curdir="$(readlink -e "$(dirname "$0")")"
. "${curdir}/../lib/"
testCreateSimpleFileLists() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ local arches=(`arches`)
local pkgs=('pkg-simple-a' 'pkg-simple-b' 'pkg-simple-epoch')
local pkgbase
local arch
- for pkgbase in ${pkgs[@]}; do
- for arch in ${arches[@]}; do
- releasePackage extra ${pkgbase} ${arch}
+ for pkgbase in "${pkgs[@]}"; do
+ for arch in "${arches[@]}"; do
+ releasePackage extra "${pkgbase}" "${arch}"
- for pkgbase in ${pkgs[@]}; do
- for arch in ${arches[@]}; do
- if ! bsdtar -xOf "${FTP_BASE}/extra/os/${arch}/extra${FILESEXT}" | grep -q "usr/bin/${pkgbase}"; then
+ for pkgbase in "${pkgs[@]}"; do
+ for arch in "${arches[@]}"; do
+ if ! bsdtar -xOf "${FTP_BASE}/extra/os/${arch}/extra${FILESEXT}" | grep "usr/bin/${pkgbase}" &>/dev/null; then
fail "usr/bin/${pkgbase} not found in ${arch}/extra${FILESEXT}"
@@ -26,19 +26,19 @@ testCreateSimpleFileLists() {
testCreateAnyFileLists() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ local arches=(`arches`)
local pkgs=('pkg-any-a' 'pkg-any-b')
local pkgbase
local arch
- for pkgbase in ${pkgs[@]}; do
- releasePackage extra ${pkgbase} any
+ for pkgbase in "${pkgs[@]}"; do
+ releasePackage extra "${pkgbase}" any
- for pkgbase in ${pkgs[@]}; do
- for arch in ${arches[@]}; do
- if ! bsdtar -xOf "${FTP_BASE}/extra/os/${arch}/extra${FILESEXT}" | grep -q "usr/share/${pkgbase}/test"; then
+ for pkgbase in "${pkgs[@]}"; do
+ for arch in "${arches[@]}"; do
+ if ! bsdtar -xOf "${FTP_BASE}/extra/os/${arch}/extra${FILESEXT}" | grep "usr/share/${pkgbase}/test" &>/dev/null; then
fail "usr/share/${pkgbase}/test not found in ${arch}/extra${FILESEXT}"
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ testCreateAnyFileLists() {
testCreateSplitFileLists() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ local arches=(`arches`)
local pkgs=('pkg-split-a' 'pkg-split-b')
local pkg
local pkgbase
@@ -54,18 +54,18 @@ testCreateSplitFileLists() {
local pkgnames
local arch
- for pkgbase in ${pkgs[@]}; do
- for arch in ${arches[@]}; do
- releasePackage extra ${pkgbase} ${arch}
+ for pkgbase in "${pkgs[@]}"; do
+ for arch in "${arches[@]}"; do
+ releasePackage extra "${pkgbase}" "${arch}"
- for pkgbase in ${pkgs[@]}; do
- pkgnames=($(source "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy/${pkgbase}/trunk/PKGBUILD"; echo ${pkgname[@]}))
- for pkgname in ${pkgnames[@]}; do
- for arch in ${arches[@]}; do
- if ! bsdtar -xOf "${FTP_BASE}/extra/os/${arch}/extra${FILESEXT}" | grep -q "usr/bin/${pkgname}"; then
+ for pkgbase in "${pkgs[@]}"; do
+ pkgnames=($(source "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy/${pkgbase}/trunk/PKGBUILD"; echo "${pkgname[@]}"))
+ for pkgname in "${pkgnames[@]}"; do
+ for arch in "${arches[@]}"; do
+ if ! bsdtar -xOf "${FTP_BASE}/extra/os/${arch}/extra${FILESEXT}" | grep "usr/bin/${pkgname}" &>/dev/null; then
fail "usr/bin/${pkgname} not found in ${arch}/extra${FILESEXT}"
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ testCreateSplitFileLists() {
testCleanupFileLists() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ local arches=(`arches`)
local pkgs=('pkg-simple-a' 'pkg-simple-b')
local pkgbase
local arch
@@ -92,10 +92,10 @@ testCleanupFileLists() {
for arch in ${arches[@]}; do
- if ! bsdtar -xOf "${FTP_BASE}/extra/os/${arch}/extra${FILESEXT}" | grep -q "usr/bin/pkg-simple-b"; then
+ if ! bsdtar -xOf "${FTP_BASE}/extra/os/${arch}/extra${FILESEXT}" | grep "usr/bin/pkg-simple-b" &>/dev/null; then
fail "usr/bin/pkg-simple-b not found in ${arch}/extra${FILESEXT}"
- if bsdtar -xOf "${FTP_BASE}/extra/os/${arch}/extra${FILESEXT}" | grep -q "usr/bin/pkg-simple-a"; then
+ if bsdtar -xOf "${FTP_BASE}/extra/os/${arch}/extra${FILESEXT}" | grep "usr/bin/pkg-simple-a" &>/dev/null; then
fail "usr/bin/pkg-simple-a still found in ${arch}/extra${FILESEXT}"
diff --git a/test/test.d/ b/test/test.d/
index 9d7c1f6..3cf355b 100755
--- a/test/test.d/
+++ b/test/test.d/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ curdir=$(readlink -e $(dirname $0))
. "${curdir}/../lib/"
testMoveSimplePackages() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ local arches=(`arches`)
local pkgs=('pkg-simple-a' 'pkg-simple-b')
local pkgbase
local arch
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ testMoveSimplePackages() {
testMoveMultiplePackages() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ local arches=(`arches`)
local pkgs=('pkg-simple-a' 'pkg-simple-b')
local pkgbase
local arch
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ testMoveMultiplePackages() {
testMoveEpochPackages() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ local arches=(`arches`)
local pkgs=('pkg-simple-epoch')
local pkgbase
local arch
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ testMoveAnyPackages() {
testMoveSplitPackages() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ local arches=(`arches`)
local pkgs=('pkg-split-a' 'pkg-split-b')
local pkg
local pkgbase
@@ -107,12 +107,12 @@ testMoveSplitPackages() {
for arch in ${arches[@]}; do
for pkg in "${pkgdir}/pkg-split-a"/*-${arch}${PKGEXT}; do
- checkPackage extra $(basename ${pkg}) ${arch}
+ checkPackage extra ${pkg##*/} ${arch}
for arch in ${arches[@]}; do
for pkg in "${pkgdir}/pkg-split-b"/*-${arch}${PKGEXT}; do
- checkPackage testing $(basename ${pkg}) ${arch}
+ checkPackage testing ${pkg##*/} ${arch}
diff --git a/test/test.d/ b/test/test.d/
index 416e693..d79605e 100755
--- a/test/test.d/
+++ b/test/test.d/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ curdir=$(readlink -e $(dirname $0))
. "${curdir}/../lib/"
testRemovePackages() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ local arches=(`arches`)
local pkgs=('pkg-simple-a' 'pkg-simple-b' 'pkg-split-a' 'pkg-split-b' 'pkg-simple-epoch')
local pkgbase
local arch
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ testRemovePackages() {
testRemoveMultiplePackages() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ local arches=(`arches`)
local pkgs=('pkg-simple-a' 'pkg-simple-b' 'pkg-split-a' 'pkg-split-b' 'pkg-simple-epoch')
local pkgbase
local arch
diff --git a/test/test.d/ b/test/test.d/
index 8603104..09fc52f 100755
--- a/test/test.d/
+++ b/test/test.d/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ curdir=$(readlink -e $(dirname $0))
. "${curdir}/../lib/"
testAddSimplePackages() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ local arches=(`arches`)
local pkgs=('pkg-simple-a' 'pkg-simple-b')
local pkgbase
local arch
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ testAddSimplePackages() {
testAddMultiplePackages() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ local arches=(`arches`)
local pkgs=('pkg-simple-a' 'pkg-simple-b')
local pkgbase
local arch
diff --git a/test/test.d/ b/test/test.d/
index 315d63d..eec0109 100755
--- a/test/test.d/
+++ b/test/test.d/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ curdir=$(readlink -e $(dirname $0))
. "${curdir}/../lib/"
testRemovePackages() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ local arches=(`arches`)
local pkgs=('pkg-simple-a' 'pkg-simple-b' 'pkg-simple-epoch')
local pkgbase
local arch
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ testRemovePackages() {
testRemoveMultiplePackages() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ local arches=(`arches`)
local pkgs=('pkg-simple-a' 'pkg-simple-b' 'pkg-simple-epoch')
local pkgbase
local arch
diff --git a/test/test.d/ b/test/test.d/
index e38c328..7f1874b 100755
--- a/test/test.d/
+++ b/test/test.d/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ curdir=$(readlink -e $(dirname $0))
. "${curdir}/../lib/"
testAddSimplePackages() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ local arches=(`arches`)
local pkgs=('pkg-simple-a' 'pkg-simple-b')
local pkgbase
local arch
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ testAddAnyPackages() {
testAddSplitPackages() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ local arches=(`arches`)
local pkgs=('pkg-split-a' 'pkg-split-b')
local pkg
local pkgbase
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ testAddSplitPackages() {
for pkgbase in ${pkgs[@]}; do
for arch in ${arches[@]}; do
for pkg in "${pkgdir}/${pkgbase}"/*-${arch}${PKGEXT}; do
- checkPackage extra $(basename ${pkg}) ${arch}
+ checkPackage extra ${pkg##*/} ${arch}
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ testUpdateAnyPackage() {
pushd "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy/pkg-any-a/trunk/" >/dev/null
sed 's/pkgrel=1/pkgrel=2/g' -i PKGBUILD
- svn commit -q -m"update pkg to pkgrel=2" >/dev/null
- sudo extra-i686-build >/dev/null 2>&1
+ arch_svn commit -q -m"update pkg to pkgrel=2" >/dev/null
+ sudo libremakepkg
mv pkg-any-a-1-2-any.pkg.tar.xz "${pkgdir}/pkg-any-a/"
popd >/dev/null
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ testUpdateAnyPackageToDifferentRepositoriesAtOnce() {
pushd "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy/pkg-any-a/trunk/" >/dev/null
sed 's/pkgrel=1/pkgrel=2/g' -i PKGBUILD
- svn commit -q -m"update pkg to pkgrel=2" >/dev/null
- sudo extra-i686-build >/dev/null 2>&1
+ arch_svn commit -q -m"update pkg to pkgrel=2" >/dev/null
+ sudo libremakepkg
mv pkg-any-a-1-2-any.pkg.tar.xz "${pkgdir}/pkg-any-a/"
popd >/dev/null
@@ -132,16 +132,16 @@ testUpdateSameAnyPackageToDifferentRepositories() {
../db-update >/dev/null 2>&1 && (fail 'Adding an existing package to another repository should fail'; return 1)
local arch
- for arch in i686 x86_64; do
+ for arch in $(arches); do
( [ -r "${FTP_BASE}/testing/os/${arch}/testing${DBEXT%.tar.*}" ] \
- && bsdtar -xf "${FTP_BASE}/testing/os/${arch}/testing${DBEXT%.tar.*}" -O | grep -q ${pkgbase}) \
+ && bsdtar -xf "${FTP_BASE}/testing/os/${arch}/testing${DBEXT%.tar.*}" -O | grep ${pkgbase} &>/dev/null) \
&& fail "${pkgbase} should not be in testing/os/${arch}/testing${DBEXT%.tar.*}"
testAddIncompleteSplitPackage() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ local arches=(`arches`)
local repo='extra'
local pkgbase='pkg-split-a'
local arch
@@ -157,9 +157,19 @@ testAddIncompleteSplitPackage() {
for arch in ${arches[@]}; do
( [ -r "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${DBEXT%.tar.*}" ] \
- && bsdtar -xf "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${DBEXT%.tar.*}" -O | grep -q ${pkgbase}) \
+ && bsdtar -xf "${FTP_BASE}/${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${DBEXT%.tar.*}" -O | grep ${pkgbase} &>/dev/null) \
&& fail "${pkgbase} should not be in ${repo}/os/${arch}/${repo}${DBEXT%.tar.*}"
+testUnknownRepo() {
+ mkdir "${STAGING}/unknown/"
+ releasePackage extra 'pkg-simple-a' 'i686'
+ releasePackage unknown 'pkg-simple-b' 'i686'
+ ../db-update
+ checkPackage extra 'pkg-simple-a-1-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz' 'i686'
+ [ -e "${FTP_BASE}/unknown" ] && fail "db-update pushed a package into an unknown repository"
+ rm -rf "${STAGING}/unknown/"
. "${curdir}/../lib/shunit2"
diff --git a/test/test.d/ b/test/test.d/
index 20026b4..630b88f 100755
--- a/test/test.d/
+++ b/test/test.d/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ curdir=$(readlink -e $(dirname $0))
. "${curdir}/../lib/"
testCleanupSimplePackages() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ local arches=(`arches`)
local pkgs=('pkg-simple-a' 'pkg-simple-b')
local pkgbase
local arch
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ testCleanupSimplePackages() {
testCleanupEpochPackages() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ local arches=(`arches`)
local pkgs=('pkg-simple-epoch')
local pkgbase
local arch
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ testCleanupAnyPackages() {
testCleanupSplitPackages() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ local arches=(`arches`)
local pkgs=('pkg-split-a' 'pkg-split-b')
local pkg
local pkgbase
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ testCleanupSplitPackages() {
for pkg in "${pkgdir}/${pkgs[1]}"/*-${arch}${PKGEXT}; do
- checkPackage extra $(basename ${pkg}) ${arch}
+ checkPackage extra ${pkg##*/} ${arch}
diff --git a/test/test.d/ b/test/test.d/
deleted file mode 100755
index 5873f00..0000000
--- a/test/test.d/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-curdir=$(readlink -e $(dirname $0))
-. "${curdir}/../lib/"
-testMovePackagesWithoutPool() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
- local pkgs=('pkg-simple-a' 'pkg-simple-b' 'pkg-split-a' 'pkg-split-b')
- local pkgbase
- local arch
- local pkg
- local old
- for pkgbase in ${pkgs[@]}; do
- for arch in ${arches[@]}; do
- releasePackage testing ${pkgbase} ${arch}
- done
- done
- ../db-update
- # transform two packages to old style layout
- for arch in ${arches[@]}; do
- for old in 0 2; do
- for pkg in "${pkgdir}/${pkgs[${old}]}"/*-${arch}${PKGEXT}; do
- pkg=$(basename $pkg)
- mv -f "${FTP_BASE}/${PKGPOOL}/${pkg}" "${FTP_BASE}/testing/os/${arch}/${pkg}"
- done
- done
- done
- ../cron-jobs/ftpdir-cleanup >/dev/null
- ../db-move testing extra ${pkgs[@]}
- ../cron-jobs/ftpdir-cleanup >/dev/null
- for pkgbase in ${pkgs[@]}; do
- for arch in ${arches[@]}; do
- for pkg in "${pkgdir}/${pkgbase}"/*-${arch}${PKGEXT}; do
- checkPackage extra $(basename ${pkg}) ${arch}
- done
- checkRemovedPackage testing ${pkgbase} ${arch}
- done
- done
-testUpdateAnyPackageWithoutPool() {
- local pkgname='pkg-any-a'
- local pkg1='pkg-any-a-1-1-any.pkg.tar.xz'
- local pkg2='pkg-any-a-1-2-any.pkg.tar.xz'
- local arch
- releasePackage extra pkg-any-a any
- ../db-update
- # transform two packages to old style layout
- mv -f "${FTP_BASE}/${PKGPOOL}/${pkg1}" "${FTP_BASE}/extra/os/any"
- for arch in i686 x86_64; do
- ln -sf "../any/${pkg1}" "${FTP_BASE}/extra/os/${arch}"
- done
- pushd "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy/${pkgname}/trunk/" >/dev/null
- sed 's/pkgrel=1/pkgrel=2/g' -i PKGBUILD
- svn commit -q -m"update pkg to pkgrel=2" >/dev/null
- sudo extra-i686-build >/dev/null 2>&1
- mv "${pkg2}" "${pkgdir}/${pkgname}/"
- popd >/dev/null
- releasePackage extra ${pkgname} any
- ../db-update
- rm -f "${pkgdir}/${pkgname}/${pkg2}"
- ../cron-jobs/ftpdir-cleanup >/dev/null
- checkAnyPackage extra "${pkg2}"
- [ -f "${FTP_BASE}/${PKGPOOL}/${pkg1}" ] && fail "${PKGPOOL}/${pkg1} found"
- for arch in any i686 x86_64; do
- [ -f "${FTP_BASE}/extra/os/${arch}/${pkg1}" ] && fail "extra/os/${arch}/${pkg1} found"
- done
-testMoveAnyPackagesWithoutPool() {
- local pkgs=('pkg-any-a' 'pkg-any-b')
- local pkgbase
- local arch
- local pkg
- for pkgbase in ${pkgs[@]}; do
- releasePackage testing ${pkgbase} any
- done
- ../db-update
- # transform a package to old style layout
- for pkg in "${pkgdir}/${pkgs[0]}"/*-any${PKGEXT}; do
- pkg=$(basename $pkg)
- mv -f "${FTP_BASE}/${PKGPOOL}/${pkg}" "${FTP_BASE}/testing/os/any/${pkg}"
- for arch in i686 x86_64; do
- ln -sf "../any/${pkg}" "${FTP_BASE}/testing/os/${arch}/${pkg}"
- done
- done
- ../cron-jobs/ftpdir-cleanup >/dev/null
- ../db-move testing extra ${pkgs[@]}
- ../cron-jobs/ftpdir-cleanup >/dev/null
- for pkgbase in ${pkgs[@]}; do
- for pkg in "${pkgdir}/${pkgbase}"/*-any${PKGEXT}; do
- checkAnyPackage extra $(basename ${pkg})
- done
- checkRemovedAnyPackage testing ${pkgbase}
- done
- for pkg in "${pkgdir}/${pkgs[0]}"/*-any${PKGEXT}; do
- pkg=$(basename $pkg)
- for arch in any i686 x86_64; do
- [ -f "${FTP_BASE}/testing/os/${arch}/${pkg}" ] && fail "testing/os/${arch}/${pkg} found"
- done
- done
-testUpdateSameAnyPackageToDifferentRepositoriesWithoutPool() {
- local pkg
- local arch
- releasePackage extra pkg-any-a any
- ../db-update
- # transform a package to old style layout
- for pkg in "${pkgdir}/pkg-any-a"/*-any${PKGEXT}; do
- pkg=$(basename $pkg)
- mv -f "${FTP_BASE}/${PKGPOOL}/${pkg}" "${FTP_BASE}/extra/os/any/${pkg}"
- for arch in i686 x86_64; do
- ln -sf "../any/${pkg}" "${FTP_BASE}/extra/os/${arch}/${pkg}"
- done
- done
- releasePackage testing pkg-any-a any
- ../db-update >/dev/null 2>&1 && (fail 'Adding an existing package to another repository should fail'; return 1)
- for arch in i686 x86_64; do
- ( [ -r "${FTP_BASE}/testing/os/${arch}/testing${DBEXT%.tar.*}" ] \
- && bsdtar -xf "${FTP_BASE}/testing/os/${arch}/testing${DBEXT%.tar.*}" -O | grep -q pkg-any-a) \
- && fail "pkg-any-a should not be in testing/os/${arch}/testing${DBEXT%.tar.*}"
- done
-. "${curdir}/../lib/shunit2"
diff --git a/test/test.d/ b/test/test.d/
index 5d6f4ff..03566ef 100755
--- a/test/test.d/
+++ b/test/test.d/
@@ -3,11 +3,34 @@
curdir=$(readlink -e $(dirname $0))
. "${curdir}/../lib/"
+testAddSignedPackage() {
+ releasePackage extra 'pkg-simple-a' 'i686'
+ ../db-update || fail "db-update failed!"
testAddUnsignedPackage() {
releasePackage extra 'pkg-simple-a' 'i686'
- # remove any signature
rm "${STAGING}"/extra/*.sig
../db-update >/dev/null 2>&1 && fail "db-update should fail when a signature is missing!"
+testAddInvalidSignedPackage() {
+ local p
+ releasePackage extra 'pkg-simple-a' 'i686'
+ for p in "${STAGING}"/extra/*${PKGEXT}; do
+ unxz $p
+ xz -0 ${p%%.xz}
+ done
+ ../db-update >/dev/null 2>&1 && fail "db-update should fail when a signature is invalid!"
+testAddBrokenSignature() {
+ local s
+ releasePackage extra 'pkg-simple-a' 'i686'
+ for s in "${STAGING}"/extra/*.sig; do
+ echo 0 > $s
+ done
+ ../db-update >/dev/null 2>&1 && fail "db-update should fail when a signature is broken!"
. "${curdir}/../lib/shunit2"
diff --git a/test/test.d/ b/test/test.d/
index fdcf08c..472cb30 100755
--- a/test/test.d/
+++ b/test/test.d/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ curdir=$(readlink -e $(dirname $0))
. "${curdir}/../lib/"
testSourceballs() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ local arches=(`arches`)
local pkgs=('pkg-simple-a' 'pkg-simple-b' 'pkg-simple-epoch')
local pkgbase
local arch
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ testAnySourceballs() {
testSplitSourceballs() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ local arches=(`arches`)
local pkgs=('pkg-split-a' 'pkg-split-b')
local pkg
local pkgbase
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ testSplitSourceballs() {
testSourceballsCleanup() {
- local arches=('i686' 'x86_64')
+ local arches=(`arches`)
local pkgs=('pkg-simple-a' 'pkg-simple-b')
local pkgbase
local arch
diff --git a/test/test.d/ b/test/test.d/
index eda6cd6..0c2fa83 100755
--- a/test/test.d/
+++ b/test/test.d/
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ testTesting2xAnyPackage() {
pushd "${TMP}/svn-packages-copy/pkg-any-a/trunk/" >/dev/null
sed 's/pkgrel=1/pkgrel=2/g' -i PKGBUILD
- svn commit -q -m"update pkg to pkgrel=2" >/dev/null
- sudo extra-i686-build >/dev/null 2>&1
+ arch_svn commit -q -m"update pkg to pkgrel=2" >/dev/null
+ sudo libremakepkg
mv pkg-any-a-1-2-any.pkg.tar.xz "${pkgdir}/pkg-any-a/"
popd >/dev/null
diff --git a/testing2x b/testing2x
deleted file mode 100755
index 2ed5c25..0000000
--- a/testing2x
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-. "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/config"
-. "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/db-functions"
-if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
- msg "usage: %s <pkgname|pkgbase> ..." "${0##*/}"
- exit 1
-# Lock everything to reduce possibility of interfering task between the different repo-updates
-for repo in 'core' 'extra' 'testing'; do
- for pkgarch in "${ARCHES[@]}"; do
- repo_lock "${repo}" "${pkgarch}" || exit 1
- done
-declare -A pkgs
-for pkgbase in "$@"; do
- if [ ! -d "${WORKDIR}/${pkgbase}" ]; then
- /usr/bin/svn export -q "${SVNREPO}/${pkgbase}/repos" "${WORKDIR}/${pkgbase}" >/dev/null
- found_source=false
- for pkgarch in "${ARCHES[@]}" 'any'; do
- svnrepo_from="${WORKDIR}/${pkgbase}/testing-${pkgarch}"
- if [ -r "${svnrepo_from}/PKGBUILD" ]; then
- found_source=true
- break
- fi
- done
- "${found_source}" || die "%s not found in [testing]" "${pkgbase}"
- found_target=false
- for pkgarch in "${ARCHES[@]}" 'any'; do
- for repo in 'core' 'extra'; do
- svnrepo_to="${WORKDIR}/${pkgbase}/${repo}-${pkgarch}"
- if [ -r "${svnrepo_to}/PKGBUILD" ]; then
- found_target=true
- pkgs[${repo}]+="${pkgbase} "
- break 2
- fi
- done
- done
- "${found_target}" || die "%s neither found in [core] nor [extra]" "${pkgbase}"
- fi
-for pkgarch in "${ARCHES[@]}"; do
- repo_unlock 'testing' "${pkgarch}"
-for repo in 'core' 'extra'; do
- for pkgarch in "${ARCHES[@]}"; do
- repo_unlock "${repo}" "${pkgarch}"
- done
- if [ -n "${pkgs[${repo}]}" ]; then
- "$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$0")")/db-move" 'testing' "${repo}" ${pkgs[${repo}]}
- fi