path: root/cron-jobs/
diff options
authorScott Horowitz <>2008-05-27 14:34:00 -0400
committerAaron Griffin <>2008-05-27 14:34:00 -0400
commit1c9a21bdf378ddd3572b3b8f405d99b3063521c9 (patch)
treea2e1adab45b5582cef9895c7b9d3ec160eacde5a /cron-jobs/
parent5f8efdc0eaa394fcdcb1a2b5d04048e1a080aad9 (diff)
Add the repo checker
This is to be used for integrity checked, generated perhaps once a day Signed-off-by: Aaron Griffin <>
Diffstat (limited to 'cron-jobs/')
1 files changed, 724 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cron-jobs/ b/cron-jobs/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8e39c81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cron-jobs/
@@ -0,0 +1,724 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Written by Scott Horowitz <>
+# Graphical dependency tree by Cesar G. Miguel <>
+# This script currently checks for a number of issues in your ABS tree:
+# 1. Directories with missing PKGBUILDS
+# 2. Duplicate PKGBUILDs
+# 3. Missing (make-)dependencies, taking into account 'provides'
+# 4. Provisioned dependencies
+# 5. Circular dependencies
+# 6. Valid arch's in PKGBUILDS
+# 7. Missing packages in Arch repos
+# 8. PKGBUILD names that don't match their directory
+# 9. Hierarchy of repos (e.g., that a core package doesn't depend on
+# a non-core package)
+# It can also, optionally, generate a graphical representation of the
+# dependency tree.
+# Todo:
+# 1. Accommodate testing repo?
+abs_conf_dir = "/etc/abs"
+valid_archs = ['i686', 'x86_64']
+cvs_tags = {'i686': 'CURRENT', 'x86_64': 'CURRENT-64'}
+include_paths = ['core', 'extra', 'community', 'unstable']
+base_server = "" # Must be ftp site
+# Ensure that core repo only depends on core, and the extra repo only
+# depends on core and extra, etc.
+repo_hierarchy = {'core': ('core'), \
+'extra': ('core', 'extra'), \
+'unstable': ('core', 'extra', 'unstable'), \
+'community': ('core', 'extra', 'unstable', 'community')}
+pkgname_str = "pkgname="
+dep_str = "depends=("
+makedep_str = "makedepends=("
+provides_str = "provides=("
+arch_str = "arch=("
+pkgver_str = "pkgver="
+pkgrel_str = "pkgrel="
+build_str = "build()"
+source_str = "source="
+url_str = "url="
+mathlist = (">=", "<=", "=", ">", "<")
+sup_tag_str = "*default tag="
+import os, sys, getopt, tempfile
+from ftplib import FTP
+ import pydot
+ HAS_PYDOT = True
+ HAS_PYDOT = False
+def print_heading(heading):
+ print ""
+ print "=" * (len(heading) + 4)
+ print "= " + heading + " ="
+ print "=" * (len(heading) + 4)
+def print_subheading(subheading):
+ print ""
+ print subheading
+ print "-" * (len(subheading) + 2)
+def rmgeneric(path, __func__):
+ try:
+ __func__(path)
+ except OSError, (errno, strerror):
+ pass
+def removeall(path):
+ if not os.path.isdir(path):
+ return
+ files=os.listdir(path)
+ for x in files:
+ fullpath=os.path.join(path, x)
+ if os.path.isfile(fullpath):
+ f=os.remove
+ rmgeneric(fullpath, f)
+ elif os.path.isdir(fullpath):
+ removeall(fullpath)
+ f=os.rmdir
+ rmgeneric(fullpath, f)
+def update_var(line, user_vars, pkgpath):
+ if line.count("$") > 0:
+ export_line = ""
+ for var in user_vars:
+ if line.count(var[0]) > 0:
+ export_line = export_line + var[0] + "=" + var[1] + " && "
+ if line.startswith("(") and line.endswith(")"):
+ line = line[1:-1]
+ export_line = export_line + "echo \"" + line + "\""
+ line = os.popen(export_line).read().replace("\n", "")
+ return line
+def split_dep_prov_symbol(dep):
+ # Splits 'foo>=1.2.3' into ('foo', '1.2.3', '>=')
+ prov = ""
+ symbol = ""
+ for char in mathlist:
+ pos = dep.find(char)
+ if pos > -1:
+ prov = dep[pos:].replace(char, "")
+ dep = dep[:pos]
+ symbol = char
+ break
+ return (dep, prov, symbol)
+def repo_from_path(path):
+ return path.split("/")[-4]
+def create_supfile(sourcefile, destfile, newtag):
+ o = open(sourcefile, 'r')
+ info =
+ o.close()
+ lines = info.split("\n")
+ o = open(destfile, 'w')
+ for line in lines:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line[:len(sup_tag_str)] == sup_tag_str:
+ line = sup_tag_str + newtag
+ o.write(line + "\n")
+ o.close()
+def get_deps_provides_etc(pkgpath):
+ # Parse PKGBUILD for name, depends, makedepends, provides, arch's, and version
+ o = open(pkgpath, 'r')
+ info =
+ o.close()
+ lines = info.split("\n")
+ deps = []
+ provides = []
+ archs = []
+ makedeps = []
+ array = []
+ user_vars = []
+ continue_line = False
+ for line in lines:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line.find("#") > -1:
+ line = line[:line.find("#")].strip()
+ if not continue_line:
+ deps_line = False
+ provides_line = False
+ arch_line = False
+ makedeps_line = False
+ if line[:len(dep_str)] == dep_str:
+ line = line.replace(dep_str,"")
+ deps_line = True
+ elif line[:len(makedep_str)] == makedep_str:
+ line = line.replace(makedep_str,"")
+ makedeps_line = True
+ elif line[:len(provides_str)] == provides_str:
+ line = line.replace(provides_str,"")
+ provides_line = True
+ elif line[:len(arch_str)] == arch_str:
+ line = line.replace(arch_str, "")
+ arch_line = True
+ elif line[:len(pkgname_str)] == pkgname_str:
+ pkgname = line.replace(pkgname_str, "")
+ if pkgname.startswith("\"") and pkgname.endswith("\""):
+ pkgname = pkgname[1:-1]
+ pkgname = update_var(pkgname, user_vars, pkgpath)
+ user_vars.append([pkgname_str, pkgname])
+ line = ""
+ elif line[:len(pkgver_str)] == pkgver_str:
+ pkgver = line.replace(pkgver_str, "")
+ if pkgver.startswith("\"") and pkgver.endswith("\""):
+ pkgver = pkgver[1:-1]
+ pkgver = update_var(pkgver, user_vars, pkgpath)
+ user_vars.append([pkgver_str[:-1], pkgver])
+ line = ""
+ elif line[:len(pkgrel_str)] == pkgrel_str:
+ pkgrel = line.replace(pkgrel_str, "")
+ if pkgrel.startswith("\"") and pkgrel.endswith("\""):
+ pkgrel = pkgrel[1:-1]
+ pkgrel = update_var(pkgrel, user_vars, pkgpath)
+ user_vars.append([pkgrel_str[:-1], pkgrel])
+ line = ""
+ elif line[:len(build_str)] == build_str:
+ break
+ elif not continue_line:
+ if line.count("=") == 1 and line.count(" ") == 0 and line[:1] != "#" and \
+ line[:len(source_str)] != source_str and line[:len(url_str)] != url_str:
+ split = line.split("=")
+ for item in range(len(split)):
+ split[item] = update_var(split[item], user_vars, pkgpath)
+ user_vars.append(split)
+ line = ""
+ if len(line) > 0:
+ pos = line.find(")")
+ if pos > -1:
+ # strip everything from closing paranthesis on
+ # since some PKGBUILDS have comments after the
+ # depends array
+ line = line[:pos]
+ line = line.split(' ')
+ for i in range(len(line)):
+ line[i] = line[i].replace("'","").replace('"','')
+ line[i] = update_var(line[i], user_vars, pkgpath)
+ if len(line[i]) > 0:
+ if deps_line:
+ deps.append(line[i])
+ array=deps
+ elif provides_line:
+ provides.append(line[i])
+ array=provides
+ elif arch_line:
+ archs.append(line[i])
+ array=archs
+ elif makedeps_line:
+ makedeps.append(line[i])
+ array=makedeps
+ if array and (array[-1] == "\\" or array[-1][-1] == "\\"):
+ # continue reading deps/provides on next line
+ if array[-1] == "\\":
+ array.pop(-1)
+ else:
+ array[-1] = array[-1].replace("\\", "")
+ continue_line = True
+ else:
+ continue_line = False
+ version = pkgver + "-" + pkgrel
+ return (pkgname, deps, makedeps, provides, archs, version)
+def get_pkgbuilds_in_dir(rootdir):
+ # Recursively populates pkgbuild_deps, pkgbuild_paths, etc.
+ # dicts with info from each PKGBUILD found in rootdir:
+ if rootdir != absroot:
+ if rootdir.count("/") == (absroot.count("/")+1) and rootdir not in curr_include_paths:
+ return
+ pkgfound = False
+ for f in os.listdir(rootdir):
+ fpath = rootdir + "/" + f
+ if os.path.isdir(fpath):
+ get_pkgbuilds_in_dir(fpath)
+ elif f == 'PKGBUILD':
+ pkgfound = True
+ name = rootdir.split("/")[-1]
+ if name in pkgbuild_deps:
+ dups.append(fpath.replace(absroot, "") + " vs. " + pkgbuild_paths[name].replace(absroot, ""))
+ else:
+ (pkgname, deps, makedeps, provides, archs, version) = get_deps_provides_etc(fpath)
+ pkgbuild_deps[pkgname] = deps
+ pkgbuild_makedeps[pkgname] = makedeps
+ pkgbuild_paths[pkgname] = fpath
+ pkgbuild_archs[pkgname] = archs
+ pkgbuild_versions[pkgname] = version
+ # We'll store the provides "backwards" compared to
+ # the other dicts. This will make searching for
+ # provides easier by being able to look up the
+ # provide name itself and find what provides it
+ for provide in provides:
+ pkgbuild_provides[provide] = pkgname
+ if pkgname != name:
+ mismatches.append(pkgname + " vs. " + fpath.replace(absroot, ""))
+ if not pkgfound and rootdir.replace(absroot, "").count("/") == 3:
+ misses.append(rootdir.replace(absroot, "") + "/PKGBUILD")
+def verify_depends_makedepends(verify_makedeps=False):
+ # Make sure all the deps we parsed are actually packages; also
+ # ensure we meet dep provisions.
+ if verify_makedeps:
+ array = pkgbuild_makedeps
+ else:
+ array = pkgbuild_deps
+ for pkgname in array:
+ deps = array[pkgname]
+ pkg_repo = repo_from_path(pkgbuild_paths[pkgname])
+ deps_to_pop = []
+ for i in range(len(deps)):
+ dep = deps[i]
+ (dep, prov, char) = split_dep_prov_symbol(dep)
+ try:
+ x = pkgbuild_deps[dep]
+ # Check that prov is met too:
+ if len(prov) > 0:
+ compare_str = "vercmp " + pkgbuild_versions[dep] + " " + prov
+ error = False
+ if char == "<=":
+ if int(os.popen(compare_str).read().replace("\n", "")) > 0:
+ error = True
+ elif char == ">=":
+ if int(os.popen(compare_str).read().replace("\n", "")) < 0:
+ error = True
+ elif char == "=":
+ if int(os.popen(compare_str).read().replace("\n", "")) != 0:
+ error = True
+ elif char == ">":
+ if int(os.popen(compare_str).read().replace("\n", "")) <= 0:
+ error = True
+ elif char == "<":
+ if int(os.popen(compare_str).read().replace("\n", "")) >= 0:
+ error = True
+ if error:
+ if verify_makedeps:
+ unmet_makedep_provs.append(pkgname + " --> '" + dep + char + prov + "'")
+ else:
+ unmet_dep_provs.append(pkgname + " --> '" + dep + char + prov + "'")
+ # Check repos fit hierarchy scheme:
+ dep_repo = repo_from_path(pkgbuild_paths[dep])
+ try:
+ valid_repos = repo_hierarchy[pkg_repo]
+ # Make sure dep repo is one of the valid repos:
+ if dep_repo not in valid_repos:
+ if verify_makedeps:
+ makedep_hierarchy.append(pkg_repo + "/" + pkgname + " depends on " + dep_repo + "/" + dep)
+ else:
+ dep_hierarchy.append(pkg_repo + "/" + pkgname + " depends on " + dep_repo + "/" + dep)
+ except:
+ pass
+ except:
+ # Check if a package provides this dep:
+ try:
+ x = pkgbuild_provides[dep]
+ except:
+ if verify_makedeps:
+ missing_makedeps.append(pkgname + " --> '" + dep + "'")
+ else:
+ missing_deps.append(pkgname + " --> '" + dep + "'")
+ deps_to_pop.append(i)
+ # Pop deps not found from end to beginning:
+ while len(deps_to_pop) > 0:
+ deps.pop(deps_to_pop[-1])
+ deps_to_pop.pop(-1)
+def verify_archs():
+ for pkgname in pkgbuild_archs:
+ newarch = []
+ archs = pkgbuild_archs[pkgname]
+ for arch in archs:
+ if arch not in valid_archs:
+ invalid_archs.append(pkgname + " --> " + arch)
+ else:
+ newarch.append(arch)
+ if len(newarch) > 0:
+ pkgbuild_archs[pkgname] = newarch
+def verify_packages(tree_arch):
+ # Make sure packages exist in Arch repo(s):
+ ftp = FTP(base_server)
+ ftp.login()
+ prev_wd = ""
+ # Find all repos/archs; marching through them in order will greatly speed
+ # up searching for ftp files by minimizing the number of .nlst's that we
+ # have to do.
+ repos = []
+ for pkgname in pkgbuild_paths:
+ pkgrepo = repo_from_path(pkgbuild_paths[pkgname])
+ if not pkgrepo in repos:
+ repos.append(pkgrepo)
+ archs = []
+ for pkgname in pkgbuild_archs:
+ pkgarchs = pkgbuild_archs[pkgname]
+ for arch in pkgarchs:
+ if not arch in archs:
+ archs.append(arch)
+ for r in repos:
+ for pkgname in pkgbuild_archs:
+ repo = repo_from_path(pkgbuild_paths[pkgname])
+ if repo == r:
+ archs = pkgbuild_archs[pkgname]
+ pkgver_rel = pkgbuild_versions[pkgname]
+ for arch in archs:
+ if arch == tree_arch:
+ # Check for file:
+ wd = repo + "/os/" + arch
+ if wd != prev_wd:
+ ftpfiles = ftp.nlst(wd)
+ prev_wd = wd
+ fname_new = wd + "/" + pkgname + "-" + pkgver_rel + "-" + arch + ".pkg.tar.gz"
+ fname_old = wd + "/" + pkgname + "-" + pkgver_rel + ".pkg.tar.gz"
+ if fname_old not in ftpfiles and fname_new not in ftpfiles:
+ missing_pkgs.append(pkgname + "-" + pkgver_rel + " in " + wd)
+ ftp.quit()
+def subset_superset_path(currpath, currpathnum, paths):
+ # If a pair of subset/superset paths are found,
+ # pop the superset one to show the more minimal
+ # case.
+ #
+ # e.g. foo > bar > baz > foo (superset)
+ # foo > bar > foo (subset)
+ # --> pop the superset
+ #
+ currdeps = currpath.split(">")
+ currdeps = list(set(currdeps))
+ currdeps.sort()
+ pathnum = 0
+ for path in paths:
+ if pathnum != currpathnum:
+ deps = path.split(">")
+ deps = list(set(deps))
+ deps.sort()
+ if len(currdeps) < len(path):
+ subset = True
+ for d in currdeps:
+ if not d in path:
+ subset = False
+ break
+ if subset:
+ circular_deps.pop(pathnum)
+ if pathnum <= currpathnum:
+ currpathnum -= 1
+ elif len(currdeps) > len(path):
+ superset = True
+ for d in path:
+ if not d in currdeps:
+ superset = False
+ break
+ if superset:
+ circular_deps.pop(currpathnum)
+ currpathnum -= 1
+ pathnum += 1
+ return True
+def unique_path(currpath, paths):
+ # Returns false if an equivalent path exists in
+ # paths.
+ #
+ # e.g. foo > bar > foo
+ # bar > foo > bar
+ #
+ currdeps = currpath.split(">")
+ currdeps = list(set(currdeps))
+ currdeps.sort()
+ for path in paths:
+ deps = path.split(">")
+ deps = list(set(deps))
+ deps.sort()
+ if currdeps == deps:
+ return False
+ return True
+def update_paths(paths, dep, dep2):
+ # Update paths by appending new paths with dep2
+ # based on all the different ways we could get
+ # to dep2. Returns True if a path was updated.
+ new_path = False
+ for i in range(len(paths)):
+ array = paths[i].split(">")
+ newpath = paths[i] + ">" + dep2
+ if array[-1] == dep and not dep2 in array and unique_path(newpath, paths):
+ paths.append(newpath)
+ new_path = True
+ return new_path
+def check_name_in_recursive_deps(pkgname):
+ # Retrieve all recursive dependencies from a package and
+ # determines if pkgname is found in one of its deps.
+ recursive_deps = []
+ for dep in pkgbuild_deps[pkgname]:
+ dep = split_dep_prov_symbol(dep)[0] # Strip any provision
+ recursive_deps.append(dep)
+ paths = []
+ for dep in recursive_deps:
+ dep = split_dep_prov_symbol(dep)[0] # Strip any provision
+ paths.append(dep)
+ searching = True
+ while searching:
+ searching = False
+ for dep in recursive_deps:
+ for dep2 in pkgbuild_deps[dep]:
+ dep2 = split_dep_prov_symbol(dep2)[0] # Strip any provision
+ # This is a HUGE time-saver. Instead of generating every single
+ # possible path that can yield a circular dep, we'll reduce
+ # the number greatly by throwing out paths like such:
+ #
+ # If we have a path: foo>bar>baz>blah>poop>foo
+ # We will throw out any:
+ # foo>...>bar>baz>blah>poop>foo
+ # foo>...>baz>blah>poop>foo
+ # foo>...>blah>poop>foo
+ # and so on. Otherwise we will find hundreds or even thousands
+ # of possible paths that all essentially represent the same
+ # circular dep.
+ #
+ # However, we will always let pkgname through in order to make
+ # sure we can find multiple circular deps for a given pkg.
+ if dep2 not in recursive_deps or dep2 == pkgname:
+ updated = update_paths(paths, dep, dep2)
+ if dep2 not in recursive_deps:
+ recursive_deps.append(dep2)
+ if updated:
+ searching = True
+ # Done searching, store circular deps:
+ for path in paths:
+ if path.split(">")[-1] == pkgname:
+ if unique_path(pkgname + ">" + path, circular_deps):
+ circular_deps.append(pkgname + ">" + path)
+ # Reduce any subset/superset path pairs:
+ pathnum = 0
+ for path in circular_deps:
+ subset_superset_path(path, pathnum, circular_deps)
+ pathnum += 1
+def circular_deps_check():
+ # Check for circular dependencies:
+ for pkgname in pkgbuild_deps:
+ check_name_in_recursive_deps(pkgname)
+def visualize_repo():
+ output = 'digraph G { \n \
+ concentrate = true; \n \
+ ordering = out; \n \
+ ranksep=5.0; \n \
+ node [style=filled,fontsize=8]; \n'
+ # draws circular dependencies in red
+ for path in circular_deps:
+ output += '\t "'+path[0]+'"'
+ deps = path.split(">")
+ for d in deps:
+ output += ' -> "'+d+'"'
+ output += ' [color=red]\n'
+ for pkg in pkgbuild_deps.keys():
+ output += '\t "'+pkg+'" -> { '
+ for d in pkgbuild_deps[pkg]:
+ d = split_dep_prov_symbol(d)[0] # Strip any provision
+ output += '"'+d+'"; '
+ output += '}\n'
+ output += '}'
+ # Uncomment these lines to get a file dump called
+ # 'output'. This can be used to manually generate
+ # an image using, e.g., dot -Tsvg output tree.svg
+ #dump = open('output', 'w')
+ #dump.write(output)
+ #dump.close()
+ fname = 'dependency_tree-' + arch + '.svg'
+ print "Generating " + fname + "..."
+ g = pydot.graph_from_dot_data(output)
+ g.write(fname, prog='dot', format='svg')
+def print_result(list, subheading):
+ if len(list) > 0:
+ print_subheading(subheading)
+ for item in list:
+ print item
+def print_results():
+ print_result(misses, "Missing PKGBUILDs")
+ print_result(mismatches, "Mismatched Pkgnames")
+ print_result(dups, "Duplicate PKGBUILDs")
+ print_result(missing_deps, "Missing Dependencies")
+ print_result(missing_makedeps, "Missing Makedepends")
+ print_result(unmet_dep_provs, "Unmet Dependency Provisions")
+ print_result(unmet_makedep_provs, "Unmet Makedepends Provisions")
+ print_result(dep_hierarchy, "Repo Hierarchy for Dependencies")
+ print_result(makedep_hierarchy, "Repo Hierarchy for Makedepends")
+ print_result(invalid_archs, "Invalid Archs")
+ print_result(circular_deps, "Circular Dependencies")
+ print_result(missing_pkgs, "Missing Repo Packages")
+ print_subheading("Summary")
+ print "Dirs with missing PKGBUILDs: ", len(misses)
+ print "Duplicate PKGBUILDs: ", len(dups)
+ print "Missing (make)dependencies: ", len(missing_deps)+len(missing_makedeps)
+ print "Unmet provisioned (make)dependencies: ", len(unmet_dep_provs)+len(unmet_makedep_provs)
+ print "Circular dependencies: ", len(circular_deps)
+ print "Invalid archs: ", len(invalid_archs)
+ print "Missing packages in repos: ", len(missing_pkgs)
+ print "Mismatching PKGBUILD names: ", len(mismatches)
+ print "Repo hierarchy problems: ", len(dep_hierarchy)+len(makedep_hierarchy)
+ print ""
+def print_usage():
+ print ""
+ print "Usage: check_archlinux [OPTION]"
+ print ""
+ print "Options:"
+ print " --abs-tree=<path> Check specified tree (assumes the abs tree"
+ print " is i686 unless overridden with --arch)"
+ print " --arch=<arch> Use specified arch (e.g. 'x86_64')"
+ print " -g Generate graphical dependency tree(s)"
+ print " -h, --help Show this help and exit"
+ print ""
+ print "Examples:"
+ print "\n Check all arches and do fresh cvs checkouts:"
+ print " check_archlinux"
+ print "\n Check x_86_64 only and do fresh cvs checkout:"
+ print " check_archlinux --arch=x86_64"
+ print "\n Check existing i686 abs tree:"
+ print " check_archlinux --abs-tree=/var/abs"
+ print "\n Check existing x86_64 abs tree and also generate dep tree image:"
+ print " check_archlinux --abs-tree=/var/abs --arch=x86_64 -g"
+ print ""
+graphdeptree = False
+user_absroot = ""
+user_arch = ""
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "g", ["abs-tree=", "arch="])
+except getopt.GetoptError:
+ print_usage()
+ sys.exit()
+if opts != []:
+ for o, a in opts:
+ if o in ("-g"):
+ graphdeptree = True
+ if not HAS_PYDOT:
+ print "You must install pydot to generate a graphical dependency tree. Aborting..."
+ sys.exit()
+ elif o in ("--abs-tree"):
+ user_absroot = a
+ elif o in ("--arch"):
+ user_arch = a
+ if user_arch not in valid_archs:
+ print "You did not specify a valid arch. Aborting..."
+ sys.exit()
+ else:
+ print_usage()
+ sys.exit()
+ if args != []:
+ for a in args:
+ if a in ("play", "pause", "stop", "next", "prev", "pp", "info", "status", "repeat", "shuffle"):
+ self.single_connect_for_passed_arg(a)
+ else:
+ self.print_usage()
+ sys.exit()
+if len(user_absroot) > 0 and len(user_arch) == 0:
+ user_arch = valid_archs[0] # i686 default..
+if len(user_absroot) > 0:
+ print "Warning: Ensure your ABS tree is clean to prevent false positives."
+ absroots = []
+ fsup = 'supfile.curr'
+ for arch in valid_archs:
+ if len(user_arch) == 0 or user_arch == arch:
+ print_heading(arch + " Integrity Check")
+ if len(user_absroot) == 0:
+ # Create temp dir for cvs checkout:
+ absroot = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="abs-" + arch + "-")
+ absroots.append(absroot)
+ print "\nChecking out clean abs tree"
+ for repo in include_paths:
+ print "==>", repo
+ # Create (and modify) supfile:
+ if not os.path.exists(abs_conf_dir + '/supfile.' + repo):
+ print "Cannot find file " + abs_conf_dir + '/supfile.' + repo + ". Aborting..."
+ sys.exit()
+ create_supfile(abs_conf_dir + '/supfile.' + repo, fsup, cvs_tags[arch])
+ cmd = 'csup -L 0 -r 0 -g -b ' + absroot + ' -c .sup ' + fsup
+ os.system(cmd)
+ else:
+ absroot = user_absroot
+ absroots.append(absroot)
+ curr_include_paths = []
+ for repo in include_paths:
+ curr_include_paths.append(absroot + "/" + repo)
+ # Re-init vars for new abs tree:
+ pkgbuild_deps = {} # pkgname: [dep1, dep2>foo, dep3=bar, ...]
+ pkgbuild_makedeps = {} # pkgname: [dep1, dep2>foo, dep3=bar, ...]
+ pkgbuild_provides = {} # provide_name: pkgname
+ pkgbuild_paths = {} # pkgname: /var/abs/foo/bar/pkgname/PKGBUILD
+ pkgbuild_archs = {} # pkgname: [i686, x86_64]
+ pkgbuild_versions = {} # pkname: 1.0.4-2
+ # circular_deps is not a dict to accommodate multiple circ deps for a given pkg
+ circular_deps = [] # pkgname>dep1>dep2>...>pkgname
+ mismatches = []
+ misses = []
+ dups = []
+ missing_deps = []
+ unmet_dep_provs = []
+ dep_hierarchy = []
+ missing_makedeps = []
+ unmet_makedep_provs = []
+ makedep_hierarchy = []
+ invalid_archs = []
+ missing_pkgs = []
+ # Verify stuff for abs tree:
+ print "\nPerforming integrity checks..."
+ print "==> parsing pkgbuilds"
+ get_pkgbuilds_in_dir(absroot)
+ print "==> checking dependencies"
+ verify_depends_makedepends()
+ print "==> checking makedepends"
+ verify_depends_makedepends(True)
+ print "==> checking archs"
+ verify_archs()
+ print "==> checking for circular dependencies"
+ circular_deps_check()
+ print "==> checking repo packages"
+ verify_packages(arch)
+ print_results()
+ if graphdeptree:
+ visualize_repo()
+ print "\nCleaning up temporary abs tree..."
+ if len(user_absroot) == 0:
+ # Delete temp abs tree:
+ if os.path.exists(absroot):
+ removeall(absroot)
+ os.rmdir(absroot)
+ # Cleanup files...
+ if len(user_absroot) == 0:
+ print "\nCleaning up temporary abs tree(s)..."
+ # Delete any temp abs trees:
+ for path in absroots:
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ removeall(path)
+ os.rmdir(path)
+ # Remove supfile:
+ if os.path.exists(fsup):
+ os.remove(fsup)