# Contributor (Arch): SaultDon <sault.don gmail> # Contributor (Arch): pjduplooy <pjduplooy gmail> # Contributor (Arch): Lantald <lantald at gmx.com> # Contributor (Arch): Thomas Dziedzic <gostrc at gmail> # Contributor (Arch): dibblethewrecker <dibblethewrecker.at.jiwe.dot.org> # Contributor (Arch): Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi <vmlinuz386@yahoo.com.ar> # Contributor (Arch): Eric Forgeot <http://esclinux.tk> # Maintainer: Omar Vega Ramos <ovruni@gnu.org.pe> # GRASS Plugin, Globe Plugin and QGIS Map Server are disabled in cmake by default. # Uncomment them in the build() portion if you'd like enabled during the build. pkgname=qgis pkgver=2.8.2 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='Quantum GIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS) that supports vector, raster & database formats' url='http://qgis.org/' license=('GPL') arch=('i686' 'x86_64') # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qgis/QGIS/final-2_6_0/INSTALL depends=('qt4' 'proj' 'geos' 'sqlite' 'gdal' 'gsl' 'expat' 'qwt' 'qwtpolar' 'python2' 'python2-pyqt4' 'python2-qscintilla' 'python2-sip' 'python2-psycopg2' 'python2-pygments' 'python2-dateutil' 'python2-jinja' 'python2-markupsafe' 'python2-pytz' 'python2-httplib2' 'libspatialite' 'spatialindex') makedepends=('cmake' 'flex' 'bison' 'txt2tags' 'perl' 'git') optdepends=('grass: GRASS plugin support' # Uncomment relevant cmake option in build() below 'fcgi: QGIS Map Server support' # if you want GRASS, QGIS Map Server 'osgearth: QGIS Globe plugin support' # or the Globe Plugin enabled 'gpsbabel: GPS toolbar support') provides=("${pkgname}=${pkgver}") conflicts=("${pkgname}-git" "${pkgname}") install="${pkgname}.install" source=("${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz::https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/archive/final-${pkgver//./_}.tar.gz" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ariki/QGIS/support-configure-ng/python/console/console.py") md5sums=('ed4e2de0dd929583d3ed1d0e6ae1bbd7' '57efd9c869ed2d0a50fb7cf35048d99d') #options=(!makeflags) prepare() { mv "${srcdir}/QGIS-final-${pkgver//./_}" "${srcdir}/${pkgname}" cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}" mv "${srcdir}/console.py" python/console/ # Fixing by hand shebang for .py files. find . -iname '*.py' | xargs sed -ie 's:^#!/usr/bin/env python$:#!/usr/bin/env python2:' find . -iname '*.py' | xargs sed -ie 's:^#!/usr/bin/python$:#!/usr/bin/env python2:' } build() { # Fix insecure RPATH is weird, but just works ;) # echo "os.system(\"sed -i '/^LFLAGS/s|-Wl,-rpath,.\+ ||g' gui/Makefile core/Makefile\")" >> python/configure.py.in cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}" if [ -d build ]; then rm -rf build fi mkdir build cd build cmake ../ \ -Wno-dev \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=ON \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DENABLE_TESTS=OFF \ -DQGIS_MANUAL_SUBDIR=share/man \ -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python2 \ -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/libpython2.7.so \ -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/python2.7 \ -DPYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES_DIR=/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages \ -DPYQT4_SIP_DIR=/usr/share/sip/PyQt4 \ -DQSCI_SIP_DIR=/usr/share/sip/PyQt4 \ -DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/qmake-qt4 \ -DWITH_INTERNAL_QWTPOLAR=FALSE \ -DQWTPOLAR_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/libqwtpolar.so \ -DQWT_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/libqwt.so \ # -DWITH_GRASS=ON \ # -DGRASS_PREFIX=/opt/grass \ # -DGRASS_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/grass/include/ \ # -DWITH_SERVER=TRUE \ # -DWITH_SERVER_PLUGINS=TRUE \ # -DWITH_GLOBE=TRUE \ make # TODO: fix $srcdir warning if it's a real problem... # Looks like it's only showing up in non-critical files so can ignore warning. } package() { cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}" cd build make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}/" install # install some freedesktop.org compatibility install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/${pkgname}/debian/qgis.desktop" \ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/qgis.desktop" install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/${pkgname}/debian/qbrowser.desktop" \ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/qbrowser.desktop" # TODO: these aren't working for some reason, ie, .qgs files are not opened by QGIS... # Appears to be a conflict with xml file types being defaulted to google-chrome/chromium if it's installed. install -dm755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/pixmaps" \ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/mimelnk/application" for mime in "${srcdir}/${pkgname}/debian/mime/application/"*.desktop do install -m644 "$mime" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/mimelnk/application" done ln -s /usr/share/qgis/images/icons/qgis-icon.png "${pkgdir}/usr/share/pixmaps/qgis.png" ln -s /usr/share/qgis/images/icons/qgis-mime-icon.png "${pkgdir}/usr/share/pixmaps/qgis-mime-icon.png" }