2015-01-25 Gilrain <gilrain+libre.arch A_T castelmo DOT_ re> * 2.3.0-2: list all dependencies, including those from the base group. 2015-01-25 Gilrain <gilrain+libre.arch A_T castelmo DOT_ re> * 2.3.0-1: new upstream release: blocklists: - Removed atma_atma, discontinued upstream - Removed TBG blocklists, TBG's blocklists haven't been updated by iblocklist.com since 2014-10-20. But AFAIK TBG still maintains them, so search the web if you want to continue to use them. - New default set by Bluetack, probably less paranoid then in the past. Comments welcome: ads-trackers-and-bad-pr0n bad-peers level-1 range-test spyware removed the (non-default) feature to directly DROP and ACCEPT packets (as in MoBlock 0.8), instead of using the (default) MARKing feature. Dropped the configuration variables ACCEPT and REJECT. Reason: ACCEPTing/DROPing packets directly was only needed for kernel/netfilter not supporting MARKing. Probably it was also a bit more efficient than MARKing. But ACCEPTing packets directly breaks other iptables setups - this has always been documented, but wasn't known to all users. So in order to avoid misconfigurations I decided to drop this feature. DROPing directly should not yield any drawbacks, but I decided to also remove it in order to make the code simpler. documentation updates dropped backup code and checks for transitions (2010-08-11) REJECT_FW -> REJECT_FWD WHITE_TCP_FORWARD -> WHITE_TCP_FWD WHITE_UDP_FORWARD -> WHITE_UDP_FWD WHITE_IP_FORWARD -> WHITE_IP_FWD dropped code for transition 2011-05-28: remove old master blocklists improved the test for kernel REJECT support pglcmd status: add test for iptables pglcmd test_net: Create BLOCKLISTS_DIR if missing Closes: https://sourceforge.net/p/peerguardian/bugs/328/ pglcmd: Set kernel queue maximum length with pglcmd variable NFQUEUE_MAXLEN to trigger pgld -Q option pglcmd build_blocklist: merge 2 grep commands systemd/cron: added systemd service for blocklists update by Pierre Buard (Gilrain). Closes: https://sourceforge.net/p/peerguardian/patches/3/ This only gets installed if pgl is compiled with --with-systemd. Update nfq_set_verdict_mark calls to nfq_set_verdict2, requires libnetfilter-queue >= 1.0. A version without this commit is maintained in the git branch pgl_backport. Change declaration of "payload" to match what NFQ expects pgld: added option -Q to set kernel queue maximum length. See http://sourceforge.net/p/peerguardian/discussion/446997/thread/0df72ba6/ Therefore increased kernel version requirement from >= 2.6.13 for NFQUEUE support to >= 2.6.20 (If you don't use the new option older kernel still work.) 2014-06-07 Gilrain <gilrain+libre.arch A_T castelmo DOT_ re> * 2.2.4-2: blocklists update through systemd timer (reenable pgl.service to load) 2014-01-27 Gilrain <gilrain+libre.arch A_T castelmo DOT_ re> * 2.2.4-1: new upstream release: Fixed bug when reading /etc/services file in OpenSUSE. Added addNames method and improved addProtocols method. init: removed hint how to reenable automatic start. documentation updates 2013-11-02 Gilrain <gilrain+libre.arch A_T castelmo DOT_ re> * 2.2.3-1: new upstream release: use conntrack instead of state netfilter module check all traffic that is not related/established (instead of all new traffic) added systemd file fix: (re-)enable MARKing for incoming matched packets. added support for packed (zip, gz, 7z) local blocklists in pglcmd use sed instead of echo to add newline at end of blocklist cd / after downloading blocklists init: added firewalld and moved $syslog to Should-Start|Stop BUILD: added AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = subdir-objects MAKE: do not recreate already existent dirs BUILD: do not expand path variables in configure.ac BUILD: small cleanup to systemd bits major refactoring of the pglgui code fixed issues with local blocklists Added port aliases (if any) when adding new whitelist items. Fixed bug when removing an added item. Fixed warning icon not disapearing from option after applying changes. Improved validation of ports/ips. Added call to cleanData to remove possible empty config variables. Added reload command to execute script instead of reloading pgl after. 2013-06-13 Gilrain <gilrain+libre.arch A_T castelmo DOT_ re> * 2.2.2-7: bypassed the initial blocklists download problem (TimeoutStartSec=0), iptables and shorewall added to firewalls list. 2013-06-03 Gilrain <gilrain+libre.arch A_T castelmo DOT_ re> * 2.2.2-6: RemainAfterExit solves the startup timing out, fixed pgld.log access when using "pglcmd test", added tcptraceroute as an optional dependency. 2013-06-01 Gilrain <gilrain+libre.arch A_T castelmo DOT_ re> * 2.2.2-5: improved service menu to start after some firewalls, forks service instead of using dbus, pgld.log accessible through journald, move everything to /usr/bin. 2013-05-16 Gilrain <gilrain+libre.arch A_T castelmo DOT_ re> * 2.2.2-4: fix qt4 compilation, deletes pgl spool on package removal, post upgrade notice removed. 2013-03-01 Gilrain <gilrain+libre.arch A_T castelmo DOT_ re> * 2.2.2-3: updated dependency to qt4, added condition checks to service file, initscript script removed. 2012-12-01 Gilrain <gilrain+libre.arch A_T castelmo DOT_ re> * 2.2.2-2: added changelog, added PIDFile and Documentation to pgl.services, deletes logs and blocklists on package removal.