Fri Nov 9 09:31:27 ART 2012 Andrea Rossato <> * fix issue #28 add support for generating links to the DOI database. Thu Nov 8 21:05:02 ART 2012 Andrea Rossato <> * fix issue #35 Thu Nov 8 18:24:16 ART 2012 Andrea Rossato <> * a simple script for creating tests Thu Nov 8 18:21:56 ART 2012 Andrea Rossato <> * fix a bug in convertQuoted which was producing stack overflows with long strings Thu Nov 8 17:27:38 ART 2012 Andrea Rossato <> * fix editJsonInput in order to read the native JSON bibliographic data format Thu Nov 8 14:03:26 ART 2012 Andrea Rossato <> * fix issue #37 Fri Oct 26 18:45:09 ART 2012 Andrea Rossato <> * bump version number Fri Oct 26 13:53:20 ART 2012 Andrea Rossato <> tagged 0.3.6 diff -rN -u old-citeproc-hs/README new-citeproc-hs/README --- old-citeproc-hs/README 2013-01-22 22:19:52.097159333 -0300 +++ new-citeproc-hs/README 2013-01-22 22:19:52.107159567 -0300 @@ -169,6 +169,21 @@ Summer, 2001 (the season) +### The DOI variable + +If the DOI variable is prefixed by a `doi:` like: + + doi = {doi:10.1038/171737a0} + +the processor will generate a link and produce this pandoc native +representation: + + Link [Str "10.1038/171737a0"] ("", "10.1038/171737a0") + +that produces a link like: + + <a href="">10.1038/171737a0</a> + ### Running the test-suite To run the test suite, you first need to grab it with [mercurial] by diff -rN -u old-citeproc-hs/citeproc-hs.cabal new-citeproc-hs/citeproc-hs.cabal --- old-citeproc-hs/citeproc-hs.cabal 2013-01-22 22:19:52.103826157 -0300 +++ new-citeproc-hs/citeproc-hs.cabal 2013-01-22 22:19:52.107159567 -0300 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ name: citeproc-hs -version: 0.3.6 +version: 0.3.7 homepage: synopsis: A Citation Style Language implementation in Haskell diff -rN -u old-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Eval/Output.hs new-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Eval/Output.hs --- old-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Eval/Output.hs 2013-01-22 22:19:52.097159333 -0300 +++ new-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Eval/Output.hs 2013-01-22 22:19:52.123826603 -0300 @@ -29,7 +29,11 @@ appendOutput fm xs = if xs /= [] then [Output xs fm] else [] outputList :: Formatting -> Delimiter -> [Output] -> [Output] -outputList fm d = appendOutput fm . addDelim d +outputList fm d = appendOutput fm . addDelim d . map cleanOutput' + where + cleanOutput' o + | Output xs f <- o = Output (cleanOutput xs) f + | otherwise = rmEmptyOutput o cleanOutput :: [Output] -> [Output] cleanOutput = flatten @@ -37,12 +41,16 @@ flatten [] = [] flatten (o:os) | ONull <- o = flatten os - | Output [] _ <- o = flatten os - | OStr [] _ <- o = flatten os - | OUrl [] _ <- o = flatten os | Output xs f <- o , f == emptyFormatting = flatten xs ++ flatten os - | otherwise = o : flatten os + | otherwise = rmEmptyOutput o : flatten os + +rmEmptyOutput :: Output -> Output +rmEmptyOutput o + | Output [] _ <- o = ONull + | OStr [] _ <- o = ONull + | OUrl t _ <- o = if null (fst t) then ONull else o + | otherwise = o addDelim :: String -> [Output] -> [Output] addDelim d = foldr (\x xs -> if length xs < 1 then x : xs else check x xs) [] diff -rN -u old-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Eval.hs new-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Eval.hs --- old-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Eval.hs 2013-01-22 22:19:52.093825923 -0300 +++ new-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Eval.hs 2013-01-22 22:19:52.120493193 -0300 @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import Control.Applicative ( (<$>) ) import Control.Monad.State import Data.Char +import Data.List import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe @@ -153,7 +154,12 @@ "title" -> formatTitle f fm "locator" -> getLocVar >>= formatRange fm . snd "url" -> getStringVar "url" >>= \k -> - if null k then return [] else return [OUrl k fm] + if null k then return [] else return [OUrl (k,k) fm] + "doi" -> getStringVar "doi" >>= \d -> + if "doi:" `isPrefixOf` d + then let d' = drop 4 d in + return [OUrl ("" ++ d', d') fm] + else return [OStr d fm] _ -> gets (env >>> options &&& abbrevs) >>= \(opts,as) -> getVar [] (getFormattedValue opts as f fm s) s >>= \r -> consumeVariable s >> return r diff -rN -u old-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Input/Json.hs new-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Input/Json.hs --- old-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Input/Json.hs 2013-01-22 22:19:52.100492747 -0300 +++ new-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Input/Json.hs 2013-01-22 22:19:52.123826603 -0300 @@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ , JSObject js <- j = (camel s , JSArray (editDate $ fromJSObject js)) | "family" <- s = ("familyName" , j) | "suffix" <- s = ("nameSuffix" , j) + | "URL" <- s = ("url" , j) | "edition" <- s = ("edition" , toString j) | "volume" <- s = ("volume" , toString j) | "issue" <- s = ("issue" , toString j) @@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ camel x | '-':y:ys <- x = toUpper y : camel ys | '_':y:ys <- x = toUpper y : camel ys - | y:ys <- x = toLower y : camel ys + | y:ys <- x = y : camel ys | otherwise = [] format (x:xs) = toUpper x : xs diff -rN -u old-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Output/Pandoc.hs new-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Output/Pandoc.hs --- old-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Output/Pandoc.hs 2013-01-22 22:19:52.100492747 -0300 +++ new-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Output/Pandoc.hs 2013-01-22 22:19:52.123826603 -0300 @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ | FS str fm <- fo = toPandoc fm $ toStr str | FN str fm <- fo = toPandoc fm $ toStr $ rmZeros str | FO fm xs <- fo = toPandoc fm $ rest xs - | FUrl u fm <- fo = toPandoc fm [Link (toStr u) (u,u)] + | FUrl u fm <- fo = toPandoc fm [Link (toStr $ snd u) u] | otherwise = [] where addSuffix f i @@ -176,8 +176,10 @@ | Quoted t inls <- i , b = case headInline is of [x] -> if isPunctuation x - then Quoted t (reverseQuoted t inls ++ [Str [x]]) : clean' s b (tailInline is) - else Quoted t (reverseQuoted t inls ) : clean' s b is + then if lastInline inls `elem` [".",",",";",":","!","?"] + then Quoted t (reverseQuoted t inls ) : clean' s b (tailInline is) + else Quoted t (reverseQuoted t inls ++ [Str [x]]) : clean' s b (tailInline is) + else Quoted t (reverseQuoted t inls) : clean' s b is _ -> Quoted t (reverseQuoted t inls) : clean' s b is | Quoted t inls <- i = Quoted t (reverseQuoted t inls) : clean' s b is | otherwise = if lastInline [i] == headInline is && isPunct @@ -232,7 +234,7 @@ startWithPunct = and . map (`elem` ".,;:!?") . headInline convertQuoted :: Style -> [Inline] -> [Inline] -convertQuoted s = proc convertQuoted' +convertQuoted s = convertQuoted' where locale = let l = styleLocale s in case l of [x] -> x; _ -> Locale [] [] [] [] [] getQuote x y = entityToChar . fst . fromMaybe (x,[]) . lookup (y,Long) . localeTermMap $ locale diff -rN -u old-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Parser.hs new-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Parser.hs --- old-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Parser.hs 2013-01-22 22:19:52.103826157 -0300 +++ new-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Parser.hs 2013-01-22 22:19:52.120493193 -0300 @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ #ifdef EMBED_DATA_FILES import Data.FileEmbed import qualified Data.ByteString as S -import Data.ByteString.UTF8 ( toString ) #else import Paths_citeproc_hs ( getDataFileName ) import System.Directory ( doesFileExist ) @@ -69,7 +68,7 @@ return s { styleLocale = mergeLocales (styleDefaultLocale s) l (styleLocale s)} #ifdef EMBED_DATA_FILES -localeFiles :: [(FilePath, L.ByteString)] +localeFiles :: [(FilePath, S.ByteString)] localeFiles = $(embedDir "locales/") #endif @@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ | otherwise -> case lookup ("locales-" ++ take 5 x ++ ".xml") localeFiles of Just x' -> return x' _ -> error "could not load the locale file" - return $ readXmlString xpLocale f + return $ readXmlString xpLocale $ L.fromChunks [f] #else f <- case s of x | length x == 2 -> getDataFileName ("locales/locales-" ++ diff -rN -u old-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Style.hs new-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Style.hs --- old-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Style.hs 2013-01-22 22:19:52.093825923 -0300 +++ new-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Style.hs 2013-01-22 22:19:52.120493193 -0300 @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ , everywhere', everything, mkT, mkQ) import qualified Data.Map as M import Text.JSON -import Text.Pandoc.Definition ( Inline ) +import Text.Pandoc.Definition ( Inline, Target ) -- | The representation of a parsed CSL style. data Style @@ -309,8 +309,8 @@ = FO Formatting [FormattedOutput] -- ^ List of 'FormatOutput' items | FN String Formatting -- ^ Formatted number | FS String Formatting -- ^ Formatted string - | FUrl String Formatting -- ^ Formatted uniform resource locator (URL) | FDel String -- ^ Delimeter string + | FUrl Target Formatting -- ^ Formatted URL | FPan [Inline] -- ^ Pandoc inline elements | FNull -- ^ Null formatting item deriving ( Eq, Show ) @@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ | OContrib String String [Output] [Output] [[Output]] -- ^ The citation key, the role (author, editor, etc.), the contributor(s), -- the output needed for year suf. disambiguation, and everything used for -- name disambiguation. - | OUrl String Formatting -- ^ A uniform resource locator (URL) + | OUrl Target Formatting -- ^ An URL | OLoc [Output] Formatting -- ^ The citation's locator | Output [Output] Formatting -- ^ Some nested 'Output' deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Data ) diff -rN -u old-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Test.hs new-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Test.hs --- old-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Test.hs 2013-01-22 22:19:52.103826157 -0300 +++ new-citeproc-hs/src/Text/CSL/Test.hs 2013-01-22 22:19:52.120493193 -0300 @@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ import Text.CSL.Style import Text.Pandoc.Definition #ifdef EMBED_DATA_FILES -import Data.ByteString.UTF8 ( toString ) +import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L +import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as U import Text.CSL.Parser ( localeFiles ) #else import System.IO.Unsafe @@ -217,7 +218,7 @@ | otherwise -> take 5 x #ifdef EMBED_DATA_FILES ls <- case lookup ("locales-" ++ locale ++ ".xml") localeFiles of - Just x' -> return $ readXmlString xpLocale (toString x') + Just x' -> return $ readXmlString xpLocale $ L.fromChunks [x'] _ -> return $ Locale [] [] [] [] [] #else ls' <- getCachedLocale locale diff -rN -u old-citeproc-hs/test/createTest.hs new-citeproc-hs/test/createTest.hs --- old-citeproc-hs/test/createTest.hs 1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300 +++ new-citeproc-hs/test/createTest.hs 2013-01-22 22:19:52.123826603 -0300 @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +import System.Environment +import Text.CSL +import Text.CSL.Test +import Text.JSON.Generic + +main :: IO () +main = do + args <- getArgs + case args of + [c,r] -> readStruff c r [] >>= putStrLn + _ -> error "usage: kljlkjljlkjlkjl" + +readStruff :: String -> String -> String -> IO String +readStruff c r s = do + c' <- readFile c + r' <- readBiblioFile r + return $ mode "citation" ++ result [] ++ citationItems r' ++ csl c' ++ input r' + +mode :: String -> String +mode s = ">>===== MODE =====>>\n" ++ s ++ "\n<<===== MODE =====<<\n\n" + +result :: String -> String +result s = ">>===== RESULT =====>>\n" ++ s ++ "\n<<===== RESULT =====<<\n\n" + +citationItems :: [Reference] -> String +citationItems l = ">>===== CITATION-ITEMS =====>>\n[\n [\n" ++ toId ++ + "\n ]\n]\n<<===== CITATION-ITEMS =====<<\n\n" + where + toId = foldr addComma [] toStringList + addComma x xs = if length xs < 1 then x ++ xs else x ++ ",\n" ++ xs + toStringList = flip map l $ \x -> " {\n \"id\": \"" ++ refId x ++ "\"\n }" + +csl :: String -> String +csl s = ">>===== CSL =====>>\n" ++ s ++ "<<===== CSL =====<<\n\n" + +input :: [Reference] -> String +input s = ">>===== INPUT =====>>\n" ++ encodeJSON s ++ "\n<<===== INPUT =====<<\n\n" \ No newline at end of file