post_install() {
	# now search for keys, any other paths?
	for file in $( find /etc -regex '.*italc.*public/.*\|.*italc.*private/.*' ) ; do
		if [ ! -d "$file" ] ; then
			name_key[i]=$file ;

	# check if any keys were not found, and create them
	if [ -z "${name_key[0]}" ] ; then
		echo "No iTALC keys found"
		echo "Use this command to generate keys:"
		echo "imc -role teacher -createkeypair"
		#add group and change group assignment
		groupadd italc;
		echo "Check the privilages:"
		echo "chgrp -R italc /etc/italc/keys/private"
                echo "chmod -R 640 /etc/italc/keys/private"
                echo "chmod -R ug+X /etc/italc/keys/private"
	# keys were found, show the installer and let them know default paths
		echo "iTALC keys found: ${name_key[@]}"
		echo -e "\nNOTE: Default iTALC key locations are: /etc/italc/keys/[public | private]/<role>/key "
		echo "If your keys are not in these directories, you should move,copy or link them."

        #postinstall instruction
        echo "If you are installing on the master (aka teacher) computer, dont forget to add the user to the italc group."

        # update of the icon cache
        gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/hicolor

post_update() {

post_remove() {
  groupdel italc
  echo "Remember to backup your keys and delete /etc/italc folder"