# Contributor: [vEX] <niechift.dot.vex.at.gmail.dot.com> # Split-package support hack for AUR. pkgname='bsnes' true && pkgbase='bsnes' true && pkgname=('bsnes' 'bsnes-purify') pkgver=090 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc='Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator focused on accuracy.' arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url='http://byuu.org/bsnes/' license=('GPL3') depends=('libao' 'libgl' 'libxv' 'openal' 'sdl' 'qt>=4.8.0') makedepends=('pkgconfig' 'mesa') install='bsnes.install' changelog='bsnes.changelog' source=('http://bsnes.googlecode.com/files/bsnes_v090-source.tar.xz') md5sums=('c9642dae4255f5c6022b2217d64d3bc5') __base_path="${srcdir}/${pkgbase}_v${pkgver}-source" # Build the accuracy profile (you can also choose 'performance' or 'compatibility'). __profile='accuracy' build() { cd "${__base_path}/${pkgname}" # Makefile hacks: # Disable pulseaudio. sed -e 's|audio.pulseaudio ||' \ -e 's|audio.pulseaudiosimple ||' \ -i 'target-ethos/Makefile' # Don't copy the cheat file. sed -e '/mkdir -p ~\/.config\/$(name)/{N;d}' \ -e '/cp data\/cheats.xml/{N;d}' \ -i 'target-ethos/Makefile' # Don't use sudo sed -e 's/sudo install/install/' \ -i 'target-ethos/Makefile' # Fix building with QT >= 4.8.0. moc -i -Iphoenix/qt/ -o phoenix/qt/platform.moc phoenix/qt/platform.moc.hpp # Compile bsnes. make flags="$CXXFLAGS -I. -DPROFILE_${__profile^^}" compiler=gcc platform=x \ profile=${__profile} phoenix=qt target=ethos # Compile purify. cd "${__base_path}/purify" moc -i -Iphoenix/qt/ -o phoenix/qt/platform.moc phoenix/qt/platform.moc.hpp sed -e 's|link := -s|link := -s -lX11|' -i 'Makefile' make compiler=gcc platform=x phoenix=qt } package_bsnes-purify() { pkgver=01 pkgdesc='ROM cleanup utility for bsnes.' install='' cd "${__base_path}/purify" install --directory "${pkgdir}/usr/bin" install --mode=755 "${__base_path}/purify/purify" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${pkgbase}-purify" } package_bsnes() { pkgver=090 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc='Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator focused on accuracy.' url='http://byuu.org/bsnes/' cd "${__base_path}/${pkgname}" make install profile=${__profile} DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" prefix=/usr # Install the user-profile into /usr/share/bsnes/profile. install --directory "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/profile" cp -R "${__base_path}/${pkgname}"/profile/* "${pkgdir}/usr/share/${pkgname}/profile" }