#!@BASH_SHELL@ # # pacman-optimize # @configure_input@ # # Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Pacman Development Team <pacman-dev@archlinux.org> # Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by Judd Vinet <jvinet@zeroflux.org> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # gettext initialization export TEXTDOMAIN='pacman' export TEXTDOMAINDIR='@localedir@' myver='@PACKAGE_VERSION@' dbroot='@localstatedir@/lib/pacman/' msg() { local mesg=$1; shift printf "==> ${mesg}\n" "$@" >&2 } error () { local mesg=$1; shift printf "==> ERROR: ${mesg}\n" "$@" >&2 } usage() { printf "pacman-optimize (pacman) %s\n\n" "$myver" printf "$(gettext "Usage: %s [pacman_db_root]")\n\n" "$0" printf "$(gettext "\ pacman-optimize is a little hack that should improve the performance\n\ of pacman when reading/writing to its filesystem-based database.\n\n")" printf "$(gettext "\ Because pacman uses many small files to keep track of packages,\n\ there is a tendency for these files to become fragmented over time.\n\ This script attempts to relocate these small files into one\n\ continuous location on your hard drive. The result is that the hard\n\ drive should be able to read them faster, since the hard drive head\n\ does not have to move around the disk as much.\n")" } version() { printf "pacman-optimize (pacman) %s\n" "$myver" printf "$(gettext "\ Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Pacman Development Team <pacman-dev@archlinux.org>.\n\ Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Judd Vinet <jvinet@zeroflux.org>.\n\n\ This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.\n\ There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n")" } die() { error "$@" exit 1 } die_r() { rm -f "$lockfile" die "$@" } # PROGRAM START # determine whether we have gettext; make it a no-op if we do not if ! type gettext &>/dev/null; then gettext() { echo "$@" } fi if [[ $1 = "-h" || $1 = "--help" ]]; then usage exit 0 fi if [[ $1 = "-V" || $1 = "--version" ]]; then version exit 0 fi if [[ -n $1 ]]; then dbroot="$1" fi # make sure diff is installed if ! type diff >/dev/null 2>&1; then die "$(gettext "diff tool was not found, please install diffutils.")" fi if [[ ! -d $dbroot ]]; then die "$(gettext "%s does not exist or is not a directory.")" "$dbroot" fi if [[ ! -w $dbroot ]]; then die "$(gettext "You must have correct permissions to optimize the database.")" fi # strip any trailing slash from our dbroot dbroot="${dbroot%/}" # form the path to our lockfile location lockfile="${dbroot}/db.lck" # make sure pacman isn't running if [[ -f $lockfile ]]; then die "$(gettext "Pacman lock file was found. Cannot run while pacman is running.")" fi # do not let pacman run while we do this touch "$lockfile" workdir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/pacman-optimize.XXXXXXXXXX) || die_r "$(gettext "ERROR: Can not create temp directory for database building.")\n" >&2 # step 1: sum the old db msg "$(gettext "MD5sum'ing the old database...")" find "$dbroot" -type f | sort | xargs md5sum > "$workdir/pacsums.old" # step 2: tar it up msg "$(gettext "Tar'ing up %s...")" "$dbroot" cd "$dbroot" bsdtar -czf "$workdir/pacman-db.tar.gz" ./ if (( $? )); then rm -rf "$workdir" die_r "$(gettext "Tar'ing up %s failed.")" "$dbroot" fi # step 3: make and sum the new db side-by-side with the old msg "$(gettext "Making and MD5sum'ing the new database...")" mkdir "$dbroot.new" bsdtar -xpf "$workdir/pacman-db.tar.gz" -C "$dbroot.new" if (( $? )); then rm -rf "$workdir" die_r "$(gettext "Untar'ing %s failed.")" "$dbroot" fi # immediate sync following extraction should get it written continuously on HDD msg "$(gettext "Syncing database to disk...")" sync find "$dbroot.new" -type f | sort | \ xargs md5sum | sed 's#.new##' > "$workdir/pacsums.new" # step 4: compare the sums msg "$(gettext "Checking integrity...")" diff "$workdir/pacsums.old" "$workdir/pacsums.new" >/dev/null 2>&1 if (( $? )); then # failed # leave our pacman-optimize tmpdir for checking to see what doesn't match up rm -rf "$dbroot.new" die_r "$(gettext "Integrity check FAILED, reverting to old database.")" fi # step 5: shuffle the newly extracted DB into the proper location msg "$(gettext "Rotating database into place...")" fail=0 mv "$dbroot" "$dbroot.old" || fail=1 mv "$dbroot.new" "$dbroot" || fail=1 chmod --reference="$dbroot.old" "$dbroot" || fail=1 chown --reference="$dbroot.old" "$dbroot" || fail=1 if (( fail )); then # failure with our directory shuffle die_r "$(gettext "New database substitution failed. Check for $dbroot,\n$dbroot.old, and $dbroot.new directories.")" fi rm -rf "$dbroot.old" # remove the lock file and our working directory with sums and tarfile rm -f "$lockfile" rm -rf "$workdir" echo msg "$(gettext "Finished. Your pacman database has been optimized.")" echo exit 0 # vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet: