/* * package.c * * Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by Judd Vinet <jvinet@zeroflux.org> * Copyright (c) 2005 by Aurelien Foret <orelien@chez.com> * Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 by Christian Hamar <krics@linuxforum.hu> * Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 by Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@frugalware.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #include "config.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <string.h> #include <libintl.h> #include <locale.h> /* pacman */ #include "log.h" #include "util.h" #include "error.h" #include "list.h" #include "package.h" #include "alpm.h" pmpkg_t *_alpm_pkg_new(const char *name, const char *version) { pmpkg_t* pkg = NULL; if((pkg = (pmpkg_t *)malloc(sizeof(pmpkg_t))) == NULL) { RET_ERR(PM_ERR_MEMORY, (pmpkg_t *)-1); } if(name && name[0] != 0) { STRNCPY(pkg->name, name, PKG_NAME_LEN); } else { pkg->name[0] = '\0'; } if(version && version[0] != 0) { STRNCPY(pkg->version, version, PKG_VERSION_LEN); } else { pkg->version[0] = '\0'; } pkg->desc[0] = '\0'; pkg->url[0] = '\0'; pkg->license = NULL; pkg->desc_localized = NULL; pkg->builddate[0] = '\0'; pkg->buildtype[0] = '\0'; pkg->installdate[0] = '\0'; pkg->packager[0] = '\0'; pkg->md5sum[0] = '\0'; pkg->sha1sum[0] = '\0'; pkg->arch[0] = '\0'; pkg->size = 0; pkg->usize = 0; pkg->scriptlet = 0; pkg->force = 0; pkg->reason = PM_PKG_REASON_EXPLICIT; pkg->requiredby = NULL; pkg->conflicts = NULL; pkg->files = NULL; pkg->backup = NULL; pkg->depends = NULL; pkg->removes = NULL; pkg->groups = NULL; pkg->provides = NULL; pkg->replaces = NULL; /* internal */ pkg->origin = 0; pkg->data = NULL; pkg->infolevel = 0; return(pkg); } pmpkg_t *_alpm_pkg_dup(pmpkg_t *pkg) { pmpkg_t* newpkg = NULL; newpkg = (pmpkg_t *)malloc(sizeof(pmpkg_t)); if(newpkg == NULL) { _alpm_log(PM_LOG_ERROR, _("malloc failure: could not allocate %d bytes"), sizeof(pmpkg_t)); RET_ERR(PM_ERR_MEMORY, NULL); } STRNCPY(newpkg->name, pkg->name, PKG_NAME_LEN); STRNCPY(newpkg->version, pkg->version, PKG_VERSION_LEN); STRNCPY(newpkg->desc, pkg->desc, PKG_DESC_LEN); STRNCPY(newpkg->url, pkg->url, PKG_URL_LEN); STRNCPY(newpkg->builddate, pkg->builddate, PKG_DATE_LEN); STRNCPY(newpkg->buildtype, pkg->buildtype, PKG_DATE_LEN); STRNCPY(newpkg->installdate, pkg->installdate, PKG_DATE_LEN); STRNCPY(newpkg->packager, pkg->packager, PKG_PACKAGER_LEN); STRNCPY(newpkg->md5sum, pkg->md5sum, PKG_MD5SUM_LEN); STRNCPY(newpkg->sha1sum, pkg->sha1sum, PKG_SHA1SUM_LEN); STRNCPY(newpkg->arch, pkg->arch, PKG_ARCH_LEN); newpkg->size = pkg->size; newpkg->usize = pkg->usize; newpkg->force = pkg->force; newpkg->scriptlet = pkg->scriptlet; newpkg->reason = pkg->reason; newpkg->license = _alpm_list_strdup(pkg->license); newpkg->desc_localized = _alpm_list_strdup(pkg->desc_localized); newpkg->requiredby = _alpm_list_strdup(pkg->requiredby); newpkg->conflicts = _alpm_list_strdup(pkg->conflicts); newpkg->files = _alpm_list_strdup(pkg->files); newpkg->backup = _alpm_list_strdup(pkg->backup); newpkg->depends = _alpm_list_strdup(pkg->depends); newpkg->removes = _alpm_list_strdup(pkg->removes); newpkg->groups = _alpm_list_strdup(pkg->groups); newpkg->provides = _alpm_list_strdup(pkg->provides); newpkg->replaces = _alpm_list_strdup(pkg->replaces); /* internal */ newpkg->origin = pkg->origin; newpkg->data = (newpkg->origin == PKG_FROM_FILE) ? strdup(pkg->data) : pkg->data; newpkg->infolevel = pkg->infolevel; return(newpkg); } void _alpm_pkg_free(void *data) { pmpkg_t *pkg = data; if(pkg == NULL) { return; } FREELIST(pkg->license); FREELIST(pkg->desc_localized); FREELIST(pkg->files); FREELIST(pkg->backup); FREELIST(pkg->depends); FREELIST(pkg->removes); FREELIST(pkg->conflicts); FREELIST(pkg->requiredby); FREELIST(pkg->groups); FREELIST(pkg->provides); FREELIST(pkg->replaces); if(pkg->origin == PKG_FROM_FILE) { FREE(pkg->data); } FREE(pkg); return; } /* Helper function for comparing packages */ int _alpm_pkg_cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2) { return(strcmp(((pmpkg_t *)p1)->name, ((pmpkg_t *)p2)->name)); } /* Parses the package description file for the current package * * Returns: 0 on success, 1 on error * */ static int parse_descfile(char *descfile, pmpkg_t *info, int output) { FILE* fp = NULL; char line[PATH_MAX]; char* ptr = NULL; char* key = NULL; int linenum = 0; if((fp = fopen(descfile, "r")) == NULL) { _alpm_log(PM_LOG_ERROR, _("could not open file %s"), descfile); return(-1); } while(!feof(fp)) { fgets(line, PATH_MAX, fp); linenum++; _alpm_strtrim(line); if(strlen(line) == 0 || line[0] == '#') { continue; } if(output) { _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, "%s", line); } ptr = line; key = strsep(&ptr, "="); if(key == NULL || ptr == NULL) { _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, _("%s: syntax error in description file line %d"), info->name[0] != '\0' ? info->name : "error", linenum); } else { _alpm_strtrim(key); key = _alpm_strtoupper(key); _alpm_strtrim(ptr); if(!strcmp(key, "PKGNAME")) { STRNCPY(info->name, ptr, sizeof(info->name)); } else if(!strcmp(key, "PKGVER")) { STRNCPY(info->version, ptr, sizeof(info->version)); } else if(!strcmp(key, "PKGDESC")) { char *lang_tmp; info->desc_localized = _alpm_list_add(info->desc_localized, strdup(ptr)); if((lang_tmp = (char *)malloc(strlen(setlocale(LC_ALL, "")))) == NULL) { RET_ERR(PM_ERR_MEMORY, -1); } STRNCPY(lang_tmp, setlocale(LC_ALL, ""), strlen(setlocale(LC_ALL, ""))); if(info->desc_localized && !info->desc_localized->next) { STRNCPY(info->desc, ptr, sizeof(info->desc)); } else if (ptr && !strncmp(ptr, lang_tmp, strlen(lang_tmp))) { STRNCPY(info->desc, ptr+strlen(lang_tmp)+1, sizeof(info->desc)); } FREE(lang_tmp); } else if(!strcmp(key, "GROUP")) { info->groups = _alpm_list_add(info->groups, strdup(ptr)); } else if(!strcmp(key, "URL")) { STRNCPY(info->url, ptr, sizeof(info->url)); } else if(!strcmp(key, "LICENSE")) { info->license = _alpm_list_add(info->license, strdup(ptr)); } else if(!strcmp(key, "BUILDDATE")) { STRNCPY(info->builddate, ptr, sizeof(info->builddate)); } else if(!strcmp(key, "BUILDTYPE")) { STRNCPY(info->buildtype, ptr, sizeof(info->buildtype)); } else if(!strcmp(key, "INSTALLDATE")) { STRNCPY(info->installdate, ptr, sizeof(info->installdate)); } else if(!strcmp(key, "PACKAGER")) { STRNCPY(info->packager, ptr, sizeof(info->packager)); } else if(!strcmp(key, "ARCH")) { STRNCPY(info->arch, ptr, sizeof(info->arch)); } else if(!strcmp(key, "SIZE")) { char tmp[32]; STRNCPY(tmp, ptr, sizeof(tmp)); info->size = atol(tmp); } else if(!strcmp(key, "USIZE")) { char tmp[32]; STRNCPY(tmp, ptr, sizeof(tmp)); info->usize = atol(tmp); } else if(!strcmp(key, "DEPEND")) { info->depends = _alpm_list_add(info->depends, strdup(ptr)); } else if(!strcmp(key, "REMOVE")) { info->removes = _alpm_list_add(info->removes, strdup(ptr)); } else if(!strcmp(key, "CONFLICT")) { info->conflicts = _alpm_list_add(info->conflicts, strdup(ptr)); } else if(!strcmp(key, "REPLACES")) { info->replaces = _alpm_list_add(info->replaces, strdup(ptr)); } else if(!strcmp(key, "PROVIDES")) { info->provides = _alpm_list_add(info->provides, strdup(ptr)); } else if(!strcmp(key, "BACKUP")) { info->backup = _alpm_list_add(info->backup, strdup(ptr)); } else { _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, _("%s: syntax error in description file line %d"), info->name[0] != '\0' ? info->name : "error", linenum); } } line[0] = '\0'; } fclose(fp); unlink(descfile); return(0); } pmpkg_t *_alpm_pkg_load(char *pkgfile) { char *expath; int i; int config = 0; int filelist = 0; int scriptcheck = 0; register struct archive *archive; struct archive_entry *entry; pmpkg_t *info = NULL; if(pkgfile == NULL || strlen(pkgfile) == 0) { RET_ERR(PM_ERR_WRONG_ARGS, NULL); } if ((archive = archive_read_new ()) == NULL) RET_ERR(PM_ERR_LIBARCHIVE_ERROR, NULL); archive_read_support_compression_all (archive); archive_read_support_format_all (archive); if (archive_read_open_file (archive, pkgfile, ARCHIVE_DEFAULT_BYTES_PER_BLOCK) != ARCHIVE_OK) RET_ERR(PM_ERR_PKG_OPEN, NULL); info = _alpm_pkg_new(NULL, NULL); if(info == NULL) { archive_read_finish (archive); RET_ERR(PM_ERR_MEMORY, NULL); } for(i = 0; archive_read_next_header (archive, &entry) == ARCHIVE_OK; i++) { if(config && filelist && scriptcheck) { /* we have everything we need */ break; } if(!strcmp(archive_entry_pathname (entry), ".PKGINFO")) { char *descfile; int fd; /* extract this file into /tmp. it has info for us */ descfile = strdup("/tmp/alpm_XXXXXX"); fd = mkstemp(descfile); archive_read_data_into_fd (archive, fd); /* parse the info file */ if(parse_descfile(descfile, info, 0) == -1) { _alpm_log(PM_LOG_ERROR, _("could not parse the package description file")); pm_errno = PM_ERR_PKG_INVALID; unlink(descfile); FREE(descfile); close(fd); goto error; } if(!strlen(info->name)) { _alpm_log(PM_LOG_ERROR, _("missing package name in %s"), pkgfile); pm_errno = PM_ERR_PKG_INVALID; unlink(descfile); FREE(descfile); close(fd); goto error; } if(!strlen(info->version)) { _alpm_log(PM_LOG_ERROR, _("missing package version in %s"), pkgfile); pm_errno = PM_ERR_PKG_INVALID; unlink(descfile); FREE(descfile); close(fd); goto error; } config = 1; unlink(descfile); FREE(descfile); close(fd); continue; } else if(!strcmp(archive_entry_pathname (entry), "._install") || !strcmp(archive_entry_pathname (entry), ".INSTALL")) { info->scriptlet = 1; scriptcheck = 1; } else if(!strcmp(archive_entry_pathname (entry), ".FILELIST")) { /* Build info->files from the filelist */ FILE *fp; char *fn; char *str; int fd; if((str = (char *)malloc(PATH_MAX)) == NULL) { RET_ERR(PM_ERR_MEMORY, (pmpkg_t *)-1); } fn = strdup("/tmp/alpm_XXXXXX"); fd = mkstemp(fn); archive_read_data_into_fd (archive,fd); fp = fopen(fn, "r"); while(!feof(fp)) { if(fgets(str, PATH_MAX, fp) == NULL) { continue; } _alpm_strtrim(str); info->files = _alpm_list_add(info->files, strdup(str)); } FREE(str); fclose(fp); if(unlink(fn)) { _alpm_log(PM_LOG_WARNING, _("could not remove tempfile %s"), fn); } FREE(fn); close(fd); filelist = 1; continue; } else { scriptcheck = 1; if(!filelist) { /* no .FILELIST present in this package.. build the filelist the */ /* old-fashioned way, one at a time */ expath = strdup(archive_entry_pathname (entry)); info->files = _alpm_list_add(info->files, expath); } } if(archive_read_data_skip (archive)) { _alpm_log(PM_LOG_ERROR, _("bad package file in %s"), pkgfile); goto error; } expath = NULL; } archive_read_finish (archive); if(!config) { _alpm_log(PM_LOG_ERROR, _("missing package info file in %s"), pkgfile); goto error; } /* internal */ info->origin = PKG_FROM_FILE; info->data = strdup(pkgfile); info->infolevel = 0xFF; return(info); error: FREEPKG(info); archive_read_finish (archive); return(NULL); } /* Test for existence of a package in a pmlist_t* * of pmpkg_t* */ pmpkg_t *_alpm_pkg_isin(char *needle, pmlist_t *haystack) { pmlist_t *lp; if(needle == NULL || haystack == NULL) { return(NULL); } for(lp = haystack; lp; lp = lp->next) { pmpkg_t *info = lp->data; if(info && !strcmp(info->name, needle)) { return(lp->data); } } return(NULL); } int _alpm_pkg_splitname(char *target, char *name, char *version) { char tmp[PKG_FULLNAME_LEN+7]; char *p, *q; if(target == NULL) { return(-1); } /* trim path name (if any) */ if((p = strrchr(target, '/')) == NULL) { p = target; } else { p++; } STRNCPY(tmp, p, PKG_FULLNAME_LEN+7); /* trim file extension (if any) */ if((p = strstr(tmp, PM_EXT_PKG))) { *p = 0; } p = tmp + strlen(tmp); for(q = --p; *q && *q != '-'; q--); if(*q != '-' || q == tmp) { return(-1); } for(p = --q; *p && *p != '-'; p--); if(*p != '-' || p == tmp) { return(-1); } if(version) { STRNCPY(version, p+1, PKG_VERSION_LEN); } *p = 0; if(name) { STRNCPY(name, tmp, PKG_NAME_LEN); } return(0); } /* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet: */