/* * handle.c * * Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by Judd Vinet <jvinet@zeroflux.org> * Copyright (c) 2005 by Aurelien Foret <orelien@chez.com> * Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 by Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@frugalware.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #include "config.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <limits.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <syslog.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <errno.h> /* libalpm */ #include "handle.h" #include "alpm_list.h" #include "util.h" #include "log.h" #include "error.h" #include "trans.h" #include "alpm.h" #include "server.h" pmhandle_t *_alpm_handle_new() { pmhandle_t *handle; handle = malloc(sizeof(pmhandle_t)); if(handle == NULL) { _alpm_log(PM_LOG_ERROR, _("malloc failure: could not allocate %d bytes"), sizeof(pmhandle_t)); RET_ERR(PM_ERR_MEMORY, NULL); } memset(handle, 0, sizeof(pmhandle_t)); handle->lckfd = -1; handle->logstream = NULL; /* see if we're root or not */ handle->uid = geteuid(); handle->root = NULL; handle->dbpath = NULL; handle->cachedirs = NULL; handle->lockfile = NULL; handle->logfile = NULL; return(handle); } void _alpm_handle_free(pmhandle_t *handle) { ALPM_LOG_FUNC; if(handle == NULL) { return; } /* close logfile */ if(handle->logstream) { fclose(handle->logstream); handle->logstream= NULL; } if(handle->usesyslog) { handle->usesyslog = 0; closelog(); } /* free memory */ _alpm_trans_free(handle->trans); FREE(handle->root); FREE(handle->dbpath); FREELIST(handle->cachedirs); FREE(handle->logfile); FREE(handle->lockfile); FREE(handle->xfercommand); FREELIST(handle->dbs_sync); FREELIST(handle->noupgrade); FREELIST(handle->noextract); FREELIST(handle->ignorepkg); FREELIST(handle->holdpkg); FREE(handle); } alpm_cb_log SYMEXPORT alpm_option_get_logcb() { return (handle ? handle->logcb : NULL); } alpm_cb_download SYMEXPORT alpm_option_get_dlcb() { return (handle ? handle->dlcb : NULL); } const char SYMEXPORT *alpm_option_get_root() { return handle->root; } const char SYMEXPORT *alpm_option_get_dbpath() { return handle->dbpath; } alpm_list_t SYMEXPORT *alpm_option_get_cachedirs() { return handle->cachedirs; } const char SYMEXPORT *alpm_option_get_logfile() { return handle->logfile; } const char SYMEXPORT *alpm_option_get_lockfile() { return handle->lockfile; } unsigned short SYMEXPORT alpm_option_get_usesyslog() { return handle->usesyslog; } alpm_list_t SYMEXPORT *alpm_option_get_noupgrades() { return handle->noupgrade; } alpm_list_t SYMEXPORT *alpm_option_get_noextracts() { return handle->noextract; } alpm_list_t SYMEXPORT *alpm_option_get_ignorepkgs() { return handle->ignorepkg; } alpm_list_t SYMEXPORT *alpm_option_get_holdpkgs() { return handle->holdpkg; } time_t SYMEXPORT alpm_option_get_upgradedelay() { return handle->upgradedelay; } const char SYMEXPORT *alpm_option_get_xfercommand() { return handle->xfercommand; } unsigned short SYMEXPORT alpm_option_get_nopassiveftp() { return handle->nopassiveftp; } pmdb_t SYMEXPORT *alpm_option_get_localdb() { return handle->db_local; } alpm_list_t SYMEXPORT *alpm_option_get_syncdbs() { return handle->dbs_sync; } void SYMEXPORT alpm_option_set_logcb(alpm_cb_log cb) { handle->logcb = cb; } void SYMEXPORT alpm_option_set_dlcb(alpm_cb_download cb) { handle->dlcb = cb; } int SYMEXPORT alpm_option_set_root(const char *root) { struct stat st; char *realroot; size_t rootlen; ALPM_LOG_FUNC; if(!root) { pm_errno = PM_ERR_WRONG_ARGS; return(-1); } if(stat(root, &st) == -1 || !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { pm_errno = PM_ERR_NOT_A_DIR; return(-1); } /* According to the man page, realpath is safe to use IFF the second arg is * NULL. */ realroot = realpath(root, NULL); if(!realroot) { pm_errno = PM_ERR_NOT_A_DIR; return(-1); } /* verify root ends in a '/' */ rootlen = strlen(realroot); if(realroot[rootlen-1] != '/') { rootlen += 1; } if(handle->root) { FREE(handle->root); } handle->root = calloc(rootlen + 1, sizeof(char)); strncpy(handle->root, realroot, rootlen); handle->root[rootlen-1] = '/'; FREE(realroot); _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, "option 'root' = %s", handle->root); return(0); } int SYMEXPORT alpm_option_set_dbpath(const char *dbpath) { struct stat st; size_t dbpathlen, lockfilelen; const char *lf = "db.lck"; ALPM_LOG_FUNC; if(!dbpath) { pm_errno = PM_ERR_WRONG_ARGS; return(-1); } if(stat(dbpath, &st) == -1 || !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { pm_errno = PM_ERR_NOT_A_DIR; return(-1); } /* verify dbpath ends in a '/' */ dbpathlen = strlen(dbpath); if(dbpath[dbpathlen-1] != '/') { dbpathlen += 1; } if(handle->dbpath) { FREE(handle->dbpath); } handle->dbpath = calloc(dbpathlen+1, sizeof(char)); strncpy(handle->dbpath, dbpath, dbpathlen); handle->dbpath[dbpathlen-1] = '/'; _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, "option 'dbpath' = %s", handle->dbpath); if(handle->lockfile) { FREE(handle->lockfile); } lockfilelen = strlen(handle->dbpath) + strlen(lf) + 1; handle->lockfile = calloc(lockfilelen, sizeof(char)); snprintf(handle->lockfile, lockfilelen, "%s%s", handle->dbpath, lf); _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, "option 'lockfile' = %s", handle->lockfile); return(0); } int SYMEXPORT alpm_option_add_cachedir(const char *cachedir) { struct stat st; char *newcachedir; size_t cachedirlen; ALPM_LOG_FUNC; if(!cachedir) { pm_errno = PM_ERR_WRONG_ARGS; return(-1); } if(stat(cachedir, &st) == -1 || !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { pm_errno = PM_ERR_NOT_A_DIR; return(-1); } /* verify cachedir ends in a '/' */ cachedirlen = strlen(cachedir); if(cachedir[cachedirlen-1] != '/') { cachedirlen += 1; } newcachedir = calloc(cachedirlen + 1, sizeof(char)); strncpy(newcachedir, cachedir, cachedirlen); newcachedir[cachedirlen-1] = '/'; handle->cachedirs = alpm_list_add(handle->cachedirs, newcachedir); _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, "option 'cachedir' = %s", newcachedir); return(0); } void SYMEXPORT alpm_option_set_cachedirs(alpm_list_t *cachedirs) { if(handle->cachedirs) FREELIST(handle->cachedirs); if(cachedirs) handle->cachedirs = cachedirs; } int SYMEXPORT alpm_option_set_logfile(const char *logfile) { char *oldlogfile = handle->logfile; FILE *oldlogstream = handle->logstream; ALPM_LOG_FUNC; if(!logfile) { pm_errno = PM_ERR_WRONG_ARGS; return(-1); } handle->logfile = strdup(logfile); handle->logstream = fopen(logfile, "a"); if(handle->logstream == NULL) { /* TODO we probably want to do this at some point, but right now * it just blows up when a user calls pacman without privilages */ _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, "couldn't open logfile for writing, ignoring"); /* if(errno == EACCES) { pm_errno = PM_ERR_BADPERMS; } else if(errno == ENOENT) { pm_errno = PM_ERR_NOT_A_DIR; } else { pm_errno = PM_ERR_SYSTEM; } * reset logfile to its previous value * FREE(handle->logfile); handle->logfile = oldlogfile; handle->logstream = oldlogstream; return(-1); */ } if(oldlogfile) { FREE(oldlogfile); } if(oldlogstream) { fclose(oldlogstream); } _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, "option 'logfile' = %s", handle->logfile); return(0); } void SYMEXPORT alpm_option_set_usesyslog(unsigned short usesyslog) { handle->usesyslog = usesyslog; } void SYMEXPORT alpm_option_add_noupgrade(const char *pkg) { handle->noupgrade = alpm_list_add(handle->noupgrade, strdup(pkg)); } void SYMEXPORT alpm_option_set_noupgrades(alpm_list_t *noupgrade) { if(handle->noupgrade) FREELIST(handle->noupgrade); if(noupgrade) handle->noupgrade = noupgrade; } void SYMEXPORT alpm_option_add_noextract(const char *pkg) { handle->noextract = alpm_list_add(handle->noextract, strdup(pkg)); } void SYMEXPORT alpm_option_set_noextracts(alpm_list_t *noextract) { if(handle->noextract) FREELIST(handle->noextract); if(noextract) handle->noextract = noextract; } void SYMEXPORT alpm_option_add_ignorepkg(const char *pkg) { handle->ignorepkg = alpm_list_add(handle->ignorepkg, strdup(pkg)); } void alpm_option_set_ignorepkgs(alpm_list_t *ignorepkgs) { if(handle->ignorepkg) FREELIST(handle->ignorepkg); if(ignorepkgs) handle->ignorepkg = ignorepkgs; } void SYMEXPORT alpm_option_add_holdpkg(const char *pkg) { handle->holdpkg = alpm_list_add(handle->holdpkg, strdup(pkg)); } void SYMEXPORT alpm_option_set_holdpkgs(alpm_list_t *holdpkgs) { if(handle->holdpkg) FREELIST(handle->holdpkg); if(holdpkgs) handle->holdpkg = holdpkgs; } void SYMEXPORT alpm_option_set_upgradedelay(time_t delay) { handle->upgradedelay = delay; } void SYMEXPORT alpm_option_set_xfercommand(const char *cmd) { if(handle->xfercommand) FREE(handle->xfercommand); if(cmd) handle->xfercommand = strdup(cmd); } void SYMEXPORT alpm_option_set_nopassiveftp(unsigned short nopasv) { handle->nopassiveftp = nopasv; } /* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet: */