/* * cache.c * * Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by Judd Vinet <jvinet@zeroflux.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, * USA. */ #include "config.h" #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/stat.h> /* pacman */ #include "log.h" #include "alpm.h" #include "list.h" #include "util.h" #include "package.h" #include "group.h" #include "db.h" #include "cache.h" /* Helper function for comparing packages */ static int pkg_cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2) { return(strcmp(((pmpkg_t *)p1)->name, ((pmpkg_t *)p2)->name)); } /* Returns a new package cache from db. * It frees the cache if it already exists. */ int _alpm_db_load_pkgcache(pmdb_t *db) { pmpkg_t *info; /* The group cache needs INFRQ_DESC as well */ unsigned char infolevel = INFRQ_DEPENDS | INFRQ_DESC; if(db == NULL) { return(-1); } _alpm_db_free_pkgcache(db); _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, "loading package cache (infolevel=%#x) for repository '%s'", infolevel, db->treename); _alpm_db_rewind(db); while((info = _alpm_db_scan(db, NULL, infolevel)) != NULL) { info->origin = PKG_FROM_CACHE; info->data = db; /* add to the collective */ db->pkgcache = _alpm_list_add_sorted(db->pkgcache, info, pkg_cmp); } return(0); } void _alpm_db_free_pkgcache(pmdb_t *db) { if(db == NULL || db->pkgcache == NULL) { return; } _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, "freeing package cache for repository '%s'", db->treename); FREELISTPKGS(db->pkgcache); if(db->grpcache) { _alpm_db_free_grpcache(db); } } PMList *_alpm_db_get_pkgcache(pmdb_t *db) { if(db == NULL) { return(NULL); } if(db->pkgcache == NULL) { _alpm_db_load_pkgcache(db); } return(db->pkgcache); } int _alpm_db_add_pkgincache(pmdb_t *db, pmpkg_t *pkg) { pmpkg_t *newpkg; if(db == NULL || pkg == NULL) { return(-1); } newpkg = _alpm_pkg_dup(pkg); if(newpkg == NULL) { return(-1); } _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, "adding entry %s in '%s' cache", newpkg->name, db->treename); db->pkgcache = _alpm_list_add_sorted(db->pkgcache, newpkg, pkg_cmp); _alpm_db_free_grpcache(db); return(0); } int _alpm_db_remove_pkgfromcache(pmdb_t *db, pmpkg_t *pkg) { pmpkg_t *data; if(db == NULL || pkg == NULL) { return(-1); } db->pkgcache = _alpm_list_remove(db->pkgcache, pkg, pkg_cmp, (void **)&data); if(data == NULL) { /* package not found */ return(-1); } _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, "removing entry %s from '%s' cache", pkg->name, db->treename); FREEPKG(data); _alpm_db_free_grpcache(db); return(0); } pmpkg_t *_alpm_db_get_pkgfromcache(pmdb_t *db, char *target) { if(db == NULL) { return(NULL); } return(_alpm_pkg_isin(target, _alpm_db_get_pkgcache(db))); } /* Returns a new group cache from db. * It frees the cache if it already exists. */ int _alpm_db_load_grpcache(pmdb_t *db) { PMList *lp; if(db == NULL) { return(-1); } if(db->pkgcache == NULL) { _alpm_db_load_pkgcache(db); } _alpm_log(PM_LOG_DEBUG, "loading group cache for repository '%s'", db->treename); for(lp = db->pkgcache; lp; lp = lp->next) { PMList *i; pmpkg_t *pkg = lp->data; for(i = pkg->groups; i; i = i->next) { if(!_alpm_list_is_strin(i->data, db->grpcache)) { pmgrp_t *grp = _alpm_grp_new(); STRNCPY(grp->name, (char *)i->data, GRP_NAME_LEN); grp->packages = _alpm_list_add_sorted(grp->packages, pkg->name, _alpm_grp_cmp); db->grpcache = _alpm_list_add_sorted(db->grpcache, grp, _alpm_grp_cmp); } else { PMList *j; for(j = db->grpcache; j; j = j->next) { pmgrp_t *grp = j->data; if(strcmp(grp->name, i->data) == 0) { if(!_alpm_list_is_strin(pkg->name, grp->packages)) { grp->packages = _alpm_list_add_sorted(grp->packages, (char *)pkg->name, _alpm_grp_cmp); } } } } } } return(0); } void _alpm_db_free_grpcache(pmdb_t *db) { PMList *lg; if(db == NULL || db->grpcache == NULL) { return; } for(lg = db->grpcache; lg; lg = lg->next) { pmgrp_t *grp = lg->data; FREELISTPTR(grp->packages); FREEGRP(lg->data); } FREELIST(db->grpcache); } PMList *_alpm_db_get_grpcache(pmdb_t *db) { if(db == NULL) { return(NULL); } if(db->grpcache == NULL) { _alpm_db_load_grpcache(db); } return(db->grpcache); } pmgrp_t *_alpm_db_get_grpfromcache(pmdb_t *db, char *target) { PMList *i; if(db == NULL || target == NULL || strlen(target) == 0) { return(NULL); } for(i = _alpm_db_get_grpcache(db); i; i = i->next) { pmgrp_t *info = i->data; if(strcmp(info->name, target) == 0) { return(info); } } return(NULL); } /* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet: */