." the string declarations are a start to try and make distro independent .ds DS Arch Linux .ds PB PKGBUILD .ds VR 3.0.0 .TH \*(PB 5 "Feb 07, 2007" "\*(PB version \*(VR" "\*(DS Files" .SH NAME \*(PB \- \*(DS package build description file .SH DESCRIPTION This manual page is meant to describe general rules about \fB\*(PB\fPs. Once a \fB\*(PB\fP is written, the actual package is built using \fBmakepkg\fP and installed with \fBpacman\fP. \fBNOTE:\fP If you have a local copy of the Arch Build System (ABS) tree on your computer, you can copy the \*(PB.proto file to your new package build directory and edit it from there. To acquire/sync the ABS tree, use the \fBabs\fP script included with \fBpacman\fP. .SH OPTIONS AND DIRECTIVES .TP .B pkgname The name of the package. This has be a unix-friendly name as it will be used in the package filename. .TP .B pkgver The version of the software as released from the author (e.g. 2.7.1). .TP .B pkgrel This is the release number specific to the \*(DSs release. This allows package maintainers to make updates to the package's configure flags, for example. .TP .B pkgdesc This should be a brief description of the package and its functionality. Try to keep the description to one line of text. .TP .B url This field contains a URL that is associated with the software being packaged. This is typically the project's website. .TP .B license (array) This field specifies the license(s) that apply to the package. Commonly-used licenses are found in \fI/usr/share/licenses/common\fP. If you see the package's license there, simply reference it in the license field (e.g. \fBlicense=("GPL")\fP). If the package provides a license not found in \fI/usr/share/licenses/common\fP, then you should include the license in the package itself and set \fBlicense=("custom")\fP or \fBlicense=("custom:LicenseName")\fP. The license should be placed in \fI$startdir/pkg/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname\fP when building the package. If multiple licenses are applicable for a package, list all of them: \fBlicenses=('GPL' 'FDL')\fP. .TP .B install Specifies a special install script that is to be included in the package. This file should reside in the same directory as the \fB\*(PB\fP, and will be copied into the package by \fBmakepkg\fP. It does not need to be included in the \fIsource\fP array. (e.g. \fBinstall=pkgname.install\fP) .TP .B source \fI(array)\fP An array of source files required to build the package. Source files must either reside in the same directory as the \fB\*(PB file\fP, or be a fully-qualified URL that makepkg will use to download the file. In order to make the PKGBUILD as useful as possible, use the \fB$pkgname\fP and \fB$pkgver\fP variables if possible when specifying the download location. .TP .B noextract \fI(array)\fP An array of filenames corresponding to those from the \fBsource\fP array. Files listed here will not be extracted with the rest of the source files. This is useful for packages which use compressed data which is downloaded but not necessary to uncompress. .TP .B md5sums \fI(array)\fP This array contains an MD5 hash for every source file specified in the \fBsource\fP array (in the same order). \fBmakepkg\fP will use this to verify source file integrity during subsequent builds. To easily generate md5sums, run "makepkg -g >> \*(PB". If desired, move the \fBmd5sums\fP line to an appropriate location. NOTE: \fBmakepkg\fP supports multiple integrity algorithms and their corresponding arrays (i.e. sha1sums for the SHA1 algorithm); however, official packages use only md5sums for the time being. .TP .B sha1sums, etc. Alternative integrity checks that \fBmakepkg\fP supports, as noted in \fBmd5sums\fP above. .TP .B groups \fI(array)\fP An array of symbolic names that represent groups of packages, allowing you to install multiple packages by requesting a single target. For example, one could install all KDE packages by installing the 'kde' group. .TP .B arch \fI(array)\fP Defines on which architectures the given package is available. (e.g. \fBarch=('i686' 'x86_64')\fP) .TP .B backup \fI(array)\fP A space-delimited array of filenames, \fIwithout\fP preceding slashes, that should be backed up if the package is removed or upgraded. This is commonly used for packages placing configuration files in /etc. See \fBHANDLING CONFIG FILES\fP in the \fBpacman\fP manpage for more information. .TP .B depends \fI(array)\fP An array of packages that this package depends on to run. Packages in this list should be surrounded with single quotes and contain at least the package name. Entries can also include a version requirement of the form \fB'name<>version'\fP, where <> is one of three comparisons: \fI>=\fP (greater than or equal to), \fI<=\fP (less than or equal to), or \fI=\fP (equal to). .TP .B makedepends \fI(array)\fP An array of packages that this package depends on to build, but are not needed at runtime. Packages in this list follow the same format as \fBdepends\fP. .TP .B conflicts \fI(array)\fP An array of packages that will conflict with this package (i.e. they cannot both be installed at the same time). This directive follows the same format as \fIdepends\fP, except you cannot specify versions. .TP .B provides \fI(array)\fP An array of "virtual provisions" that this package provides. This allows a package to provide dependencies other than its own package name. For example, the dcron package can provide 'cron', which allows packages to depend on 'cron' rather than 'dcron OR fcron'. .TP .B replaces \fI(array)\fP An array of packages that this package should replace, and can be used to handle renamed/combined packages. For example, if the 'j2re' package is renamed to 'jre', this directive allows future upgrades to continue as expected even though the package has moved. .TP .B options \fI(array)\fP This array allows you to override some of \fBmakepkg\fP's default behavior when building packages. To set an option, just include the option name in the \fBoptions\fP array. To reverse the default behavior, place an "!" at the front of the option. Only specify the options you specifically want to override, the rest will be taken from \fBmakepkg.conf\fP. NOTE: 'force' is a special option only used in \fB\*(PB\fPs, do not use it unless you know what you are doing. .RS .TP .B strip Strip symbols from binaries and libraries. If you frequently use a debugger on programs or libraries, it may be helpful to disable this option. .TP .B docs Save doc and info directories. If you wish to delete doc and info directories, specify "!docs" in the array. .TP .B libtool Leave libtool (.la) files in packages. Specify "!libtool" to remove them. .TP .B emptydirs Leave empty directories in packages. .TP .B force Force the package to be upgraded by a \fBpacman\fP system upgrade operation, even if the version number would normally not trigger such an upgrade. This is useful when the version numbering scheme of a package changes (or is alphanumeric). .RE .SH INSTALL/UPGRADE/REMOVE SCRIPTING \fBPacman\fP has the ability to store and execute a package-specific script when it installs, removes, or upgrades a package. This allows a package to configure itself after installation and do the opposite right before it is removed. The exact time the script is run varies with each operation: .TP .B pre_install script is run right before files are extracted. .TP .B post_install script is run right after files are extracted. .TP .B pre_upgrade script is run right before files are extracted. .TP .B post_upgrade script is run after files are extracted. .TP .B pre_remove script is run right before files are removed. .TP .B post_remove script is run right after files are removed. .P To use this feature, create a file such as 'pkgname.install' and put it in the same directory as the \fB\*(PB\fP script. Then use the \fBinstall\fP directive: .RS .nf install=pkgname.install .fi .RE The install script does not need to be specified in the \fBsource\fP array. A template install file is available in the ABS tree (/var/abs/install.proto). .SH EXAMPLE The following is an example \fB\*(PB\fP for the 'modutils' package. For more examples, look through the ABS tree. .nf # Maintainer: John Doe <johndoe@archlinux.org> # Contributor: Bill Smith <billsmith@archlinux.org> pkgname=modutils pkgver=2.4.25 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Utilities for inserting modules in the linux kernel" url="http://www.kernel.org" makedepends=('bash' 'mawk') depends=('glibc' 'zlib') backup=(etc/modules.conf) source=(ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kernel/$pkgname/v2.4/$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.bz2 modules.conf) arch=('i686') license=('GPL' 'custom') # dual licensed md5sums=('2c0cca3ef6330a187c6ef4fe41ecaa4d' '35175bee593a7cc7d6205584a94d8625') options=(!libtool) build() { cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-insmod-static make || return 1 make prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install mv $startdir/pkg/usr/sbin $startdir/pkg mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/etc cp ../modules.conf $startdir/pkg/etc } .fi .SH SEE ALSO .BR makepkg (8), .BR pacman (8), .BR makepkg.conf (5) See the Arch Linux website at <http://www.archlinux.org> for more current information on the distribution and the \fBpacman\fP family of tools, and <http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Packaging_Standards> for recommendations on packaging standards. .SH AUTHORS .nf Judd Vinet <jvinet@zeroflux.org> Aurelien Foret <aurelien@archlinux.org> Aaron Griffin <aaron@archlinux.org> Dan McGee <dan@archlinux.org> See the 'AUTHORS' file for additional contributors. .fi