#compdef pacman pacman.static=pacman

# copy this file to /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_pacman

typeset -A opt_args

# options for passing to _arguments: main pacman commands
	'-A[Add a package to the system]'
	'-Q[Query the package database]'
	'-R[Remove a package from the system]'
	'-S[Synchronize packages]'
	'-U[Upgrade a package]'
	'-V[Display version and exit]'
	'-h[Display usage]'

# options for passing to _arguments: options common to all commands
	'-b[Alternate database location]:database_location:_files -/'
	'-h[Display syntax for the given operation]'
	'-r[Set alternate installation root]:installation root:_files -/'
	'-v[Be more verbose]'
	'--cachedir[Alternate package cache location]:cache_location:_files -/'
	'--config[An alternate configuration file]:config file:_files'
	'--logfile[An alternate log file]:config file:_files'
	'--noconfirm[Do not ask for confirmation]'
	'--noprogressbar[Do not show a progress bar when downloading files]'
	'--noscriptlet[Do not execute the install scriptlet if one exists]'

# options for passing to _arguments: options for --add and --update commands
	'-d[Skip dependency checks]'
	'-f[Overwrite conflicting files]'
	'*:package file:_files -g "*.pkg.tar.gz(.)"'

# options for passing to _arguments: subactions for --query command
	'-g[View all members of a package group]:*:package groups:->query_group'
	'-o[Query the package that owns a file]:file:_files'
	'-p[Package file to query]:*:package file:->query_file'
	'-s[Search package names and descriptions]:*:search text:->query_search'

# options for passing to _arguments: options for --query and subcommands
	'-c[List package changelog]'
	'-d[List packages installed as dependencies]'
	'-e[List packages explicitly installed]'
	'-g[List all members of a package group]'
	'-i[View package information]'
	'-ii[View package information including backup files]'
	'-l[List package contents]'
	'-m[List installed packages not found in sync db(s)]'
	'-t[List packages not required by any package]'
	'-u[List packages that can be upgraded]'

# options for passing to _arguments: options for --remove command
	'-c[Remove all dependent packages]'
	'-d[Skip dependency checks]'
	'-k[Only remove database entry, do not remove files]'
	'-n[Remove protected configuration files]'
	'-s[Remove dependencies not required by other packages]'
	'*:installed package:_pacman_completions_installed_packages'

# options for passing to _arguments: options for --sync command
	'*-c[Remove old packages from cache]:*:clean:->sync_clean'
	'*-cc[Remove all packages from cache]:*:clean:->sync_clean'
	'-g[View all members of a package group]:*:package groups:->sync_group'
	'-s[Search package names and descriptions]:*:search text:->sync_search'

# options for passing to _arguments: options for --sync command
	'-d[Skip dependency checks]'
	'-e[Install dependencies only]'
	'-f[Overwrite conflicting files]'
	'-i[View package information]'
	'-l[List all packages in a repository]'
	'-p[Print download URIs for each package to be installed]'
	'-u[Upgrade all out-of-date packages]'
	'-w[Download packages only]'
	'-y[Download fresh package databases]'
	'*--ignore[Ignore a package upgrade]:package:_pacman_completions_installed_packages'
	'*--ignoregroup[Ignore a group upgrade]:package group:_pacman_completions_all_groups'
	'--asdeps[Install packages as non-explicitly installed]'

# handles --action subcommand
_pacman_action_add() {
	_arguments -s : \
		"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \

# handles --help subcommand
_pacman_action_help() {
	_arguments -s : \

# handles cases where no subcommand has yet been given
_pacman_action_none() {
	_arguments -s : \

# handles --query subcommand
_pacman_action_query() {
	local context state line
	typeset -A opt_args
#	_arguments -s : \
#		"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
#		"$_pacman_opts_query_actions[@]" \
#		"$_pacman_opts_query_modifiers[@]"
	case $state in
			_arguments -s : \
				"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
				"$_pacman_opts_query_modifiers[@]" \
				'*:package file:_files -g "*.pkg.tar.gz"'
			_arguments -s : \
				"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
				"$_pacman_opts_query_modifiers[@]" \
			_arguments -s : \
				"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
				"$_pacman_opts_query_modifiers[@]" \
			_arguments -s : \
				"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
				"$_pacman_opts_query_modifiers[@]" \
				'*:search text: '
			_arguments -s : \
				"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
				"$_pacman_opts_query_actions[@]" \
				"$_pacman_opts_query_modifiers[@]" \

# handles --remove subcommand
_pacman_action_remove() {
	_arguments -s : \
		"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \

# handles --sync subcommand
_pacman_action_sync() {
	local context state line
	typeset -A opt_args
#	_arguments -s : \
#		"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
#		"$_pacman_opts_sync_actions[@]" #\
#		#"$_pacman_opts_sync_modifiers[@]"
	case $state in
			_arguments -s : \
				"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
				"$_pacman_opts_sync_modifiers[@]" \
				'*-c[Remove old packages from cache]' \
			_arguments -s : \
				"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
				"$_pacman_opts_sync_modifiers[@]" \
				'*:package group:_pacman_completions_all_groups'
			_arguments -s : \
				"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
				"$_pacman_opts_sync_modifiers[@]" \
				'*:search text: '
			_arguments -s : \
				"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
				"$_pacman_opts_sync_modifiers[@]" \

# handles --upgrade subcommand
_pacman_action_upgrade() {
	_arguments -s : \
		"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \

# handles --version subcommand
_pacman_action_version() {
	# no further arguments
	return 0

# provides completions for package groups
_pacman_completions_all_groups() {
	local -a cmd groups
	groups=( $(_call_program groups $cmd[@] -Sg) )
	compadd "$@" -a groups

# provides completions for packages available from repositories
# these can be specified as either 'package' or 'repository/package'
_pacman_completions_all_packages() {
	local -a cmd packages repositories packages_long

	typeset -U repositories
	packages=(${(o)${${packages_long/\/var\/lib\/pacman\/sync\//}#*/}%-*-*} )
	typeset -U packages
	_wanted packages expl "packages" compadd - "${(@)packages}"
	if [[ $PREFIX != */* ]] ; then
		typeset -U repositories
		_wanted repo_packages expl "repository/package" compadd -S "/" $repositories
		compset -P '*/'
		packages=(${(o)${${packages_long/\/var\/lib\/pacman\/sync\//}#*/}%-*-*} )
		typeset -U packages
		_wanted repo_packages expl "repository/package" compadd ${(@)packages}

# provides completions for package groups
_pacman_completions_installed_groups() {
	local -a cmd groups
	groups=(${(o)${(f)"$(pacman -Qg)"}% *})
	typeset -U groups
	compadd "$@" -a groups

# provides completions for installed packages
_pacman_completions_installed_packages() {
	local -a cmd packages packages_long
	packages=( ${${packages_long/\/var\/lib\/pacman\/local\//}%-*-*} )
	compadd "$@" -a packages

# provides completions for repository names
_pacman_completions_repositories() {
	local -a cmd repositories
	# Uniq the array
	typeset -U repositories
	compadd "$@" -a repositories

# builds command for invoking pacman in a _call_program command - extracts
# relevant options already specified (config file, etc)
# $cmd must be declared by calling function
_pacman_get_command() {
	# this is mostly nicked from _perforce
	cmd=( "pacman" )
	integer i
	for (( i = 2; i < CURRENT - 1; i++ )); do
		if [[ ${words[i]} = "--config" || ${words[i]} = "--root" ]]; then
			cmd+=( ${words[i,i+1]} )

# main dispatcher
_pacman() {
	# First check if --ignoregroup was the last command given. If so, complete
	# all groups.
	if [ "$words[-2]" = "--ignoregroup" ]; then
		_arguments -s : \
			"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
			"$_pacman_opts_sync_modifiers[@]" \
			'*:package group:_pacman_completions_all_groups'
		return 0

	# Otherwise, complete on the given command.
	case $words[2] in
		-A*)  _pacman_action_add      ;;
		-Q*g*) # ipkg groups
			_arguments -s : \
				"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
				"$_pacman_opts_query_modifiers[@]" \
		-Q*o*) # file *.pkg.tar.gz
			_arguments -s : \
				"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
				"$_pacman_opts_query_modifiers[@]" \
				'*:package file:_files'
		-Q*p*) # file *.pkg.tar.gz
			_arguments -s : \
				"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
				"$_pacman_opts_query_modifiers[@]" \
				'*:package file:_files -g "*.pkg.tar.gz"'
		-Q*)  _pacman_action_query    ;;
		-R*)  _pacman_action_remove   ;;
		-S*c*) # no completion
			return 0
		-S*l*) # repos
			_arguments -s : \
				"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
				"$_pacman_opts_sync_modifiers[@]" \
				'*:package repo:_pacman_completions_repositories' \
		-S*g*) # pkg groups
			_arguments -s : \
				"$_pacman_opts_common[@]" \
				"$_pacman_opts_sync_modifiers[@]" \
				'*:package group:_pacman_completions_all_groups'
		-S*)  _pacman_action_sync     ;;
		-U*)  _pacman_action_upgrade  ;;
		-V*)  _pacman_action_version  ;;
		-h*)  _pacman_action_help     ;;
		-  )  _pacman_action_none     ;;
		*  )  return 1                ;;

# run the main dispatcher
_pacman "$@"