Password Hasher for PHP Shell

Result Enter a username and a password and update.

\n"; } else { $u = strtolower($username); if (preg_match('/[[ |&~!()]/', $u) || $u == 'null' || $u == 'yes' || $u == 'no' || $u == 'true' || $u == 'false') { echo '

Your username cannot contain any of the following reserved word: "null", "yes", "no", "true", or "false". The following characters are also prohibited: " " (space), "[" (left bracket), "|" (pipe), "&" (ampersand), "~" (tilde), "!" (exclamation mark), "(" (left parenthesis), or ")" (right parenthesis).

' . "\n"; echo '

Please choose another username and try again.

' . "\n"; } else { echo "

Write the following line into config.php " . "in the users section:

\n"; if ( function_exists('sha1') ) { $fkt = 'sha1' ; } else { $fkt = 'md5' ; } ; $salt = dechex(mt_rand()); $hash = $fkt . ':' . $salt . ':' . $fkt($salt . $password); echo "
    echo htmlentities(str_pad($username, 8) . ' = "' . $hash . '"') . "\n";
    echo "
\n"; } } ?>

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