--- title: "Team 6 - Project Leaguer: Sprint 1 Retrospective" author: [ Nathaniel Foy, Guntas Grewal, Tomer Kimia, Andrew Murrell, Luke Shumaker, Davis Webb ] --- # User Stories 1) As an administrator, I would like to install and boot my own server. - Alternately: As a developer, I would like a demo/testing server, with a basic Rails setup. 2) As a host/player, I would like to register and have an account. - For this task, we will be creating the user registration and log in capabilities for Leaguer. 3) As a host, I would like to start a tournament. - For this task, we will be creating a base tournament system for a host to run. 4) As a host/player, I would like to enter scores for players. - For sprint own, the scores will be entered by hand. 5) As an administrator, I want to specify how users become hosts. 6) As a user I would like to see the progress of the tournament in my browser. 7) As a user, I would like a presentable homepage. - For this task, we will be creating a Leaguer homepage and ensure that it is pleasing to the eye and easy to navigate. # Tasks The "size" is using the modified Fibonacci scale. A '1' is expected to take less than an hour. A '3' is expected to take 3-6 hours. A '5' should take the better part of a day or two. An 8 should take several days. +---------------------------------------------------------+------+--------+----+ | Tasks Implemented and Working | Size | Person | US | +=========================================================+======+========+====+ | [Learn Rails, set up Scaffolding for all Models, Views, | 8 | All | 1 | | Controllers](#learn-rails) | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------+------+--------+----+ | [Deploy rails on Luke's server](#deploy-rails) | 3 | Luke | 1 | +---------------------------------------------------------+------+--------+----+ | [Create log-in system back-end (verification, cookies, | 5 | Davis | 2 | | and redirection)](#login-backend) | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------+------+--------+----+ | [Create log-in system UI](#login-ui) | 2 | Tomer | 2 | +---------------------------------------------------------+------+--------+----+ | [Create Tournament Settings Page](#tourney-settings) | 3 | Guntas | 3 | +---------------------------------------------------------+------+--------+----+ | [Implement Tournament Registration and Tournament | 2 | Andrew | 3 | | Controller](#tourney-registration) | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------+------+--------+----+ | [Implement match controller](#match-controller) | 3 | Dav+And| 4 | +---------------------------------------------------------+------+--------+----+ | [Implement permissions system over the users | 3 | Luke | 5 | | system](#permissions) | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------+------+--------+----+ | [Create View Tournament Page](#tourney-view) | 5 | All | 6 | +---------------------------------------------------------+------+--------+----+ | [Create Presentable Homepage](#homepage) | 5 | Guntas | 7 | +---------------------------------------------------------+------+--------+----+ +---------------------------------------------------------+------+--------+----+ | Tasks Implemented and Not Working Well | Size | Person | US | +=========================================================+======+========+====+ | [Design and implement match score models](#match-score) | 3 | Foy | 4 | +---------------------------------------------------------+------+--------+----+ | [Create Admin-level Server Management Page](#srv-man) | 2 | Luke | 5 | +---------------------------------------------------------+------+--------+----+ +---------------------------------------------------------+------+--------+----+ | Tasks Not Implemented | Size | Person | US | +=========================================================+======+========+====+ | [Design/Code Scoring/Pairing Algorithms and | 5 | Foy | 3 | | Procedures](#score-algo) | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------+------+--------+----+ | [Observe Foy Design/Code Scoring/Pairing | 2 | Dav+Foy| 3 | | Algorithms](#score-algo) | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------+------+--------+----+ | [Create a Player-level Data Entry Page/Method for | 3 | Tomer | 4 | | Results](#data-entry) | | | | +---------------------------------------------------------+------+--------+----+ # Implemented and working ## Learn Rails {#learn-rails} Learning Rails has been a growing experience for the majority of the team. Some of us coming from no significant experience to being able to put together a relatively functional product in only three weeks has been an impressive journey. ## Deploy Rails {#deploy-rails} The entire team became familiar with deploying Rails in our rather diverse working environments and successfully deployed a server instance located at demo.projectleaguer.net. ## Login (back-end) {#login-backend} Our login back-end successfully logs users in and our and can handle user registrations and first-come-first-serve uniqueness validation. ## Login (UI) {#login-ui} Our login user interface successfully differentiates between logged in and logged out users as well as between users of different designations (although for the demo some of the hooks were not in place, this has been fixed). ## Tournament settings {#tourney-settings} ## Tournament registration {#tourney-registration} ## Match controller {#match-controller} ## Permissions system {#permissions} ## Tournament view {#tourney-view} ## Homepage {#homepage} # Implemented but not working well ## Match score models {#match-score} ## Server management {#srv-man} # Not implemented ## Scoring Algorithms {#score-algo} ## Data entry {#data-entry} # End 1. Each task must be mentioned under the right category (implemented and working, implemented but did not work well, or not implemented and the team must mention why/how it worked or why/how did not work: 3.5 points ( - 1.0) for each unmentioned task, ( - 0.5) for each task that is not properly described or placed under the wrong category. 2. How to improve: Please mention at least 3 ways about how to improve your work. - 0.5 for each missing point. (Total: 1.5 points) 3. For the tasks that were not implemented or did not work well, the team should implement or fix these as necessary in the next Sprint. We will use this Retrospective document in the next Demo Meeting.